It was pouring rain outside, and Liu Xie and Lin Yushui entered the room together. The room was a little stuffy, so both of them took off their coats and only wore their underwear.

"It's raining really hard." Lin Yushui walked to the window and looked at the rain curtain outside.

Liu Xie nodded, but he was wondering if the rain would affect his schedule.

"Brother Liu, what's wrong with you?" Lin Yushui noticed something strange about Liu Xie.

Liu Xie came back to his senses, smiled and said, "It's nothing, I'm just thinking about something."

Lin Yushui looked at Liu Xie, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes, but he did not ask further questions, but changed the subject.

"Brother Liu, you said before that you lived in a farm family when you were a child and later went into business with a relative. So what are you doing now?"

Liu Xie's heart tightened. He had made up a lie casually before, but he didn't expect Lin Yushui to follow up. He thought for a while and said, "I'm... wandering around now."

"Wandering around?" Lin Yushui looked at Liu Xie in surprise, "Why?"

Liu Xie lowered his head and said softly: "I..."

Lin Yushui was stunned for a moment, and then understood what Liu Xie meant. He walked to Liu Xie and said, "Brother Liu, everyone has their own difficulties, I understand you."

Liu Xie looked at Lin Yushui gratefully, with a flash of tears in his eyes. He didn't expect that in this strange place, he would meet such a person who understood him.

"Thank you, Brother Lin." Liu Xie said.

Lin Yushui smiled and said, "You're welcome."

Liu Xie nodded, feeling a little warm in his heart.

He looked at the rain curtain outside the window and prayed secretly in his heart, hoping that the rain would stop quickly so that he could leave here and go to Youzhou as soon as possible.

Lin Yushui looked at Liu Xie with some emotion in his heart.

He felt that Liu Xie was a person with a story. Although he did not tell it out loud, Lin Yushui could feel the heaviness and sadness in him.

"Brother Liu, what are your plans?" Lin Yushui asked.

Liu Xie sighed and said, "I'm going to Youzhou to uncle."

Lin Yushui smiled and said nothing more. He knew that Liu Xie didn't want to talk more about himself, so he didn't ask any more questions.

The two chatted for a while, and the rain gradually stopped. Lin Yushui walked to the window, opened it, and felt a breath of fresh air.

"The rain stopped." Lin Yushui said.

After a while, after Liu Xie fell asleep, Lin Yushui sat quietly aside, watching his face.

Suddenly, he felt something was wrong with Liu Xie.

He found that Liu Xie seemed to be hiding something. His body tensed and his breathing became rapid.

Lin Yushui began to doubt Liu Xie's identity. He remembered Liu Xie's previous behavior of asking for information about the rebels, and he said that he had never lived in a farmhouse, which made Lin Yushui even more suspicious that he was lying.

"Who is he?" Lin Yushui thought to himself.

He began to recall every detail of his time with Liu Xie, trying to find some clues.

Lin Yushui felt that he seemed to be hiding something important. He began to doubt Liu Xie's true identity. Maybe he was not an ordinary person.

Lin Yushui thought to himself and made a bold guess. His heartbeat was racing, as if it was about to jump out of his chest.

"Is it possible that this person is the emperor?" Lin Yushui couldn't help but murmured to himself. His mind was racing.

The emperor happened to be out, and Liu Xie's words and deeds, as well as his attention to news about the rebels, aroused Lin Yushui's suspicions.

The more he thought about it, the more likely it was that he felt it was possible, and he couldn't help but break into a cold sweat. If Liu Xie is really the emperor, then he must be more careful to prevent him from discovering his suspicions.

Lin Yushui took a deep breath and tried to calm down.

Then, Lin Yushui had already hatched an idea. He immediately laughed, and when he saw that the rain outside had completely stopped, he quietly left his uncle's house.

Lin Yushui hurried through the mountains and forests, his heart beating fast, but his determination became even stronger. He knew that he had to find Liu Song and tell him what he had discovered.

Finally, Lin Yu came to a secret cave.

He carefully walked into the cave and saw Liu Song sleeping. He gently woke up Liu Song.

After Liu Song was woken up, he rubbed his eyes unhappily. When he saw it was Lin Yushui, his expression suddenly calmed down.

"Lin Yushui, why are you here?" Liu Song asked softly.

"Liu Song, I have something important to tell you." Lin Yushui lowered his voice and said mysteriously.

"What's so urgent?" Liu Song sat up and looked at Lin Yushui.

"I am staying at my uncle's house today, and there is a guest there. I suspect he is Liu Xie." Lin Yushui said.

Liu Song's eyes widened and he looked at Lin Yushui in surprise.

"What did you say? Really? Why do you have such suspicion?" Liu Song asked.

Lin Yushui told Liu Song all about his observations and guesses about Liu Xie.

He described Liu Xie's speech and behavior, his attention to news about the rebels, and his subtle interactions with Lin Yushui.

Liu Song listened quietly to Lin Yushui's narration, and his face gradually became serious.

Liu Song was ecstatic. If what Lin Yushui said was true, then he could kill Liu Xie today.

After that, he saw many familiar brothers around him.

These are all my fellow sufferers, following me from birth to death.

Liu Xie must be killed and become emperor, so that these brothers can all get official positions.

He suppressed his inner excitement and said to Lin Yushui, "Are you sure he is still there now?"

Lin Yushui nodded and said softly: "I'm sure he's there now. It's impossible to sneak out at night."

Liu Song almost jumped with excitement, but he still controlled his emotions and said, "Okay, then lead the way and we will go there."

Lin Yushui nodded and quietly walked out of the cave with Liu Song.

It was very quiet outside, except for the sound of their footsteps and breathing.

Liu Song followed Lin Yushui closely, holding the hilt of the sword tightly in his hand, ready to take action at any time.

He secretly thought in his heart: "This time we must succeed, and Liu Xie cannot be allowed to escape again."

Finally, they arrived at the old man's house.

Lin Yushui pointed to the room and said softly: "He is inside."

Liu Song nodded, signaled Lin Yushui to wait at the door, and walked in quietly.

Liu Song cautiously looked towards the bed.

Liu Song took a closer look and saw that it was indeed Liu Xie.

He was ecstatic, drew his sword, and walked quietly towards Liu Xie.

Suddenly, Liu Xie had a nightmare.

He dreamed that he was being chased by a group of people. He had nowhere to escape and was eventually killed by them.

He woke up with a start and found himself covered in sweat.

He sat up, breathing heavily, trying to calm himself down.

At this moment, he saw Liu Song standing in front of his bed, looking at him with a strange look.

He originally thought he was hallucinating, but upon closer inspection, it turned out to be the case.

Liu Xie was startled and shouted for help.

There was another person at the door, it was Lin Yushui.

Lin Yushui looked at him with a sarcastic look and said, "You don't have to shout. No one will come to save you."

Only then did Liu Xie realize that it was Lin Yushui who guessed his identity and tipped off Liu Song.

Anger and despair surged in his heart, and he cursed Lin Yushui angrily.

"Lin Yushui, what on earth is going on?"

Lin Yushui said disapprovingly: "Don't blame me. I did this to make a fortune. And I have already guessed your identity. My Emperor, am I right?"

Liu Song said to Liu Xie: "For the sake of our family, I allow you to say your last words before you die."

Liu Xie said: "Aren't you afraid of having an uneasy conscience?"

Liu Song said: "Conscience? Haha, how much is conscience worth? In the face of power and wealth, what is conscience?"

Liu Xie said: "You are going against the grain."

Liu Song said: "You don't need to talk nonsense anymore. You have two options now. One is to go back with me obediently and become my prisoner. The other is to resist and be killed by me. Which one do you choose?"

Liu Xie said: "I would rather die than surrender."

Liu Song said: "Okay. Then I will help you."

Liu Song pulled out the sword from his waist and stabbed Liu Xie. Liu Xie closed his eyes and waited for death to come.

When Liu Song was about to succeed, he suddenly shouted loudly.

His body instinctively tried to dodge, but it was too late.

Suddenly a sharp dagger stretched out from under the bed and stabbed his thigh.

The moment the blade pierced the flesh, a sharp pain hit him, causing him to take a breath.

Liu Song endured the pain and tried to fight back. His hand quickly reached for the weapon beside him, but the figure was faster than him.

The old man rolled out from under the bed at an alarming speed, like a lurking cheetah, and instantly pounced on Liu Song.

His movements were vigorous and swift, leaving Liu Song no chance to resist.

The old man's eyes were full of murderous intent, and he held another dagger tightly in his hand, preparing to give Liu Song a fatal blow. Liu Song struggled desperately, trying to get rid of the old man's control, but the old man's strength and skill far exceeded him.

At this critical moment, Liu Song realized that he was in a desperate situation and he must find a way to find an opportunity to escape, otherwise his life would face serious threats.

The old man was agile and quickly pushed Liu Song to the ground. His movements were clean and neat, leaving Liu Song no chance to resist.

Liu Song struggled to escape, but the old man's strength far exceeded him, making him unable to move.

Lin Yushui had no idea that the old man would be waiting under the bed, and was stunned for a moment.

His eyes were wide and his mouth was open, unable to believe what was happening before him.

He originally thought that his uncle was just an ordinary old man, but he didn't expect that he had such amazing skills and hidden malice.

Lin Yushui's heartbeat accelerated and her voice trembled as she asked, "Uncle, why are you doing this?"

His eyes were full of confusion and fear, and he could not understand his uncle's motives and purposes.

The old man stared at Lin Yushui, his eyes cold and firm. He did not answer Lin Yushui's question immediately, but remained silent.

His expression made it impossible to guess what he was thinking, as if he had his own plans and considerations.

In this tense atmosphere, time seemed to have frozen.

Liu Xie was also confused by this scene. He did not expect that he could survive from a desperate situation.

He didn't even expect that this old man had such strong power. At this moment, the old man was like a Mount Tai.

"You actually dare to kill the emperor, so you must die."

After saying this, the old man immediately stabbed Liu Song's heart with the dagger.

Liu Song died immediately. As for his rebels, they were already in disarray, so the old man was no longer afraid.

At this time, the old man stood up and came to Lin Yushui.

It seemed that before Lin Yushui could react, the old man had already slapped him.

The old man accused his nephew Lin Yushui angrily, his voice full of disappointment and pain.

The old man said: "Lin Yushui, you unscrupulous guy! How could you betray the emperor's information just to get benefits? Don't you know how much danger this will bring to the emperor? Don't you know that this How much damage will it cause?"

Lin Yushui lowered his head, not daring to look into the old man's eyes.

He was pale and trembling.

He said: "Uncle, I...I didn't mean it. I was just confused for a moment and blinded by money. I really regret it."

The old man said: "You didn't mean it? Do you think you can shirk responsibility by saying this? Do you think you can forgive yourself by saying this? You let me down so much. You make me so sad."

The old man shed tears as he spoke.

He said, "How could I have a nephew like this? How could I have a nephew like this?"

When Liu Xie saw this scene, he couldn't bear it.

But he thought that the old man had saved his life, and felt that he could not be too demanding of Lin Yushui.

Liu Xie said: "Forget it, old man. He was also temporarily confused and blinded by money. He already knows that he was wrong, so let him go."

The old man said: "Your Majesty, you are so tolerant. You are so kind. Such a person should not be forgiven by you."

Liu Xie said: "Old man, please stop talking. After all, he is your nephew and my subject. I don't want to see him be punished too seriously."

The old man had no choice but to sigh and said: "Okay, Your Majesty, since you have said so, the common people have nothing to say."

Lin Yushui glanced at Liu Xie gratefully and said, "Your Majesty, thank you for your tolerance. Thank you for your great kindness. The common people will definitely repay you."

Liu Xie said: "You don't have to repay me. You just need to remember the lesson this time and don't do such things again in the future."

Lin Yushui said: "Yes, Your Majesty. The common people will definitely remember the lesson this time and will never do such a thing again in the future."

Liu Xie said: "Okay, get up."

Lin Yushui said: "Yes, Your Majesty."

Lin Yushui stood up, looking a little at a loss.

Liu Xie said: "You can go. I won't say more to you."

The implication is that Lin Yushui is not allowed to stay here tonight.

Lin Yushui said: "Yes, Your Majesty."

Lin Yushui saluted Liu Xie, then turned and left.

The old man once again apologized to Liu Xie on behalf of Lin Yushui.

The old man looked at Liu Xie, his eyes full of love and relief. He said: "But Your Majesty, just be fine."

Liu Xie quickly got out of bed and thanked the old man. He said: "Old man, thank you for saving me. Without you, I would be finished today."

Liu Xie bowed immediately.

The old man knelt down quickly and said: "I can't do it, I can't do it. Your Majesty, how can you bow to the common people? Isn't this a disgrace to the common people?"

Liu Xie said: "Old man, don't say that. You are my savior, and I should bow to you."

The old man said: "Your Majesty, you are so polite. We are just ordinary people. How can we bear your kneeling?"

The old man also said that he discovered that Lin Yushui was sneaky.

He happened to see Lin Yushui going out, but Lin Yushui didn't notice him. He felt that there was something wrong.

Liu Xie said: "Old man, I have another question for you. How do you know my identity?"

The old man said that when he rescued Liu Xie on the bed, the unconscious Liu Xie talked nonsense and talked about some things in the palace. The old man was shocked and judged that Liu Xie was the emperor.

"It turns out such a thing actually exists."

Liu Xie suddenly laughed bitterly, but no matter what happened, if his identity hadn't been exposed, the old man wouldn't have saved him.

"Okay, Your Majesty, Liu Song is dead. You can return to the palace."

Liu Xie said: "Old man, I will not return to the palace."

The old man was startled and said: "Your Majesty, what do you mean? If you don't go back to the palace, then where are you going?"

Liu Xie said: "I am going to Youzhou."

The old man said: "Youzhou? Why do you want to go to Youzhou? I wonder if ordinary people can ask."

Liu Xie said: "Because I want to find Xi Yu."

The old man nodded.

Liu Xie said: "He can protect me."

The old man said: "Your Majesty, do you feel unsafe in the palace?"

Liu Xie nodded and said: "Yes. I feel that I am always threatened in the palace. I don't know who is my enemy and who is my friend. There is no way to trust anyone."

The old man said: "Your Majesty, are you too impulsive to do this?"

Liu Xie said: "I don't think so. I think this is my only way out. I want to leave that dangerous place."

The old man said: "Your Majesty, please rest early. We have to go on a journey tomorrow."

Liu Xie said: "Okay, old man, you should also go to bed early."

The old man nodded, turned and left.

Liu Xie looked at the old man's leaving figure with some emotion in his heart.

He knew that the old man was doing it for his own good, but he also had his own ideas. He didn't want to go back to the palace that made him feel depressed and frightened.

But then he couldn't sleep, for fear of having nightmares again.

I am also afraid that bad guys will appear again.

Liu Song's body was still lying on the ground.

At this time, the old man suddenly came back.

"Your Majesty, we haven't taken out this beast's body yet."

"Yes, I was planning to call you to come over and get him out."

The old man immediately picked up Liu Song and threw him into the yard until tomorrow. (End of chapter)

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