"Executive member Su, I must pay this money, otherwise I will leave resolutely." Xi Yu's voice was not loud, but he revealed an unquestionable determination.

Su Yuanwai sighed helplessly. He didn't expect Xi Yu to be so stubborn.

In order to protect the family's reputation, he had no choice but to sell the house to Xi Yu at a low price.

"Forget it, since you insist on this, then I will sell this house to you at a low price." Su Yuanwai said helplessly.

Xi Yu nodded and said nothing more.

After he paid, he took over the title deed.

When Su Yuanwai saw that the deal had been completed, he decided to host a banquet in honor of Xi Yu to ease their relationship.

"Mr. Xi, I'm hosting a banquet in my house tonight, and I hope you'll appreciate it. At the same time, I also hope that my dog ​​Su Yu will accompany me and get to know you." Su Yuanwai said with a smile.

Xi Yu's heart moved, and she also wanted to see what Su Yu was capable of. He readily agreed: "Then I would rather obey your orders than be respectful."

As night falls, the Su family's courtyard is brightly lit.

Accompanied by Su Yuanwai, Xi Yu came to the banquet hall.

He looked around and saw many businessmen, and he couldn't help feeling impressed by Yuan Su's wide network of contacts.

"Mr. Xi, please sit down. I'm going to call Quan Zi over." Su Yuanwai said.

Xi Yu nodded and sat at the banquet. He waited quietly for Su Yu's arrival, his heart full of expectations.

After a while, Su Yu walked into the banquet hall. He was wearing a white robe, elegant and handsome.

"This is the dog Su Yu." Su Yuanwai proudly introduced.

Xi Yu smiled and said, "I've heard about Mr. Su's name for a long time, and when I saw him today, he really deserves his reputation."

Su Yu returned the favor and said, "Prime Minister, thank you very much."

When Su Yuan saw the two chatting happily outside, he was very happy.

He took the opportunity to say: "Prime Minister, Quanzi is quite knowledgeable about opera. Why not let him accompany you to enjoy tonight's opera performance."

"That couldn't be better."

So, Su Yu sat next to Xi Yu and enjoyed the opera performance with him.

While enjoying the performance, the two exchanged their understanding and insights on the opera.

After dinner, Xi Yu asked to chat with Su Yu alone.

The two came to the yard, and the moonlight shone on the ground, reflecting their figures.

Su Yu told Xi Yu bluntly that he really wanted to do things in front of Xi Yu, hoping to be appreciated by him.

Xi Yu looked at Su Yu with a smile and asked, "Master Su, I wonder what you are good at?"

Su Yu confidently replied: "Mr. Xi, I have been practicing martial arts since I was a child, and I have dabbled in both literature, Taoism and martial arts."

Xi Yu nodded and said, "Then Mr. Su, can you show me your martial arts skills?"

Su Yu readily agreed. He picked up a spear from the weapons rack and started to dance.

The tip of the gun shone coldly in the moonlight, and Su Yu's movements were smooth and smooth.

Xi Yu watched Su Yu's performance and secretly praised it in his heart.

He felt that Su Yu's martial arts skills were indeed good, so he nodded to express his satisfaction.

"Master Su's martial arts skills are truly extraordinary," Xi Yu said.

Su Yu smiled modestly and said, "The Prime Minister is so complimentary."

Next, they began to talk about scriptures.

Half an hour later, Xi Yu looked at Su Yu with a smile, his eyes shining with admiration.

He said: "Mr. Su, after some conversation, I found that you are not only talented in both civil and military affairs, but also knowledgeable. Since Mr. Su is willing to serve under my command, I agree."

Su Yu felt happy. He didn't expect that he would be appreciated by Xi Yu.

He immediately nodded and agreed: "Thank you Prime Minister for your kindness. Su Yu is willing to do your best."

Xi Yu laughed loudly and said: "From today on, you will be my right-hand man. I hope we can work together to create a great cause."

Su Yu raised his hand again and said, "Thank you, Prime Minister, for your trust. Su Yu will do his best to live up to expectations."

Xi Yu smiled and nodded.

But he didn't know what kind of position should be given to Su Yu.

Su Yu told Xi Yu that as long as he could follow Xi Yu, he could do anything.

"Your Excellency, Prime Minister, I, Su Yu, have nothing else to ask for. I just want to be able to follow you and do my best for you!" Su Yu knelt in front of Xi Yu and said sincerely.

Xi Yu looked at Su Yu in front of him and thought to himself.

He knew that Su Yu was a talented young man, but he also needed time to test his sincerity and ability.

"You should get up first, and I will consider your request. It's getting late now, so you go back and rest first. We will discuss the specific matters tomorrow," Xi Yu said.

Su Yu stood up and bowed deeply to Xi Yu.

At this time, Su Yuanwai arrived.

When he saw his son, his eyes were filled with pride and relief.

"Your Excellency, Prime Minister, it is truly an honor for our Su family to win your favor!" Su Yuanwai said.

Xi Yu smiled and nodded, and said, "Su Yu is indeed a talent, and I will train him well."

After hearing this, Yuan Su was even more happy. He said, "This house has been sold to the Prime Minister. We, father and son, are going to stay in an inn today."

Xi Yu thought for a while and said, "In that case, let them live here temporarily. After His Majesty moves in, it won't be too late for you to move out."

Su Yuanwai and Su Yu heard this and quickly thanked Xi Yu.

"Thank you, Prime Minister!"

Xi Yu waved his hand and said, "You're welcome, this is what I should do. You should go to bed early. There are still many things to do tomorrow."

Su Yuanwai and Su Yu saluted Xi Yu again and then left.

Xiyu also went back.

Early the next morning, the sun shone on the earth through thin clouds. Xi Yu got up early. After washing, he went to the guest room to greet Liu Xie.

"Your Majesty, I would like to send you my regards." Xi Yu saluted respectfully.

Liu Xie had just woken up and was still a little sleepy, but when he heard Xi Yu's voice, he immediately sat up and said with a smile: "Xi Yu, there is no need to be polite. What's the matter with coming to me so early?"

Xi Yu straightened up and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, I have bought a manor for you and would like to invite you to have a look. What do you think of it?"

When Liu Xie heard this, he immediately became energetic and a glimmer of excitement flashed in his eyes.

"Oh? Xi Yu, you are so thoughtful! Okay, let's go take a look right away!" Liu Xie said excitedly.

Xi Yu smiled slightly and said, "Your Majesty, please wait a moment, I have prepared a sedan chair for you."

Liu Xie nodded and said, "Okay, then let me ride in the sedan."

Xi Yu turned around and went out, telling the soldiers to prepare the sedan.

After a while, a gorgeous sedan was carried over. Xi Yu personally lifted the sedan curtain for Liu Xie and invited him to get on the sedan.

Liu Xie got into the sedan, while Xi Yu rode on a horse, leading soldiers to guard both sides of the sedan, and the group set off in a mighty manner.

Along the way, Xiyu felt as if someone was following them, but he didn't mind.

Because he knew that he would be protected by secret guards and nothing would happen to him.

When Xi Yu saw a shop, he remembered that he had not had breakfast, and Liu Xie had just gotten up, so he quickly dismounted and asked Liu Xie to have breakfast with him.

"Your Majesty, let's have breakfast first. This store looks pretty good," Xi Yu said.

Liu Xie said: "I was not hungry just now, I was just too excited. After hearing what you said, I realized that I was a little hungry."

So, they walked into the inn together.

The inn was very lively with people coming and going.

Xi Yu and Liu Xie found a seat by the window and sat down and ordered some food.

"Your Majesty, please try this porridge. It tastes very good." Xi Yu said as he served Liu Xie a bowl of porridge.

Liu Xie took a sip, nodded, and said, "Well, it tastes really good."

Xi Yu smiled and said, "As long as your Majesty likes it."

At this moment, Xi Yu seemed to see a sneaky shadow appearing near the inn.

"Your Majesty, you eat first while Wei Chen goes outside to take a look." Xi Yu said.

Liu Xie nodded and said, "Okay, go ahead."

Xiyu stood up and walked out of the inn, looking around for the shadow.

He immediately called out the secret guard.

They spotted the shadow ducking into an alley and followed him.

When he reached the entrance of the alley, Xi Yu stopped and carefully observed the surrounding situation.

He saw the shadow turn a few corners in the alley and then disappear behind a door.

Xiyu approached the door and heard a whisper coming from inside.

"It must be successful this time."

"Don't worry, we are well prepared this time and we will definitely catch them all."

Xi Yu and the other two were shocked, hearing the voices sounding like a group of assassins.

Back at the inn, Xi Yu sat next to Liu Xie with a serious look on his face.

"What's wrong? What happened?" Liu Xie noticed something strange about Xi Yu and asked.

Xi Yu whispered: "Your Majesty, we may be being followed. I just saw a group of assassins plotting in the alley."

Liu Xie's expression changed and he said, "Then what should we do?"

Xi Yu pondered for a moment and said, "Your Majesty, don't worry. Wei Chen has arranged for people to protect us secretly. As long as we don't leave the inn, there will be no danger."

Liu Xie nodded and said, "Okay, then I'll listen to you."

After the meal, Xi Yu whispered to Liu Xie: "Your Majesty, let's not go back to the manor yet. I want to lure those assassins out."

"But wouldn't this be too dangerous?" Liu Xie was a little worried.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, Wei Chen is fully prepared." Xi Yu said.

Xi Yu took Liu Xie out of the inn and headed to a remote place. Along the way, Xi Yu carefully observed the surrounding situation, and at the same time asked the bearer not to ask any questions and just concentrate on his way.

As they walked, they came to a narrow alley. There are high walls on both sides of the alley, and the sun shines on the ground through the gaps in the leaves, forming a mottled light and shadow.

Suddenly, a group of assassins in black rushed out from the darkness on both sides of the alley, holding sharp blades and rushing toward Xi Yu and Liu Xie.

"There are assassins! Protect Your Majesty!" Xi Yu shouted loudly.

The soldiers brought by Xi Yu immediately drew their weapons and started a fierce fight with the assassin.

The secret guard also drew his sword and fought with the assassin.

Liu Xie hid behind the sedan and looked at everything in front of him in horror. He was overwhelmed with fear.

"Your Majesty, don't be afraid, we will protect you!" Xi Yu stayed by his side.

Soon, several assassins were dealt with.

They wanted to kill themselves by talking, but the secret guard had quick eyesight and quickly caught one of them, preventing him from dying.

When the other assassins saw that their companions had been captured, they all chose to commit suicide, leaving only this one assassin alive.

Xi Yu walked up to the assassin, looked at him coldly, and said, "Tell me, who ordered you to come?"

The assassin sighed and said, "I won't say anything. If you can, just kill me!"

Xi Yu frowned and said, "Do you think I can't do anything to you if you don't tell me? I have plenty of means to make you speak."

Xi Yu turned to the secret guard and said, "Take him down and interrogate him."

The secret guard responded and dragged the assassin away.

Xi Yu looked at the corpse on the ground and secretly felt happy.

Thanks to him being prepared this time, otherwise the consequences would have been disastrous.

"Your Majesty, are you okay?" Xi Yu walked to Liu Xie and asked with concern.

Liu Xie's face was pale, and it was obvious that he had not recovered from the shock just now.

He shook his head and said, "I'm fine, I'm just a little scared."

Xi Yu consoled him, "Your Majesty, don't worry. We have eliminated all these assassins. You are safe now."

Liu Xie nodded and said, "Thanks to you this time, otherwise I might have died."

Xi Yu said: "It is the duty of a humble minister to protect His Majesty, you are welcome."

Liu Xie looked at Xi Yu with a hint of gratitude in his eyes.

"Your Majesty, there happens to be an inn ahead. Let's go and take a rest first." Xi Yu said.

Xi Yu thought that Liu Xie was frightened after all, so he should not go to the manor for the time being and rest for a while.

Liu Xie nodded and said, "Okay, let's go there."

Xi Yu took Liu Xie and the guards out of the alley and came to a nearby inn.

In the inn, Xi Yu arranged for people to protect Liu Xie, and at the same time sent people to trace the identity of the assassin and the person behind the scenes.

"Your Majesty, please take a rest first while I go to deal with some matters." Xi Yu said.

Liu Xie nodded and said, "Okay, go ahead."

Xi Yu walked out of the room and came to the lobby of the inn.

In the lobby, the secret guard was waiting for Xi Yu.

"Sir, I have already interrogated the assassin, but he refused to say anything." A secret guard said.

Xi Yu's face darkened and he said, "Is he so tough-mouthed?"

The secret guard said: "I used various methods, but he just refused to speak."

Xi Yu thought for a moment and said, "I want to interrogate him personally."

Xi Yu came to the place where the assassin was imprisoned. It was an abandoned house.

Xi Yu saw the assassin.

The assassin was tied to a pillar, his body was bruised, but his eyes were still firm.

Xi Yu walked up to the assassin, looked at him coldly, and said, "Are you still unwilling to say it?"

The assassin sighed and said, "I won't tell you. If you have the ability, kill me!"

Xi Yu sneered and said, "Do you think I dare not kill you?"

Xi Yu said, pulling out the secret guard's sword and pressing it against the assassin's neck.

The assassin closed his eyes and waited for death to come.

Xi Yu looked at the assassin and hesitated. He knew that if he killed the assassin, he would never know who was behind it.

But what should we do if we don't kill him?

At this moment, the assassin suddenly opened his eyes, looked at Xi Yu, and said, "You dare not kill me because you still want to get information from me."

Xi Yu was shocked. He didn't expect that this assassin could see through his mind.

The assassin continued: "You don't have to waste your efforts anymore, I won't tell you. You'd better kill me, so that you can be freed early."

Xi Yu felt cruel and said: "Okay, since you want to die so much, then I will help you!"

Xi Yu said, about to stab him with his sword.

At this moment, a voice suddenly came: "Wait!"

Xi Yu stopped holding the sword in his hand and looked back, only to see Liu Xie walking in.

"Your Majesty, why are you here? It's very dangerous here. Please go back and rest." Xi Yu said.

There were several soldiers beside Liu Xie, and those soldiers looked very embarrassed.

Of course Xi Yu understood that if Liu Xie insisted on coming out, the soldiers would naturally not be able to stop him.

Liu Xie said: "I have a way to make him speak."

Xi Yu said, "What can we do?"

Liu Xie took out a bottle of medicine from his body, handed it to Xi Yu, and said, "This is the poison I brought from the palace. As long as he takes it, he will not be able to bear the pain and tell the truth."

Xi Yu was stunned and didn't expect Liu Xie to have such medicine.

"You can feel free to use it. Imperial doctors have already verified that this medicine is effective."

Xi Yu nodded and said, "Okay, Your Majesty, I will do as you wish."

Xi Yu said, opening the medicine bottle, pouring out a pill and giving it to the assassin.

The assassin struggled, but the secret guard immediately choked him.

The assassin finally swallowed the medicine.

After a while, the assassin began to struggle painfully, screaming in agony.

Xi Yu looked at the assassin and sneered in his heart.

Liu Xie said: "Aren't you still willing to tell me? If you tell me, I will give you the antidote."

The assassin endured the pain and said: "I... I said... it was... Liu Long sent me here... He wanted... to kill His Majesty..."

Xi Yu was shocked and asked Liu Xie: "Your Majesty, who is Liu Long?"

Liu Xie was also very surprised by this answer.

"Liu Long is Liu Song's biological brother."

You Qi felt very depressed. He originally thought that Liu Song's matter was over, but he didn't expect that his brother would still not let him go.

And in this case, it is impossible for the assassin to tell lies, because this drug also has hypnotic ingredients.

Liu Xie said: "Okay, if you tell the truth, I will give you the antidote."

"The following is absolutely not allowed. You cannot raise tigers to cause trouble." Xi Yu immediately objected.

He didn't expect Liu Xie to be so kind, no wonder nothing big happened.

Xiyu then looked at the secret guard.

The secret guard killed the assassin immediately.

Liu Xie sighed.

"Your Majesty, don't worry. We will definitely find out the whereabouts of Liu Long."

Liu Xie said: "Yes. It's all your fault."

He didn't want to say too many kind words, otherwise he would look too out-of-touch.

Liu Xie said: "Okay, I have finished resting, let's go to the manor quickly."

Xi Yu nodded, and finally walked out with Liu Xie.

And the secret guard disappeared immediately. (End of chapter)

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