There was a soldier in Xiyu's army named Hu Qiqing.

He suddenly couldn't sleep tonight because a beautiful figure kept appearing in his mind.

He knew that this figure would never be available to him.

It was late at night, Hu Qiqing's eyes were empty. He looked at the dark ceiling, but he was thinking of Wan'er.

He knew that there was a huge difference between him and Wan'er. Wan'er is the king's woman, and he is just an ordinary soldier.

When Xi Yu brought Wan'er here, he was immediately attracted by her appearance.

He is not qualified to pursue Wan'er.

He couldn't describe Wan'er's beauty with words, he could only express his desire with his eyes.

Hu Qiqing began to complain about Xi Yu. He felt that it was so unfair to Xi Yu, why he had a woman who liked him, but he didn't.

The more Hu Qiqing thought about it, the angrier he became. He felt that his life was too boring and meaningless.

He wants to change his destiny, but doesn't know how.

He felt like a bird trapped in a cage, unable to fly freely.

Regardless of the entrance of the cave, Chen Ping looked at the sky and found that the night was already dark.

He sighed and said, "Oh, I got nothing."

The two brothers ultimately found no treasure.

Chen An also sighed and said, "Brother, didn't you say there is a treasure here? But we have been looking for so long and found nothing. Are you mistaken?"

Chen Ping glared at Chen An and said, "How could I be wrong? I heard from an old man that there is a cave here with many treasures hidden in it. As long as we find it, we can make a fortune. "

Chen An said: "But we have been searching for so long and haven't found anything. I think we should give up. We still have a lot of debts to repay."

Chen Ping said: "Because we still have a lot of debts to repay, we have to find the treasure and then repay the debts. If we give up, we will be hunted down by those creditors and we will lose our home."

Chen An said: "Brother, please don't be so stubborn, okay? We have been searching for so long and found nothing. This means that there is no treasure here at all. Let's go back quickly, we still have a lot of things to do."

Chen Ping said: "No, I won't go back. I must find the treasure. If you are afraid, just go back by yourself. And, I have a way. We can attack the rich and get their property. This way We will be able to pay off our debts and live a prosperous life.”

Chen An was startled and said, "Brother, don't take risks. It's too dangerous. If we are discovered, we will be dead."

In this way, the two brothers started arguing about this matter.

But in the end, Chen An still didn't leave Chen Ping, and the two of them hurriedly left the cave to find a place to rest.

On the other side, Hu Qiqing was lying on the bed, tossing and turning, unable to sleep.

His mind was filled with Wan'er's figure, her beauty, her gentleness, everything about her.

Hu Qiqing got up, put on his clothes, and walked out of the tent quietly. He felt like he needed to let off steam or he would go crazy.

Hu Qiqing came to a farmer's home.

He immediately climbed over the wall and entered.

What makes me feel very honored is that this farmer's family happens to have a girl, and this girl is the only one at home.

The girl is very beautiful and cute. She was dressed in white and had a small flower on her head. She was embroidering in the outer room.

Hu Qiqing wanted to get this girl.

He wanted to possess her, to conquer her. He feels that only in this way can he satisfy his desires and balance his mentality.

Hu Qiqing entered the room with particularly quick movements.

He came behind the girl and covered her mouth. The girl looked at Hu Qiqing in horror, wanting to struggle and call for help.

And her eyes were so big that she couldn't speak at all.

Hu Qiqing said: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I won't hurt you. As long as you obey me obediently, I will let you go."

Hu Qiqing let go of his hand.

The girl said: "Who are you? Why do you want to arrest me?"

Hu Qiqing said: "I am a soldier, I like you. I want you."

His face became particularly greedy.

The girl said: "Let me go, don't do this. I don't know you, and I don't like you."

Hu Qiqing said: "I will make you happy, I will make you forget all your worries."

The girl said: "Let me go, don't do this. I won't listen to you, and I won't let you succeed."

Hu Qiqing said: "You don't want to toast and eat as a penalty. I give you a chance, but don't cherish it."

After Hu Qiqing finished speaking, he kissed the girl's mouth hard.

The girl wanted to struggle and resist, but her strength was far inferior to Hu Qiqing's. She could only be violated by him helplessly.

Afterwards, Hu Qiqing killed the girl for fear of leaking the news.

He felt that only in this way could he ensure his safety and continue his plan.

Hu Qiqing put on his own clothes and quietly left the farmer's home.

Hu Qiqing returned to the military camp. He felt that he had been satisfied and had balanced his mentality.

He originally thought he had killed the girl, but what he didn't expect was that the girl was still breathing in the end.

Early the next morning, the girl's father, Old Man Tang, returned home.

He saw his daughter lying on the bed, dying. His heart was filled with grief and doubt.

"Daughter, daughter, what's wrong with you? What's wrong with you?" Old Man Tang hugged his daughter, tears welling up in his eyes.

"Dad, dad, there is a bad guy, there is a bad guy..." the girl said with her last breath of strength.

"Bad guy? What bad guy?" the girl's father asked.

"There was a bad guy, he was a soldier, he violated me, and then, then..." the girl said.

"What?" The girl's father couldn't believe his ears.

"Then, then he left. Dad, dad, you have to avenge me, you have to avenge me..." the girl said.

"Daughter, daughter, dad, dad will avenge you, dad will avenge you..." the girl's father said.

However, the girl no longer had the strength to speak any more. She closed her eyes and stopped breathing.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!" The girl's father let out a cry of grief and indignation.

His heart was filled with endless pain and anger.

He decided to avenge his daughter. He decided to find the bad guy who violated his daughter and let him get the punishment he deserved.

"Daughter, daughter, don't worry, dad will definitely avenge you, dad will definitely avenge you..." the girl's father said.

The daughter told a clue that a soldier violated her.

Moreover, he had vaguely heard that Xi Yu's soldiers lived nearby. Could it be that Xi Yu's soldiers did it?

Hu Qiqing directly told the girl that he was a soldier. He did not avoid it because he planned to kill the soldier.

He also decided that it was impossible for this girl to survive.

That's why he spoke out with confidence.

Xi Yu's army continued to move forward, and when they reached under a bridge, they suddenly saw an old man kneeling there.

The old man was wearing shabby clothes, with gray hair and wrinkles on his face. He was holding a rice bowl in both hands, which contained some dry food and water.

He lowered his head and remained motionless, as if waiting for something.

This is Old Man Tang.

Xi Yu and others thought this might be a beggar, but it looked different from a beggar.

Ordinary beggars may beg for mercy when they see others, but this beggar seems to be particularly strong-willed.

"Hey, old man, get out of here quickly and don't block our way." A soldier came over and said.

"No, no, I won't leave. I want to see the king, I want to see the king," the old man said.

"You old man is really unreasonable. Are you able to see the king whenever you want?" the soldier said.

"No, no, I have something important to tell the king. There was a bad guy among his soldiers who violated my daughter and killed her. I want the king to make the decision for me and avenge my daughter." The old man said.

All the soldiers were surprised. They looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

"What? Are you telling the truth?" Xi Yu walked over and asked.

"Are you Xi Yu?" Old Tang looked at Xi Yu fiercely.

At this time, Zhao Yun became a little angry.

"You old man, how dare you call the king by his name."

Xi Yu waved his hand, signaling Zhao Yun to stop talking.

Xi Yu said that he was.

"Your Majesty, what I said is true. My daughter was violated by your soldiers and killed by her. I want your Majesty to make the decision for me and avenge my daughter." The old man said.

At this time, his tears also poured down.

He said how could he possibly lie to others? Never make fun of your own daughter.

Xi Yu nodded and said, "Okay, I understand. You get up first and I will make the decision for you."

The old man burst into tears of gratitude and said, "Thank you, your Majesty, thank you, Your Majesty."

Zhao Yun said that the old man's words may not be correct, and he may be slandering others.

Xi Yu said: "Zhao Yun, don't jump to conclusions casually. We have to investigate clearly before we can make a judgment."

Zhao Yun said: "Your Majesty, I am not jumping to conclusions casually. I just think this matter is very suspicious. Why is this old man waiting for us here? Why does he say it was our soldiers who did it? Does he have any evidence?"

When Old Man Tang heard what Zhao Yun said, he became angry.

He said: "What do you mean? Are you doubting me? Are you saying I'm lying? I tell you, everything I said is true. I didn't lie. I didn't slander anyone. My daughter was killed The one your soldiers violated was killed by him. I want you to make the decision for me and avenge my daughter."

Xi Yu said: "Old man, don't be angry. Don't worry, I will definitely make the decision for you and avenge your daughter."

Zhao Yun said: "Your Majesty, I didn't mean it. I just want to say that this matter cannot be believed easily and there must be evidence."

Xi Yu said: "Zhao Yun, please stop talking. You have already said something you shouldn't have said, and you should apologize to me."

Zhao Yun said: "Yes, Your Majesty, I was wrong. I apologize to Old Man Tang."

Zhao Yun said to Old Man Tang: "Old man, I'm sorry, I just said the wrong thing, please forgive me."

Old Man Tang said: "Humph, are you apologizing? You are not sincere at all. You are just perfunctory with me."

Xi Yu said: "Old Tang, please stop talking. He has already apologized to you, just forgive him. The most important thing for us now is to find the criminal and avenge your daughter."

Xi Yu added: "You all heard it. The old man said that someone violated his daughter and killed her. Who among you did this? If you know anything, tell me quickly."

All the soldiers were silent. They don't know what to say or what to do.

Xi Yu became even more angry when he saw that all the soldiers were silent. He said: "Didn't you do it?"

Still no soldiers spoke.

Xi Yu said: "You all look into my eyes."

All the soldiers looked into Xi Yu's eyes, their eyes full of awe and fear.

At this time, Xi Yu was like a resolute messenger, instead of talking to them so easily as usual.

Xi Yu discovered something was wrong with Hu Qi's face by observing his words and expressions.

Although he didn't know the soldier's name, he felt that he was a suspect.

This person probably doesn't have any experience, so he can't even disguise his expression. Is it possible that he can find out the clues so quickly?

Xi Yu said: "Okay, now, I will give each of you paper and pen, and you will write down all the clues you know. That is who left the military camp last night."

After that, Xi Yu started to hand out paper and pens, and he came to Uncle Tang.

"Don't worry, if it is really my soldiers who did it, I will never tolerate it."

Old Man Tang nodded, a trace of tears streaming down his cheek.

Next, many people started writing.

But many people said they were deep asleep and did not notice who left.

And when Hu Qiqing left, soldiers actually saw him.

The soldier's name is Liu Jianhua.

It turned out that Liu Jianhua was not asleep at that time. He remembered some things at home.

So he had some constant worries.

When he saw that Hu Qiqing had been away for a long time and then came back, he still felt very confused.

He thought the other party might have diarrhea, but it took too long. He didn't notice anything at the time, but now he realizes that there might be something wrong with it.

Xi Yu asked the soldiers not to write their names when writing, and was afraid that some people would not tell the truth.

So for Liu Jianhua, he must tell what he knows without any psychological burden.

So he wrote a lot on the paper. After a while, Zhao Yun and Zhou Yu were responsible for counting up what everyone wrote.

Xi Yu came to a corner and looked carefully. The reason why he came to the corner was because he was afraid that some soldiers would recognize other people's handwriting and make random guesses.

After a while, he saw what Liu Jianhua had written, and his eyes suddenly lit up. He probably looked like the soldier he saw.

After that, Xi Yu said: "I will give this bad person one last chance. I hope he will tell the answer quickly."

Old man Tang was even more sad and started to cry loudly.

"My daughter, you died so pitifully."

His cry was like the cry of a cuckoo, which made many people at the scene feel special pain.

At this time, Hu Qiqing was thinking about how the old man knew about the fact that he had already killed the girl.

Isn't that woman completely dead? I blame myself for being too nervous at the time and didn't take a closer look.

After all, it was his first time to do such a thing, so he didn't have any experience. He was still thinking about a question. If Xi Yu really knew that he had done it, what should he do?

He told himself that he must not show any panic expression, otherwise Xi Yu would see it, so he tried his best to calm down.

Xi Yu came to Old Man Tang and said, "Old man, what happened has happened. I feel very sad, but people cannot be resurrected. I hope you can express your condolences."

But such words of comfort could not make Old Man Tang feel at peace at all.

He continued to cry.

Xi Yu thought, then let him cry.

Afterwards, Xi Yu looked coldly at every soldier present.

"Is it true that none of you admit it?"

At this time, his voice was already a little distorted, all because of anger.

"Okay, you did a good job. We were fearless when fighting the enemy. We are all heroes. But I never thought that someone would do such a dirty thing and discredit our team."

Next, Xi Yu said that he shouted from one to ten. If no one admitted it, once he investigated it, the consequences would be disastrous.

After saying this, he started shouting, and at the same time, he looked at Hu Qiqing intentionally or unintentionally.

When Hu Qiqing saw Xi Yu and himself, he was extremely surprised. Could it be that Xi Yu had discovered something was wrong with him?

But then he saw Xi Yu looking at someone else. He felt that he might be thinking too much, or that it was just an illusion of his.

Slowly Xiyu had called five, but still no one said a word.

Xi Yu was particularly sad and angry at this time, and Zhao Yun suddenly shouted: "Your Majesty, stop for a moment."

Xi Yu stopped temporarily and looked at Zhao Yun with very puzzled eyes, not knowing what he wanted to do.

"Zhao Yun, what do you mean?"

Many soldiers are thinking, does this matter have something to do with Zhao Yun? Couldn't it be him?

"Your Majesty asks this person to admit it publicly. He will definitely be very embarrassed. Why don't Your Majesty give out paper and pens and ask the evildoer to write his name, and then let Your Majesty talk to him alone and privately."

And many soldiers also felt that Zhao Yun's idea was really good and protected other people's privacy.

But Xi Yu didn't buy it at all.

"What kind of bad idea did you come up with? This hateful person, since he has done this, doesn't he dare to admit it? I chose to let him explain it publicly today."

Zhao Yun said: "In this case, my subordinates are rude. Please continue, Your Majesty." (End of Chapter)

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