Xi Yu said: "What do you have to hesitate about now? As long as you tell the truth, you can reunite with your family and live a peaceful life. If you don't tell, you can only spend the rest of your life in this prison. "

The criminals suddenly saw the secret guard coming and going without a trace. It seemed that Xi Yu really had some skills.

"I wonder who you are?" Someone finally asked.

Xi Yu then revealed his true identity.

The criminals were finally persuaded by Xi Yu, and they all expressed their willingness to tell the truth. Xi Yu asked them to tell him everything they knew, and then asked them to point out the person behind the scenes.

Late at night, everything was silent, and the two brothers Chen Ping and Chen An were fast asleep in their home. They never expected that their crimes would have been discovered and that they would be surrounded and suppressed by secret guards and government officials.

A group of men in black and government officials quietly sneaked into the residence of the two brothers Chen Ping and Chen An.

They moved forward silently and without making a sound. The two brothers Chen Ping and Chen An in the room were still sleeping, completely unaware of the approaching danger.

The secret guards opened the door gently and walked quietly to the bed. They couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the two brothers Chen Ping and Chen An sleeping soundly.

The secret guards carefully lifted their bodies and led them out of the room.

The government officials waiting outside the door breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the two brothers Chen Ping and Chen An being brought out by the secret guards. They immediately stepped forward, tied up the two brothers Chen Ping and Chen An, and then escorted them into the carriage.

The carriage ran wildly and soon returned to the county government office. Xi Yu had already been waiting for their return at the county government office.

When he saw the two brothers Chen Ping and Chen An being escorted out of the car, he couldn't help but feel a surge of joy in his heart.

The two brothers Chen Ping and Chen An woke up from their sleep. They saw that they were surrounded by a group of strangers, and they were very panicked. They had no idea who these people were or why they were arrested.

"Who are you? Why did you arrest us?" Chen Ping asked.

"Are you brothers Chen Ping and Chen An? You are suspected of a murder case, and now we are taking you back for interrogation." Xi Yu said.

The two brothers Chen Ping and Chen An were shocked when they heard this. They didn't expect their crimes to be discovered so quickly.

Late at night, when everything was silent, the two brothers Chen Ping and Chen An were imprisoned. Their faces were filled with fear and despair. They have no idea how their crimes were discovered or what punishment they will face.

Xi Yu looked at the two people in front of him, his heart filled with a sense of justice. He decided to let these two criminals get the punishment they deserve and seek justice for the victims.

"Detain them separately and don't let them have any chance to communicate." Xi Yu said to the county magistrate.

The county magistrate nodded, and he quickly understood what Xi Yu meant.

He knew that the two brothers would not confess easily, so he had to take some measures to get them to confess as soon as possible.

The next day, the county magistrate came to the prison.

He first came to Chen Ping's cell and saw Chen Ping sitting in the corner, his head lowered, looking dejected.

"Chen Ping, your brother Chen An has confessed, and he has put all the crimes on you. Do you have anything else to say now?" the county magistrate said.

Chen Ping was shocked when he heard this. He didn't expect Chen An to plead guilty so quickly and put all the responsibility on him. His heart was filled with anger and unwillingness.

"You and Chen An are brothers. There must be some ulterior secret between you. If you don't plead guilty, don't even think about getting out of here." The county magistrate said.

After hearing this, Chen Ping became even more desperate. He knew that he was now speechless and that no matter what he said, it would be useless.

"Sir, I plead guilty. I was responsible for all this and it has nothing to do with my brother," Chen Ping said.

The county magistrate was delighted after hearing this. He didn't expect Chen Ping to plead guilty so quickly, which would save him a lot of trouble.

"Okay, now that you have pleaded guilty, it will be easy to handle. Now write down all the crimes and then put them on bond." The county magistrate said.

Chen Ping nodded, then picked up the pen and wrote down his crimes. After he finished writing, he signed it.

The magistrate picked up the charges, looked at them, and nodded with satisfaction. He said: "Okay, but don't think that you'll be fine just by pleading guilty. You still have to wait for trial."

Then, the county magistrate came to Chen An's cell. He saw Chen An sitting on the bed, relaxing and relaxing.

"Chen An, your elder brother Chen Ping has pleaded guilty. Do you have anything else to say now?" the county magistrate said.

Chen An was shocked when he heard this. He didn't expect Chen Ping to plead guilty so quickly.

After that, the county magistrate showed Chen Ping's painting pledge to Chen An.

"Sir, when my eldest brother first did this, I was not happy, but..." Chen An said.

"There is nothing wrong with it. If you don't plead guilty, don't even think about getting out of here." The county magistrate said.

Chen An listened and finally had to plead guilty.

He also picked up a pen and wrote down his crimes. After he finished writing, he signed it.

On the next day, the county magistrate brought two brothers, Chen Ping and Chen An, to the lobby.

"Do you know the crime?" the county magistrate asked sternly.

And they also talked about the two brothers' confession to each other.

The two brothers were shocked. Only then did they realize that they had been fooled. It turned out that the county magistrate had defrauded them yesterday.

The two brothers looked at each other, knowing that there was no use regretting now, they had confessed their guilt after all.

"Sir, we plead guilty. Some of the belongings of the wealthy businessmen we robbed are still there somewhere. We finally gave the address. But some of them have been squandered by us, so it is impossible to recover all the losses. ." Chen Ping said.

The county magistrate nodded and said, "Since you plead guilty, you will be sentenced according to the law and you will go to jail."

After hearing this, the two brothers turned pale, but they also knew that they deserved it.

Subsequently, the two brothers were taken to prison.

Awaiting legal judgment.

The case was finally solved, and many wealthy businessmen received part of their property returned. Although they couldn't recover them all, they felt relieved a lot.

The key is that things like this don't happen again in the future.

The rich businessman Qin was very happy. He specially called some wealthy businessmen to his home and held a banquet to entertain them. The main point was to thank Xi Yu for taking charge of the overall situation for them.

At this moment, the county magistrate also learned about this. He was very angry and thought, why did he invite Xi Yu to the banquet instead of himself? I also have some merit in this matter.

Seeing this, the master quickly comforted the county magistrate: "Sir, please don't be angry. It's not worth it to hurt your body."

The county magistrate felt a little better after listening to the master's words, but he still said reluctantly: "But no matter how powerful Xi Yu is, he is just an outsider. What qualifications does he have to be entertained by wealthy businessmen?"

The master smiled and said: "Sir, although Xi Yu is an outsider, he did play a big role in this case. He was witty and intelligent, and helped you find the key clues, and finally successfully solved the case. The wealthy businessmen also thanked him. Of course.”

The county magistrate thought for a while and felt that what the master said was reasonable, so he stopped caring about the matter.

At this time, the mansion of Qin's wealthy businessman was decorated with lights and colorful decorations, and it was a lively scene. The wealthy businessmen sat around the round table, laughing and laughing. Xi Yu sat in the main seat, listening to everyone's words with a smile.

"Your Majesty, it's all thanks to you this time! If it weren't for you, our property might not have been recovered." Qin Fushang said gratefully.

Xi Yu waved his hand and said: "This is what I should do. As a person with a sense of justice, when I see someone being treated unfairly, I naturally have to stand up."

After hearing this, everyone nodded in praise.

At this time, a wealthy businessman said: "My king, you are not only witty, but also kind-hearted. You are truly a rare talent!"

Xi Yu smiled and said, "Thank you very much. I just did my duty."

As night fell, there was silence in the prison. Chen Ping sat alone in the corner of the cell, his eyes flickering. He secretly thought to himself that he could no longer sit still and wait for death, and must find a way to gain a chance for himself.

At this time, a jailer came over to conduct a routine inspection of the cell.

Chen Ping suddenly raised his head and said to the jailer: "Brother jailor, I have important clues to tell you. I hope my sentence can be reduced."

When the jailer heard this, he immediately became energetic and asked quickly: "What clue? Tell me quickly!"

Chen Ping, however, kept it secret and said, "I can't say it now. I have to see the county magistrate."

The jailer hesitated, wondering if he was playing some trick.

But if this clue is really important and you fail to report it in time, the consequences will be disastrous.

Thinking of this, the jailer nodded and said, "Okay, I will tell the county magistrate the news."

Early the next morning, the county magistrate learned the news, and he was also a little confused. But in order not to miss any possible clues, he decided to meet Chen Ping in person.

The county magistrate came to the prison and met Chen Ping.

The county magistrate asked: "Chen Ping, I heard that you have important clues to tell the county?"

Chen Ping nodded and said, "Yes, sir. However, this clue involves some sensitive matters, and I must tell you alone."

Thinking of this, the county magistrate nodded and said: "Okay, you all should retreat."

As a result, many jailers retreated.

The county magistrate said: "You can say it now."

Chen Ping took a deep breath and then said: "Sir, this clue is actually very simple. A few years ago, a good buddy of mine and I saw a very beautiful girl in a remote village, so we He violated the girl. As a result, the girl became crazy and the girl's family reported the crime, but they never found out. I hope that telling you this clue can reduce my sentence. "

The county magistrate was shocked when he heard this. He didn't expect Chen Ping to say such a thing, which changed his impression of Chen Ping.

Chen Ping also told the address and name of his companion.

The county magistrate said: "Okay, the clue you provided is very important. If we can find that person, we can prove the crime of your brothers and get justice for the victim."

Chen Ping said: "Sir, I have told everything I know. I hope you can give me a lighter sentence and give me a chance to change my ways."

The county magistrate said: "Of course this is okay."

Chen Ping nodded and said, "Thank you, sir."

The county magistrate said: "Okay, the county will arrange people to find that person."

At this time, Chen Ping said: "Sir, since the villain has provided clues, can you also reduce the sentence of my brother Chen An?"

The county magistrate frowned when he heard this. He said: "Chen Ping, don't push yourself too far. The clues you provide can only reduce your own sentence, not your brother's."

Chen Ping said: "Sir, this is unfair to me. My brother and I committed the crime together, why can't our sentences be reduced together?"

The county magistrate said: "Because you took the initiative to provide clues, but your brother did not. If your brother can also provide an important clue, I can also consider reducing his sentence."

Chen Ping said: "Sir, this is too unfair. My brother and I committed the crime together, and our sentences should be commuted together."

The county magistrate said: "This is the law of the court and cannot be decided by this county. Don't make this request again, otherwise I will cancel your qualification for commutation."

Chen Ping heard this and knew that the county magistrate would not give in. He sighed helplessly and said: "Okay, sir, I won't mention it for the little one."

Soon, the county magistrate left here.

Following the clues provided by Chen Ping, we immediately began to investigate Chen Ping's companions.

Chen Ping's companion is called Cao Wen.

The county magistrate ordered Cao Wen to be captured.

One day, the jailers came to Cao Wen's hometown. At that time, Cao Wen was herding sheep at the door.

Cao Wen wore shabby clothes, brandished a whip, and guarded the sheep.

"Are you Tao Wen?" someone asked.

He suddenly saw a group of jailers walking towards him, and was very surprised. He quickly stepped forward and asked, "Masters, what do you want from me?"

One of the jailers replied: "The county magistrate has ordered us to come and arrest you. Come with us immediately."

After hearing this, Cao Wen had a look of astonishment on his face. He couldn't believe what he heard. He stuttered and asked: "Why...why is this? I have never broken the law, why are you arresting me?"

The jailer waved his hand impatiently and said, "We don't know the specific situation. You will find out when you come back with us."

Cao Wen's father heard the noise outside and ran out of the house. When he saw that the jailers were about to take away his son, he felt very anxious and asked quickly: "My lord, what's going on? My son has never done anything illegal!"

The jailers ignored Cao's father, and one of them said sternly: "We are just following the county magistrate's order. Don't hinder anyone who has nothing to do with it, otherwise don't blame us for being rude!"

Cao's father helplessly watched his son being taken away, his heart full of worry and helplessness.

Above the court hall, the county magistrate sat in the high hall, surrounded by government servants on both sides, and the atmosphere was solemn and solemn.

Cao Wen knelt down in the hall and looked at the county magistrate with an innocent face. The county magistrate looked at Cao Wen and asked, "Cao Wen, have you ever done anything immoral?"

Cao Wen quickly shook his head and replied in a firm voice: "Sir, ordinary people have never done anything immoral. Please be careful."

The county magistrate frowned slightly. After thinking for a moment, he gave Cao Wen a hint: "Do you still remember what happened a few years ago?"

After hearing this, Cao Wen was stunned and began to recall what happened a few years ago. Gradually, his face turned pale, and he seemed to understand what the county magistrate was referring to.

The county magistrate saw the change in Cao Wen's expression and sneered: "Did you assault a girl? No one knew about it originally, but Chen Ping committed a crime and in order to reduce his guilt, he confessed the matter. Now the evidence is conclusive, What else can you say?"

Cao Wen's eyes widened and he looked at the county magistrate in disbelief. He never expected that Chen Ping would betray him.

Anger welled up in his heart, and Cao Wen cursed Chen Ping loudly in the court: "Chen Ping, you despicable villain! You betrayed me for yourself!"

The county magistrate patted the gavel tree to signal Cao Wen to be quiet. He said to Chen Ping: "Chen Ping, do you plead guilty?"

Chen Ping lowered his head, not daring to look into the eyes of the county magistrate. He said softly: "My lord, I plead guilty."

The county magistrate asked the master to hand the charges to Chen Ping and ordered: "Let's take custody."

Chen Ping took the charge, picked up the pen with trembling hands, and signed his name on the charge.

Xi Yu still lives in the Qin Mansion, but feels a little uneasy. He knew he had been here too long and it was time to leave. So, he went to Qin Fushang and said to him: "Master Qin, thank you for your hospitality these days. I will leave tomorrow. Please don't blame me."

Qin Fushang nodded and said: "I hope you will continue to stay here, but since you miss your family, I won't stay here. However, before you leave, I have one thing I want to discuss with you. "

Xi Yu looked at Qin Fushang and said, "Master Qin, please speak."

The rich merchant of Qin hesitated for a moment, and then said: "My king, why do you want to keep Cao Pi? He is always a thorn in the side. It is better to get rid of him as soon as possible to avoid endless troubles."

Xi Yu was shocked after hearing what Qin Fushang said.

He didn't expect Qin Fushang to raise this issue so directly. He was silent for a while, and then said: "Mr. Qin, this matter is a long story. In fact, I have my own plans for keeping Cao Pi."

Qin Fushang said: "Oh? I would like to hear the details."

Xi Yu said: "Cao Pi is not a useless person. I believe that as long as I give him a chance, he will be able to be used by me."

"The king has the king's concerns. It's because the little one talks too much. The little one is a businessman. Logically speaking, there is no need to worry about these things."

Qin Fushang didn't know what was going on, but he suddenly wanted to care about this issue because Cao Pi now lived in his home.

Although he didn't have freedom, he at least had to find someone to take care of him, so he felt that he didn't understand and really didn't know why Xi Yu kept such a person.

"You shouldn't say that. The fact that you can raise this question proves that you regard me as one of your own."

"Okay, Your Majesty, it's getting late. Please go to bed early." (End of Chapter)

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