Several soldiers sent by Ouyang Linlin finally left Youzhou.

However, at noon that day, they suddenly saw some people in Hei Yaya in front of them.

Several people were overjoyed. They felt that this must be Xi Yu's person back.

And their guess was completely correct. It was indeed Xi Yu and others coming this way.

However, several soldiers felt puzzled as to why Xi Yu and others were carrying a coffin, and Xi Yu had already seen them.

Among the soldiers who came from home, one named Fengchang shouted loudly: "Your Majesty, are you back?"

Xi Yu had already seen him from a distance and shouted loudly: "Yes, I won the battle."

At this moment, several soldiers from home quickly rode over on horseback. Then they dismounted and saluted Xi Yu one after another.

And Fengchang said that it was because Ouyang Linlin was thinking about the king that she asked them to come quickly.

Of course Xi Yu knew that the ladies couldn't wait for him, so he asked about some conditions at home and learned that Liu Xie was already living here.

Fengchang quickly looked at the coffin and asked, "Your Majesty, what is going on?"

Then, immediately after seeing Xi Yu, there was a pale woman.

"Okay, you came just in time. I don't need to send someone to deliver the message at home. You go back and tell the ladies, and also tell His Majesty that I want to bury the old man first."

Xi Yu didn't say who the old man was, but several soldiers in Xi Yu's family already knew that the old man's identity was very important.

"Okay, Your Majesty, we will definitely listen to you."

After that, they took the lead to leave. When they arrived at the border crossing, the faces of the soldiers were very rosy.

"I have good news for you. The king is back, but he still has to deal with some mundane things. He may not go home for a while."

Several soldiers at the border crossing were naturally very happy to know the news.

Next, Xi Yu can better hold the funeral ceremony for the old man.

Then, he told Wan'er that there was a better place, and he had fallen in love with it.

That place has beautiful mountains and clear waters, so why not put grandpa there.

Next, Xi Yu took Wan'er and some soldiers to this place, which was indeed beautiful.

Wan'er thought to herself that she was lucky to have her grandfather buried here.

In fact, grandpa never thought he would leave here in his life. The best ending for him would be to return to his roots, because there are many cemeteries in their family's ancestral graves.

But now Xi Yu wants to arrange him here, and he must obey him.

Because it is probably unrealistic to transport grandpa's coffin back to his hometown.

Next, Xi Yu prepared to hold a grand funeral, and then asked people to buy white cloth and the like.

Wan'er suggested that she should be the only one to show her filial piety. As for those who have nothing to do with her, she should never do so, including Xi Yu, because she and Xi Yu have not established a better relationship yet.

Several other soldiers went home immediately and told Ouyang Linlin the news.

Ouyang Linlin felt particularly strange when she learned that Xi Yu had arrived with a coffin this time.

But after hearing that there was another girl, Ouyang Linlin immediately understood what was going on.

I thought the coffin belonged to some fallen hero, but it seemed to be an ordinary old man.

She sent a few soldiers out. Xiaohong saw that her face was a little ugly, so she asked: "Miss, has the king found another woman outside?"

Ouyang Linlin sighed.

"That's probably what it looks like."

Xiao Hong also muttered.

"Why is the king so carefree? What's the difference between him and those stinky men?"

Ouyang Linlin was not happy anymore.

"Okay, Xiaohong, how can you say that to the king? Isn't it normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines?"

Xiaohong felt aggrieved after hearing this.

I was just thinking about the young lady, why did she say that to me?

Ouyang Linlin is indeed jealous, but she believes that she can speak ill of her husband, but others cannot, not even the personal maid, Xiao Hong. When she saw Xiaohong's wronged look, she immediately grabbed his hand.

"Okay, okay, it's just a joke. Why are you so angry? The weather is nice today. Let's go outside for a walk."

The two of them were walking in the yard. After a while, Ouyang Linlin came to the Buddhist hall again.

Xiaohong said: "Miss, do you still want to go inside to worship Buddha?"

"No need, I just came out of it this morning, so I won't pay attention to Buddha for now."

Xiaohong said: "Miss, in that case, why don't we go shopping on the street?" Ouyang Linlin also had this intention, so the two of them came to the street and happened to see Wenxuan walking.

They came forward and said hello.

"Teacher Wenxuan, why are you here?"

Wenxuan was a little surprised when he saw them.

"I happen to have no classes today, so I went out for a walk. By the way, I wonder if the king is back?"

Ouyang Linlin nodded and said that she had arrived in Youzhou, but she hadn't gone home yet.

Wenxuan was also very happy when he learned the news.

"Then why hasn't he come back yet?"

Xiaohong said dissatisfied: "According to the soldier's report, he may have fallen in love with another woman, and then some relative of that woman died, and they said they were going to a funeral."

What Wenxuan hated most was polygamy, and no one was exempted from it.

Xi Yu himself also hated it when he did this.

Her face was immediately filled with dissatisfaction.

"Why would he do this? Isn't it enough to have so many women around him?"

She expressed her dissatisfaction angrily, just like her husband, which also made Ouyang Linlin feel very embarrassed.

Ouyang Linlin coughed.

"Teacher Wenxuan, this is my father's business, why are you so angry?"

Only then did Wenxuan realize that he had lost his composure, so he forced a smile.

"It's all my fault. I was too abrupt. By the way, since we have met, if you don't mind, I can go shopping with you."

Ouyang Linlin took Wenxuan's hand.

"What are you saying? Of course we don't mind."

So, the two people walked in front, Xiaohong followed behind, but Xiaohong was thinking about a very philosophical question.

Will Miss Wenxuan like the king? If she didn't know how, why would she be so angry when she heard that he had a new woman?

If so, why didn't the woman become the king?

So she has been thinking about these issues, and invisibly, there is a huge distance between the two women.

After a while, Ouyang Linlin felt something was wrong, so she immediately turned back.

Xiaohong was seen a few meters away from them.

So he asked: "Xiaohong, what's wrong with you?"

Wenxuan asked: "Yes, Xiaohong, what are you thinking about?"

Xiaohong quickly told a lie.

"It's nothing, I just had a dream last night, so now I think about it again."

In Luoyang, Sun Jianlong still lived in Sima Mansion. On this day, he and his old servant were discussing in the study how to deal with Xi Yu.

The study room is filled with the faint fragrance of ink, and the sunlight shines on the desk through the window.

Sun Jianlong put his hand on his chin and frowned, while the old servant stood aside with a troubled expression.

After Sun Jianlong pondered for a moment, he slowly said: "I already have a plan in mind, but I still want to ask for your opinion. Xi Yu is a difficult person to deal with, and we need to think of a foolproof strategy."

The old servant nodded and said softly: "Master, if you have any ideas, just tell me. I will try my best to help."

A trace of determination flashed in Sun Jianlong's eyes, and he said: "I plan to start with Xi Yu's relatives. I heard that he has several wives and a child. We can catch one of them to blackmail Xi Yu."

After hearing this, the old servant looked startled and said hesitantly: "Master, I'm afraid it's not appropriate to do this. Xi Yu's family has not offended us. Doing this will not only hurt innocent people, but may also anger Xi Yu, making him more alert and alert." Difficult."

Sun Jianlong was silent for a moment, sighed and said, "I know this is a bit unscrupulous, but right now we have no other better way. Xi Yu has always been a big worry for me, and I will never be able to feel at ease unless I get rid of him."

The old servant frowned and thought for a moment before saying, "Master, if we have to do this, we need to be careful and not let Xi Yu notice any clues. Otherwise, he may take more extreme measures to protect his family. "

Sun Jianlong nodded and said: "You are right. We need to make a detailed plan to ensure that nothing goes wrong. At the same time, we must also be prepared to deal with Xi Yu's possible counterattack."

The old servant nodded slightly in agreement.

The afterglow of dusk shone on the street. Wenxuan, Ouyang Linlin and Xiaohong were walking on the bustling street, enjoying the fun of shopping.

Ouyang Linlin looked up at the sky and said to Wenxuan: "It's getting late and my husband should have gone home. You should go and take a look too."

Wenxuan nodded and replied gently: "Okay, I will go see him."

At the same time, Xi Yu had just returned home. After the funeral, Wan'er kept crying and was reluctant to leave the cemetery.

Xi Yu patiently comforted Wan'er and finally succeeded in bringing her back.

Wan'er leaned on Xi Yu's shoulder, tears flowing continuously.

Xi Yu patted her back gently and comforted: "Wan'er, don't cry. The deceased is gone. We must learn to accept the reality and live well."

Wan'er raised her head, looked at Xi Yu through hazy tearful eyes, and said softly: "I know, it's just hard to accept at the moment. Thank you, Your Majesty."

Xi Yu wiped Wan'er's tears and said with a smile, "You're welcome, we are a family, and I will always be by your side to support you."

Wan'er nodded slightly.

Xi Yu was filled with emotions.

He hoped that he could bring more happiness and peace to Wan'er and make her forget the pain of losing her loved ones.

Ouyang Linlin, Wenxuan and Xiaohong came to the door of Xi Yu's room. Before they knocked on the door, they heard Xi Yu and Wan'er's voices coming from inside.

Xiyu heard the movement outside the door and immediately stood up and walked out.

When he saw Ouyang Linlin and others, a delighted smile appeared on his face.

Ouyang Linlin stepped forward, gave Xi Yu a hug, and said, "Husband, I finally have you back."

Xi Yu smiled, hugged her, and then let her go.

He nodded to Wenxuan, said a simple hello, and then led them into the house.

When Wan'er saw a visitor coming, she quickly stood up and saluted the three of them.

Xi Yu introduced to Ouyang Linlin and others: "This is Wan'er, a friend I just met."

Ouyang Linlin greeted Wan'er with a smile and said, "Hello, Wan'er, nice to meet you."

Wenxuan and Xiaohong also said hello to Wan'er.

Xi Yu briefly told how he and Wan'er met.

But next, Ouyang Linlin asked him to tell what happened in Luoyang.

"Okay, if you are willing to listen, I will tell you."

Ouyang Linlin, Wenxuan and Xiaohong sat around Xi Yu, listening attentively to him telling his experience.

Xi Yu was sitting on a chair, holding a cup of hot tea in his hand. His eyes were deep and bright, as if he was recalling those distant days. His voice is deep and magnetic, leading them into one exciting story after another.

Ouyang Linlin stared at Xi Yu intently, her eyes full of admiration.

She nodded from time to time and smiled in response to Xi Yu's story, as if she could feel everything he had experienced.

Wenxuan sat aside and listened quietly, completely attracted by Xi Yu's story.

Xiaohong held her chin with her hands, blinking, immersed in Xiyu's narration, as if she was in those scenes.

Xi Yu's narration echoed in this quiet night, immersing Ouyang Linlin and others in it.

Ouyang Linlin's eyes fell on Xi Yu's face, and she suddenly thought of a question.

"By the way, husband, have you met His Majesty?" Ouyang Linlin asked softly, with a hint of curiosity in her tone.

Xi Yu frowned slightly, seeming a little surprised by this question.

He sighed softly and said, "I'm very tired today. Let's discuss this issue tomorrow."

Ouyang Linlin had a worried look on her face, and she asked: "Isn't this a bit disrespectful? After all, he is..."

Xi Yu shook his head and interrupted Ouyang Linlin's words. "

It doesn't matter, I know what I'm doing. The most important thing now is rest, we have a lot to do tomorrow. "

Ouyang Linlin looked at Xi Yu's tired face and couldn't help but feel distressed in her heart.

"Okay, you go to bed early." Ouyang Linlin stood up and left.

Wenxuan said that it was getting late and he had to go back quickly.

They gently closed the door to the room.

Xi Yu has already arranged a guest room for Wan'er and asked her to stay in the guest room.

In the early morning, the sun was still shining brightly in the clouds, showing a trace of red glow, and a breeze blew by, making it especially cool and pleasant.

Ouyang Linlin and others were still immersed in sleep, but Xi Yu had already woken up.

He put on his clothes quietly and walked out of his room.

Xi Yu walked through the silent corridor and arrived at the door of Liu Xie's guest room.

He straightened his clothes and knocked gently on the door.

The soldier responsible for protecting Liu Xie at the door heard the knock on the door and immediately became alert.

They exchanged a few words in a low voice, and then one of the soldiers walked to the door and asked softly: "Who is it?"

Liu Xie was sitting in the room, lowering his head in deep thought.

Suddenly, there was a slight sound of footsteps outside the door.

"I am Xi Yu, here to pay my respects to Your Majesty."

Immediately afterwards, the soldier's door was gently pushed open, and a familiar figure appeared at the door.

Liu Xie raised his head and saw Xi Yu standing at the door with a smile on his face.

Liu Xie's eyes suddenly lit up. He stood up and walked quickly towards Xi Yu.

"Xi Yu, you are finally back!" Liu Xie's voice was full of excitement and surprise. He stepped forward and hugged Xi Yu tightly.

Xi Yu also reached out and hugged Liu Xie, feeling his enthusiasm.

"Your Majesty, please let go of Wei Chen. Wei Chen will still kneel down to you."

Liu Xie let go of Xi Yu, took a step back, and looked at him carefully.

"This is not the court, so don't worry about it. You look a little tired. You must be tired from the journey. Sit down quickly." Liu Xie said as he pulled Xi Yu to sit on the chair.

Xi Yu smiled gratefully.

Liu Xie asked the guardian to go out temporarily, and he wanted to talk to Xi Yu alone.

Liu Xie immediately said: "Tell me quickly, what happened along the way? Is Cao Pi dead?"

Xiyu took a deep breath and began to talk about what he saw and heard during the journey.

Liu Xie listened attentively and nodded from time to time. His eyes were full of dependence on Xi Yu.

When he heard that Cao Pi was still alive, Liu Xie felt very confused.

"If you keep him, wouldn't you be raising a tiger for trouble?"

Of course Xi Yu understood that Liu Xie wanted to kill Cao Pi to prevent him from posing any threat.

"Your Majesty, of course I understand what you are thinking, but don't worry, Cao Pi will not pose any threat."

But this answer obviously did not satisfy Liu Xie.

"Then what's the point of keeping him? Is it to humiliate him better? If that's the case, I will support it."

Xiyu said no more.

In fact, he didn't understand why Cao Pi had to be kept. What was the point? Do you still hope that he can follow you?

Liu Xie waved his hand.

"Forget it, let's discuss some other issues. When I came out this time, it was to defect to you because a rebel appeared some time ago."

Xi Yu naturally already knew about this matter.

"Your Majesty, Wei Chen is flattered that you can think of coming to Wei Chen for the first time."

"And since you haven't been at home these days, I always feel a little panicked. Now that you are back, I finally feel a little more at ease."

Liu Xie also took the initiative to share how he learned to play poker.

"That's great, as long as your Majesty is not lonely." Xi Yu smiled.

"I heard you invented these poker cards."

"Yes, Your Majesty, as long as you find it fun, that's all. In fact, there are many tricks in poker." (End of Chapter)

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