On this day, the sun shines on the streets of Luoyang, and people are busy coming and going.

In an inn in the city, a gentleman-like man sat quietly by the window, staring into the distance.

He was wearing a simple and elegant robe, with an elegant temperament, but a hint of melancholy.

He gently took out a jade pendant from his cuff. The jade pendant shone warmly in the sunlight.

In an instant, a picture appeared in his mind - a few days ago, his mother was on the hospital bed, dying.

His mother held his hand and used her last strength to tell him a secret that had been hidden for many years: he was actually Sima Yi's illegitimate son.

This news was like a bombshell, causing an uproar in his heart.

After his mother passed away, he followed his mother's last wish and embarked on a journey to find Sima Yi with the jade pendant.

The layout of the inn room is simple and elegant, with several landscape paintings hanging on the wall and a cup of fragrant tea on the table.

The young master sat quietly at the table, and the jade pendant was gently placed in his hand, as if it was his only connection with the past.

He closed his eyes and recalled what his mother told him about the glorious history of the Sima family.

The Sima family, a family with huge influence in the government and the public, he actually has a blood connection with it.

All this made him feel both excited and hesitant.

The next morning, the young master got up early. After washing, he decided to go out for a walk.

Unknowingly, he came to an antique teahouse.

The melodious music and the faint fragrance of tea came from the teahouse, attracting him to go in.

He found a quiet corner to sit down, ordered a cup of tea, and tasted it quietly.

"Have you heard? Now that Xi Yu has taken charge of Luoyang, this Luoyang is probably going to change!" said a customer.

"Yeah, I hope Luoyang can become particularly prosperous like Pizhou and Youzhou." Another customer agreed.

The conversation between the two of them turned to Sima's family unknowingly.

"The Sima family was once a very prominent family!" One person sighed.

"No, it's a pity that now the family is broken up and everyone is dead." Another person shook his head regretfully.

When the young master heard this, his heart tightened, and he immediately came to the two customers.

"Brothers, I just heard you mention the Sima family. I wonder if this Sima family is Sima Yi's family?" the young master asked eagerly.

Seeing that the young master was so excited, the two looked at each other and asked curiously: "Sir, you care so much about the Sima family. Could it be that you have something to do with the Sima family?"

The young master panicked and quickly lied: "I just came to Luoyang to visit relatives. I heard you talking about it and I was just curious for a moment."

The two of them said oh and continued talking.

"This Sima family used to be very prosperous. Who could have imagined that it would end up like this. Sima Yi, Sima Shi, and Sima Zhao are all dead."

The young master looked pale and his body was trembling slightly. His eyes widened and he looked at the two people in front of him in disbelief.

"How is this possible? Master Sima Yi and his two sons, Sima Shi and Sima Zhao..." The young master's voice was filled with a hint of despair.

The two men looked at each other and sighed softly.

"This is the truth, Young Master. Sima Yi was plotted by Xi Yu and was eventually killed by Cao Pi's order. Sima Shi and Sima Zhao were drowned in the water by Xi Yu." One of them said in a heavy tone.

The young master felt that his world collapsed instantly. He leaned against the wall weakly, his mind in chaos.

"Why? Why is this happening?" Young Master murmured to himself.

At this time, the teahouse fell into silence, only the young master's voice echoed in the air.

"Xi Yu, why is he so cruel?" The young master's eyes were full of pain and anger.

"The struggle for power is always accompanied by bloodshed and conspiracy. Xi Yu will do whatever it takes to gain more power." Another person said helplessly.

The young master took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down.

"I must avenge the Sima family!" Young Master's voice was firm.

He decided to uncover Xi Yu's conspiracy and seek justice for the Sima family.

The young master's name was Sun Jianlong. He immediately went to Sima's house. His heart was heavy and his steps were a little heavy.

With the fall of the Sima family, almost all the servants have left, but there is still an old servant here cleaning.

Although the old servant is old, he is still in good health.

He planted some vegetables in the yard and watered them every day, which seemed to make him feel at ease.

Sun Jianlong felt very heartbroken when he saw the Sima family in such decline.

He thought of the glory of the Sima family in the past, and then looked at the desolation of the present, and couldn't help but lament the impermanence of the world.

The old servant felt very strange when he saw a guest arriving and he was in a depressed mood.

He stepped forward and asked, "Sir, who are you here for?"

Sun Jianlong looked at the old servant and said, "I used to admire Sima Yi very much. Now Luoyang City hears about the situation of the Sima family and feels very sad."

The old servant sighed and said that even if anyone said something bad about Sima Yi, he would always be sincere to the Sima family.

Everyone has left, but he still wants to stay here, it is like his roots.

Sun Jianlong couldn't help but be moved. He looked around and found that some houses had begun to collapse.

"Some houses are also in ruins."

The old servant sighed: "This proves that the master is not here. Without the spiritual energy, even the house will collapse."

Sun Jianlong was shocked, he understood what the old servant meant. He decided to do something for the Sima family to revive the Sima family.

Sun Jianlong was thinking about a question. Sima Yi had already perished. How could he recognize him with this jade pendant? He couldn't help but feel a little frustrated.

The old servant stared at him, feeling very strange, and said: "Master, you are somewhat similar to the eldest son."

Sun Jianlong understood that he was talking about Master Sima.

Sun Jianlong was shocked, and he immediately realized that he could no longer hide it.

He looked at the old servant, a trace of determination flashed in his eyes, and decided to confess his life experience to him.

Sun Jianlong took a deep breath and began to tell his past events.

He told the old servant that he was Sima Yi's illegitimate son. His mother told him the truth before she died and gave him the jade pendant as a token.

When the old servant heard the news, although he didn't know about the jade pendant, he was very excited when he heard that the Sima family had it.

He held Sun Jianlong's hand tightly and said in a trembling voice: "Master, you are a descendant of the Sima family. This is great. Although our Sima family has suffered heavy losses, as long as there are still people around, there is hope. .”

Sun Jianlong nodded, his eyes firm and resolute.

"I will definitely seek justice for the Sima family and make those who have harmed the Sima family pay the price!"

The old servant looked at Sun Jianlong, and his heart was filled with relief and emotion.

"Sir, if you have such determination and courage, the Sima family will surely rise again. Although I am old, I will always support you."

Sun Jianlong looked at the old servant gratefully.

Sun Jianlong said that he wanted to live here. The old servant was very supportive of this and said that he would serve him like he served his previous master.

Sun Jianlong looked at the old servant gratefully and thought that his life here should not be too sad.

Sun Jianlong looked at the old man in front of him, feeling warm in his heart.

He said gratefully: "Old man, thank you for taking me in. However, my identity cannot be made public yet. I hope you can help me keep it a secret. If anyone asks, just say that I am your relative."

The old servant said gently: "Don't worry, young master, I will help you keep the secret. You are a descendant of the Sima family, and I will definitely treat you like the master of the Sima family."

Sun Jianlong said gratefully: "Old man, I am very grateful for your loyalty to the Sima family and your trust in me. I will definitely not disappoint your expectations and will definitely seek justice for the Sima family and let those who have harmed the Sima family People pay the price!”

The old man looked at Sun Jianlong, a trace of relief flashed in his eyes. He said: "Master, I believe you can do it. Although I am old and can no longer do anything for the Sima family, I will always support you."

Sun Jianlong felt relieved when he saw that the old servant understood what he meant.

So, he asked to be brought into the house, ready to talk about Xi Yu's situation.

The old servant hated Xi Yu very much, so naturally there was no good word for Xi Yu from his mouth.

"Xi Yu is a rebellious official and a traitor. He is so ambitious that even the emperor does not look down upon him. In order to gain more power, he will do whatever it takes to endanger the Han Dynasty." The old servant said excitedly.

Listening to the old servant's words, Sun Jianlong's hatred for Xi Yu became stronger and stronger.

He decided to seek justice for the Sima family.

Sun Jianlong said to the old servant: "Old man, I used to do a little business in my hometown, so I can do business to support myself when I come to Luoyang. I want to know if the Sima family has other industries."

The old servant nodded and said: "Master, the Sima family used to have many properties, but since Xiyu occupied Luoyang, they have been confiscated. Now only this courtyard and some fields are left."

Sun Jianlong's heart sank. He originally hoped to restore the family's glory through the Sima family's property, but unexpectedly, Xi Yu took the lead. His heart was filled with hatred for Xi Yu.

Sun Jianlong asked again: "Old man, who is taking care of these fields now?"

The old servant said: "Sir, I am taking care of these fields now. Although I am old, I can still do some things within my ability. I will come here every day to see, water and fertilize, hoping to make these fields better." The fields come back to life.”

Sun Jianlong decided to take revenge on Xi Yu, but he knew that Xi Yu was a powerful prince and he was just a small figure, so how could he possibly shake his status? So he had to think of a way.

Sun Jianlong lay on the bed, thinking over and over again, his heart full of hatred and unwillingness.

Sun Jianlong thought for a long time and finally thought of a way. He decided to come up with a dangerous plan to win.

"I want him to know that little people also have the power of little people!" Sun Jianlong was full of determination and confidence.

He began to plan his plan carefully, taking every detail into consideration. He knew this was a life and death battle, but he was not afraid.

"I must succeed!" Sun Jianlong said to himself silently.

On the other side, the Bei'an County Magistrate put all his thoughts on this serial theft case.

On this day, the master told him: "Sir, after our investigation, we found that the Tao family is also very wealthy, but it has not been attacked so far, so it is very likely that it will be the next target of criminals. We can wait and wait. What do you think?" "

The magistrate thought for a moment and thought it was a good idea.

He said: "Okay, I will do as you say. Immediately send the Yamen and the King's soldiers to the Tao family's tea shop to lurk and wait for the criminals to appear."

The master nodded and turned to make arrangements.

The soldiers sent by Xi Yu also completely obeyed the county magistrate's orders.

The Yamen servant immediately came to Tao's house and told the relevant plan.

The Tao family had been worried these days, but after learning about this plan, they were relieved.

That night, the moon was dark, the wind was high, and it was silent.

In the Tao family's tea shop, the government servants and Xiyu's soldiers were hiding in the dark, waiting quietly.

Suddenly, a slight sound of footsteps came, breaking the tranquility of the night.

The government officials and soldiers immediately became alert. They stared at the door closely, with their weapons ready.

After a while, several dark figures quietly approached the store. They had tools in their hands and were obviously there to steal.

Just as they were about to break in, the government officials and soldiers suddenly rushed out and surrounded them.

"Don't move!" The county magistrate personally led the team and shouted loudly.

The criminals panicked and tried to escape, but it was too late.

The government officials and soldiers quickly subdued them and arrested them.

"Okay, I finally caught you!" the county magistrate said excitedly, because he could finally explain to Xi Yu.

Next, the magistrate began the trial.

The county magistrate subjected them to torture and interrogation. They were beaten to pieces, but they still dared not tell who was the mastermind behind the scenes.

"Say! Who instigated you?" the county magistrate shouted angrily.

The criminals lowered their heads and said nothing.

Upon seeing this, the county magistrate thought to himself: These people are so stubborn, it seems that there must be a greater force behind them supporting them.

He decided to put these people in jail temporarily and investigate slowly.

It turned out that after discussion, the two brothers Chen Ping and Chen An decided that it was not enough to seduce those people with financial benefits. Their families had to be held hostage at critical moments. In this way, those people would be loyal to the brothers.

Chen Anxun thought, the matter has been done, so he must listen to his brother no matter what.

Since you have fallen, let's fall to the end.

Therefore, even if they were beaten to pieces by the county magistrate, those people would rather die than surrender, because once they reveal the mastermind behind the scenes, their families will suffer.

The next day, the county magistrate planned to go to Qin's house and report the news to Xi Yu.

The sun was shining brightly, and the county magistrate sat in a sedan chair and walked through the bustling streets to the front of Qin's house.

The Qin family is a well-known local family. There are red lanterns hanging at the door and two stone lions in front of the door, which makes them look particularly solemn.

The magistrate got off the sedan, straightened his clothes, and then walked towards the door. When the porter at the door saw the magistrate coming, he immediately went up to greet him, knelt on the ground and saluted the magistrate.

"I've met the magistrate!" the concierge said.

"Get up," said the magistrate.

"Sir, please come in. My master is already waiting for you inside." the concierge said.

“How did he know the county was coming?”

"My master heard about it and may have caught the thief, so the county magistrate must come to see the king."

The county magistrate paused, nodded, and then followed the concierge into Qin's house.

As soon as you enter the gate, you will see a spacious yard, which is full of flowers, plants, trees, rockeries and flowing water, which makes it look particularly peaceful.

The magistrate walked through the courtyard and came to the main hall. The main hall is particularly gorgeously decorated, with paintings and calligraphy hanging on the walls.

Xi Yu was sitting on the main seat in the main hall and saw the county magistrate coming.

The county magistrate immediately saluted Xiyu.

"The little one pays homage to the king."

"No more nonsense, let's talk, is there any result?"

The county magistrate then told what happened last night.

Xiyu frowned after hearing this. He knew that this matter must not be simple. He told the county magistrate: "There must be a black hand behind this, and we must find out."

The county magistrate nodded and said: "I have sent people to investigate. I believe there will be results soon."

Xiyu thought for a moment.

Xi Yu nodded and said, "Yes, I think so too. It seems that we have to go to the prison in person to meet these criminals in order to find the real murderer."

The county magistrate asked: "Your Majesty, what should we do?"

Xi Yu said: "You don't have to worry about this matter. I will naturally have a solution."

A cold light flashed in Xi Yu's eyes, and he decided to use his secret guards to find out the truth of this matter.

Early the next morning, Xi Yu changed into plain clothes and quietly came to the prison with a few cronies.

The prison was eerie and filled with an unpleasant smell.

Xi Yu saw several criminals who were locked in different cells with different expressions.

Xi Yu called his secret guards and said, "Bring out all these criminals. I want to interrogate them individually."

The secret guards nodded, and their figures flashed and disappeared into the darkness.

After a while, the secret guards appeared in front of Xi Yu with the criminals.

When the criminals saw Xi Yu, they all lowered their heads in horror.

Xi Yu said: "You all know who I am, right? I'm here today just to hear your truth. Don't worry, as long as you tell the truth, I can guarantee your safety."

The criminals looked at each other and said nothing.

Xi Yu said: "You don't have to be afraid. I have investigated your background. You are all ordinary people. The reason why you were involved in this theft case must have been threatened by someone. As long as you tell The truth, I can guarantee that your family will not be harmed in any way.”

The criminals still didn't speak, seeming to be hesitating.

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