The soldiers hurried to the military camp, found Yao Maoyu, and conveyed the king's summons. Yao Maoyu's heart tightened, his face instantly turned pale, and a thin layer of sweat broke out on his forehead.

There was obvious panic in his eyes, and he clenched his hands unconsciously, intertwined his fingers, and even trembled slightly.

The lips also lost their color and became a little pale.

He asked with a trembling voice: "May I ask why the king summoned me? Did I do something wrong to make the king angry?"

Every word seemed to carry the weight of fear.

After all, the video of what happened last time at Master Sima's house still left me with lingering fears.

The soldier looked apologetic, shook his head, and said anxiously: "I don't know what the specific matter is. I am just here to ask you to go quickly. But you are new here, and you may not understand the king's temper. The king is very docile. Yes, why are you so nervous?"

Yao Maoyu smiled, but frowned tightly, as if he could pinch a fly.

His heart beat rapidly, as if it was about to jump out of his throat.

All kinds of speculations surged in his mind like a tidal wave. Possible reasons kept popping up one after another, only to be quickly rejected by him.

His heart was full of restlessness and anxiety, as if he was in a fog and couldn't find his direction.

With anxiety, Yao Maoyu took difficult steps to see Xi Yu.

Every step felt like stepping on cotton, and the steps seemed extremely heavy, as if there were a thousand pounds of weight on my shoulders.

When he was approaching the door, he almost fell, but luckily he finally stood up.

Xi Yu felt very funny when he saw how nervous he looked.

Sun Quan was very surprised. Isn't this his relative Yao Maoyu?

Yao Maoyu quickly saluted Xi Yu, still full of doubts and nervousness in his heart.

Xi Yu looked at Yao Maoyu and asked, "Do you know him?"

Only then did Yao Maoyu notice Sun Quan next to him, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

He quickly replied: "Of course I know him, he is the villain's cousin Sun Zhongmou."

Xi Yu observed the expressions and reactions of the two people, thinking deeply in his heart, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly, as if he understood something.

At this time, Sun Quan stepped forward and hugged Yao Maoyu tightly.

"Cousin, just now the king said that he has a relative. I really didn't expect that it would be you."

Both of their eyes shone with joy.

The surrounding environment was peaceful, as if time had frozen for this moment.

Sun Quan's voice was full of emotion and joy: "Cousin, I haven't seen you for many years, how are you?"

Yao Maoyu also held Sun Quan's hand tightly, with tears in his eyes: "Okay, cousin, I have always missed you."

"I've been missing you too, and the time we spent together."

Yao Maoyu nodded with emotion: "Yes, those days were really unforgettable."

Sun Quan and Yao Maoyu looked at each other and smiled, as if they had returned to the past.

"Okay, you just need to get to know each other. In that case, how can I provide you with an opportunity to reminisce about the past? Just go outside for a walk."

Xi Yu said, the two of them thanked Xi Yu and hurried outside.

They were pleasantly surprised to see each other again and found that they had not seen each other for several years.

At this moment, they all remembered the scenes from their childhood.

When they were children, they often played in the yard together. Sun Quan has a bold personality and likes to direct his friends to play various games; while Yao Maoyu is quieter and always silently supporting Sun Quan.

Once, they were playing hide and seek in the yard. Sun Quan hid behind a big tree, feeling secretly proud that no one would be able to find him this time.

However, what he didn't expect was that Yao Maoyu had actually discovered his hiding place long ago.

But Yao Maoyu did not expose Sun Quan immediately, but deliberately searched elsewhere to make Sun Quan think that he had not been discovered.

When other friends couldn't find Sun Quan, Yao Maoyu pretended to be surprised and found him.

Sun Quan was very impressed by Yao Maoyu's intelligence and kindness, and from then on, their relationship became even closer.

In the summer, they went to the river to catch fish together. Sun Quan jumped into the water and skillfully caught fish one by one, while Yao Maoyu helped put the caught fish into the basket on the shore.

As they played, they exchanged dreams and wishes with each other.

"By the way, cousin, why did you come here to be a soldier?"

Yao Maoyu sighed and said that his family had a business for a while, but then it failed and he had no way out.

I had no choice but to join the army. I heard that Xi Yu was very powerful, so I came to join him. Besides, hadn't Sun Shangxiang become a wife now?

So I boldly tried it, and finally got lucky enough to meet Xi Yu, but I failed on my first mission.

"The first mission failed. What happened? Because I have been in Youzhou and never came here."

Only then did Yao Maoyu remember that he hadn't asked Sun Quan what he was doing now.

Sun Quan also said that he used to be the president of the business association in Youzhou, but now he will be responsible for managing Luoyang and become a feudal official.

"Oh my god, cousin, you are so awesome. Unlike my cousin, you are just an ordinary little soldier."

"Cousin, why do you have to belittle yourself? You will definitely stand out in the future. By the way, you haven't answered my question yet!"

There was a pavilion in front, and the two people sat down there.

Yao Maoyu told Cao Pi about sending a letter.

Because I was drunk at that time, I was deceived by Master Sima. I am still aggrieved now. Master Sima is now dead.

"So it's better to drink less alcohol in the future." Sun Quan quickly said, Yao Maoyu also agreed with this scene.

The two of them talked for more than an hour, and then it felt a little too long.

Yao Maoyu wanted to pray to Xiyu next so that he could stay in Luoyang and then assist Sun Quan.

When Sun Quan heard this, his face became serious and he shook his head.

"This estimate is impossible. Your Majesty probably doesn't want us to form cliques."

But Yao Maoyu decided to give it a try.

"Yes, but the hope is not great." Sun Quan said.

Xi Yu sat in the courtyard, quietly sipping tea.

After a while, Yao Maoyu hurried over, with a trace of anxiety on his face.

"How was it? Are you done reminiscing with your cousin? Are you happy?"

Yao Maoyu's truthful answer made him really happy.

"Your Majesty, I have a request. I want to stay in Luoyang and help my cousin Sun Quan." Yao Maoyu's voice revealed sincerity.

Xi Yu put down the teacup in his hand, looked at Yao Maoyu, and said slowly: "I cannot agree to your request." His tone was firm, leaving no room for negotiation.

A trace of disappointment flashed in Yao Maoyu's eyes, but he still nodded silently.

"Is this what Sun Quan asked you to say, or is it your own idea?"

"Back to the king, it was all the villain's own idea. The villain just felt close to his cousin, so he came up with this idea."

At this time, a breeze blew through, blowing down a few leaves in the courtyard.

Yao Maoyu looked at the falling leaves silently, feeling melancholy in his heart.

"Okay, please step back for a moment." Xi Yu waved his hand and then continued to drink tea.

Yao Maoyu finally resigned.

When Liu Xie woke up again, he found himself in a strange place.

He slowly opened his eyes, and what he saw was a simple room.

There was only a shabby bed and a table in the room, and a shabby painting hung on the wall.

He felt a strange breath coming towards him, and his heart was filled with doubts and fears.

He tried to remember how he got here.

He remembered that he had been robbed and killed, and the young eunuch was also dead, and he fainted.

It seems that a kind person saved him.

Liu Xie sat up from the bed and looked carefully at this unfamiliar room. He found that his body was a little weak.

There was a surge of gratitude in his heart, and he didn't know who saved him.

He put on his shoes and walked out of the room. Outside is a small farmyard with several fruit trees and vegetables planted in the yard.

There is also a well in the corner of the yard, and a wooden barrel is placed beside the well. The whole courtyard looks very peaceful and warm.

Liu Xie walked out of the small courtyard and saw an old man weaving bamboo baskets at the door.

The old man saw him, smiled and nodded.

"Young man, you're awake." The old man's voice was very gentle.

Liu Xie looked at the old man warily and asked, "Excuse me, where is this place? Why am I here?"

The old man smiled and said, "This is my home. I am a farmer. I saw you seriously injured on the road yesterday, so I took you home."

In fact, the real situation is that the old man's daughter found Liu Xie unconscious on the road and hurried home to report the news.

Only old people go.

But the old man was afraid that saying so directly would damage his daughter's reputation. That’s why I said that.

Liu Xie felt a surge of gratitude in his heart. He bowed to the old man and said, "Thank you for saving me."

The old man waved his hand and said, "You're welcome. You are still very weak and need a good rest."

Liu Xie nodded and returned to the room. He lay on the bed, filled with gratitude and doubt.

Gradually, the sun has sunk into the western sky, and the old man quickly returned to the hall.

He gently knocked on the door of Liu Xie's room and said that he had cooked some sweet potatoes and would share them with Liu Xie later and let Liu Xie rest for a while.

Liu Xie thanked the old man for being so polite.

"This is as it should be. Your body is still very weak."

Liu Xie was so excited, he really met a good person.

After a while, the old man was sitting at the door of the house smoking a dry cigarette. The smoke curled up and dispersed with the wind.

He was smoking a cigarette and looking into the distance, seeming to be thinking about something.

Suddenly, a young man came from outside.

He was wearing simple clothes, carrying a baggage, and his steps were firm and powerful.

The old man saw the young man and showed a smile on his face. This young man was his nephew.

The young man walked up to the old man and called softly: "Uncle."

The old man nodded.

"Child, why are you here?"

"I haven't seen my uncle for a long time, and I miss him a little, so I came to see him."

The young man sat down in the room, put the bundle aside, and then opened it to find some tea leaves and the like.

After that, the two people started chatting.

The two of them were talking about common things, so the old man asked the young man how his parents were, and the young man answered truthfully.

"By the way, uncle, a big thing happened recently. I wonder if you have heard of it?"

When the young man said this, there was a mysterious color on his face.

"What's the big deal? Tell me quickly."

"Did you know? In Chang'an, the emperor ran away."

Liu Xie in the room was shocked when he heard this. Wasn't he talking about himself?

So, he pricked up his ears and listened, hoping not to miss anything.

The old man really didn't know anything about this matter, so let him explain it in detail.

The young man said that he didn't know the specific details because he heard about it through hearsay.

Anyway, it was the rebels who broke into the palace, so this situation occurred.

The old man sighed after hearing this.

"It's so chaotic right now."

At this moment, Liu Xie couldn't help but walked out and asked: "So what happened next? Are there still rebels?"

Faced with the sudden appearance of Liu Xie, the young man was at a loss. He was startled. How could a stranger appear in his uncle's house? So he looked at his uncle with probing eyes.

The old man then told Liu Xie about his coma.

The young man finally let his guard down.

The old man looked at Liu Xie with a smile and said, "Since you have woken up, let's sit down and drink tea together."

Liu Xie saw the tea that had just been brewed on the table. Because he wanted to know more about the rebels, he sat down.

The old man asked the young man to pour water for Liu Xie.

The young man looked at Liu Xie and always felt that he was a little different.

Liu Xie continued to let the young man tell the story.

The young man wondered why the other party was so interested in this matter.

"I don't know the specifics. It seems that both the rebels and the palace were harmed. The rebel leader was not caught, and he probably escaped."

Liu Xie said oh. When he heard the news, he still felt a little uncomfortable. He really hoped that Liu Song could be killed as soon as possible.

The old man raised his eyebrows and said: "In this case, this emperor is not honest, how can he escape casually? He should live and die with the people."

He was indignant, but the young man had a different opinion.

"Uncle, he can only die if he stays, it's better to leave directly"!

Liu Xie immediately said: "Yes, if you keep the green hills, you won't have to worry about running out of firewood."

It's just that the old man still had some different opinions, so he discovered the complaint, although he also understood that there was no use for the emperor to stay in the palace.

"Okay, uncle, it's useless for you to complain. Let's just have tea and forget about these things."

At this moment, the young man suddenly noticed that the sky outside had darkened.

"It seems like it's going to rain today." He looked at the sky outside and couldn't help but sigh.

Liu Xie, on the other hand, thought of his precarious life because of the weather, but fortunately, he was almost arriving in Youzhou, so he felt calm.

The old man also turned his head and looked at the sky.

"It was fine just now, but today it looks like a child's face."

The sky became more gloomy, and the dark clouds seemed to be pressing down.

The wind also began to pick up, making the leaves rustle.

"Nephew, it looks like it's going to rain. You'd better stay here with me and wait until dawn tomorrow before leaving," the old man said.

The young man hesitated for a moment, knowing that he still had important things to do, but seeing the weather, he still nodded.

"Okay, uncle, I'll trouble you," the young man said.

The old man smiled and said, "No trouble, no trouble. Why are you so polite at your uncle's house?"

The old man suddenly remembered that there was no extra room, so he asked Liu Xie if he would like to share a room with his nephew.

Liu Xie smiled and nodded, and said, "I live in your home, so naturally everything is decided by you."

The old man listened and nodded with satisfaction.

During the subsequent conversation, Liu Xie learned the young man's name, Lin Yushui.

Liu Xie made up a name, Liu San.

Liu Xie nodded to Lin Yushui, smiled and said, "Nice to meet you, Brother Lin."

Lin Yushui also nodded to Liu Xie and said, "I'm glad to meet you too, Brother Liu."

The old man looked at the two of them, smiled, and said, "Okay, you guys take a rest first, and I'll prepare dinner for you."

After saying that, the old man turned and left.

Liu Xie discovered that Lin Yushui was handsome and had a gentle temperament, and he couldn't help but develop a liking for him.

After a while, the old man came in carrying a plate of steaming roasted sweet potatoes and two bowls of rice.

"Come on, come on, try my roasted sweet potatoes, they're so sweet." The old man said as he handed the sweet potatoes to Liu Xie and Lin Yushui.

Liu Xie and Lin Yushui took the sweet potato and took a bite. It was indeed very sweet.

"Well, it's really sweet." Liu Xie said.

Lin Yushui also nodded and said, "Yes, it's delicious."

The three of them were eating sweet potatoes and chatting, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

Liu Xie suddenly sighed. In the past, he lived in a deep palace and basically didn't eat the fireworks of the world.

Now I realize that living in a farmhouse is really a lot of fun.

He was a little envious of such a life.

"It's not bad to live in a farmhouse."

So he couldn't help but sigh.

The old man was very surprised.

"What? Don't you live in a farmhouse?"

Liu Xie realized that he had said too much.

"When I was a child, I lived on a farm. Later, I went into business with a relative of mine, but he lost money again, so I basically wandered around." He was blushing because he lied, but in the eyes of two people, he was blushing because he was unwilling to tell his situation.

Liu Xie suddenly remembered a question, where was the horse he was riding, so he quickly asked the old man.

"Don't worry, I've already fed your horse. It's over there in the hay shed."

Liu Xie then looked outside and found that the horse he was riding was standing there quietly.

But next, he plans to talk less and listen more.

After eating, the old man went to rest. After all, it is very early for an elderly person to rest.

Liu Xie also asked Lin Yushui to enter the room with him.

At this moment, it started pouring rain outside. (End of chapter)

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