"Although this is a good thing, I'm worried that Xi Yu will become complacent and become a tyrant in the future." Wenxuan's tone revealed a hint of worry.

Lu Su stared into the distance, his voice firm and steady.

"The king is not such a person. I believe he will not let himself fall into the trap of pride."

Suddenly, Lu Su felt very strange.

How could Wenxuan call Xiyu by his first name?

So he brought up the situation.

"I often call him by his name. Is there any problem with this?" Wenxuan said matter-of-factly, making Lu Su suddenly speechless.

Lu Su thought carefully about the scene when Wenxuan and Xiyu were together, and it seemed that this was indeed the case.

The two people directly addressed each other by their names.

But Xiyu didn't mean any displeasure. Could it be that Xiyu liked Wenxuan?

His face was red.

Wenxuan immediately understood what Lu Su meant, but she didn't want to argue, because sometimes the more she explained, the darker it became. In fact, it was not what Lu Su thought.

Wenxuan frowned slightly.

"I hope so. Power often changes people, and we cannot take it lightly."

"I understand your concerns, but we cannot be overly pessimistic. Your Majesty will not be like this." Anyway, Lu Su has absolute trust in Xi Yu.

Wenxuan nodded.

"I hope he can maintain his original intention and not be corrupted by power."

At this time, a breeze blew by, bringing the fragrance of flowers in the garden.

Wenxuan took a deep breath and seemed to feel a little more relaxed.

After a while, Lu Su left, and Dongfang Hong came to Wenxuan's office.

Dongfang Hong smiled and said to Wenxuan: "Wenxuan, Xiyu has now taken Luoyang, and the next step is to unify the Central Plains. I am very happy and want to share this joy with you."

Wenxuan replied calmly: "What does this have to do with me?"

Dongfang Hong continued: "I want to go to a restaurant with you to celebrate tonight, and we can also chat. You don't have to tutor Xi Yu's son now, so you should have time, right?"

Wenxuan answered bluntly: "I don't want to go, I'm not interested in these things."

Dongfang Hong was a little surprised and asked, "Why? Aren't you happy with Xi Yu's achievements?"

Wenxuan replied coldly: "Why should I be happy for him? He is him and I am me. We have nothing to do with each other."

Dongfanghong tried to explain.

"Wenxuan, don't be like this. Xiyu is our friend, and his success is also an honor for us."

Wenxuan interrupted him.

"Dongfang Hong, do you have to let me put it so bluntly? Of course I'm happy for Xi Yu, but I don't want to be alone with you."

At this moment, Dongfanghong was stunned.

"I know you like me, but I have no feelings for you. I hope you won't pester me anymore. It's impossible between us."

Dongfang Hong's face turned gloomy. He clenched his fists and tried to control his emotions.

He took a deep breath and tried to calm down.

"Wenxuan, I know you don't have feelings for me. However, I still want to tell you that I like you. I will not give up and I will keep working hard until you accept me." Dongfang Hong's voice was firm and sincere.

Wenxuan's face changed slightly, but she still maintained a firm attitude.

"Dongfanghong, I'm very grateful for your love for me. However, I already have my own life and goals, and I don't want to change. I hope you can understand me, and I hope you can let go of this feeling and find yourself. Happiness."

If a person likes you and insists on being persistent, then you will like him very much.

But if you don't like it, it will only make you sick.

Dongfang Hong listened to Wenxuan's words silently, knowing that what Wenxuan said was true.

He felt a sense of loss, but he also understood that he could not force Wenxuan to accept him.

"Okay, Wenxuan. I will respect your choice. However, I still hope that we can maintain the relationship of friends." Dongfang Hong forced a smile.

Wenxuan nodded, she didn't want to lose Dongfanghong as a friend. "Of course, we are still friends."

Dongfang Hong nodded, walked out quickly, and gradually left the college.

Dongfanghong walked alone on the street, feeling very heavy.

His mind kept thinking about Wenxuan's words of rejecting him, and his heart was filled with pain and loss.

He didn't know how long he walked, and finally came to a restaurant.

He looked up at the restaurant's sign and felt an inexplicable impulse in his heart.

He walked into the restaurant, found a corner seat and sat down, then waved to the waiter.

"Bring me the best wine." Dongfang Hong said stiffly.

The waiter brought him a jar of wine.

Dongfang Hong's face gradually turned rosy, and his eyes began to become blurred.

His thoughts gradually blurred, and the pain in his heart seemed to lighten a little.


Xi Yu wore a simple and elegant robe and walked steadily on the road.

He was followed by Zhao Yun, and the two of them wanted to walk around the city.

Zhao Yun said in a low voice: "Your Majesty, many rich people in Luoyang City hope to get acquainted with you recently. They specially held a banquet in the hope that you can attend the banquet."

"Oh, when did this happen?"

Zhao Yun said that when he was walking last night, many rich people saw him and expressed this meaning.

It just so happened that Xi Yu wanted to go out with him today, so he took this opportunity to talk about the matter.

Xi Yu frowned slightly. He originally did not want to get involved in such occasions, but then he thought about it. In the future, when developing a business association in Luoyang, it would be inevitable to deal with these people.

So, he nodded and said: "Well, in that case, I will go for a walk. When and where?"

"Tomorrow night, Yanyu Tower."

Just like that, Xi Yu finally agreed.

The next day, night fell and the lanterns were turned on.

Xi Yu came to Yanyulou, a grand restaurant in the city.

The restaurant was brightly lit and resplendent. Rich people dressed in fine clothes gathered together in groups, chatting and laughing.

As soon as Xi Yu entered the door, he attracted everyone's attention. Rich people came forward one after another, with smiles on their faces and flattery.

"Your Majesty, we are so lucky to have you come to the banquet!"

"Yes, Your Majesty, we have been waiting for you to come here."

Xi Yu responded with a smile, but he couldn't help but feel a little bored.

He understood that the purpose of these people was just to obtain more business benefits through him.

At this time, a middle-aged man in gorgeous clothes came forward, cupped his hands and said: "Your Majesty, the commoner's surname is Li, and he is a wealthy businessman in Luoyang City. It is a real honor to meet your Majesty today. This banquet is specially set up for your Majesty. , please take your seat, Your Majesty.”

Xiyu thanked him and sat down at the banquet.

Seeing this, everyone sat around him and continued to chat with him.

After the polite words were finished, after a while, someone got down to business.

"Your Majesty, I heard that there is a business association in Youzhou. I wonder if there are any specific plans here?"

"Your Majesty, if necessary, I will give you our full support."

Xi Yu secretly sighed that these people were really here for the business association.

He raised his head and said with firm eyes: "Everyone, Xi Yu would like to thank everyone for their kindness. The purpose of developing the business association is to promote the commercial prosperity of Luoyang City, not for personal gain. Sooner or later, a chamber of commerce will be established, please rest assured. .”

Then everyone became happy, and Xi Yu thought of Youzhou again.

When the business association was established in Youzhou, many merchants were somewhat unhappy, but here in Luoyang it was a different scene.

Is it because the people here are of high quality? Or are they looking forward to it because they currently don’t understand the situation?

But no matter what, I hope they can continue to be enthusiastic.

Next, everyone started drinking wine and eating dishes enthusiastically.

The next morning, the sun shone in the courtyard and it was peaceful.

The soldier who went to report the news hurried back with a trace of joy on his face.

Seeing the soldiers coming back, he hurriedly greeted them and asked, "How is the situation? How did the ladies react when they found out?"

The soldier bowed in salute and replied: "Your Majesty, several ladies already know about your situation."

Xi Yu asked: "Then what was their reaction? Please describe it carefully."

There was a hint of concern in his voice because he cared particularly about what these ladies thought.

The soldier thought for a moment and then said: "After hearing this, Mrs. Sun smiled immediately. She said: 'My husband is indeed extraordinary, such achievements are admirable.' Mrs. Ouyang was calmer. She nodded and said: 'Husband's His abilities have always been outstanding, and this news is not surprising.’…”

Xi Yu listened quietly to the soldier's description, with many thoughts in his mind. He knows Sun Shangxiang's boldness and straightforwardness, and also understands Ouyang Linlin's intelligence and restraint.

"Okay, please step back first."

After the soldiers retreated, Xi Yu thought of his wives and his son again. He really hoped to go home and reunite with them in a few days.

After a while, another soldier who reported the news arrived with Sun Quan.

The sun shines through the gaps in the leaves and onto the ground, forming patches of mottled light and shadow.

Sun Quan quickly stepped forward, saluted Xi Yu, and congratulated: "Your Majesty, I am so happy to hear that you have captured Luoyang!"

Xi Yu returned the gift with a smile and said, "This is not the result of my king alone but also the work of many soldiers."

Finally, Xi Yu asked Sun Quan to sit down and briefly asked about the situation of the Youzhou Business Association before getting down to business.

"I think you have the ability to manage Luoyang well, so I hope you can serve as the governor here."

Sun Quan was surprised when he heard this and said hurriedly: "Your Majesty, you are praising me too much. My subordinates may not be qualified for the job."

Xi Yu encouraged: "I believe in your ability, you will definitely be able to do the job."

Sun Quan looked at Xi Yu's firm eyes and felt a little more confident. He nodded and promised: "Since the king trusts me so much, I will do my best to live up to your high expectations!"

At this time, the soldier heard Xi Yu's appointment and began to think about it in his heart.

"As Sun Quan serves as the governor, he will definitely be able to manage Luoyang well!"

And Xi Yu suddenly remembered that after taking Luoyang, he had not entertained several generals properly.

Sun Quan happens to be here today, so why not hold a banquet?

The food we ate at Yanyulou that day was particularly good, so why not go there?

In the evening, Xi Yu came here to entertain the generals.

In the spacious camp, Xi Yu, Zhao Yun, Zhou Yu and other generals sat together, and the table was filled with fine wine and delicacies.

Everyone's faces were filled with the joy of victory, and the atmosphere was relaxed and cheerful.

Xi Yu raised his glass with a smile and said to everyone: "This victory is all due to the bravery and skill of all the generals. It is your outstanding performance that has achieved such results."

Zhao Yun laughed boldly and said: "Your Majesty, you have given me the reward. If it weren't for your strategic planning, how could we have won so smoothly?"

Zhou Yu also nodded in agreement.

Xi Yu shook his head slightly and said with a smile: "You guys are exaggerating. This victory is the result of everyone's joint efforts."

At this time, the generals raised their glasses to celebrate this hard-won victory.

Laughter and words mingled together and filled the room.

On the other side, Liu Xie and the young eunuch had been traveling for several days. Their bodies were exhausted and their clothes were stained by dust and lost their original color.

Every step was like walking through a heavy quagmire, but they did not dare to relax at all, let alone reveal their identities to the outside world.

As night fell, they finally found an inn.

This inn looks a bit old, revealing the vicissitudes of time. The lights in the room were dim, barely illuminating the surrounding space.

Liu Xie sat on the simple bed, while the young eunuch stood quietly aside, with worry written on his face.

The young eunuch finally couldn't help crying and said with a trembling voice: "Your Majesty, have you ever suffered like this? We have suffered a lot along the way, but I have nothing but your Majesty's body of gold... "

Liu Xie took a deep breath and tried to keep his voice calm.

"Don't be afraid, we will definitely get through it. As long as we get to Youzhou, everything will be easy to handle."

There was determination in his eyes.

The little eunuch raised his head and looked at Liu Xie with tearful eyes.

"But, Your Majesty, this journey is too difficult. How long do we have to go to reach Youzhou?"

Liu Xiedao: "It will be almost done in a few days."

The little eunuch nodded silently and tried to hold back his tears. Liu Xie looked at him and couldn't help but feel moved in his heart.

In this difficult moment, they rely on each other and face unknown challenges together.

Liu Xie stood up and walked to the window. He stared out the window at the darkness, his mind filled with thoughts.

"I don't know if Xi Yu has conquered Luoyang"? Liu Xie's eyes were full of expectation.

Because the news is very limited now, I don’t know what the development will be like now.

However, the young eunuch was very unhappy when he heard the name Xi Yu.

Because Xi Yu has been developing himself, he cannot truly think about the emperor.

Who can your Majesty point to? Counting on Dong Zhuo and Cao Pi, they are like jackals, and now Xi Yu can't point them out.

Liu Xie turned his head, and when he saw the young eunuch like this, he understood what he was thinking.

"Well, you don't have to be sad. Some things are destined by God."

The young eunuch sighed and said nothing more.

"Your Majesty, it's getting late, let's take a rest quickly." With that said, the young eunuch came to help Liu Xie change his clothes.

The next day, Liu Xie and the young eunuch continued their journey.

They walked along the winding road and passed a small and remote village.

Just when they thought they could pass smoothly, they suddenly encountered a group of robbers.

The robbers blocked their way and shouted fiercely: "Take out the money!"

Liu Xie and the young eunuch looked at each other, and Liu Xie calmly replied: "We are just ordinary travelers with little money."

The young eunuch also quickly agreed: "Yes, brothers, we are all poor people and we really have no money."

However, the robbers did not believe them.

One of the robbers stared at Liu Xie, looked him up and down, and then sneered: "You look like an extraordinary person, how can you have no money?"

With that said, they pressed towards Liu Xie and the young eunuch.

The young eunuch was not afraid and stepped forward to fight with the robbers. But in the end he was outnumbered, and the young eunuch was brutally killed by the robbers.

Liu Xie watched all this happen, his heart filled with helplessness and grief.

His legs weakened and he knelt down involuntarily, tears welling up in his eyes.

He cried and said: "I really only have some daily necessities with me, and no extra money." The robbers searched Liu Xie's body and found that there was indeed no more property, so they left cursing.

After the robbers left, Liu Xie collapsed to the ground and burst into tears. He felt so useless that he couldn't even protect his followers.

Unexpectedly, an emperor would actually kneel down for others.

He suddenly felt regretful. Shouldn't he leave the palace? I don’t know what’s going on with Liu Song.

If you are threatened in the palace, you will also be threatened outside. What should you do?

He thought of the young eunuch's companionship and loyalty along the way, and his heart was filled with guilt and self-blame.

There is no other way, now I can only continue on my way alone.

While on the road, he walked very slowly because he was too sad.

In addition, missing the loyal little eunuch made him feel particularly uncomfortable.

After another night under such circumstances, his face turned out to be particularly ugly and his head felt drowsy.

While passing through a village, he fell off his horse and fell into a coma.

At this moment, a gust of wind blew, causing his clothes to sway constantly.

On this day, Xi Yu took Sun Quan to learn about the situation in Luoyang City. The two decided to ride around Luoyang City on horseback.

They spent a day getting to the bottom of the situation. At night, Xi Yu suddenly remembered, wasn't Yao Maoyu a relative of Sun Shangxiang? It's better to let Sun Quan come and identify it.

So he sent someone to call Yao Maoyu.

"Zhongmou, there's a person coming next and he says he's a relative of yours. Can you see if he is?"

Sun Quan was very surprised. His relatives?

Who is that person?

At this moment, he was full of anticipation and felt particularly curious. (End of chapter)

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