Xi Yu looked at Hu Qiqing with cold eyes, and then slowly said: "Come out."

Hu Qiqing was even more panicked, and he felt a huge pressure.

It's over, it's over, does Xi Yu already know that he did it?

He'll be right out.

Xi Yu asked him what his name was, and Hu Qiqing also answered with his own name.

Xi Yu looked at Hu Qiqing with a hint of ridicule in his eyes: "Do you know why I asked you to come out?"

Hu Qiqing's body trembled. He lowered his head and his voice trembled: "I...I don't know."

Xi Yu sneered: "You don't know? Do you think I don't know about the things you did?"

Hu Qiqing's face became even paler. He didn't dare to look up at Xi Yu: "I...I didn't do anything..."

Everyone was surprised at this time. Could it be that Hu Qiqing violated the old man's daughter?

But many people simply don't believe this, especially those who are very familiar with Hu Qiqing. They know that he has always been a very honest person. How could he do such a thing?

Did Xi Yu decide the case randomly, or did he just find a scapegoat to explain to the old man?

Xi Yu interrupted Hu Qiqing: "What didn't you do? Do you think I'm a fool? I know everything you did!"

Hu Qiqing's body began to tremble, and he felt that his psychological defense was about to collapse.

Zhao Yun said: "What exactly did you do? It's best to say it quickly."

Hu Qiqing knelt down quickly at this time. He said that he had done nothing and he really didn't know why Xi Yu treated him like this.

"If you really don't know, then you are doing something wrong. Please point it out directly."

So Xi Yu asked, "Did you violate the old man's daughter last night?"

Hu Qiqing naturally denied it. It was absolutely not the case.

"My lord, I really don't know why you arranged this for me. I swear to God that I never did such a thing."

And then, he actually swore an oath, and those oaths were really touching.

But of course Xi Yu knew that this kind of person didn't take the oath seriously and had no respect for ghosts and gods at all. All he wanted to do was muddle through.

"You'd better admit it quickly, I've given you countless opportunities."

Xi Yu now wants to break the opponent's psychological defense.

Xi Yu looked at Hu Qiqing indifferently and said softly: "Someone has told me that you went out last night. Now, I need you to give me an explanation."

Hu Qiqing's face turned pale instantly, but he still denied it stubbornly.

"I didn't go out. Your Majesty, what evidence do you have to prove that I went out?"

Xi Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, revealing a dangerous light: "You still want to quibble? It seems that you won't tell the truth without giving you some clues."

With that said, Xi Yu waved his hand, and several soldiers immediately stepped forward and pushed Hu Qiqing to the ground.

"What do you want to do? I haven't done anything wrong. You can't give in!" Hu Qiqing struggled hard, but his strength was far inferior to those of those people.

Xi Yu walked up to Hu Qiqing, knelt down, stared into his eyes and said, "I will give you one last chance. Will you tell the truth?"

Hu Qiqing gasped, still refusing to admit: "Your Majesty, I really didn't go out. What do you want me to tell the truth?"

Xi Yu stood up and said coldly: "Okay, since you refuse to admit it, don't blame me for being rude."

He turned to the soldiers and said, "Hit him until he admits it."

The soldiers immediately took action, punching and kicking Hu Qiqing. Hu Qiqing groaned in pain, but he still gritted his teeth and refused to admit it.

Xi Yu looked at Hu Qiqing and sighed to himself: This person is really tough-talking, but it doesn't matter, I have plenty of ways to make him admit it.

"Your Majesty, maybe he was unjustly accused." At this time, one of the soldiers began to plead for mercy.

Immediately afterwards, more and more soldiers began to plead for mercy, but Xi Yu ignored them at all.

"If anyone begs for mercy again, we will fight together."

As a result, the soldiers' fists fell on Hu Qiqing like raindrops, leaving bruises and scars everywhere on his face and body.

However, he still refused to admit that he had been out.

Xi Yu looked at Hu Qiqing, the anger in his heart getting stronger and stronger.

Xi Yu picked up a whip and said coldly: "Are you still unwilling to admit it? Then have a taste of this whip."

As he spoke, Xi Yu swung his whip and struck Hu Qiqing hard on the body. Hu Qiqing screamed in pain, but he still refused to admit it.

Seeing this, Xi Yu started beating him harder. The whip struck Hu Qiqing's body, leaving deep blood marks.

Hu Qiqing's screams were chilling.

However, Hu Qiqing still refused to admit that he had been out. At this moment, Old Man Tang spoke, his voice cold and firm.

"I have evidence." Old Man Tang said.

He slowly took out a button from his cuff and handed it to Xi Yu.

"I got this button from my daughter. She had a dispute with this man, and this button was torn off his clothes."

Xiyu took the button and looked at it carefully. Everyone also gathered around to check the button. Their eyes finally fell on Hu Qiqing's clothes, and sure enough they found that a button was missing from his clothes.

In front of the evidence, Hu Qiqing's face became very ugly. He lowered his head and finally admitted that he had been out.

Old Man Tang looked at Hu Qiqing and raised the corners of his mouth slightly, revealing a sarcastic smile.

"I could have taken the buttons out, but I had to wait until you were spanked. I just wanted to make you suffer and give you a taste of the whip."

Xi Yu looked at Hu Qiqing coldly, with a trace of contempt flashing in his eyes.

"You thought you could deceive us, but you were wrong. The truth will eventually come out and your lies will be exposed."

In this case, Hu Qiqing had no choice but to admit it.

Hu Qiqing kept kowtowing, begging for mercy in a trembling and frightened voice: "Master Xiyu, Old Man Tang, please forgive me, I was confused for a moment!"

Old Man Tang's eyes were like a crazy beast. He rushed forward, punched and kicked Hu Qiqing, and his angry roar echoed in the execution room: "You beast! My daughter was ruined by you and killed by you. Now, do you still have the nerve to beg for mercy?"

Xi Yu watched all this indifferently, his voice cold and decisive: "The punishment will never be less, Hu Qiqing must pay the price for his crimes."

Then, Xi Yu waved his hand, and several soldiers came forward and dragged Hu Qiqing away.

Xi Yu asked them to take him aside and kill him directly.

Hu Qiqing's screams and begging for mercy gradually disappeared, leaving only silence.

Xi Yu looked at Hu Qiqing's body, but the hatred in his heart did not lessen.

Xi Yu sat quietly opposite Old Man Tang, his eyes full of guilt and remorse.

He sighed softly, then took out a lot of money and currency from his army luggage, put it into a small box, and handed it to Old Man Tang.

"Old man, this is a little compensation from me, please accept it." Xi Yu said softly, with a hint of sincerity in his voice.

Old Man Tang raised his head and looked at Xi Yu. His lips moved but he made no sound.

Seeing Old Man Tang's reaction, Xi Yu felt sad in his heart. He knew that the money could not make up for the damage he had caused to Old Man Tang, but he still hoped to alleviate some of Old Man Tang's pain.

"Although this money is not much, I hope it can help you. You can use it to improve your life or do what you want to do. People can't be resurrected after death, so I hope you will show mercy and accept change." Xi Yu continued, trying to make Old Man Tang accepted the money.

A trace of hesitation flashed in Old Man Tang's eyes, and he slowly stretched out his hand and took it.

"Thank you." Old Man Tang finally said, his voice low and hoarse.

Xi Yu nodded slightly. He could feel the pain and helplessness in Old Man Tang's heart, but he didn't know how to comfort him.

Finally, Old Man Tang left slowly, and his back gradually disappeared.

Xi Yu looked at the direction he was leaving, with complex emotions welling up in his heart.

"Brothers," Xi Yu's voice was low and firm, "I am calling everyone together today. We must resolutely prevent this from happening again!" His eyes scanned everyone with an unquestionable majesty.

"If anyone commits adultery again in the future, he must be sentenced to death!" Xi Yu's tone was stern and decisive, "We are a disciplined team, and discipline is our life!"

At this time, a soldier's voice was firm and powerful.

"Your Majesty, we all understand the importance of discipline and we will obey your orders!"

As a result, many soldiers began to express their opinions.

Xi Yu nodded, with a relieved smile on his face.

"Very well, I believe you are all excellent soldiers. However, I also hope you understand that I can call you brothers, but this does not mean that we can ignore our principles. Once someone violates discipline, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

The soldiers all said that they would obey Xi Yu's words and would never violate their principles.

Xi Yu looked at the group of loyal soldiers in front of him and felt moved in his heart. He knew that only through strict discipline and firm principles could they become an invincible force.

He hoped that there would be no more wars in the future, but that did not mean that these soldiers could relax and act recklessly.

What happened today seems to be a small matter to the entire army, but to Old Man Tang, it is a huge event that will cause the sky to fall.

The next day, it was a sunny day.

Liu Xie planned to go to Youzhou College to have a look. He had heard of this college before, but he had yet to experience it personally.

With curiosity and expectations for Youzhou College, Liu Xie set foot on this land full of academic atmosphere, accompanied by several loyal soldiers from the theater.

The campus of the college is full of green trees, blooming flowers and full of vitality.

Liu Xie walked on the quiet path, feeling the refreshing breeze blowing on his face, and felt particularly comfortable.

When they arrived at the office, Lu Su had already greeted them at the door.

With a smile on his face, he knelt down to Liu Xie and then warmly welcomed them into the office.

"Lu Su meets your Majesty."

"You're welcome, get up quickly."

Entering the office, Liu Xie was immediately attracted by the calligraphy and paintings hanging on the wall.

Seeing this, Lu Su took the initiative to introduce: "Your Majesty, these are the works of teachers and students of the academy."

Liu Xie admired these works with great interest and nodded in praise from time to time.

Then, Lu Su introduced the learning situation of the college to Liu Xie in detail.

Liu Xie listened with great interest and asked some questions from time to time, and Lu Su answered them one by one.

While they were chatting happily, a young child came in.

Originally I was looking for Lu Su, but I accidentally overheard something at the door and found out His Majesty's true identity.

He saluted Liu Xie slightly nervously and said with a trembling voice: "Greetings... Your Majesty."

Because what he said was a bit nondescript. Lu Su couldn't help but laugh.

Liu Xie smiled and encouraged: "Don't be nervous, kids. I'm here just to know about your study and life. How do you feel in the college? Is there anything interesting you can share with me?"

The student's nervousness gradually eased, and he excitedly recounted his experience in the academy: "Your Majesty, the teachers in the academy are very kind. They not only impart knowledge to us, but also teach us many principles of life."

Liu Xie listened with rapt attention and couldn't help but exclaimed: "It sounds really good! Such a learning environment will definitely cultivate many outstanding talents."

After Liu Xie left Youzhou College, he returned to the theater not long after.

This time he went to Youzhou College, which made him feel very satisfied.

In the yard, Ouyang Linlin, Xi Zhicai, Guo Jia, Jia Xu and others were sitting around a table, playing cards happily.

In the past few days, Xi Zhicai has also been obsessed with playing cards, and finally learned it.

"Hey, what are you playing? You are so happy." Liu Xie walked over with a smile.

Several people quickly saluted Liu Xie.

"You don't have to be restrained, get up quickly."

"Your Majesty, we are playing Landlords. Do you want to play two games together?" Ouyang Linlin enthusiastically invited.

Liu Xie hesitated for a moment. He looked at the others and found that they were all looking at him with a smile, as if waiting for his decision.

Finally, he nodded and sat opposite Ouyang Linlin.

But Xi Zhicai got up and asked Liu Xie to play instead of him.

"Okay, let's get started." Ouyang Linlin shuffled the cards, dealt them, and then announced the start of the game.

The poker game was very intense, and everyone was staring at their cards with full concentration, thinking about the next strategy.

Although it was Liu Xie's first time playing Landlords, he quickly mastered the rules and had a great time playing with others.

Time passed quickly, and a few hours passed in the blink of an eye.

Soon it was time to eat.

"Okay, let's stop playing today." Liu Xie said.

Others packed up their cards and prepared to leave.

"Your Majesty, are you still used to being here?" Xi Zhicai asked.

"Well, it's not bad." Liu Xie said, "Life here is very easy."

"That's good." Xi Zhicai said, "If you need anything, just tell us."

Liu Xie glanced at him gratefully, and then said: "I will do it."

What Liu Xie said was not false at all, he was indeed very happy here.

Although Liu Xie only stayed here for a few days, he felt that he had gained a lot of weight. The reason was that he didn't have to worry about national affairs here and he felt much more relaxed.

Soon, another night came. Xi Yu's army had not entered Youzhou yet, so they had to set up camp again at night.

Xiyu still lives in the inn.

While eating in the evening, he suddenly saw that Wan'er was a little depressed.

He quickly asked: "Wan'er, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling a little unwell? Or maybe you're a little acclimatized after leaving home?"

Wan'er felt very happy to receive Xi Yu's care.

"Should we find a doctor to take a look?"

Wan'er's face turned slightly pale. She shook her head gently and said, "Your Majesty, it's not that I feel unwell. It's just that I felt a little uncomfortable after seeing the scene of Hu Qiqing's execution today."

Xi Yu frowned, feeling guilty.

He stood up and gently held her hand and said: "Wan'er, I'm sorry, it was my lack of thought. At that time, I only thought about executing Hu Qiqing to set the record straight, but I didn't take your feelings into consideration. I should Taking people to a secret place for execution should not allow you to see a scene like that."

Wan'er smiled slightly and said: "Your Majesty, this is not your fault. Hu Qiqing has done many evil things, and he deserves his death. It's just that I have been timid since I was a child, and I feel a little uncomfortable when I see such a scene. I just need to take a rest, no need. Find a doctor."

Xi Yu was still a little worried and said: "Wan'er, don't force yourself. If you feel uncomfortable, you must tell me. I will find the best doctor to treat you."

Wan'er glanced at him gratefully and said, "Your Majesty, thank you for your concern. I will take good care of myself."

Next, the two people started to eat.

Xi Yu picked up the chopsticks gracefully, and when he was about to pick up the food, he suddenly put down the chopsticks and turned to stare at Wan'er, with a hint of imperceptible tenderness in his eyes.

Wan'er was confused by Xi Yu's sudden behavior, but she tried to stay calm and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, what's wrong? Is the food not to your taste?"

Xi Yu smiled and said, "Wan'er, besides, you are so beautiful that I can't help but want to take a few more glances."

Wan'er blushed immediately when she heard Xi Yu's compliment. She lowered her head and whispered: "Your Majesty, please stop talking. Wan'er will be embarrassed."

Seeing Wan'er's shy look, Xi Yu felt a surge of love and affection in his heart.

Xi Yu smiled and nodded, then continued to enjoy the food.

Wan'er also began to taste the delicacies on the table. The two chatted while eating, and the atmosphere was warm and harmonious.

At this moment, Wan'er became radiant, and Xi Yu was even more sure at this moment that she was indeed not feeling unwell, but was really frightened, so she could just try to enlighten her.

But Wan'er still had something on her mind, because she was about to arrive in Youzhou and she was going to meet several ladies.

She actually prefers to be alone with Xiyu. (End of chapter)

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