In the afternoon, the sun shines on the ground through the gaps in the leaves, forming patches of light. Xi Yu and Dongfang Hong walked into a small teahouse on the street and found a secluded corner to sit down.

They ordered some food and tea and chatted while eating. Dongfanghong mysteriously told Xi Yu: "Actually, there is a way to get Wan'er. It depends on whether you are willing."

Xi Yu's heart moved and he quickly asked: "What can I do?"

Dongfang Hong leaned into Xi Yu's ear and whispered: "Let's have sex after drinking, and then Wan'er will be yours."

After hearing this, Xi Yu had a hesitant look on his face. He felt that this was not good and unfair to Wan'er.

Dongfang Hong saw this and said with a smile: "You just don't have the courage! Wan'er also has a crush on you. As long as you take the initiative, won't this matter be done?"

Xiyu was silent for a moment, but still shook his head: "I don't want to use this method to win Wan'er's heart. I hope she can really like me, not for other reasons."

Dongfang Hong sighed and said, "You are too upright! However, Wan'er is indeed a good girl, so you must seize the opportunity."

Xi Yu nodded, already making a decision in his heart. He wants to impress Wan'er with his sincerity instead of forcing her through means.

As night falls, a sense of silence fills the room. Xiyu was lying on Xishi's bed, but his mood seemed aggrieved.

Xi Shi noticed his emotions and asked with concern: "Husband, what's wrong with you? Why are you so depressed?"

Xi Yu sighed and recounted what happened to Wan'er. He poured out his troubles and confusion, questioning whether he was really a bad man.

Xi Shi listened quietly, with a hint of understanding and tolerance in her eyes.

She said softly: "Husband, this is not your fault. Wan'er's matter is indeed troubling, but emotional matters are inherently complicated. However, we must also abide by the filial piety system."

Xi Shi's words made Xi Yu feel a little relieved, and he understood that he was not alone.

During this special period, they all need to abide by some rules and systems.

Xi Yu nodded and looked at Xi Shi gratefully.

Her support and understanding made him feel a little lighter inside.

On this night, the conversation between Xi Yu and Xi Shi was full of concern and understanding.

A few days later, the envoys who went out to various princes returned one after another, and they brought exciting news: the princes wherever they went were willing to recognize Xi Yu's status as king, and expressed their willingness to hand over to Xi Yu.

Xiyu was overjoyed when he heard the good news.

He immediately summoned his soldiers and began to arrange the aftermath.

Xi Yu announced with a cheerful face: "Everyone, this mission has been a great success. All the princes are willing to cooperate with us, and we are about to usher in a new era!"

Everyone agreed and cheered.

Xi Yu then ordered: "Immediately send people to handle the handover matters with the princes to ensure that everything goes smoothly.

As the order was issued, everyone fell into a busy atmosphere.

The envoys took action one after another and made detailed discussions and arrangements with representatives of the various princes.

During this process, Xi Yu felt particularly happy.

He secretly made up his mind that when the Central Plains became his own territory, he would have a great celebration to honor those who worked hard for reunification.

At this time, the sunlight shone on Xi Yu through the window, as if covering him with a layer of brilliance.

He looks to the future with confidence and expects his ideals to become a reality.

On this day, Dongfanghong came to Xiyu's residence in high spirits with a smile on his face.

Seeing this, Xi Yu asked curiously: "Dongfang Hong, why are you so happy today? Has anything good happened?"

Dongfang Hong smiled mysteriously, leaned close to Xi Yu and whispered, "I thought of a way to get Wan'er for you."

Xi Yu's eyes lit up and he asked eagerly: "What can you do? Tell me quickly! But don't come up with a bad idea like last time."

Dongfanghong lowered her voice and said, "Didn't everyone in ancient times believe that their ancestors would entrust their dreams? We can start from here. I will pretend to be Wan'er's grandfather and ask her to marry you as soon as possible."

Xiyu heard this and thought it was a good idea.

He nodded and said to Dongfanghong: "This method is good, but how do we implement it?"

Dongfanghong said: "We can find a suitable opportunity. Then, I will pretend to be her grandfather, and you can take the opportunity to express your love to her. Maybe she will be moved by your sincerity."

Xi Yu was secretly happy and decided to act according to Dongfang Hong's plan. They had worked out the details and were ready to act as soon as possible.

Early the next morning, Dongfanghong started his action according to the plan. He dressed up carefully and looked like a crazy old man.

He was wearing shabby clothes, his hair was disheveled, and there was some dust on his face, which made people think he was a little weird at first glance.

Dongfanghong came to the bustling street. He sometimes cried, sometimes giggled, and muttered something.

Passers-by gathered around him and looked at him curiously.

Dongfanghong claimed to be Wan'er's grandfather and shouted that he missed Wan'er very much.

Someone whispered: "It must be a ghost."

Dongfanghong's appearance caused a commotion, and people began to whisper among themselves.

The news quickly spread throughout the streets and attracted more people's attention.

Soon after, Dongfanghong came to the theater.

He continued to act crazy and act stupid, crying and laughing in the house, making people confused.

After Xi Yu "learned" about this, he felt "doubtful" and immediately found Wan'er.

When Dongfanghong saw Wan'er, she said to her as Wan'er's grandfather: "Wan'er, do you know how much grandpa misses you under Jiuquan. Grandpa has a wish, hoping that you can marry the king as soon as possible. This way Grandpa can feel at ease!" There was a hint of sadness and urgency in his tone.

After hearing this, Wan'er couldn't help but shed tears. She firmly believed in Dongfanghong's words.

Because she had a deep relationship with her grandfather since she was a child, Dongfang Hong's words and expression at this time made her seem to really see her grandfather.

At this time, people outside the house were also talking about it. This strange story spread quickly and became a hot topic in the city.

Seeing Wan'er's sad look, Xi Yu felt a pity in his heart.

So, Xi Yu walked to Wan'er and gently comforted her.

Xi Yu said: "Wan'er, although all this seems bizarre, we might as well obey grandpa's wish. My feelings for you are sincere, and I am willing to accompany you throughout my life." His eyes were firm and gentle, which made Wan The child felt a touch of warmth.

Wan'er raised her tearful eyes and looked at Xi Yu.

Her heart was full of contradictions and confusion, but her grandfather's words echoed in her ears.

Finally, she nodded and expressed her willingness to consider Xi Yu's proposal.

This sudden development surprised people, and Wan'er and Xi Yu's love affair became the focus of everyone's attention.

Dongfanghong's plan seems to have achieved initial success.

As time went by, the story spread more and more widely in the city.

However, Dongfang Hong felt very depressed. She had sacrificed herself for the sake of teasing Yu, letting others laugh at her, but how could she solve her love?

Wenxuan, whom he likes, is always willing to treat him as a friend, but doesn't that prove that he will never be interested in him?

He felt depressed, why could Xi Yu get everything, but he couldn't get anything?

A few days later, Xi Yu led the soldiers and Wan'er to the grave of Grandpa Wan'er.

They placed flowers, incense candles and sacrifices to express their respect to Grandpa Wan'er.

Xi Yu said solemnly: "Wan'er, since the old man has a spirit and has given instructions for you and me to get married as soon as possible, then we must obey. I will arrange our marriage as soon as possible to make your grandfather feel at ease."

When Xi Yu said these words, he felt a little uncomfortable because he did it through deception.

He also silently said to Wan'er's grandfather, "Old man, I love Wan'er too much, and besides, you also want to give me the favor instead, so I made the last move. I hope you won't blame me."

After hearing Xi Yu's words, Wan'er had tears in her eyes.

She thought of her grandfather's love for her when he was still alive, and also remembered her grandfather's teachings.

Xi Yu looked at Wan'er, feeling a little uneasy.

He realized that he had deceived Wan'er, but he also knew that it was to get her.

He secretly vowed to treat Wan'er well and make her happy.

Wan'er nodded slightly and said, "Well, since grandpa has a spirit, we will follow his wishes."

Xi Yu felt happy and said quickly: "Okay, let's go back and prepare for the wedding."

Wan'er nodded and said nothing more.

Xi Yu looked at Wan'er, his heart filled with joy.

He was finally close to getting Wan'er, but he also knew that this was just the beginning.

He must treat Wan'er well and make her truly fall in love with him.

After returning to the mansion, Xi Yu immediately began to prepare for the wedding.

He invited the best tailors and craftsmen to make Wan'er's wedding clothes.

In an office in the college, Wenxuan stared at Dongfang Hong angrily and asked him, "Tell me, was it your fault that the ghost got pregnant?"

When Dongfanghong faced Wenxuan's questioning, she did not panic. Instead, she showed a proud smile and admitted: "I did it, how about it?"

Seeing his confession, Wenxuan became even more angry and accused him: "As a teacher, you don't study hard, but you come to do these crooked things. You are really not doing your job properly! Also, you are actually working with Xi Yu To deceive Wan'er is simply to aid the evildoer!"

Dongfanghong heard Wenxuan's accusation, but didn't take it seriously. Instead, she laughed, feeling that Wenxuan went too far.

Seeing his attitude, Wenxuan became even more angry and said, "Don't think this is a trivial matter. By doing this, you not only hurt Wan'er, but also deceived everyone. Don't you know the consequences of doing this?"

Dongfang Hong heard this, but said indifferently: "Isn't it just a joke? What's the big deal? Besides, didn't Wan'er agree to Xi Yu's proposal in the end? This shows that they are destined. After three years of keeping filial piety, , it was basically unworkable in our time, why are you so stubborn?”

Wenxuan's face became even more confused because she didn't like Xiyu getting so many women.

Dongfanghong naturally understood what she meant.

"Even if you don't like it, can you change everything? So, don't you think it's better than the beauty of adulthood?"

Dongfang Hong believes that Xi Yu will be even more grateful to her after solving the problem for Xi Yu this time.

Seeing that he was so unrepentant, Wenxuan felt even more angry.

She said: "Stop making excuses, what you are doing is wrong. You must apologize to Wan'er and admit your mistake to everyone."

Seeing Wenxuan's firm attitude, Dongfanghong knew that she was in the wrong.

He said: "Okay, I will apologize to Wan'er in the future."

"What does later mean? You have to do it now."

"No, if I do it now, it won't be a loss of face."

Seeing that he finally realized his mistake, Wenxuan breathed a sigh of relief.

Then let's do it later, and there is no need to argue with him anymore.

He said: "Well, now that you have realized your mistake, I will not pursue it anymore. I hope you can teach well in the future and stop doing these boring things."

Dongfang Hong nodded and said, "I know, I will pay attention."

Wenxuan looked at Dongfang Hong. Although he was still a little dissatisfied, he no longer cared about it.

After saying that, Wenxuan turned around and left.

Dongfang Hong looked at her back and made a face.

In Xiyu Mansion, Ouyang Linlin and Sun Shangxiang were sitting in the pavilion in the garden, drinking tea and chatting.

Ouyang Linlin accidentally mentioned the recent uproar about the ghost possession incident.

She thinks this is all a conspiracy between Xi Yu and Dongfang Hong.

Sun Shangxiang disagreed, she thought this matter might be true.

"Sister Ouyang, are you thinking too much?

Ouyang Linlin smiled and shook her head, reminding Sun Shangxiang not to be too naive, as this was obviously a scam.

Although Sun Shangxiang also had some doubts in her heart, she didn't want to dwell too much on this matter.

She felt that no matter what the truth was, it didn't matter. What was important was not to reveal it.

Ouyang Linlin saw Sun Shangxiang's thoughts and said, "It seems that my husband really likes Wan'er, so he came up with such a way to get her."

Sun Shangxiang nodded. She could also feel that Xi Yu's feelings for Wan'er were unusual.

"Maybe what you said is true."

The two were silent for a while, and Sun Shangxiang suddenly said: "Actually, if what you said is true, I also admire your husband's courage. He can risk everything for the person he likes."

Ouyang Linlin smiled and said, "Yes, the power of love is really great."

When Wan'er overheard the conversation between Ouyang Linlin and Sun Shangxiang in the garden, her heart was filled with doubts and uneasiness.

She originally came to them to learn how to play cards, but she didn't expect to hear such a thing.

She couldn't believe her ears, so she decided to go find Xi Yu and ask for details.

Wan'er hurried to Xi Yu's room and knocked on the door. Xiyu heard the sound, opened the door, and saw Wan'er standing at the door with an angry look on her face.

Xi Yu asked in surprise: "Wan'er, what's wrong with you? Why are you so angry?"

Wan'er did not answer his question, but asked directly: "Husband, some people say that grandpa fell in love with Dongfang Hong and asked me to marry you. Is it true?"

Xi Yu was shocked when he heard her question. He didn't expect Wan'er to know about it so quickly.

He looked at Wan'er awkwardly, not knowing how to answer.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Wan'er became even more angry.

She said: "Why don't you speak? Is all this true? Are you really lying to me?"

"Who did you listen to?"

"You don't care who said it, I'm just asking you, is it true?"

Seeing Wan'er being so excited, Xi Yu knew that he could no longer hide it.

He sighed and said: "Okay, now that you know everything, let me tell you. In fact, Dongfanghong and I arranged all this. We know that you have been very sad after your grandfather passed away, so We came up with this idea, hoping to make you happy. Besides, I don’t want to wait another three years, I want to marry you right away.”

After hearing his words, Wan'er was filled with disappointment and anger.

She said: "How could you deceive me like this? Do you know how much it hurts me?"

Xi Yu quickly explained: "Wan'er, listen to me, I really like you. I know what I did was wrong, but I just want you to be happy."

After hearing his words, Wan'er became even more angry.

She said: "Do you think doing this will make me happy? Doing this will only make me more miserable."

After saying that, Wan'er turned and left Xi Yu's room.

Xi Yu stood at the door, watching Wan'er's leaving figure, feeling filled with regret and self-blame.

After a while, Xi Yu gently opened the door and walked into Wan'er's room.

He saw Wan'er sitting on the edge of the bed with her back to him, seemingly sulking.

Xi Yu walked carefully to Wan'er, knelt down and said softly: "Wan'er, I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't lie to you, but I really like you."

Wan'er still didn't look back, but said coldly: "Do you think I will still believe you?"

Xi Yu sighed softly and said: "Wan'er, I know you are very angry now, but think about it, people outside have already known the news that we are getting married. If we don't get married, then your grandfather's spirit in heaven will also be with us. It won’t rest in peace.”

Wan'er felt a little shaken after hearing this.

She knew what Xi Yu said made sense.

Seeing that Wan'er was a little shaken, Xi Yu continued: "Wan'er, I really like you. I will treat you well and make you happy."

Wan'er felt a little moved after hearing this.

She turned around, looked at Xi Yu, and said, "Okay, in that case, let's get married."

Xiyu felt happy after hearing this, and he quickly said: "Okay, thank you Wan'er, I will treat you well."

Wan'er nodded and said, "Okay, go out, I want to be alone for a while."

Although Xi Yu was a little worried about Wan'er, he still respected Wan'er's wishes and exited the room. He closed the door gently, his heart filled with joy and anticipation.

In fact, he also understood that Wan'er also urgently hoped to be combined with him. (End of chapter)

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