Xi Yu said apologetically: "Your Majesty, I was unable to come to pay my respects yesterday because I was too tired. Please forgive me."

Liu Xie smiled slightly and said gently: "My dear, you don't need to be polite. You should have a good rest when you are tired."

However, Liu Xie knew in his heart that Xi Yu's apology was just a formal courtesy.

He clearly realized that now he had lost the imperial power of the past, but Xi Yu was getting stronger and stronger and could ignore his own existence.

There was a dull atmosphere in the room. Liu Xie and Xi Yu looked at each other silently, communicating with each other silently.

Liu Xie stared at Xi Yu quietly, with a trace of helplessness and worry flashing in his eyes.

He understands that his status is no longer what it used to be, and Xi Yu's rise has become a fact that cannot be ignored.

Xi Yu lowered his head, not daring to meet Liu Xie's eyes. He understood in his heart that although Liu Xie was tolerant on the surface, deep down he was already wary of his own power.

In this silent atmosphere, time seemed to have frozen.

Both Liu Xie and Xi Yu knew that the relationship between them had undergone subtle changes, and the balance between imperial power and powerful ministers had been broken.

"Okay, Your Majesty, I will take my leave for the time being." Xi Yu said.

After Xi Yu resigned, Liu Xie fell into deep thought.

As Xi Yu left, the room returned to tranquility.

The next day, while Liu Xie was deep in thought, a soldier walked in quietly, breaking the silence in the room.

He lowered his head and knelt beside Liu Xie and said softly: "Your Majesty, the king is waiting outside the palace, ready to discuss state affairs with you."

Liu Xie nodded slightly, stood up, and straightened his clothes.

Soon, Xi Yu arrived. This time Xi Yu and Liu Xia were discussing the implementation of a constitutional monarchy.

After all, this matter had already been told to Liu Xie, so Liu Xie was no longer surprised when he heard this.

He knew that Xi Yu would say this to him sooner or later.

Unexpectedly, this day has finally arrived.

"Everything is in your hands, you can just take care of it. I believe in you."

After Liu Xie finished speaking, he smiled bitterly. No matter what, he could still continue as an emperor.

It is better than other kings who have subjugated their country.

"By the way, Your Majesty, I plan to build you a large palace in Youzhou. You will live there and it will be your palace from now on."

Liu Xie nodded, that's very good. If he only lives in Xi Yu's house in the future, it won't be like this.

After that, Xi Yu retreated.

As night falls, the lanterns are turned on, and Xiyu's mansion is brightly lit. Xi Yu summoned a group of soldiers and held an important meeting.

The atmosphere in the conference room was tense and serious.

Xi Yu sat at the head of the table, looking firmly at the soldiers below. There was unquestionable determination in his voice: "Now, the entire Central Plains has almost fallen into our hands, but there are still a few small princes scattered in some small places, stubbornly resisting. I decided to send someone to inform them and let them They surrender immediately. If they don't surrender, we will destroy them all in one fell swoop. This must be done within ten days."

Xi Yu's words were so resounding that the soldiers couldn't help but straighten their backs and look solemn. They understand that this is a crucial battle, related to Xi Yu's hegemony and the unification of the Central Plains.

At this time, Zhou Yu stood up, clasped his fists and saluted, and said: "Sir, those little princes are just mantises acting as chariots. We will surely defeat them quickly."

Zhao Yun also echoed: "Sir, our troops are strong. We only need to attack in one fell swoop, and they will be unable to fight back."

Xi Yu nodded slightly, with a satisfied smile on his face. He knew that his soldiers were in high morale and confident of victory.

Xi Yu stood up and looked around everyone, his eyes full of determination and fighting spirit.

"Everyone, we must not only have strong force, but also make wise decisions. We must achieve the greatest victory at the lowest cost." Xi Yu said firmly.

The soldiers nodded one after another, indicating that they understood what Xi Yu meant.

In this moment full of challenges and opportunities, Xi Yu and his soldiers prepare for the final battle.

They were determined to eliminate the small princes in one fell swoop and achieve the unification of the Central Plains.

This day is destined to be extraordinary. It carries the expectations and determination of Xi Yu and his army to move towards victory.

Xi Yu discussed the list of minor princes with everyone, and then sent people to lobby.

Originally, Xi Yu planned to write them a letter, similar to a letter of persuasion to surrender, but after thinking about it, he decided to forget it.

Just talk to someone orally.

Because they themselves are insignificant, it is estimated that they will eventually surrender.

It was another night, when the lights were on, Dongfang Hong, Wenxuan and Xiyu gathered in a restaurant to celebrate Xiyu's triumphant return.

The restaurant was elegantly decorated, with three people sitting around a round table filled with sumptuous dishes and fine wine.

Dongfanghong and Wenxuan raised their glasses to congratulate Xiyu, and Xiyu responded with a smile.

After three rounds of drinking, Xi Yu's mood gradually dropped.

Dongfanghong and Wenxuan noticed his changes.

Dongfanghong asked with concern: "Xiyu, what's wrong with you? Today is a day to be happy, why are you so depressed?"

Xi Yu sighed, put down the wine glass in his hand, and said slowly: "Wan'er's grandfather passed away. According to etiquette, I must observe filial piety for three years before I can marry Wan'er."

Dongfang Hong comforted her softly: "Xi Yu, this is an unchangeable fact. We should respect etiquette and give Wan'er some time."

Xi Yu frowned and said in annoyance: "But I don't want her to wait for me for three years."

After hearing this, Wenxuan couldn't help but feel dissatisfied and criticized: "Xi Yu, now that you have a beautiful wife, you are still greedy for Wan'er. Could it be that you are eating from the bowl and looking at the pot?"

Xi Yu's expression changed, and he quickly explained: "Wenxuan, I misunderstood, I am with Wan'er... It's just this sudden change that made me not know what to do for a while."

Seeing that the atmosphere was a little tense, Dongfang Hong hurriedly smoothed things over and said, "We only celebrate joy today and won't talk about worries. Come on, have a drink!"

Xi Yu glanced at Dongfang Hong gratefully, picked up the wine glass, and the three drank together.

There was a cheerful atmosphere in the restaurant, and the three of them drank happily and temporarily forgot their worries.

On this night of celebration, their friendship deepened.

Although Xi Yu still had troubles in his heart, his mood gradually eased with the company of his friends.

Early the next morning, the sun shone on the ground through the gaps in the leaves. With a heavy heart, Xi Yu came to the door of Wan'er's guest room.

Xi Yu gently knocked on the door. After a while, Wan'er came to open the door in person. When she saw Xi Yu, a happy smile appeared on her face.

The two looked at each other and smiled, but Xi Yu seemed a little hesitant. Wan'er seemed to sense his uneasiness and asked softly: "Your Majesty, what's wrong with you?"

Xi Yu sighed, pulled Wan'er aside, and told all his troubles.

Wan'er listened quietly, tears gradually welling up in her eyes. She understood that Xi Yu's worries were not unreasonable, but she also knew that her grandfather's death was an unchangeable fact.

Wan'er held Xi Yu's hand and said softly: "Your Majesty, this is fate and we cannot violate it. If your Majesty really likes Wan'er, Wan'er is willing to wait for three years."

Xi Yu's heart was shocked. He looked at Wan'er and felt her deep affection for him.

He held Wan'er's hand tightly and said: "Wan'er, your understanding and support make me feel extremely gratified. I will wait patiently. Our love will definitely stand the test of time."

Wan'er nodded, tears welling up in her eyes. She threw herself into Xi Yu's arms and felt his warm embrace.

In the silence of this morning, Xi Yu and Wan'er relied on each other, and their hearts became stronger.

Luoyang, Sima family.

Sun Jianlong sat in the room with a gloomy expression. His eyes fell on Youzhou on the map, and he secretly made up his mind.

"I decided to go to Youzhou." Sun Jianlong said to the old servant firmly.

The old servant frowned slightly and asked with concern: "Master, are you going to Youzhou...?"

"If you want to kidnap Xi Yu's relatives, you must start from Youzhou." Sun Jianlong's eyes flashed with determination.

The old servant's heart tightened, he knew what the young master's decision meant. He said softly: "Master, be careful in everything."

Sun Jianlong nodded, stood up, put on his cloak, and walked out.

Outside the door, a horse is waiting for its owner.

Sun Jianlong got on his horse, pulled the reins, and galloped away in the direction of Youzhou.

The sound of horse hooves echoed through the streets of Luoyang, gradually getting farther and farther away. Sun Jianlong's figure disappeared on the distant horizon, leaving behind a silence and mystery.

When Sun Jianlong came to Youzhou, he learned that he needed a visa to enter this mysterious land.

He stood at the gate of Youzhou City, looking at the tall city walls and closed city gates, and couldn't help feeling anxious.

He originally planned to complete the mission as soon as possible, but now he is troubled by visa issues.

Sun Jianlong found the visa processing office next to the city gate and explained his purpose to the visa soldiers.

"I need to apply for a tourist visa and enter Youzhou as soon as possible." Sun Jianlong said eagerly.

The visa officer glanced at him and said slowly: "You can apply for a tourist visa, but you can only stay for a maximum of seven days."

Sun Jianlong's heart sank. Seven days was obviously not enough for his task. But in order to enter Youzhou, he had no choice but to agree.

"Okay, let's apply for a tourist visa." Sun Jianlong said helplessly.

The visa soldier took out a form and handed it to him, and Sun Jianlong quickly filled in his information.

After filling out the form, he paid the money and started waiting for the visa application.

Soon after, Sun Jianlong’s visa was finally processed. He picked up the visa, took a deep breath, and then stepped into the gate of Youzhou.

On the other side, Xi Yu sat alone in the room, frowning, and the wine glass in his hand was already empty, but he didn't even notice.

He only has Wan'er in his heart, that beautiful and strong woman.

He desperately wanted her, wanted her to be his woman.

However, he cannot break Wan'er's rule of filial piety. This is a moral bottom line that he cannot cross.

Xi Yu felt depressed. He stood up and walked to the window. He opened the window and felt a cool night breeze blowing in his face.

He took a deep breath and tried to calm down.

However, his thoughts could not stop.

Xi Yu felt bitter in his heart, and he didn't know what to do. He can't tell others because it's his own matter and he has to solve it himself.

Because Xi Yu was depressed, he planned to go out for a walk to relieve his worries.

He walked on the street, but his thoughts were still entangled with Wan'er's affairs, and his mood became increasingly heavy.

Suddenly, the sky became a little gloomy, and it seemed like it was going to rain. Xiyu's heart moved and he quickened his pace, hoping to get home before the rain started.

However, at this moment, he heard a cry: "There is a thief!"

Xi Yu followed the sound and saw a thief running towards the corner of the street with a money bag in his hand.

Behind the thief, a young man was chasing.

Xi Yu's heart tightened, and he immediately quickened his pace and chased after the thief.

The thief ran very fast, but Xi Yu's skills were not weak either. He followed closely behind the thief, getting closer and closer.

Finally, at an alley, Xi Yu successfully caught the thief. He grabbed the money bag from the thief and pushed him to the ground.

"You thief, how dare you steal in broad daylight!" Xi Yu said angrily.

The thief was frightened by Xi Yu's momentum and did not dare to resist, so he could only leave in disgrace.

At this time, the young man also caught up. He was Sun Jianlong.

He came to Xi Yu, held his hand tightly, and said gratefully: "Thank you, if it weren't for you, my wallet would have been robbed by that thief."

Xi Yu smiled and shook his head and said, "You're welcome, it's just a little effort."

Sun Jianlong didn't think so. He said sincerely: "It may be a trivial matter to you, but it means a lot to me. My wallet not only contains my expenses, but also some important documents. If If it is snatched away by a thief, I will be in big trouble. Therefore, I must thank you very much. Please appreciate it and go to the inn with me for a casual meal so that I can express my gratitude.

Originally Xi Yu felt it was unnecessary, but Sun Jianlong's intention was so sincere that Xi Yu had no choice but to agree.

He nodded and said, "Okay, then it's better to be respectful than to obey."

Sun Jianlong laughed happily and said, "Okay, let's go now."

The two walked towards the inn together. Along the way, Sun Jianlong kept expressing his gratitude, while Xi Yu listened with a smile.

The dark clouds in the sky gradually dispersed, and the sun shone on the two of them through the clouds.

Xi Yu and Sun Jianlong walked into the inn and found a seat by the window to sit down.

Sun Jianlong called the waiter and ordered a few dishes and a bottle of wine.

Sun Jianlong asked Xi Yu what his name was, and Xi Yu lied and said his surname was Liu.

After a while, the food and wine were served.

The two started chatting. Xi Yu found that Sun Jianlong's accent did not sound like a local, so he asked curiously: "Brother Sun, are you not from Youzhou? How did you get here?"

Sun Jianlong smiled bitterly and said: "I came from the capital and came here to do some personal things. I didn't expect to have to apply for a visa. It's really troublesome."

Xi Yu's heart was moved and he asked: "Brother Sun, what personal matters did you come to Youzhou to do? Is it convenient for you to tell me?"

Sun Jianlong hesitated for a moment and said: "This... it's not convenient to say, it involves some personal privacy."

Xi Yu didn't force it and said, "Since it's not convenient for Brother Sun to say it, I won't force it. However, if you need help with anything, just ask. I still have some connections in Youzhou."

A trace of gratitude flashed in Sun Jianlong's eyes, and he said: "Thank you, Brother Liu, you are such a good person. However, I can handle my own affairs, and I don't want to cause any trouble to you."

Xi Yu smiled and said: "Brother Sun, you are too polite. Since we have met, we are destined to help each other. Moreover, I think you are also an upright person and worthy of making friends."

Sun Jianlong also laughed and said: "You are right, we do feel like we have met so late. Come on, let's drink."

After a while, Sun Jianlong asked Xi Yu with a smile: "What do you usually do?"

Xi Yu picked up the tea cup, took a sip and replied: "I mainly do some business."

Sun Jianlong nodded and said thoughtfully: "Well, business is good. Then you should be quite busy, right?"

Xi Yu smiled, "Fortunately, I have relatively free time."

Sun Jianlong smiled slightly and said enthusiastically: "I recently stayed at an inn called Wushuang. If you are free, you can come and play with me. We can drink tea and chat together."

Xi Yu responded with a smile: "Okay, I will definitely find you when I have time."

Sun Jianlong and Xi Yu chatted happily, as if they had been friends for many years.

After a while, the two separated, but Xi Yu always felt that Sun Jianlong seemed to be hiding something from him.

But he thought about it and realized that this was normal. After all, they met by chance and they were not particularly familiar with him.

It is impossible to tell everything to yourself. This is also abnormal and unrealistic.

Seeing that the weather had gotten better, Xi Yu decided to continue walking.

He really didn't want to go back, and he didn't know why.

Just when he was thinking, someone suddenly called him. It turned out to be Dongfanghong.

"Dongfanghong, why are you sitting on the street?"

Dongfanghong said that there were no classes right now, so he went out for a walk, and it was strange that Xiyu was here.

"I just went out for a walk because I was depressed."

Dongfanghong immediately knew what was going on, but he was still worried about Wan'er's affairs.

So he couldn't help but laugh, and Xi Yu said, "Why are you laughing? Do you think it's funny?"

Dongfanghong tried hard to calm down.

"Actually, I just smiled bitterly, for myself."

"Why are you smiling so hard? What does this matter have to do with you?"

Dongfang Hong said that he had made it clear to Wenxuan, and the two had a showdown, and Wenxuan directly said that he didn't like her.

But as for Xi Yu, there are so many women who like him.

"We all come from the same place, but why is the gap so big?"

Because after hearing what he said, I felt a little better.

"Okay, don't be too sad. In that case, let's go for a walk together." (End of chapter)

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