Xi Yu and others continued on their way.

An hour later, they came to a forest.

At this time, a soldier hurried over and reported to Xi Yu: "Your Majesty, Cao Pi is ill and has a high fever."

Xi Yu frowned slightly, stopped and turned to look at the team behind him.

Cao Pi was seen looking pale, leaning on the saddle, looking haggard.

Xi Yu immediately ordered: "Everyone, stop and let the accompanying military doctor take a look." His voice was firm and decisive, without any hesitation.

The team slowly stopped, and the soldiers' chatter spread quietly.

"Wouldn't it be better to just kill him? He is just a burden." A soldier whispered.

"Yes, but the king thinks that he is a talented person. If he insists on keeping him, there may be future troubles." Another soldier agreed.

Xi Yu listened to these discussions and thought to himself.

He understood the soldiers' concerns, but he also had his own considerations.

Then, Xi Yu turned to the military doctor and said, "Treat him with all your strength, we can't let him die here." The military doctor nodded quickly and began to diagnose and treat Cao Pi.

Xi Yu stood aside and watched all this quietly.

Xi Yu looked at the gloomy sky and frowned slightly.

He raised his hand to signal everyone to set up camp, and the soldiers quickly moved into action, setting up tents and lighting bonfires.

After a while, an old farmer came from a distance.

His steps were staggering, and his face was full of traces of time.

The old farmer walked up to Xi Yu, hesitated for a moment, and asked, "Are these the soldiers led by King Xi Yu?"

Xi Yu nodded and his eyes fell on the old farmer.

"I am Xiyu."

A trace of joy flashed in the old farmer's eyes, and he said excitedly: "Your Majesty, I have always admired you very much. Can you please come to my house and sit down?"

Xiyu wanted to refuse, he still had many things to deal with.

But the old farmer suddenly knelt down and said sincerely: "General, your Majesty, if you don't go, I won't get up." You finally came to us. "

Xi Yu sighed helplessly. He helped the old farmer up and said, "Okay, old man, I'll go with you."

The old farmer had a delighted smile on his face and led Xi Yu towards his home.

Along the way, the old farmer chatted with Xi Yu enthusiastically, telling him his admiration for him.

Xi Yu listened with a smile, adding a few words from time to time.

The old farmer's home is a simple wooden house with simple and neat furnishings. Xi Yu sat on a worn-out chair. After the old farmer was busy, he served him a cup of hot tea.

"Your Majesty, you are my hero." The old farmer said excitedly, "I have always wanted to see you in person."

Xi Yu smiled humbly.

"Old man, I'm sorry. I'm just doing my best to serve the people."

After a while, a light figure came from outside.

Xi Yu's eyes were attracted and he saw a girl walking into the room.

Her presence was like a bright light, illuminating the entire room.

The girl's appearance is fresh and refined, her skin is as white as suet and as delicate as silk.

Her eyes were like clear lake water, bright and moving, and her long eyelashes trembled slightly like butterfly wings.

The old man smiled and introduced: "Your Majesty, this is my granddaughter."

The girl lowered her head shyly, walked up to Xi Yu, bowed slightly, handed him a cup of steaming tea, and said softly: "Your Majesty, please use the tea."

Xi Yu took the tea cup and said with a smile, "Thank you, girl."

His eyes met the girl's eyes inadvertently, and a blush instantly appeared on the girl's cheeks. She quickly lowered her head and fiddled with the hem of her clothes.

The old man looked at his granddaughter, his eyes full of love.

Xi Yu's heart moved. He looked at the girl and asked gently: "Girl, what is your name?"

The girl raised her head, looked at Xi Yu, and replied softly: "The little girl's name is Wan'er."

Wan'er's voice was like the sound of nature, crisp and graceful, and Xi Yu couldn't help but be intoxicated by it.

He smiled and said, "Wan'er, what a nice name."

A bright smile bloomed on Wan'er's face, as beautiful as a spring flower blooming.

The old man told Xiyu that there were still a few sheep at the door that needed to graze, and he had to go cut some grass and bring it back.

Xi Yu nodded in understanding and watched the old man walk out of the house.

At this time, Wan'er said softly: "Your Majesty, grandpa has always been like this. He cuts grass and feeds sheep every day."

Xi Yu smiled and said, "The old man is hardworking and simple, which is admirable."

His eyes fell on Wan'er and continued to ask: "Wan'er, what do you do on weekdays?"

A smile appeared on Wan'er's face, and she replied: "I can help with housework, and I can also read and write."

Xi Yu said appreciatively: "Reading and writing is a good pastime and can also increase your knowledge."

Wan'er nodded slightly, a hint of wisdom flashed in her eyes.

"Your Majesty, you must be well-informed. Can you tell me about the outside world?"

Xi Yu smiled and began to tell the various stories he had experienced.

Wan'er listened quietly, sometimes asking questions, sometimes exclaiming in surprise.

The two seemed to have forgotten the passage of time.

Wan'er's eyes sparkled with curiosity and desire for the unknown world.

Suddenly, Xi Yu realized that the old man might have lured him home on purpose, and a suspicion arose in his heart.

He stared at Wan'er, thinking about the old man's true intention.

Wan'er noticed the change in Xi Yu's expression and asked softly: "Your Majesty, what are you thinking about?"

Xi Yu came back to his senses, smiled and said, "It's nothing, I just think the atmosphere here is very warm."

He secretly wondered whether the old man's behavior was really to introduce Wan'er to him.

Xi Yu thought to himself that maybe the old man's behavior was not scheming, maybe he just hoped that Wan'er could find a good home.

And he himself does have a special affection for Wan'er.

The old man sat on the hillside and watched the sheep grazing leisurely on the grass. He was thinking about his granddaughter's future, and a smile appeared on his face.

He did have this intention, that is, he hoped that his granddaughter could marry Xi Yu.

Just a few days ago, he was herding sheep in this place, but at that time, Wan'er was with him.

He was in a daze at that time, with a smile on his face.

"Grandpa, what are you thinking about?" Granddaughter Wan'er ran over and sat next to the old man.

"I'm thinking about your future." The old man touched her head.

"My future?" The granddaughter looked at her grandfather curiously.

"Yes, you have grown up and it's time to think about getting married." The old man said.

"Marry? I don't want to do it yet." The granddaughter muttered.

"Silly boy, girls always have to get married. Grandpa has an idea and wants to marry you to Xi Yu." The old man said.

"Xi Yu? Is that the famous king?" the granddaughter asked.

"Yes, that's him. He is a capable man. If you marry him, you can live a prosperous life in the future." The old man said.

The granddaughter fell into deep thought. She knew that Xi Yu was a very charming man.

"But grandpa's status is so noble, and we are so humble."

"If you want it, grandpa will find a way."

After the old man finished speaking, he noticed that Wan'er was a little shy and blushed.

This shows that the granddaughter is willing, so it will be easy to handle, and the rest will be left to you.

The breeze on the hillside blew gently, blowing my granddaughter's hair.

Wan'er looked into the distance.

"Grandpa, I don't know what to choose."

"Child, life is a play, you have to play your role well. Xiyu is a good choice, he will bring you happiness." The old man comforted.

In this way, the two of them planned to implement a plan.

Because the old man knew that Xi Yu would definitely pass by here.

Wan'er thinks that this is too utilitarian and will make Xi Yu unhappy?

But the old man said that he should do it first before talking. Because there is such an opportunity, we must seize it.

In this way, things slowly started to get done.

At this moment, Xi Yu looked at Wan'er and became more and more pleased with her eyes.

"Can I ask you a question?" Xi Yu said.

"Of course, if you have any questions, just ask."

"Is the reason why I came to your home a sincere arrangement by your grandfather?"

When Wan'er heard this, her expression changed and she quickly knelt down.

"What are you doing? I'm just talking to you calmly, why are you so scared? Get up quickly."

Xi Yu helped him up.

But I found that she was different from before, because she was indeed scared.

Wan'er knew that Xi Yu had already seen through some things, so there was no use in hiding them.

"To be honest, my grandfather had such an idea."

She then recounted the conversation between her grandfather and her that day, as well as her persuasion.

At this moment, her face was red and her heartbeat was beating faster.

She felt that there was something wrong with betraying her grandfather, but it seemed that it would not work if she had something to hide from Xi Yu.

Xi Yu grabbed her hand and asked, "But you also like me, right? Otherwise you wouldn't agree to grandpa's plan."

Her heartbeat became even stronger.

She didn't expect that Xi Yu would grab her hand all of a sudden.

She suddenly became even more at a loss.

"Why are you afraid? I just want to hear your truth."

Wan'er still lowered her head very low.

"The little girl has also admired the king for a long time."

This time, Xi Yu felt relieved and held her hand tighter.

Xi Yu thought, if she had been in the previous life, she would have been executed on the spot long ago.

And I really couldn't help it.

He thought of Wenxuan's words again. Wenxuan believed that monogamy should be a system, and knew that if he liked this woman, he would probably call himself a scumbag again.

Before he knew it, it was getting late, and Xi Yu still felt that he still had more to say.

At dusk, the afterglow of the setting sun shines on the streets, reflecting the hurried figures of people.

In the military camp, everyone started talking when they saw that Xi Yu had not returned yet.

"Why hasn't the king come back yet?"

"Is he going to get into any trouble?"

"Then the old man invited him to his home as a guest. Why hasn't he come back yet?"

At this time, Xi Yu also realized that he should go back quickly.

He hurried back, praying not to attract too much attention.

At this moment, the old man happened to come back.

"Old man, you came back just in time. I have to say goodbye."

"Your Majesty, don't leave in a hurry. It's time to eat. Come and eat." The old man greeted enthusiastically.

Xi Yu looked at the old man hesitantly, "My soldiers are still waiting, I have to go back quickly."

The old man nodded in understanding.

"This is easy to handle. Your Majesty, just tell me the address of the military camp and I will go and report the news to you."

Xi Yu looked at the old man gratefully and told him the address of the military camp.

In fact, Xi Yu also really wants to stay here. He seems to have fallen in love with Wan'er and doesn't want to leave even a minute.

When the old man arrived at the military camp, he was immediately blocked by several soldiers.

He stood there quietly, looking firmly ahead.

"What are you doing? Don't be rude!" Zhao Yun came over and recognized the old man as the one who invited Xi Yu to sit at home.

He stopped the soldiers and motioned for them to get out of the way.

The old man saluted Zhao Yun and said, "General, the king is having dinner at my house. He may stay here tonight."

Zhao Yun was a little confused after hearing this. He couldn't figure out why Xi Yu was chatting so passionately with this old man.

He looked at the old man and asked, "Are you telling the truth?"

The old man nodded quickly.

"If you don't believe me, general, you can come to my house and have a look. I won't tell you any lies."

Zhao Yun thought for a moment and decided to believe the old man's words. He waved his hand and let the old man leave.

"Since the king is fine, we can rest assured."

Zhao Yun stood in front of the camp, staring into the distance, with many thoughts in his mind.

He didn't know what the relationship was between Xi Yu and the old man, or whether it would affect the next plan.

At this moment, Zhou Yu walked over with brisk steps.

Zhao Yun saw this and shared the old man's words with him.

After hearing this, Zhou Yu couldn't help laughing: "Maybe the old man has a granddaughter or daughter at home, and he has fascinated the king."

Zhao Yun frowned.

"It can't be such a coincidence, right?"

The corners of Zhou Yu's mouth rose.

"This is very likely. Maybe the king met a beautiful woman there and was attracted by her charm, so he stayed to eat or even live."

Zhao Yun thought for a moment and felt that Zhou Yu's words were reasonable.

The night breeze blew gently, bringing a bit of coolness.

For such a situation, the two people are completely acceptable, and they will even feel very happy.

But no matter what, just make sure Xi Yu is safe.

At this time, Zhou Yu smiled mischievously.

He told Zhao Yun to follow the old man and see what was going on.

Zhao Yun was stunned, that was indeed the case, why not follow him secretly and take a look.

Zhao Yun followed the old man quietly, his footsteps light, as if he was afraid of being discovered.

The old man did not notice Zhao Yun's presence and continued to walk his own way.

Zhao Yun came near the old man's house and quietly observed.

He saw Xi Yu and the old man's granddaughter chatting happily, with smiles on their faces.

"It seems Zhou Yu's guess is correct." Zhao Yun thought to himself.

At this time, laughter and laughter came from the room. The three of them had dinner together, and the atmosphere was harmonious.

Zhao Yun felt relieved when he saw that Xi Yu was enjoying his life here.

The stars in the night twinkled, illuminating Zhao Yun's way back.

He felt much more relaxed, and Zhou Yu's guess was actually right.

When Zhao Yun returned, Zhou Yu was still waiting for him.

Zhao Yun was very strange.

"Zhou Yu, have you already discovered something?"

Zhou Yu couldn't help laughing when he saw Zhao Yun asking like this.

He knew that his guess was correct.

"It seems that this is indeed the case. I am indeed just guessing and don't know anything."

Zhao Yun gave a general description of what he had peeped at.

"It seems that this time the king has good luck. We congratulate him."

On the other hand, after Xiyu finished eating, the old man said that it was better not to go to the military camp. There were free rooms here, so he might as well stay here.

Xi Yu also knew that this was still the feudal era after all, and even if the old man hoped that he would marry his granddaughter, he could not blatantly ask the two of them to live together.

He ultimately refused to stay here.

When he saw that Xi Yu was really leaving, the old man blinked at Wan'er.

But Wan'er shook her head. She was a girl with such a thin skin. Should she take the initiative to ask Xi Yu to stay?

The old man had no choice but to say: "Your Majesty, it's better to stay."

"No need, I've been living with the soldiers."

The old man was a little anxious at this time.

"Your Majesty, to be honest, you must have guessed what I meant."

"I know what you're thinking."

After the window paper was pierced, the old man felt more at ease.

"In that case, may I ask if the king is satisfied with my granddaughter?"

He finally got up the courage to say this.

At this time, his heart was pounding.

He immediately bowed his body and said that he was rebellious and should not be such a swagger.

"I know you are also doing it for your granddaughter, so I don't want to blame you. And I am quite satisfied with Wan'er."

After saying this, the old man and Wan'er were very happy, and Wan'er's face turned even redder.

"In that case, I wonder if I can let Wan'er follow you day and night from now on?"

The old man finally said this.

"Your Majesty, I will tell you the truth. I am extremely ill and won't live long. I can no longer take care of my granddaughter, so I came up with this idea."

"Grandpa, what did you say? What's going on?" Wan'er was immediately frightened. She knew that it was impossible for her grandfather to tell lies.

The old man said that he had visited the doctor some time ago.

Xi Yu asked again: "Is everything you said true?"

"It is absolutely true. If there is a lie, I will be willing to be struck by five thunders from heaven."

Wan'er started crying immediately.

At this moment, Xi Yu thought of Song Shuwen.

"Old man, don't worry. Why don't you come with me to Youzhou? I have Divine Doctor Song there and let him take a look at you."

The old man said doubtfully: "Is this true?"

"Of course it's true. Why would I lie to you?"

Moreover, Xi Yu took the initiative to say how superb Song Shuwen's art was, as if he had gone crazy, and he was the one who saved him in the end.

"Grandpa, if that's the case, then you can go with the king." Wan'er said quickly.

But what I heard just now was that Xi Yu agreed to take him away. (End of chapter)

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