Sun Jianlong also agreed, so he had to put Wan'er back into the cave.

Xi Yu planned to discuss things about the Sima family.

Xi Yu's eyes were stern. He stared at Sun Jianlong and said, "The Sima family deserves to die."

When Sun Jianlong heard this, his face instantly became gloomy, and he asked in a low voice: "Why did you say that?"

Xi Yu sneered and replied: "Sima Yi is cunning, cunning, and will do whatever it takes to gain power. What he has done has brought great harm to others."

Sun Jianlong became excited, clenched his fists, and said firmly: "Although Sima Yi is sinister, he is also for his own lord. Everyone is their own lord, and he did nothing wrong."

Xi Yu sneered and retorted: "It's his fault that he does whatever it takes to get power. The Sima family must pay the price for this."

Sun Jianlong's voice broke the silence. With an angry look on his face, he scolded: "Xi Yu, you are nothing!"

His voice was full of anger and disappointment, as if he was extremely dissatisfied with Xi Yu's behavior.

Xi Yu did not flinch. He looked at Sun Jianlong calmly and said, "Why are you angry? I'm just stating the facts." His voice was low and firm, revealing an unquestionable confidence.

Sun Jianlong's brows furrowed even more tightly and he asked, "Then what did Master Sima and Sima Zhao do wrong? You should explain it to me clearly!" His eyes were as sharp as a knife, as if he wanted to see through Xi Yu's mask. His heart.

Xi Yu smiled slightly, took a deep breath, and said slowly: "Wu Huan Hua." His voice was not high, but every word seemed to hit Sun Jianlong's heart hard.

"Five random flowers? What do you mean?"

Sun Jianlong's face turned pale instantly.

Xiyu explained to him.

" are talking nonsense!" Sun Jianlong finally came to his senses, his voice full of anger and shock.

He couldn't accept Xi Yu's accusation.

"There has never been such a thing. You are just making it up."

Xi Yu sighed and said: "I can't ignore the historical lessons of Wu Hu's chaos in China. If the Sima family gets the country, something like this will happen sooner or later. I can't let history repeat itself and must learn from it."

"You are talking nonsense."

Sun Jianlong didn't want to talk nonsense anymore. He stared at Xi Yu with a hint of threat in his eyes.

"Will you agree to my request?" Sun Jianlong asked.

Xi Yu met Sun Jianlong's gaze without fear and said firmly: "Let Wan'er go quickly, or you will bear the consequences."

Sun Jianlong burst out laughing, his laughter full of sarcasm.

"How dare you talk to me like this? Who do you think you are? In such a situation, what else can you do?" Sun Jianlong said.

Xi Yu looked at Sun Jianlong coldly and said nothing.

Sun Jianlong's laughter echoed in the room, his eyes full of contempt.

"Who do you think you are? How dare you be so arrogant in front of me." Sun Jianlong said.

Xi Yu looked at Sun Jianlong quietly, her eyes firm and calm.

"It's your fault that you kidnapped Wan'er. No matter what your request is, I will never agree to it," Xi Yu said.

Sun Jianlong's face turned gloomy, and he said viciously: "Okay, since you are so disrespectful, don't blame me for being rude."

After saying that, he picked up the knife in his hand and walked towards Wan'er.

At this moment, a dark shadow flashed by, and the secret guard appeared instantly and quickly snatched the knife from Sun Jianlong's hand.

Sun Jianlong was shocked. He did not expect that Xi Yu was protected by secret guards.

" did you get here?" Sun Jianlong asked in shock.

The secret guard did not answer Sun Jianlong's question. His eyes were cold and firm, and he slashed at Sun Jianlong with the knife in his hand.

Sun Jianlong quickly dodged, his skills were not weak, and he started fighting with the hidden guard.

The two started a fierce fight in the room, with fists hitting the flesh and swords flashing.

The fight between Sun Jianlong and the secret guard became more and more fierce. Their moves were very cruel and they seemed to want to kill each other.

Xi Yu took advantage of Sun Jianlong's distracted moment and immediately ran to Wan'er, untied her and held her tightly in his arms.

"Wan'er, don't be afraid, I'm coming." Xi Yu said softly.

Wan'er kept crying in Xi Yu's arms, and her body kept shaking.

"I...I thought I would never see you again..." Wan'er said.

Xi Yu gently patted Wan'er's back to comfort her.

"No, I won't let anyone hurt you." Xi Yu said.

At this time, the secret guard had subdued Sun Jianlong and was about to kill Sun Jianlong.

"Wait!" Xi Yu shouted.

The secret guard stopped what he was doing and looked at Xi Yu.

"Don't kill him yet." Xi Yu said.

Xi Yu asked the secret guards to take Sun Jianlong back, which must be publicly executed, and then left the place with Wan'er.

On the way back, Xi Yu asked Wan'er what was going on.

"Wan'er, why did you leave me?" Xi Yu asked.

Wan'er lowered her head and said softly: "I'm sorry, Xi Yu, I was too willful. I had a dream about grandpa..."

Before Wan'er finished speaking, Xi Yu interrupted her.

"What did you dream about grandpa?" Xi Yu asked.

"I...I dreamed that grandpa accused you, so I wanted to leave you." Wan'er said.

After hearing Wan'er's words, Xi Yu felt sad in his heart.

"Are you really stupid, Wan'er?" Xi Yu said.

Wan'er raised her head and looked at Xi Yu, her eyes full of love.

Xi Yu gently stroked Wan'er's hair and said, "Don't do such stupid things again, okay?"

Wan'er nodded and said, "Okay, I promise you."

Ouyang Linlin returned home and heard that Wan'er had returned safely, and the big stone in her heart finally fell to the ground.

She hurried to Wan'er's room and asked with concern: "What happened? Why did you leave suddenly?"

Wan'er told Ouyang Linlin exactly what happened. Ouyang Linlin was frightened when she heard this, and she was secretly glad that Wan'er was safe and sound.

"Fortunately, you're okay, otherwise I really don't know what to do." Ouyang Linlin said.

At this time, Xi Yu walked in.

"I have asked the secret guards to hang Sun Jianlong on the tower and prepare to execute him so that more people can come and watch," Xi Yu said.

"Isn't this too cruel?" Ouyang Linlin asked.

"No, this is the punishment he deserves. He kidnapped Wan'er and he should pay the price." Xi Yu said.

"But..." Ouyang Linlin wanted to say something else, but was interrupted by Xi Yu.

"No buts, this is my decision." Xi Yu said.

The city tower was crowded with people. Many people gathered here, looking curiously, talking, and guessing what happened.

After a while, a soldier climbed up the tower and said loudly: "Fellow folks, Sun Jianlong is executed here today because he is Sima Yi's illegitimate son and has a grudge against Lord Xi Yu, so he kidnapped Miss Wan'er. "

There was an uproar in the crowd, some were surprised, some were angry, and some didn't believe it.

"It's so abominable that this is the case!"

"Sima Yi's illegitimate son? No wonder he is so bold!"

"Lord Xiyu is really wise and discovered this conspiracy in time."

The soldier continued: "Master Xiyu decided to publicly execute Sun Jianlong to let everyone know that anyone who offends Master Xiyu and his family will be severely punished!"

Sun Jianlong was executed, and the sky was gloomy, as if he was also feeling sad for the fate of this villain.

Xi Yu stood on the tower and watched Sun Jianlong being hung there, his heart filled with anger and hatred.

However, before he died, Sun Jianlong cursed Xi Yu, his words full of resentment and unwillingness.

"Xi Yu, you despicable villain, you will not die!" Sun Jianlong yelled.

Xi Yu looked at him coldly, without any emotion in his heart. He knew that Sun Jianlong was already a dying man, and there was no need to argue with him anymore.

"Your death day has come, what else is there to say?" Xi Yu said.

Sun Jianlong gritted his teeth and said, "Do you think killing me will solve the problem? I will curse you even if I become a ghost."

After saying that, Sun Jianlong stopped breathing, and his body swayed in the wind, as if telling the world his unwillingness and anger.

Xi Yu turned around and left the tower, he already had a plan in mind.

He heard from Sun Jianlong that there was another servant in the Sima family.

He decided to send someone to give Sun Jianlong's head to the old servant to let him know that his master was dead.

A few days later, Luoyang, Sima's house.

The early morning sun shines through the clouds in the courtyard of Sima Mansion.

The old servant was quietly cleaning the courtyard as usual, clearing away fallen leaves and debris. His movements are skillful and meticulous, as if this is his life's mission.

Suddenly, a burst of heavy footsteps broke the silence. The door was pushed open violently, and several soldiers in armor stepped into the house. Their footsteps echoed in the empty courtyard.

The old servant's heart tightened, and an ominous premonition came over him. He looked at the soldiers and saw that they were holding a wooden box in their hands, with bright red blood oozing from the edges of the box.

The soldiers walked up to the old servant and handed him the wooden box.

"This is the continuation given to you by the Prime Minister."

The old servant wondered, not knowing that Xi Yu was now the prime minister.

The old servant took the wooden box with trembling hands. When he opened the lid, he saw a human head. He took a closer look and burst into tears.

"This, this is the young master's head!" the old servant wailed, tears welling up like a fountain.

"Master, how did he die?" the old servant asked sadly.

The soldier told the old servant about Sun Jianlong's murder of Xi Yu, and said in a cold tone: "He died unjustly. This is the fate he deserves."

After saying that, the soldier turned and left, leaving the old servant there crying silently.

At this time, the sky was gloomy, as if feeling sad for this tragedy.

The old servant sat quietly at the door, tears streaming down his face.

"Why? Why is this happening?" the old servant murmured to himself.

He didn't know what to do. His master was dead and his life had no meaning.

The old servant's heart became heavier and heavier, and his heart was filled with endless sadness.

"Master, I'm here to accompany you." The old servant said softly.

He found a rope and tied it to the beam, then slowly stood on the chair. His eyes were full of determination and despair.

The old servant kicked away the chair.

In the days after Sun Jianlong was executed, Xi Yu began to send troops to protect Wan'er. He did this, on the one hand, to protect Wan'er's safety, and on the other hand, to monitor her every move.

Wan'er is restricted to a specific area and cannot go to other places casually.

The wedding day is getting closer, and Wan'er's mood is becoming more and more complicated. She has very complicated feelings towards Xi Yu. She is grateful for his protection but also dissatisfied with his surveillance.

On this day, Wan'er was walking alone in the courtyard, with many thoughts in her mind.

After a while, Xiyu came.

Wan'er turned around and looked at Xi Yu, a trace of dissatisfaction flashing in her eyes.

"Why do you want to spy on me?" Wan'er asked.

Xi Yu smiled, walked to Wan'er, and said, "I do this to protect you. You are the person I love most, and I can't let you get hurt in any way."

Wan'er was deeply moved after hearing Xi Yu's words. She turned around and looked at Xi Yu, her eyes full of love.

The day of Xi Yu's wedding finally arrived, and the entire Youzhou was filled with a festive atmosphere. The wedding of Xi Yu and Wan'er was held in the palace, grand and grand.

On her wedding day, Xi Yu was handsome and handsome in a gorgeous wedding dress. Wan'er is wearing a brocade wedding dress, and she is as beautiful as a human being.

All the generals celebrated and expressed their most sincere blessings on his wedding.

"Congratulations, Prime Minister, on marrying a beautiful woman!" said a general.

"Thank you, you must have a good drink today!" Xi Yu said with a smile.

At this time, Liu Xie also presented a precious gift to express his highest respect for Xi Yu's wedding.

"Prime Minister, this is my gift to you and Wan'er. I hope you will be together for a hundred years and stay together forever," Liu Xie said.

Xi Yu and Wan'er gratefully accepted the gift and expressed their gratitude to Liu Xie.

"Thank you for your gift, Your Majesty. I and Wan'er will definitely help each other and grow old together." Xi Yu said.

The entire wedding scene was full of joy and blessings, and people laughed and celebrated the beautiful moment of the couple together.

On the wedding night, Xi Yu felt that he couldn't bear it anymore. He hugged Wan'er tightly and felt her warmth and fragrance.

Wan'er gently pushed him away and said, "Husband, tomorrow we are going to pay homage to grandpa's grave as a return ceremony."

Xiyu nodded and agreed. He knew that Wan'er's grandfather was very important to her, and he also wanted to pay homage to the deceased elder.

The next day, Xi Yu and Wan'er got up early and prepared to go to the cemetery.

Wan'er's body was particularly sore, and she could only blame Xiyu for tormenting her last night.

"You are so disgusting." She even blamed him a little, and Xi Yu was about to cry.

Xi Yu looked at her with some distress and helped her get into the carriage.

Soon, they came to the cemetery. Xi Yu held Wan'er's hand and walked together to Wan'er's grandfather's grave. Xi Yu bowed respectfully, and then said to the grave: "Grandpa, Wan'er and I are already married. I will be twice as kind to Wan'er. Please don't worry."

Wan'er looked at Xi Yu movedly, tears welling up in her eyes. She knew that Xi Yu truly loved her and would take good care of her.

After Xi Yu returned, a soldier came to report: "Prime Minister, there is a family who is willing to sell the house, and we can use it as a palace. That place is a single house, and there are no other houses around it."

Xi Yu was overjoyed and said, "That's great, let's go take a look right away."

Xi Yu and the soldiers rode horses and soon arrived in front of the house.

Xiyu got off his horse and looked at the house carefully. It is an ancient building with tall walls and a grand gate, which looks very majestic.

Xiyu walked into the house and found that there was a large garden inside. The garden was full of various flowers, plants and trees, and it was very beautiful.

Just then the owner came out. He was a foreigner.

This official, whose surname was Su, knelt down to Xi Yu.

"This is not in the imperial court, so there is no need to be polite to members outside the court," Xi Yu said.

Xi Yu walked into the hall of the house again and found that it was very luxuriously decorated, with exquisite calligraphy and paintings hanging on the walls and gorgeous carpets on the floor.

Xi Yu was very satisfied. He said to the soldiers: "This is really an ideal palace. We can stay here."

Su Yuanwai was very happy to see that Xi Yu was very satisfied with his house.

The most important thing is that this place has beautiful scenery and there are no other houses around.

Xi Yu asked in confusion: "Executive member Su, this house is so magnificent, why do you want to sell it?"

Su Yuanwai smiled and replied: "Prime Minister, although this house is very good, it is someone else's territory after all. I have no sense of belonging here. I am already old and would rather go back to my hometown to live with the people I played with when I was a child. Companions live together.”

Xi Yu nodded, understanding Su Yuanwai's thoughts. He asked again: "So, how much do you plan to sell this house for?"

Su Yuanwai thought for a moment and then said: "I don't plan to sell this house for how much, as long as you think it's suitable, Mr. Xiyu. I just hope that this house can be put to good use and not be abandoned."

Xi Yu said gratefully: "Executive member Su, I appreciate your kindness. I will give you a reasonable price and make good use of this house."

Su Yuanwai answered with a smile that he was willing to give this house to Xi Yu for free.

Xi Yu was surprised and didn't know why Su Yuanwai gave the house to him.

Xi Yu said quickly: "Executive member Su, this house is so magnificent, why did you give it to me? I can't accept such a generous gift."

"Master Prime Minister, I have something to ask you. I only have one son, his name is Su Yu. Although he is a little naughty, he is also somewhat talented. I hope you can keep him by your side and give him a chance. Allow him to seek an official position."

Xi Yu immediately rejected the other party's request and reprimanded Yuan Su.

"So, you are trying to bribe me, and I will never agree to it."

Su Yuanwai said: "Prime Minister, I am indeed willing to give you a gift instead of making an exchange with you, but I still hope you will give my son a chance." (End of chapter)

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