"Your Majesty, why are you back again? What happened?" the old man asked.

Liu Xie was out of breath and told what happened when he met the woman.

He asked the old man to protect him and escort him to Youzhou.

"Old man, I wonder if it's okay?"

"What? Such a thing could happen?" the old man said in surprise.

Liu Xie nodded and said, "Yes, old man. I didn't expect that in this troubled world, there would be such a arrogant person."

The old man thought for a while and finally agreed. He patted Liu Xie on the shoulder and said: "Your Majesty, don't worry. The common people will protect you. Then I will go to Youzhou with you."

Liu Xie was happy after hearing this.

He quickly said: "Thank you, old man. After arriving in Youzhou, I can ask Xiyu to pay you."

The old man smiled and said: "There is no need for payment. Common people just do what common people should do."

Liu Xie was filled with emotions.

He couldn't help but respect the old man. I really met a good person.

That night, Xi Yu left Cao's house and returned to the military camp.

He learned that several soldiers were teasing Cao Pi, and he was very angry.

"Is there such a thing? Call them here."

After a while, several soldiers arrived.

"What's going on with you? How could you treat Cao Pi like this?" Xi Yu asked.

The soldiers lowered their heads, not daring to look into Xi Yu's eyes.

"Speak." Xi Yu asked.

Several soldiers quickly knelt down.

"Your Majesty, we just want to tease him, there is no harm." The soldier said.

Xi Yu frowned and said, "Do you know? If you do this, we will become passive."

By then, wouldn't people say that Xiyu treated the prisoners well?

The soldiers nodded and said, "Your Majesty, we know we were wrong."

Xi Yu sighed and said, "Okay, you have been punished too, go down."

After saying that, Xi Yu turned around and left.

He came to Cao Pi and apologized to him.

"Cao Pi, I apologize to you on behalf of those soldiers." Xi Yu said.

Cao Pi sat on a chair and looked at Xi Yu with cold eyes.

"Are you pretending to care about me? Why don't you kill me? Why do you want to trap me?" Cao Pi said.

Xi Yu smiled and said, "I won't kill you because you are a talented person."

Cao Pi was shocked when he heard this.

"Are you mocking me?" Cao Pi said.

Xi Yu said, "No, I'm just stating the facts."

Cao Pi was so angry that he was shaking all over. He pointed at Xi Yu and said, "You... you... kill me quickly."

Xi Yu didn't take it seriously and instead mocked Cao Pi.

"If I don't kill you, you can choose to commit suicide. Don't you have the courage?" Xi Yu said.

Cao Pi was speechless. He didn't know how to answer, and his face turned red.

At this time, Xi Yu told Cao Pi that the housekeeper and the woman wanted to assassinate him, and he had now been sent to prison.

Cao Pi was surprised. He didn't expect that the housekeeper would be loyal to him, and then he felt sad in his heart.

Xi Yu left immediately.

Another morning came, and the sun shone through the cracks in the tent on the ground, forming patches of light.

Xi Yu walked out of the tent and breathed in the fresh air.

He decided to return to the DPRK this time. We are leaving Luoyang soon.

Xi Yu summoned all the generals and announced his decision.

"Generals, we are about to return to the DPRK. Before returning to the DPRK, we must make full preparations and leave Sun Quan to manage this place." Xi Yu said.

The generals nodded, they all knew what Xi Yu meant.

"Your Majesty, my subordinates will do their best." Sun Quan said, cupping his fists.

Xi Yu nodded and said, "Okay, let's start taking action."

As a result, the generals took action one after another and began to organize the soldiers to pack up and prepare to return to the court.

Xi Yu stood on the camp, looking at the busy soldiers, and his heart was filled with emotion.

On the other side, with the help of the old man, Liu Xie's fear gradually dissipated.

He looked at the old man gratefully, smiled and asked, "Dad, what's your name?"

The old man took a puff of dry cigarette, slowly exhaled the smoke, and said with a smile: "My surname is Nie, you can just call me Lao Nie."

Liu Xie nodded and said, "Thank you so much, Mr. Nie. Without your help, I really don't know what to do."

Lao Nie waved his hand and said, "Your Majesty, there is no need to be polite. This is just a matter between ordinary people."

The next day they rode off on a horse.

They came to the bridge again. Liu Xie pointed to the other side of the bridge and said, "Mr. Nie met that woman here. He told me that there was robbery."

Lao Nie nodded and said, "Then let's start paying attention from here."

They continued along the road.

Along the way, Liu Xie and Lao Nie remained vigilant and paid attention to their surroundings.

Suddenly, they heard the sound of horse hooves in front of them.

Then, several dark figures appeared in their sight.

These men, dressed in black, with fierce faces and holding large knives, blocked their way.

Their eyes stared greedily at Liu Xie and Lao Nie.

One of them sneered and said, "I opened this road and planted this tree. If you want to live from now on, leave money to buy the road!"

Liu Xie's heart tightened, it seemed like he was being robbed.

He looked at Lao Nie, and then said: "Everyone, we are just passing through here and we don't have much money with us."

One of them said: "Stop talking nonsense and hand over all the money you have, otherwise you will never leave here alive."

Liu Xie said: "Why are you doing this? Aren't you afraid of legal sanctions?"

One of them sneered and said: "Law? Haha, what's the use of law? It's all because the emperor is ignorant and ignorant, and the people live in misery. We also do this to survive."

After Liu Xie heard this, he felt a fever on his face.

He did not expect that as an emperor, he would make life so difficult for the people.

Lao Nie said: "Dear heroes, no matter what, it is wrong for you to do this. You should find a serious job instead of blocking the road here."

One of them said: "Do you think we don't want to find work? There is no place for us in this society."

Lao Nie said: "In that case, don't blame me for being rude. Don't regret it."

Those people looked at Lao Nie with disdain in their hearts.

"What can an old man do?" one of them said.

Lao Nie smiled and said: "Don't underestimate me, an old man. Although I am old, I still have martial arts skills."

Those people laughed loudly after hearing this.

They thought Lao Nie was bragging.

"You old man really overestimates your capabilities. We are not easy to mess with." One of them said.

Lao Nie said: "If you are disobedient, don't blame me for being rude."

Those people said: "Whatever skills you have, just use them."

Lao Nie said: "Okay, then don't blame me."

After saying that, Lao Nie asked Liu Xie to stay away and he wanted to punish a few people.

Liu Xie nodded and quickly hid aside.

Lao Nie took a deep breath, and then quickly rushed towards those people.

I saw that Lao Nie was agile and used both fists and feet to knock those people to the ground in a few strokes.

Those people were lying on the ground, moaning.

"You guys really don't know how high the sky is," Lao Nie said.

Those few people looked at Old Nie in horror. They did not expect that an old man could be so powerful.

"We were wrong, we were wrong. Your Excellency has a lot, please spare us." Those people said.

Lao Nie said: "Don't do this kind of thing again in the future. Otherwise, I will not let you off lightly."

Those people nodded quickly and said, "Yes, yes, we will never dare to do it again."

Lao Nie said: "Okay, let's go."

The men struggled to their feet and limped away.

Liu Xiedao: "Mr. Nie, thank you very much."

"Your Majesty, why are you so polite? Since the common people are willing to follow you, they are already ready."

Next, they continued to move forward, and it was particularly peaceful along the way.

There were no more kidnappers or robbers.

And Liu Xie also understood that the robbers were not at all because of the chaos in the world, but because they were idle.

Therefore, my heart is no longer so uneasy.

They also felt a lot more at ease along the way.

Liu Xie and the old man arrived in Youzhou first, and they arrived in front of the theater.

The soldier guarding the gate is new.

They didn't know Xi Yu.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?"

Liu Xie told the soldiers guarding the gate his identity and took out his token.

"I am the current Holy Emperor."

When the soldier saw it, he quickly knelt down.

"See your majesty!" said the soldier.

Liu Xie nodded and said, "Get up."

The soldier said: "Thank you, Your Majesty."

Liu Xie said: "I want to see your king, please go and inform me."

The soldier said: "Yes, Your Majesty. Please wait a moment."

After saying that, the soldier turned and left to report.

Liu Xie looked at the door of the theater with a lot of emotions in his heart.

He didn't expect that he would come here again.

This journey has been extremely difficult.

The old man looked at Liu Xie from the side, not knowing what he was thinking.

The soldier hurried to Ouyang Linlin's room and knocked on the door.

"Come in." Ouyang Linlin's voice came from the room.

The soldier opened the door and walked in.

"Madam, I have news for you," the soldier said.

Ouyang Linlin is playing cards with Sun Shangxiang, Xi Shi and Song Meijiao. When they heard the soldier's words, they all raised their heads and looked at the soldier.

"What's the news?" Ouyang Linlin asked.

The soldier said: "Your Majesty is here."

Ouyang Linlin was shocked when she heard this.

"What? Your Majesty is here?" Ouyang Linlin said.

Sun Shangxiang, Xi Shi, and Song Meijiao also stopped, and they were all very surprised.

"Could it be a fake?" Sun Shangxiang asked.

Ouyang Linlin said: "Probably not. Who dares to pretend to be His Majesty?"

"Then let's go take a look." Xi Shi said.

So, they put down the cards in their hands, stood up quickly, and walked towards the guest room.

After a while, the soldiers came out.

"Your Majesty, the ladies are waiting at the door of the guest room. Come in," the soldier said.

Liu Xie nodded and said, "Okay, let's go in."

So, Liu Xie and the old man followed the soldiers to the guest room.

The guest room is very exquisitely decorated, with a landscape painting hanging on the wall and a pot of orchids on the table, emitting bursts of fragrance.

After a while, several ladies came.

"See your Majesty!" said the ladies.

Liu Xie nodded and said, "Get up."

Several ladies said: "Thank you, Your Majesty."

Liu Xie said: "You don't have to be so polite. I was just passing by and missed Xi Yu, so I came to see him."

Ouyang Linlin said: "So that's it. Your Majesty, please sit down."

Liu Xie said: "Okay."

Ouyang Linlin said: "Your Majesty, do you want to stay in the mansion for a while?"

Liu Xie nodded and said, "Yes. I want to live here for a while."

Ouyang Linlin said: "Okay. I will arrange for someone to prepare a room for you."

So Ouyang Linlin asked someone to prepare a room for Liu Xie, and he stayed in the room where Liu Xie stayed last time.

Liu Xie said: "By the way, this old man has done a good job in escorting me. I hope Mrs. Ouyang can reward me with some money."

Ouyang Linlin nodded and said, "Okay. My father will arrange for someone to reward him with some money."

After hearing this, Lao Nie was very grateful and said, "Your Majesty, the common people will leave first."

Liu Xie said: "Okay. Mr. Nie has really worked hard."

So, the old man turned and left.

Ouyang Linlin and others returned to the room and continued playing cards.

While they were playing cards, they were discussing the circumstances of Liu Xie's arrival here.

"Why did your Majesty come here suddenly?" Ouyang Linlin said.

"Maybe I miss my husband." Sun Shangxiang said.

"However, he looks dusty, as if he came from a far away place." Xi Shi said.

"Yeah, what happened to him?" Song Meijiao said.

Ouyang Linlin said: "Forget it, let's not guess anymore. Let's wait until my husband comes back to talk about everything."

So, they continued to play cards.

Xi Yu was riding on the horse, looking firmly ahead.

"We are not going back to Youzhou directly, but to Chang'an." Xi Yu said.

He suddenly thought of something.

Zhao Yun was a little confused when he heard Xi Yu's decision.

He reined in the reins, approached Xi Yu, and asked, "Sir, why are you going to Chang'an?"

Xi Yu looked at Zhao Yun with a smile and said, "It is a good thing to defeat Cao Pi. We should go to the emperor to report the good news."

Zhao Yun understood what Xi Yu meant. He nodded and said, "Sir, you want to convey this news to His Majesty and let him know how powerful we are."

Xi Yu nodded and said, "Yes. Although His Majesty may have already known the news, we must show an attitude. We must show our loyalty and respect to His Majesty."

Zhao Yun felt a surge of admiration in his heart. He looked at Xi Yu and said, "Your Majesty, you are really far-sighted."

Xi Yu smiled and said, "This is just what I should do as a courtier."

Of course Xi Yu also understood, and Zhao Yun definitely understood what he was thinking. Going to see the emperor said that he wanted to announce the good news, but in fact it was just to show off.

Because the next step must be to face the emperor's abdication and the implementation of a constitutional monarchy.

Xi Yu knew that his behavior might cause dissatisfaction and opposition from some people. However, he also knows that the inevitable trend of this development is for the happiness of the people.

Liu Xie sat in the room, his eyes empty and confused. He felt extremely safe, yet extremely lonely.

He knew that Xi Yu had not returned yet, but he already knew that Xi Yu had indeed killed Cao Pi. There was both joy and worry in his heart.

He was happy that he was finally free from the threat of Cao Pi and no longer had to worry about Cao Pi occupying the Central Plains.

What worries him is that Xiyu's victory means his own failure.

He knew that he could no longer control the fate of the big man.

He sat there, motionless, as if he had lost all life force.

Before I knew it, it was already time for dinner.

Immediately, a servant brought a sumptuous meal, but unfortunately only Liu Xie ate it alone.

After all, he is the emperor and no one is qualified to eat with him.

Therefore, Liu Xie felt a little lonely.

He hoped Xi Yu would come back soon.

After finishing eating, Ouyang Linlin walked in and immediately saluted.

"Mrs. Ouyang, don't be too polite."

"I wonder what your Majesty thinks of the food?"

"It's very good, but it's too much to eat, so don't waste it."

Ouyang Linlin said that the emperor finally came here once and must be served well.

"Mrs. Ouyang, please don't say that, otherwise it will make me even more embarrassed. By the way, I wonder when Xi Yu will come back?"

"My wife doesn't know."

At this time, Song Meijiao came outside.

Ouyang Linlin smiled and said: "The princess is here, why don't you have a good chat."

Liu Xie nodded.

Then, the brother and sister started chatting.

"Brother Imperial, I don't know why you are here this time? Can my sister ask?"

Liu Xie sighed: "I'm not afraid of my sister's jokes if I tell you, there are rebels in the palace."

So Liu Xie told the relevant situation. After finishing speaking, he sighed. He said that he was too coward. This approach was simply too shameful. He was a deserter.

"No, Emperor Brother, you must not say that."

"That's why I came to Xi Yu out of desperation."

"Don't worry, husband, this is the safest place."

Just after saying this, Song Meijiao also realized that the emperor brother might be particularly embarrassed.

"Okay, brother, let's talk about something else. I don't know what you have encountered along the way. Why are you alone?"

Liu Xie sighed and told the story of the little eunuch's death.

At this point, a few tears fell down.

Then he asked why Lao Nie was asked to escort him? Also because of fear of encountering robbers.

"Anyway, I feel very useless. My sister must not laugh at my brother."

"What did the emperor say? If the emperor can be so honest and tell all these things to the emperor's sister, the emperor's sister will be particularly happy."

Liu Xie also knew that the atmosphere was a bit tense, so he also started talking about other topics. (End of chapter)

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