Song Meijiao consoled her: "Brother Emperor, let the past pass. Now that you have arrived safely, we should look forward."

Liu Xie nodded and looked at Song Meijiao gratefully.

"Sister, you are so considerate. I have experienced a lot along the way and I have learned a lot."

The two brothers and sisters chatted for a long time before Song Meijiao left.

"Brother, please rest early. Sister, I won't disturb you."

Someone immediately brought Liu Xie foot-washing water and helped him wash his feet and cover him with a quilt.

After a while, Liu Xie lay on the bed, tossing and turning, unable to sleep. The silence of the night enveloped the entire room, with only the faint moonlight shining on the ground through the windows.

This place might be nice and safe, but he always felt how painful it was to live under someone else's roof.

But he doesn't regret coming here.

Suddenly, Liu Xie entered a terrible dream. In the dream, he was in a dark mountain forest, being chased by a group of shadows led by Liu Song. He ran desperately, panting, but his pursuers were getting closer and closer.

Liu Xie was finally forced to the edge of the cliff with no way to escape. He looked back at Liu Song, who was gradually approaching, and his heart was filled with despair.

"Liu Xie, you have nowhere to go!" Liu Song's voice echoed in the darkness.

Liu Xie's eyes widened and he roared angrily: "Why? Why are you chasing me?"

"You know it well!" Liu Song sneered.

Liu Xie gasped, his clothes soaked with sweat. He looked at the deep valley under the cliff, and there seemed to be endless fear hidden in the darkness.

"I won't let you succeed!" Liu Xie resolutely jumped off the cliff and let out a thrilling scream.

He woke up suddenly from his sleep, sat up, and gasped for air.

The room was dark, with only the sound of his heartbeat clearly audible. Sweat soaked his forehead and pajamas, and his body was still shaking with fear.

"It was just a dream..." he muttered, trying to calm himself down. However, the nightmare scene lingered in his mind.

Outside the window, the stars in the night sky shone faintly, as if they were watching him silently.

Liu Xie stood up and walked to the window, feeling the cool breeze of the night, trying to calm his inner uneasiness.

"What does this dream mean..." He fell into thought.

Although Liu Song was dead, he was like a shadow, haunting his mind.

After several days of travel, Xi Yu and others finally arrived at the magnificent Chang'an Palace.

They were full of expectations and prepared to enter the palace to meet the Holy Spirit, but were told by a young eunuch that His Majesty had already left.

The young eunuch lowered his head and lowered his eyes, and said respectfully to Xi Yu: "Your Majesty, Liu Song has rebelled. Your Majesty has left the palace for safety reasons." There was a hint of panic in his voice.

Xi Yu's face instantly became solemn, his eyes widened, and he asked in disbelief: "Who is Liu Song? Where is your Majesty now?" Urgency and worry were revealed in his voice.

He really didn't know who Liu Song was, because there was no such person in some documents from his previous life. Maybe he had changed some history after traveling through time.

The young eunuch gave a general account of Liu Song's situation.

The young eunuch trembled slightly and replied: "I don't know your Majesty's specific whereabouts. The palace is currently in chaos and everyone is in danger."

Because in recent days, Liu Song's troops have been harassing him frequently.

"Your Majesty must be found as soon as possible to ensure his safety!" Xi Yu said in a firm tone. Xi Yu glanced at everyone and issued an order: "Send spies immediately to find out the whereabouts of His Majesty. At the same time, strengthen the guards of the palace to prevent Liu Song. rebel attacks.”

Everyone followed the order and left, but Xi Yu's heart was still heavy. He prayed secretly, hoping to find His Majesty as soon as possible and quell this rebellion.

Xi Yu and most of the descendants chose to stay at the inn. When the innkeeper saw so many people coming to stay, he welcomed them warmly with an excited smile on his face.

The inn was very lively at night, Xi Yu and everyone sat around to enjoy dinner.

However, a whisper suddenly reached his ears.

"You know, the reason why Liu Song rebelled was actually because Xi Yu was behind it. He wanted to drive the emperor out so that he could ascend to the throne!" A person said mysteriously.

"Really? Is there any evidence? Don't say this nonsense."

"Although I have no evidence, I believe that my guess is not wrong."

Xi Yu's face suddenly turned gloomy, he clenched his fists tightly, and the flames of anger burned in his heart.

But he quickly calmed down and controlled his emotions with reason.

Zhou Yu, who was sitting opposite him, was very unhappy after hearing this. He immediately stood up and prepared to argue with those people.

Xi Yu stopped Zhou Yu who wanted to come forward to argue.

"Don't be impulsive, Zhou Yu." Xi Yu whispered, "We don't need to pay attention to the words of these ignorant people. The most important thing at the moment is to find the whereabouts of His Majesty."

Xi Yu's eyes were firm and decisive. He knew that he had to stay calm and not be affected by these rumors.

Zhou Yu had no choice but to sit down again.

After returning to the room, Zhou Yu's mood was still difficult to calm down. He said angrily: "Your Majesty, if you hadn't stopped me, I would have killed those people who were gossiping. If they do this, wouldn't they be corrupted? Has it ruined your reputation?"

Xi Yu sat on the chair. After a moment of silence, he slowly said: "People have mouths, and they can say whatever they want. Can we kill people just because of other people's opinions? Do we still need to kill everyone? Kill?

The atmosphere in the room seemed a bit heavy, and Yu Yu stared playfully out of the window, as if thinking about something.

Suddenly, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes, as if he thought of an important question.

"I think His Majesty might come to Youzhou to find me." Xi Yu said excitedly.

Zhou Yu looked at him doubtfully and asked, "Your Majesty, why are you so sure?"

Xi Yu stood up and walked around the room, saying as he walked: "I know your Majesty quite well. Based on my understanding of him, he will probably choose to go to Youzhou."

Zhou Yu nodded, seeming to understand Xi Yu's thoughts.

"Okay, then let's rest peacefully tonight and return to Youzhou immediately tomorrow." Xi Yu decided.

Outside the window, the night was as dark as ink and silent. The candlelight in the room flickered faintly, illuminating the determined faces of Xi Yu and Zhou Yu.

Early the next morning, the sun shines on the earth through thin clouds.

Xi Yu decisively transferred back all the people who went to inquire about Liu Xie's whereabouts, and prepared to lead the troops to Youzhou in person.

Xi Yu's troops left in a mighty manner, raising a cloud of dust.

This move caused a lot of discussion among the people in the palace, and their voices echoed in the cold air.

"I originally had a glimmer of hope that Xi Yu would find Liu Xie, but I didn't expect that he was just showing up and left so soon. Doesn't he know that His Majesty's safety is related to the stability of the Han Dynasty?" A young eunuch said disappointedly, There was helplessness in his tone.

"Hmph, Xi Yu is just a man who is seeking fame and reputation. His behavior is simply making fun of the big man's future!"

"Besides, he is eager to find His Majesty. Maybe he is ambitious and wants to be the emperor himself!"

echoed another indignantly, anger written all over his face.

"Maybe he just pretended to be looking for His Majesty for his own power and status. We couldn't have any illusions about him." Another person interjected.

These discussions intertwined in the corridors and courtyards of the palace, as if a heavy haze enveloped people's hearts.

In Xi Yu's team, the soldiers marched in neat steps, and their figures looked firm and decisive in the morning light.

Xi Yu was riding on the horse, his eyes like torches piercing the morning fog in front of him.

Liu Xie suddenly sneezed and couldn't help thinking: "Is it possible that Xi Yu is getting ready to go home?"

Standing at the door of his guest room were several servants specially arranged by Ouyang Linlin to serve him.

Liu Xie looked at them, smiled and said, "Take me for a walk in this courtyard."

The servants led Liu Xie to stroll through the courtyard, the path winding through an elegant garden.

The sun shines on the path, reflecting colorful light and shadow. Liu Xie listened to the gentle breeze rustling the leaves and felt the peaceful atmosphere.

Unknowingly, they arrived near Sun Shangxiang's room.

Liu Xie couldn't help but stop when he heard the laughter and laughter coming from inside. The servants looked at each other and thought it was inappropriate for Liu Xie to come to the place where women lived, but they did not dare to remind him.

At this moment, the door opened slightly and Song Meijiao walked out.

She saw Liu Xie at a glance, with a look of surprise on her face, and quickly saluted: "Brother Emperor, why are you here?"

Liu Xie smiled and replied: "I heard there was laughter here, so I came over to take a look."

He looked past Song Meijiao and into the house, as if he was curious about what was going on inside.

It turned out that several ladies were happily playing poker in the room.

When Ouyang Linlin and others heard the news of His Majesty's arrival, they quickly put down the cards in their hands and hurried outside to salute.

"That's why when I passed by here accidentally and heard that you were so happy, I was very curious about what you were doing."

Ouyang Linlin told him about playing poker.

And he even went indoors to take out the poker cards.

Liu Xie looked at them curiously and asked: "This poker looks very interesting, can I participate in it?"

Ouyang Linlin smiled and replied: "Of course Your Majesty can participate, why don't we all go to my husband's room to play together."

After all, it would be inappropriate for His Majesty to enter his room.

Everyone came to Xi Yu's room, and the room was filled with a faint fragrance.

Although Xi Yu has not been here these days, the servants are still cleaning every day.

Ouyang Linlin sat next to Liu Xie and patiently taught him the rules and techniques of playing poker. Liu Xie studied intently and quickly mastered the trick.

"Haha, I see, this game is really interesting!" Liu Xie said excitedly, his eyes shining with joy.

The room was filled with laughter and people were immersed in the joyful atmosphere of the game. The sun shines through the window onto the table, illuminating a cheerful face.

Liu Xie became very interested in the origin of poker and asked curiously: "This poker is so interesting, who invented it? Why have I never heard of it?"

Sun Shangxiang smiled and replied: "Your Majesty, this is exactly what my husband invented."

When Liu Xie heard this, he couldn't help but sigh: "Xi Yu's wisdom is really extraordinary!" His eyes showed his admiration for Xi Yu.

At this time, the sunlight happened to shine through the window into the room, illuminating the playing cards in Liu Xie's hand.

He gently played with the cards, as if touching the crystallization of Xi Yu's wisdom.

However, after a while, Liu Xie noticed that several women were a little coy. He realized that his inclusion had made them restrained.

"Don't be so rigid, everyone, relax." Liu Xie said gently, "Here, we are all equal, let's enjoy the game together. And you can't give in to me. Don't regard me as the emperor now. ".

"Just treat me as an ordinary game partner. This way we can truly enjoy the game. Otherwise, I will feel uncomfortable."

Everyone in the room nodded, with relieved expressions on their faces.

They got back into the game, with laughter and words intertwined like a cheerful piece of music.

Over the years, Liu Xie's life seemed to be shrouded in gloom, and it was hard to find any happiness. However, today's experience was like a ray of bright sunshine that penetrated the gloom in his heart.

He held the playing cards in his hand and felt an unprecedented joy in his heart.

He realized that he had lived in vain all these years, missing out on something so simple and so joyful.

Liu Xie's eyes shone with emotion and introspection.

He thought of his past self, bound by the red tape of the palace, and the happiness in his heart was suppressed to the point of being unable to be released.

"Why do I have to live such a heavy life?" He asked himself in his heart, "In these years, due to my status, I have neglected the simplest happiness in life."

He stared at the playing cards in his hand, as if he saw the happy time he had lost.

Each card was like a door to happiness, and he finally found the key to open those doors.

After a while, Liu Xie suddenly fell into deep thought, his eyes were confused, and he was stunned. His silence made several ladies feel puzzled, and they all cast concerned glances.

Song Meijiao then asked: "Your Majesty, brother, what's wrong with you?"

Liu Xie came back to his senses and sighed softly: "Over the years, I have lamented the change of fate. My life has been precarious."

Song Meijiao looked at him distressedly and comforted softly: "Your Majesty, let the past go. The future will be better."

Liu Xie nodded slightly and forced a smile: "Thank you for your comfort, Meijiao. I will try my best to be happy."

Next, everyone continued to play cards.

Liu Xie did not show any negative emotions anymore to prevent his negative emotions from affecting everyone.

On this day, Xi Yu's large army passed quietly through the village where old man Lao Nie lived.

In order not to disturb the villagers, Xi Yu wisely chose a secluded path.

Lao Nie happened to be walking towards the field carrying farm tools.

Seeing the army passing by, Lao Nie immediately knelt down and saluted. He believed that the person in front of him was Xi Yu, and said: "Dare ordinary people ask, are you a famous opera king all over the world?"

"This king is Xi Yu."

"That's great. Cao Min has something important to tell the King of Opera. Cao Min has met His Majesty before."

Xi Yu was startled, and quickly stepped forward to help Lao Nie up, and asked eagerly: "How did you meet Liu Xie? Tell me what happened!"

Lao Nie took a breath and told in detail about Liu Xie's residence here and how he personally escorted Liu Xie to Youzhou.

After hearing this, Xi Yu's heart welled up with joy, and he was secretly glad that his guess was indeed correct.

Liu Xie really went to Youzhou to look for himself.

He also glanced at Zhou Yu, probably wanting to tell him, so what, my guess is not bad at all, right?

At this time, the sun shines on the fields, a golden color, which seems to add color to the joy of play.

The breeze ruffled Lao Nie's white hair, and the sincerity in his eyes was touching.

"Thank you so much, old man, for your escort."

Because Lao Nie killed Liu Song, saved Liu Xie, and personally escorted Liu Xie there.

For such people, Xi Yu decided to reward them.

When Xi Yu proposed a reward, Lao Nie refused.

"As a commoner, I am lucky enough to be able to save His Majesty. I just learned a few tricks like a three-legged cat. Besides, after I went to the theater, several ladies have already given me rewards."

No matter how insistent Xi Yu is, the other party just doesn't want a reward.

Xi Yu then handed a jade pendant to Lao Nie.

"If you need it in the future, just take this jade pendant and go to Youzhou to find me."

Xi Yu did this because he remembered a folk tale he heard in his previous life, about Qianlong.

It is said that when Qianlong went to Jiangnan, he saw a girl who was very beautiful and thought of her as his daughter.

And he also specially gave him a handkerchief as a token. If he can't survive in the future, he can go to Kyoto to find him.

So he planned to do the same, and Lao Nie had no choice but to take it. If he didn't take it, he would appear to be too ignorant.

"Thank you so much, Your Majesty."

Next, Xi Yu led the large army forward.

Zhao Yun suddenly said: "Your Majesty, are what this old man said true or false? Are we being deceived by his words?"

Moreover, Xi Yu also gave him a token. Although the thing was not particularly valuable, its meaning was extraordinary.

"The way I look at him shouldn't look like he's lying. Of course, if he cheats, I won't let him go even if he runs to the ends of the earth."

Everyone felt relieved after hearing what he said.

Now that the news about Liu Xie has been confirmed, Xi Yu feels more at ease.

He also understood Liu Xie's psychology. If he hadn't been desperate, how could he have gone to find him?

This is also Liu Xie's trust in him, so he must treat him well.

At this moment, Xi Yu never imagined that Liu Xie was already happily playing poker with several ladies.

Old Nie watched their figures go away and looked towards the fields.

After a while, I took the farm tools and continued to work in the fields. (End of chapter)

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