In the inn, Sun Jianlong was sitting by the window, his brows furrowed, and his eyes looking out the window from time to time, as if looking for something.

His heart was extremely heavy because he still couldn't figure out a way to deal with Xi Yu.

He knew that Xi Yu was a very powerful enemy and he could not despise him or underestimate him.

Just when Sun Jianlong was distressed, he suddenly heard a noise coming from outside.

He walked out of the inn and saw many people running towards the tower.

With a thought in his mind, he stopped a passerby and asked about the situation.

A passerby told him: "Today the king will appear in the city tower, and he will include the entire Central Plains into his territory."

Sun Jianlong was overjoyed after hearing this.

He had been looking for Xi Yu, but he didn't expect to have the chance to see him today.

He decided to go to the tower to see what kind of person Xi Yu was.

Sun Jianlong followed the crowd to the tower.

He looked up and saw Xi Yu standing on the tower, wearing a silver-white robe, the wind blowing his hair, and his eyes revealed an extremely powerful confidence and majesty.

Sun Jianlong was shocked, and he suddenly remembered that day.

That day, he met a thief on the street. He was about to catch him, but a young man beat him to it.

That young man was Xi Yu. He was so agile that he knocked the thief to the ground in a few strokes and sent him to the government.

Sun Jianlong was very grateful to Xi Yu at the time and even chatted with him for a few words. He felt that Xi Yu was a just, courageous and resourceful person.

He didn't expect that he would see him here again today. It turns out that he is still his own enemy.

Sun Jianlong was deeply moved. He didn't know how to face Xi Yu, nor how to be his enemy.

He only felt that his heart was full of contradictions and confusion.

The sun was shining brightly and the breeze was blowing. Xi Yu stood on the tower. Behind him was a big red flag with the word "汉" written on it.

His eyes scanned the crowd below and saw that their faces were filled with excitement and anticipation.

His heart was full of lofty ideals, and he knew that he was about to change the destiny of this country and make it prosperous.

Xi Yu cleared his throat and said loudly: "Everyone, today is a historic moment. After years of hard work, we have finally achieved the unification of the world. All the small princes are willing to dedicate their cities to let us build a powerful s country."

His words were met with cheers and applause. Someone in the crowd shouted: "Long live the king!"

Xi Yu smiled and nodded, and continued: "None of this would be possible without everyone's efforts and support. Here, I would like to thank one person in particular, he is our emperor."

At this time, another person appeared at the city gate, it was Liu Xie.

Wearing a gorgeous dragon robe, he slowly walked up the tower under the leadership of several soldiers. When everyone saw Liu Xie, they knelt down to salute and shouted long live.

Liu Xie smiled and waved his hand and said: "Everyone is equal."

Xi Yu turned around, faced Liu Xie, bowed deeply and said, "Your Majesty, thank you for your hard work."

Liu Xie said: "This is all your credit. You were not afraid of hardships and dangers, fought in the north and south, and finally achieved the unification of the world. I am proud of you."

Xi Yu said: "Your Majesty is ridiculous. This is all due to your Majesty's good leadership, the heroic fighting of the soldiers, and the support and trust of the people. I just did what I should do."

Liu Xie said: "You are right. However, now that the world has been settled, we should do something for the people. They have experienced war and hardship in these years, and we should let them live a stable and happy life."

Xi Yu said: "Your Majesty is absolutely right. I have formulated a series of policies and measures to promote economic development and improve people's livelihood. I believe that under your Majesty's leadership, we will be able to achieve the prosperity of the country and the well-being of the people." Live and work in peace and contentment.”

Liu Xie nodded and said, "Okay, let's leave it to you. I believe in your ability."

Xi Yu said: "Thank you, Your Majesty. I will do my best to live up to Your Majesty's expectations."

Liu Xie looked at everyone and said: "In order to achieve long-term peace and stability in the country, we need to carry out some reforms. I have decided to abolish the monarchy and implement a constitutional monarchy from today on."

Liu Xie's words caused an uproar.

The people were talking a lot and didn't know what this constitutional monarchy system meant.

Seeing the reaction of the people, Liu Xie smiled and said: "My fellow subjects, don't panic. This constitutional monarchy means that we are going to build a democratic, free and equal country. In this country, everyone has a say. , everyone has the right to vote, and everyone has the right to supervise. We want the people to truly become the masters of the country."

After that, he talked about the relevant situation. Of course, Xi Yu told him all this.

At this time, a guard came forward and handed Liu Xie an edict.

Liu Xie took the edict, opened it, took a look, and then said: "In order to achieve this goal, I have decided that from today on, Xi Yu will be the prime minister of our Han Dynasty, responsible for handling the country's government affairs. And I will retreat to the second line, only Keep the title of emperor and no longer interfere in national affairs."

Liu Xie's words aroused cheers and applause.

Liu Xie said: "I believe that under Xi Yu's leadership, our country will become more prosperous and the people will live a happier life."

Liu Xie turned and left, leaving behind the people who looked surprised and admired.

At this time, in the crowd, an old man wearing gorgeous clothes said: "This emperor is really courageous, he can make such a decision."

A young man next to him said: "Yes, but I still don't quite understand what this constitutional monarchy system means."

The old man said: "To put it simply, the emperor delegates power to the ministers and lets the ministers manage the country. This can reduce the emperor's burden and make the country more stable."

The young man said: "Oh, that's it. Then wouldn't the emperor become a decoration?"

The old man said: "Although the emperor no longer manages the country, he is still a symbol of the country and has high prestige and power. Moreover, the emperor can also influence the country's decision-making in other ways."

The young man said: "Well, I understand. Then wouldn't Xiyu become the actual person in power?"

The old man said: "Yes, Xi Yu will become the prime minister and hold the actual power of the country. However, he is not completely without restrictions. He needs to be supervised and restricted by the parliament."

The young man said, "Parliament? What is that?"

The old man said: "The parliament is an institution composed of ministers and nobles. Xi Yu needs the support of the parliament to implement his own policies."

"I originally thought that His Majesty would abdicate in favor of a worthy person and let Xi Yu become the emperor. Unexpectedly, he just delegated power to Xi Yu and still retained the title of emperor."

"I think it's strange too. But that's good. At least the country won't be in turmoil because of the change of emperor."

"I think this is a conspiracy by Xi Yu. On the surface, he said it was for the stability and prosperity of the country, but in fact, he wanted to take this opportunity to weaken His Majesty's power."

"Well, you make sense. However, I still think this system is too novel and I don't know if it will work."

"Yes, this is the first time this system has been implemented in our country. I don't know if there will be any problems."

In this way, the people talked a lot and expressed their opinions. They are full of expectations and worries about this novel system.

They don't know whether this system can bring benefits to them, and they don't know whether this system can make the country more prosperous.

In the inn, Sun Jianlong felt extremely heavy because he knew that if he could not think of a way out, he would be deported in a few days. He was not willing to fail like this, he wanted to fight for a chance of survival for himself.

Just when Sun Jianlong was distressed, he suddenly remembered Xi Yu.

There was something in his mind. Since he knew Xi Yu, why not take this opportunity to get close to him? Maybe get some help from him.

Sun Jianlong thought to himself, and decided to visit Xi Yu to see if he could find some clues. He picked up his package, prepared some gifts, and walked towards Xi Yu's mansion.

On the way, Sun Jianlong's mood was very complicated. He didn't know whether his plan would succeed, or whether he would be in greater danger.

All he knew was that he had to take the risk, otherwise he wouldn't have any chance.

Arriving at Xi Yu's residence, Sun Jianlong saw two soldiers standing guard at the door. He walked up and said, "I'm here to visit the Prime Minister."

The soldier glanced at him and said, "Do you have an appointment?"

Sun Jianlong said: "No, but I know him. My name is Sun Jianlong."

The soldier heard this and said, "Then wait a moment and I'll report it."

After a while, the soldier came back and said, "My lord, I agree to see you. Come with me."

Sun Jianlong followed the soldiers and walked into the mansion. He saw Xi Yu, wearing a gorgeous robe, sitting at a desk, reading a document.

Xi Yu looked up at him and said, "Is that you?"

Sun Jianlong said: "My lord, I'm really offended. I saw your lord on the tower that day, and I didn't expect that your lord was actually the prime minister. I came here to visit your lord today to express my respect."

Xi Yu warmly received Sun Jianlong and said, "Haha, brother Sun, long time no see! Please sit down, please sit down. Come and watch the tea."

Sun Jianlong said: "Master Xi, I'm really offended. I didn't recognize you that day. I'm really ashamed."

Xi Yu said: "Brother Sun, you don't have to blame yourself. I did it for convenience that day, so I didn't tell you my true identity. I hope Brother Sun doesn't mind."

Sun Jianlong said: "My lord, you are joking. Why would I mind? Your lord is the prime minister and has to deal with many things every day, so he must be cautious."

Xi Yu said: "Haha, Brother Sun, you are such a sensible person. Come, drink tea, drink tea. This is the Longjing tea I just shipped from Jiangnan. How do you like it?"

Sun Jianlong took a sip and said, "Thank you, Master Xi. Well, this tea has a fragrant aroma, clear soup color, and sweet taste. It's really good tea."

Xi Yu said: "Haha, Brother Sun, you are really a person who understands tea."

Just then, Wan'er came. When she saw the guests, she didn't go in. She just stood at the door for a while, then turned and left.

When Sun Jianlong saw Wan'er, his heart moved.

After a while, Sun Jianlong also left. He knew that he couldn't be impulsive in Xi Yu's house. He has to wait for a suitable opportunity before he can take action.

He walked out of Xi Yu's mansion and looked back. It was a magnificent building. There were two stone lions in front of the door, and a plaque hung on the door with three golden characters "Prime Minister's Palace" written on it.

He secretly vowed to make Xi Yu pay the price.

On this day, Liu Xie got up and walked to the window and looked at the scenery outside the window.

There are green mountains in the distance, and a lake nearby. The water is clear and transparent, with rippling blue waves. Beside the lake is a tree-lined garden with colorful flowers that emit bursts of fragrance. Liu Xie was filled with emotion when he saw all this. He thought of the ups and downs since he ascended the throne and his efforts to achieve peace in the world.

At this moment, a soldier came in and reported: "Your Majesty, the Prime Minister wants to see you."

Liu Xie said: "Oh? Please invite him in quickly."

The soldier went out for a while and then came in with Xiyu.

Xi Yu was wearing a gorgeous official uniform, a black official hat, a jade belt around his waist, and black boots, looking majestic and solemn.

There was a kind of confidence and calmness in his eyes, as if he was waiting for Liu Xie's praise.

When Xi Yu saw Liu Xie, he immediately saluted and said, "Your Majesty, what do you want from me?"

Liu Xie said: "Xi Yu, you are here. I have something important to tell you."

Xi Yu said: "Your Majesty, please speak."

Liu Xie said: "I have issued an edict to adopt the constitutional monarchy throughout the country."

Xi Yu said: "Your Majesty, you are really wise."

Liu Xie said: "Haha, you don't need to flatter me anymore. I'll leave this matter to you. You must convey the edict to officials and people everywhere as soon as possible so that they all know my decision."

Xi Yu said: "Your Majesty, don't worry, I will do my best."

Liu Xie said: "Okay, then go ahead and do it."

Xi Yu said: "Thank you, Your Majesty."

Liu Xie told Xi Yu that he would send someone to Chang'an Palace to deliver the news and let the people there disperse on their own.

Xi Yu turned around and left, his face filled with confidence and joy. He knew that his dream was about to come true.

Liu Xie looked at Xi Yu's leaving figure and felt filled with emotion.

As night fell, Wan'er lay on the bed and closed her eyes.

Her thoughts gradually drifted away and entered a wonderful dream.

In her dream, she saw a beautiful garden filled with all kinds of flowers. She walked into the garden and saw an old man sitting on a stone bench.

The old man wore a white robe, and his hair and beard were gray. There was a kind of wisdom and kindness in his eyes, which made Wan'er feel very warm.

When the old man saw Wan'er, he smiled and said, "Wan'er, you are here."

Wan'er said: "Grandpa, why are you here?"

The old man said: "Wan'er, I'm here to tell you something. Do you know? Xiyu and Dongfanghong acted in a show that day, saying that she was in love with Dongfanghong, which made you very angry. So, don't marry Xiyu ."

Wan'er was shocked after hearing this. She said: "Grandpa, how do you know these things?"

The old man said: "Wan'er, I am your grandfather, of course I know what you are thinking. Don't marry Xi Yu, he is not a good person."

Wan'er said: "Grandpa, please stop talking. I love Xi Yu and I believe him."

The old man said: "Wan'er, don't believe him. He is using you and he doesn't love you."

After a while, Wan'er woke up.

Wan'er sat alone in front of the window, staring at the bright moon in the night sky, with a trace of sadness in her eyes.

The moonlight shone on her face, reflecting the tears in the corners of her eyes. Her heart was full of contradictions and confusion.

She didn't know whether to believe her grandfather's words, or whether she should continue to love Xi Yu.

Although she also knew that this was a dream, why was it so real?

The next day, Wan'er was still thinking about this matter, and she felt listless.

Cao Pi was locked up in a simple tent, his face full of anger and despair. His eyes looked at the outside world through the cracks in the tent.

He saw a group of soldiers talking about something, their faces filled with excitement and joy.

Cao Pi heard their conversation and learned that Xi Yu had become prime minister.

His heart was shocked, and he thought of Xi Yu, the person who once fought for the world with him. He didn't expect that Xi Yu could become the prime minister so smoothly and take control of the world.

Cao Pi was filled with jealousy and unwillingness. He remembered his former glory and glory.

He was once Cao Cao's son and the overlord of the world.

He didn't expect that he would end up in such a situation, being imprisoned here, losing his freedom and dignity.

He hated Xi Yu, hated him for taking away his world, and hated him for making him lose everything.

Just when Cao Pi was thinking a lot, he suddenly heard a commotion outside. He looked up and saw Liu Xie walking into his tent surrounded by a group of soldiers.

Cao Pi was shocked. He didn't expect Liu Xie to come to visit him.

A strong hatred could not help but surge up in my heart.

But he still had to kneel down and salute.

Liu Xie walked into the camp and felt a sense of pleasure in his heart when he saw Cao Pi.

He laughed and said: "Cao Pi, I never thought you would be here today, you really deserve it!"

The anger in Cao Pi's heart became even stronger.

Liu Xie added: "Cao Pi, you deserve it. In order to fight for the world, you killed many innocent people by any means at all costs. The end you have now is entirely your own fault."

Cao Pi just listened silently, not daring to make any resistance.

Although he had already scolded Liu Xie in his heart.

Liu Xie felt particularly happy. After scolding him, he took the lead to leave under the leadership of several soldiers.

Soon, Xi Yu also found out about this.

He did not expect Liu Xie to insult Cao Pi.

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