Early the next morning, the sun shone on the ground through the clouds, and Xi Yu and others were ready to set off.

Before leaving, we had breakfast.

Qin Fushang said: "Your Majesty, I learned that Chen Ping provided a key piece of evidence, which alleviated his crime a lot."

So he gave a general summary of what he knew about the situation.

Xi Yu's brows wrinkled slightly, he felt complicated about Chen Ping's behavior.

Unexpectedly, there was such a turn. It stands to reason that exposing past sins is a good thing, but I also feel that Chen Ping is a very selfish person.

After that, Xi Yu and others left together.

They continued on their way home.

Zhao Yun suggested: "Your Majesty, let's not meddle in other people's business on the road. Let's go home quickly."

Xiyu nodded, he understood everyone's mood.

The ups and downs along the way made them exhausted and eager to return to their warm home as soon as possible.

But talking about going home, Xi Yu said that every soldier will be rewarded this time because they are brave and good at fighting. So this time I will give everyone a long holiday so that they can go back and reunite with their families.

The soldiers were extremely excited when they heard the news. Their joy was written on their faces. They shouted in unison: "Thank you, King."

Their voices were still in unison.

"You don't need to thank me. This is the welfare you deserve. And I won't let you go home empty-handed. When the time comes, I will let you bring some gifts home to honor your parents."

This time, the soldiers became even more happy.

Of course, some soldiers died during the attack on Luoyang, but most of the soldiers were able to return safely.

They walked along the ancient road, and the trees on both sides were tall and dense, as if guarding their return. Sunlight shines through the gaps in the leaves, forming patches of light.

After calculating the itinerary, they could reach Youzhou in two days at most.

At night, the inn was quiet. Xiyu was lying on the bed, his thoughts were racing and he couldn't sleep. Suddenly, a rapid knock on the door broke the silence.

Xi Yu's heart tightened, he stood up and opened the door, only to see a nervous-looking soldier standing outside.

"Your Majesty, Miss Wan'er's grandfather's condition has deteriorated and he is about to die!" the soldier said anxiously.

Xi Yu was shocked. Although he already knew that the old man was ill, he still felt very uncomfortable when he heard the news.

He quickly followed the soldier to the old man's room.

Wan'er was standing in front of the old man's bed, with tears streaming down her face. Xi Yu took a closer look and saw that the old man's face was haggard and sallow, and he looked very ill.

"Wan'er, how is grandpa?" Xi Yu asked softly.

Wan'er raised her teary eyes and shook her head, tears flowing down even more violently.

With a heavy heart, Xi Yu walked up to the old man and held his hand.

"Grandpa, you have to hold on, we will find a way to treat you." Xi Yu's voice was firm.

Then, he asked the soldier if he had called for the doctor who was accompanying the army. The soldier nodded and went to call him.

Because he would have to clarify with Wan'er sooner or later, Xi Yu simply called him grandpa.

The old man opened his eyes slightly, looked at Xi Yu, and smiled.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, I know my situation. Don't worry about me, I have lived long enough." The old man's voice was weak but calm.

Xi Yu felt the old man's open-mindedness and strength, and couldn't help but feel a surge of admiration in his heart.

"Grandpa, you are our elder, and we will do our best to take care of you. Please trust us." Xi Yu said with firm eyes.

Wan'er stood aside silently, her eyes full of sadness and helplessness.

There was a heavy atmosphere in the room, Xi Yu looked at Wan'er's grief-stricken look, and felt filled with unbearability. He approached Wan'er and patted her shoulder gently.

"Wan'er, don't be sad. Grandpa." Xi Yu comforted her.

Wan'er raised her tearful eyes and nodded. She knew that Xi Yu was trying his best to comfort herself, but the pain in her heart was beyond words.

At this moment, a military doctor came in. He looked solemn and held a medicine box in his hand. Everyone's eyes were on him, expecting him to bring good news.

However, after some inspection, the doctor shook his head, his expression full of helplessness.

"Your Majesty, the old man's condition is very serious and there is nothing we can do for him." The doctor said softly.

Wan'er's cries became more miserable, and she knelt down in front of the doctor, tears streaming down her face.

"Please, doctor, you must save my grandfather! He is my only relative in the world!" Wan'er cried.

Xi Yu felt a pain in his heart, and he quickly helped Wan'er up.

"Wan'er, don't be impulsive. The doctor has already tried his best, we can't force you." Xi Yu comforted softly.

The doctor lowered his head and said with a guilty look on his face: "Your Majesty, I'm really sorry. The old man's body has reached its limit, and I really can't save him."

Xi Yu's heart was filled with helplessness, and he understood that Lang Zhong had tried his best. He sighed and said to the doctor: "Thank you for your hard work, go down first."

The doctor nodded and silently exited the room.

There was an atmosphere of sadness in the room. The old man was lying on the bed, breathing rapidly, and every time he coughed it was painful.

Wan'er held the old man's hand tightly, tears blurring her eyes.

"Grandpa, please don't leave me, I have no relatives anymore!" Wan'er cried.

The old man opened his eyes weakly, his eyes full of love and reluctance for Wan'er.

"Wan'er, don't cry. Grandpa has lived long enough, but he just doesn't want to let you go." The old man's voice was weak but calm.

Wan'er burst into tears and shook her head desperately.

"No, grandpa, don't leave me! I will take good care of myself, and you must stay with me!" Wan'er's voice was filled with despair.

The old man sighed softly, with a smile on his face.

"Wan'er, you are a good child. Grandpa has always known that you are strong. Grandpa is relieved to see that you have found your own happiness." The old man looked at Wan'er tenderly.

Wan'er felt her grandfather's hand trembling slightly, and she held his hand more tightly.

"Grandpa, please stop talking and take a rest." Wan'er said softly.

The old man smiled, his eyes full of love and relief.

"Wan'er, you have to remember that grandpa has always loved you. Grandpa believes that your future will be full of happiness." After the old man said this, he slowly closed his eyes.

Wan'er's cries echoed in the room. She couldn't accept that her grandfather left her like this.

Xi Yu stood aside with a heavy heart. He looked at Wan'er's grief-stricken appearance, and his heart was filled with pain and helplessness.

Wan'er's cry was particularly sharp, as if she was the Mingjiao of Du Juan.

Although she also knew that this was an inn and she shouldn't make a fuss or yell, but now she couldn't bear it anymore, and Xi Yu knew that no one was living in the surrounding rooms, so it didn't matter.

The room was filled with an atmosphere of grief. Xi Yu hugged Wan'er tightly and felt her body trembling.

"Wan'er, I'm sorry, it's all my fault. If I didn't care about Bei'an, we would have gone back a long time ago, and we could have let Song Shuwen see grandpa." Xi Yu said blaming himself.

Wan'er's cries echoed in his ears. She could not accept her grandfather's departure, and her heart was filled with pain and helplessness.

"No, Your Majesty, this is not your fault. Some things are fate." Wan'er said.

Xi Yu sighed. He felt that he was full of guilt for Wan'er.

"Wan'er, I know nothing you say now can make up for it, but I promise you that I will always be by your side, take care of you, and protect you." Xi Yu said.

Wan'er raised her head and looked into Xi Yu's eyes. She could feel his sincerity and concern.

Xi Yu gently wiped away the tears from the corners of Wan'er's eyes and held her tightly in his arms.

"Wan'er, let us pray for grandpa together. May he rest in peace in heaven. We must also live a good life so that grandpa can feel at ease." Xi Yu said.

In the inn room, Xi Yu and Wan'er sat quietly next to the old man's body, keeping vigil for him.

Xi Yu's face was heavy, and his eyes revealed respect and grief for the deceased.

"Wan'er, we have to keep vigil for grandpa and let him rest in peace." Xi Yu said softly.

Wan'er nodded, her eyes full of sadness and determination.

Xi Yu stood up, called a few soldiers, and began to decorate the mourning hall. The soldiers got busy, bringing in tables and chairs, hanging white cloths, and lighting incense.

However, their actions attracted the attention of the shopkeeper. The shopkeeper walked into the room and saw the soldiers who were decorating the mourning hall.

"What are you doing? Why did someone die here? This is so unlucky!" The shopkeeper's voice was filled with dissatisfaction and horror.

Xi Yu looked back at the shopkeeper. His face was gloomy and his eyes revealed his dissatisfaction with the shopkeeper.

"Shopkeeper, don't you have any humanity at all? This old man passed away, we should keep vigil for him as a sign of respect." Xi Yu reprimanded.

There was a hint of shame on the shopkeeper's face, but he still stood his ground.

"This is an inn, not a mourning hall. You can't hold funerals here. It will affect my business. It will also bring bad luck to me. Please leave immediately!" said the shopkeeper.

Anger welled up in Xi Yu's heart. He couldn't accept the shopkeeper's indifference and selfishness.

Just when the shopkeeper and Xi Yu were arguing, the soldiers on the side couldn't stand it anymore.

He stared at the shopkeeper sternly.

"Shopkeeper, do you know who he is? How dare you be so rude!" The soldier's voice was filled with authority.

The shopkeeper was startled by the soldier's words. He looked at Xi Yu suspiciously, trying to guess his identity.

Xi Yu frowned slightly. He didn't want to reveal his identity, but the current situation forced him to reveal his identity.

The shopkeeper's face turned pale instantly. He never expected that the young man in front of him turned out to be Xi Yu. He looked at Xi Yu in horror, his heart filled with regret and fear.

"Your Majesty, this little man is ignorant and has offended your Majesty. Please forgive me, Your Majesty!" The shopkeeper apologized quickly.

Xi Yu felt a little relieved when he saw the shopkeeper's change of attitude. He knew that the shopkeeper was also thinking about business and had no malicious intentions.

"Shopkeeper, don't panic. I understand your concerns, but the old man's body needs to be placed here until we handle it properly. I will give you some more money as compensation for you," Xi Yu said.

When the shopkeeper heard this, he nodded quickly.

"Your Majesty, you are so kind and generous. I will definitely obey your orders and serve your Majesty," the shopkeeper said.

Xi Yu nodded, turned back to the room, and continued to keep vigil for the old man.

Wan'er glanced at Xi Yu gratefully. She knew that he had paid a lot for her grandfather's affairs.

The next day, the sky was gloomy, as if mourning the death of the old man. Xi Yu decided to buy a coffin for the old man and bury it in Youzhou. He asked Wan'er if she agreed.

Wan'er nodded silently, tears welling up in her eyes.

Xi Yu looked at Wan'er, his heart filled with pity and sympathy. He knew that Wan'er was very sad about her grandfather's passing, but she still faced everything with strength.

Xi Yu continued: "I also plan to have all the entourage wear mourning clothes to express our respect for the elderly."

Wan'er raised her head, looked at Xi Yu, and shook her head: "I don't agree. My grandfather doesn't deserve to be mourned by everyone. Moreover, if you do this, the soldiers will also have objections."

Xi Yu was stunned for a moment. He did not expect Wan'er to reject the proposal. However, he can also understand Wan'er's thoughts.

Wan'er continued: "My grandfather is just an ordinary citizen. He is not a hero who has made great contributions to you. I don't want everyone to wear mourning clothes for him, because he is not worthy of everyone doing this."

Xi Yu sighed, knowing that what Wan'er said was true. He nodded: "Okay, since you don't agree, then we won't wear mourning clothes."

Wan'er glanced at Xi Yu gratefully: "Thank you for understanding me."

Xi Yu smiled: "You're welcome, I think you are too knowledgeable and reasonable."

And Zhao Yun finally waited for someone, and then he realized that Wan'er's grandfather had died last night.

They also urged Xiyu and Wan'er to show their condolences.

In Youzhou, Liu Xie was still playing cards with several ladies. In the past few days, with their communication, they had become more and more familiar with each other.

Liu Xie suddenly said: "Why haven't you come back yet? What's going on?"

Of course the lady knew who he was talking about.

"How about you send someone out to look for it?" Liu Xie's face was full of worry.

The ladies felt very relieved, knowing that Liu Xie's feelings for Xi Yu were sincere.

Ouyang Linlin said: "What your Majesty said is absolutely true." He immediately sent people to explore it now.

In Youzhou College, Dongfanghong and Wenxuan were sitting in the office.

This is the first time in several days that two people have been alone in the office.

Because Wenxuan directly stated his intention last time, Dongfanghong always felt very embarrassed.

I haven't dared to face Wenxuan for a while, and even now it seems a little unnatural.

Soon, Wenxuan opened the topic and talked about Xi Yu.

"I guess this day should be back soon. Why haven't I seen him yet?"

"Yes, I am also considering this issue. I plan to treat him to a meal when he comes back."

"It's just that in this era, there were no mobile phones or anything like that, so I couldn't contact him at all. It really made me anxious to death."

This topic is a common topic between the two people, and Dongfanghong thinks so too, because they are used to having mobile phones.

When I first traveled to this era, I couldn't adapt because of this problem. I finally got used to it now, and now I remember the benefits of mobile phones.

"Xi Yu has become the king, and he will probably become the emperor next. I wonder if he will give me an official position?" Dongfang Hong said with a smile.

And immediately, Wenxuan rolled his eyes at him.

"You have an official position, but what kind of official job can you do?"

"It doesn't matter what he does. As long as he can trust me, it's not like I can't do it."

"Okay, stop bragging."

Liu Xie was not in the mood to play cards now because he was thinking about Xi Yu, and he was a little tired, so he went back to the guest room to rest.

After I left the palace, I didn't know what was going on in Chang'an now.

He also understood that if he left privately like this, many people would probably ridicule him.

But now he doesn't care so much.

On the other side, Xi Yu and others continued on their way. Although Xi Yu did not ask everyone to wear sackcloth and show mourning, after all, someone died, so everyone's expressions were particularly serious.

Moreover, Xi Yu stipulated that the soldiers carrying the coffin should take turns to carry the coffin. After all, the coffin was a bit heavy.

And in order to take care of the coffin bearers, everyone’s speed must be consistent with their speed.

And the speed cannot be too slow, because it may rot once it is changed back to Youzhou, but fortunately, there are not many days left.

Along the way, Wan'er also looked listless, and Xi Yu didn't know how to comfort her.

After all, it will take some time to grieve. This cannot be replaced by anyone. No matter at any time, birth, old age, illness and death are always a topic that cannot be explained.

Several people sent by Ouyang Linlin arrived at the border of Youzhou, which was the entry point.

However, everyone paid special attention to Xi Yu. They did not regard this task as a perfunctory task, but sincerely searched for him.

They stopped briefly at the border crossing and then left Youzhou to see if they could see Xi Yu on the road.

And even the people of Youzhou are waiting for Xi Yu to come back as soon as possible.

In some taverns, such a topic was discussed.

"I heard that the king has captured Luoyang without any effort."

"As expected, the king's power is great."

"But will the king come back? Will he stay in Luoyang and ignore us?"

"Probably not."

"It's hard to say."

Therefore, many people have a sense of crisis. They are afraid that Xi Yu will never come back to Youzhou.

In the past few days, there have been similar discussions everywhere in wine shops, teahouses, and even on the road.

There are also many people walking on the street, watching at any time. Have Xi Yu's troops come back?

During the march, Xi Yu kept sneezing.

He understood that there were many people who were thinking about him and wanted him to go back quickly.

Especially Liu Xie, he is probably already agitated. If he doesn't go back, he will feel that he has no support in his heart.

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