Xi Yu temporarily lived in the Cao Mansion. He was deeply moved and at the same time determined to treat everyone in the manor well.

Because they are all innocent.

On this day, Xi Yu was reading classics in the study, and the housekeeper walked in quietly.

The butler's face was solemn, with a hint of anxiety in his eyes.

"Your Majesty, there is something I must report to you." The steward said softly, looking at Xi Yu respectfully, just like he treated Cao Pi.

Xi Yu put down the book in his hand and looked at the housekeeper, "What is so important?"

"It's about Cao Pi." The butler lowered his voice, "Your Majesty, do you know that Cao Pi once imprisoned a woman. That woman is still locked up in a secret room in the palace and is being tortured. I hope you can let her go, sir. .”

Xi Yu frowned slightly.

"What kind of woman is she? Why did Cao Pi imprison this woman?"

The butler sighed.

"This is all caused by Cao Pi's cruelty and ruthlessness. In order to achieve his own goals, he will do whatever it takes. Sir, you are a kind person and you should not let this kind of thing continue to happen."

Xiyu was silent for a moment, thinking about the butler's words.

"I will investigate this matter. If the situation is true, I will consider letting the woman go." Xi Yu said.

A trace of gratitude flashed in the butler's eyes.

"Thank you, Your Majesty. Your compassion and justice will definitely be rewarded. Cao Pi is narrow-minded and often jealous of your talents and prestige. Not only that, he also speaks ill of you behind your back and wants to slander your reputation."

Xi Yu's face gradually became serious.

"I know that Cao Pi is somewhat dissatisfied with me, but I didn't expect that he would be so mean. You go down first and take me to the cell later."

After the housekeeper retired, Xi Yu's mood became heavy.

He walked to the window and looked out at the garden, with many thoughts in his mind.

He decided to investigate the woman's affairs personally and find out the truth.

But he also sneered in his heart.

The atmosphere in the military camp where Cao Pi was imprisoned was oppressive and dull.

Except for the lack of personal freedom, all the benefits are pretty good.

On this day, Cao Pi was in a particularly depressed mood. He drank wine alone in the barracks, one cup after another, until he was so drunk that he fell unconscious and finally lay on the ground.

At this time, several soldiers passed by the barracks and saw Cao Pi lying drunk on the ground.

They smiled at each other, a hint of malice flashing in their eyes.

"Look at that guy, he's as drunk as a puddle of mud." One of the soldiers mocked.

"How about we tease him?" another soldier suggested.

Others agreed. They gathered around Cao Pi and began to urinate on him, humiliating the man who had lost his freedom.

Cao Pi felt the burning heat and humiliation of urine while in a coma. His body was trembling slightly, but he was unable to make any resistance due to being drunk.

One of the soldiers smiled proudly and said: "You useless guy, you still think you are some great person!"

However, their behavior did not last long.

A general passed by and saw this scene. He angrily shouted at the soldiers.

"What are you doing?!" the general yelled angrily, "Do you have any dignity as a soldier when you treat a prisoner like this?"

The soldiers were so frightened that they immediately stopped their actions and lowered their heads, not daring to look into the general's eyes.

The general walked up to Cao Pi and looked at his embarrassed appearance, and couldn't help but feel a trace of pity in his heart.

"Pick him up and give him a clean place to rest." The general ordered, "You guys, go and accept the punishment!"

The soldiers hurriedly picked up Cao Pi and took him to another room.

The general looked at their leaving figures, shook his head, and sighed secretly in his heart.

Cao Pi spent this painful moment in a coma, and those soldiers paid the price for their actions.

After a while, Xi Yu, led by the Cao family's housekeeper, walked through the dark corridor and came to a hidden cell.

There was a damp atmosphere in the cell, and weak light spilled on the ground through the iron windows.

There was a girl in prison uniform.

As soon as the girl saw Xi Yu, she immediately knelt down and tears flowed out like a fountain. Her voice was filled with tears: "Your Majesty, please save me! My father has a magical book of war in his hand. Cao Pi wants to get it, but my father doesn't want it." If you are willing to hand it over, I will be captured."

His playful eyes fell on the girl, he frowned and said firmly: "Get up, I will let you go."

After speaking, he motioned to the person next to him to open the cell door.

The door slowly opened with a creaking sound. The girl stood up tremblingly and looked at Xi Yu gratefully.

Xi Yu said softly: "Go quickly, leave here, and never come back again."

The girl nodded, thanked her again, and left in a hurry, her figure gradually disappearing into the dark passage.

Silence returned to the cell, Xi Yu stared at the direction the girl left, with many thoughts in his mind.

At this time, the housekeeper of the Cao family came forward and whispered: "My lord, you are really kind-hearted."

Xi Yu turned around and left the cell, leaving the housekeeper in deep thought.

This morning, the sun was shining on the earth, and Liu Xie felt that his body had recovered a lot.

He packed his bags and prepared to continue on the road.

The old man walked up to Liu Xie with a basket of vegetables and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, these are some fresh vegetables. You can take them with you to eat on the road."

Liu Xie smiled and shook his head.

"Thank you for your kindness. I still have enough money. You can keep these dishes for yourself."

The old man insisted on sending it.

"This is the opinion of the grassroots, just accept it."

Liu Xie declined: "I appreciate your kindness, but I really don't need it."

The two argued for a while, and finally the old man took the food back.

Liu Xie got on his horse and walked towards the entrance of the village. The old man saw him off all the way. When the villagers saw this scene, they all speculated on Liu Xie's identity.

"Who is this person? Old Niutou is so kind to him."

"Looking at him, he doesn't look like an ordinary person."

"Maybe he's a well-known figure."

Liu Xie couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart as he listened to the villagers' discussions.

He speeded up, hoping to leave this place as soon as possible.

Gradually, Liu Xie's figure disappeared into the distance.

The old man stood at the entrance of the village, looking at the direction in which he was going away, filled with emotion in his heart.

He said to himself: "I hope your Majesty will have a safe journey."

The old man turned around and returned home, sat on a chair, and recalled his time with Liu Xie, and couldn't help but smile with relief.

Xi Yu came to the Cao family's study again. His eyes stayed in the distance and he had a lot of thoughts in his heart.

He felt that he would leave Luoyang and return to Youzhou tomorrow. It is also the home of his soul.

He missed his wives and his son.

Just as he was immersed in his own thoughts, there was a slight knock on the door.

Xi Yu raised his head and said in a calm voice: "Come in."

The door opened gently and a woman walked in.

Xi Yu recognized her at a glance. She was the female prisoner he rescued from the cell.

At this moment, she had taken a shower and put on a new set of clean clothes. She was radiant and exuding a unique beauty.

The woman walked into the room, smiled and said to Xi Yu, "Your Majesty, I'm here to thank you for saving my life."

Xi Yu stood up and said with a smile: "You're welcome, this is what I should do. Didn't I tell you to leave?"

"If a little girl doesn't repay the favor of your Majesty, she won't be able to feel at ease."

The woman looked at Xi Yu gratefully, tears welling up in her eyes.

She bit her lip and then said: "Your Majesty, this little girl has nothing to repay you except to give herself."

With that said, she was about to undress and take off her belt.

Xi Yu immediately stopped her behavior and said: "No, girl, please respect yourself. I am a gentleman and will never take advantage of others' danger."

The woman stopped, her eyes flashing with surprise and admiration.

She looked at Xi Yu and raised the corners of her mouth slightly, revealing an imperceptible smile.

However, at this moment, the woman suddenly took out a dagger from her clothes and stabbed Xi Yu suddenly.

With quick eyes and quick hands, Xi Yu turned to one side and avoided the woman's attack.

He grabbed the woman's wrist and snatched the dagger away with force.

The woman struggled, a trace of despair flashing in her eyes.

Xi Yu grabbed the woman's wrist tightly, and his eyes became stern.

"Who are you? Why do you want to assassinate this king?" Xi Yu asked.

Just as Xiyu was thinking about how to deal with the female assassin, he suddenly heard a strange movement in the yard.

He raised his head alertly and glanced at the grass outside the window.

I saw a vague figure in the grass, holding a bow and arrow, aiming in the direction of Xi Yu. The arrow flashed coldly in the sun, as if it was about to shoot towards Xi Yu at any time.

Just when the arrow was about to be shot, the secret guard appeared like a ghost.

He held up a bench and quickly stood in front of Xi Yu.

There was just a "swish" sound, and the arrow hit the bench.

The secret guard did not stop, he quickly rushed towards the grass, trying to catch the archer hidden in it.

There was a commotion in the grass. The figure realized that he had been discovered and immediately turned around and ran away.

However, before he could run a few steps, he was surrounded by secret guards.

The secret guard was agile and threw the figure to the ground, controlling him.

The secret guard brought the figure in front of Xi Yu. Xi Yu took a closer look and couldn't help but sneer.

It turned out that the man who shot the arrow was actually the butler.

Xi Yu looked at the housekeeper, a trace of contempt and anger flashing in his eyes.

"Steward, why do you want to assassinate this king?" Xi Yu asked.

The butler lowered his head and said nothing.

"Do you think your plan is perfect? ​​In fact, I have known for a long time that you and this woman are together." Xi Yu said.

Xi Yu looked at the housekeeper and the girl and sneered.

"Butler, you are so brave. You dare to conspire with this girl to assassinate me." Xi Yu said.

"Your Majesty, how did you know that we were together?" the steward asked in surprise.

"First of all, if you want to release a female prisoner, why do you need to ask me for permission? Secondly, when you arrived in the cell, you did not introduce my identity. This woman directly addressed you as the king. It is obvious that she has been trained for a long time. Furthermore, I have Secret guards, you dare to challenge me, you are too bold." Xi Yu said.

The housekeeper and the girl looked at each other in shock after hearing this. They didn't expect that their plan was so full of loopholes.

"Your Majesty, spare your life! We don't dare to do it anymore!" the girl said quickly.

Xi Yu pondered for a moment, and then said: "Your behavior is really stupid. Do you think you can kill me this way? You are too naive."

"After all, I am loyal to Cao Pi. You can kill or cut him into pieces as you please," the steward said.

Xiyu looked at the woman.

"Tell me, what's the relationship between you two?"

"I am his distant niece."

Xi Yu said: "You want to use my kindness and kindness to achieve your own goals. But you are wrong. I will not let you succeed."

"My lord, what do you plan to do with us?" the steward asked.

"Your Majesty, please spare us! We still have family and we don't want to die!" the woman cried.

"Take them down and lock them up." Xi Yu ordered.

The secret guard nodded and took the housekeeper and the woman away.

Xiyu sat on the chair.

Although he particularly hated the housekeeper and this woman.

But they dare not deny that they are still very loyal to Cao Pi.

On the other side, Liu Xie continued to move forward on his horse, and the sun shone through the gaps in the leaves on the road, forming patches of light.

The sound of horse hooves echoed in the silent air, breaking the tranquility.

While walking, Liu Xie came to a bridge. He suddenly heard a burst of crying and couldn't help but feel tight in his heart.

He followed the sound and saw a woman sitting on the edge of the bridge, tears constantly flowing.

Liu Xie dismounted, walked to the woman, and asked softly: "Sister-in-law, why are you crying here?"

The woman raised her head, her eyes filled with sadness and helplessness.

She looked at Liu Xie and cried: "There were people on the road ahead who wanted to buy money. When my son and I passed by, they injured my son without paying. Now my son is still ahead. He is lying in the hospital. This world is so unjust, how can we people live!"

Hearing this, Liu Xie felt very painful. He did not expect that the people's lives were so bad, and even the most basic safety was not guaranteed.

Liu Xie frowned and said angrily: "These people are so abominable, they dare to commit murder in broad daylight."

The woman was just crying. Even if she told Liu Xie, what would happen?

Liu Xie really had no choice. He is now alone.

After listening to the woman's words, Liu Xie did not dare to move forward.

He decided to leave.

He also knew that he was such a special coward, but he really didn't have the courage.

He immediately turned his horse around and left.

The woman then smiled mockingly at him.

Liu Xie ran all the way, his heart pounding as if it was about to jump out of his throat.

He didn't look back, he just waved his whip as hard as he could to make the horse run faster.

The sound of horse hooves echoed on the quiet road, breaking the tranquility.

Liu Xie's breathing was rapid, and he felt like his lungs were going to explode.

But Liu Xie suddenly thought of a question. The woman said that her son was lying in the hospital, but what about her? Why don't you accompany me?

Are you deceiving yourself?

However, there is no reason for people to deceive themselves.

Forget it, let’s go back to the old man’s house first.

Finally, Liu Xie returned to the old man's home. He jumped off his horse, breathing heavily, holding on to the door frame to keep from falling.

However, there is no one at home.

So Liu Xie had to ask about his neighbors.

At the neighbor's house, the dog started barking as Liu Xie arrived.

An old woman came out of the house, using a cane.

"Old aunt, I wonder where the uncle next door has gone? Do you know?"

The old woman looked at him.

"Who are you?"

Liu Xie told me about staying here yesterday.

"So that's what happened. I don't know where he went, but I can let my son look for it."

The old woman then looked indoors and called her son out.

A handsome young man came out, wearing coarse clothes.

The old woman asked him to find his neighbor's uncle.

The young man smiled at Liu Xie.

"I'll go look for it. You'd better go to the door of my uncle's house, otherwise my dog ​​will keep biting you."

Liu Xie bowed to him.

"That's a lot of work."

Liu Xie immediately returned to the door of the old man's room and waited.

The young man struggled a lot and finally saw the old man smoking a cigarette under a tree.

At the same time, there were several old men enjoying the cool air.

The young man told the old man that someone was looking for him.

"Er Zhuzhu, who is looking for me?"

"Said he stayed here last night."

The old man was surprised, that was not His Majesty the Emperor.

He felt very strange why he came back so suddenly.

"Okay, I'll go back and take a look right away."

Liu Xie thought of what that woman said. If it was true, it would really make him feel very worried.

It's so messy everywhere.

I hope Xiyu can make every place better.

But he felt distressed because it was not his own credit after all.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew, causing the hair on his temples to stand up.

The old man asked the young man to go back first, and he walked very slowly. Just ask the other party to go back and report the news first.

The young man went back quickly and saw Liu Xie.

"Don't worry, I will be here soon. If nothing happens, I will go home first."

Liu Xie then thanked him again.

"That's very welcome." The young man went home immediately.

Liu Xie looked particularly embarrassed.

I am really busy with my life.

I wonder if the old man will laugh at himself.

Also, I don’t know whether Liu Song’s body has been disposed of.

The old man walked so fast that he almost fell.

So, Liu Xie waited for a long time, why hasn't the other party arrived yet?

By this time, the wind was getting stronger and stronger. Liu Xie felt a special coldness around him.

He suddenly remembered the days in the palace. At that time, there was no need to worry about food and clothing, but what about now?

Living a homeless life.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but shed tears.

After a while, he finally became happy.

Because he saw that the old man had arrived.

The old man immediately came to him and was ready to salute.

Liu Xiedao: "No, I don't want to reveal my identity. It would be bad if others see it."

The old man didn't say anything and quickly opened the door.

"By the way, where is Liu Song's body?" Liu Xie asked quickly.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, everything has been taken care of."

While talking, the two people had already entered the main room. (End of chapter)

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