Xi Yu brought Liu Xie to the manor and the sedan stopped.

They walked along the bluestone path and admired the beautiful scenery of the manor.

The Su family father and son were already waiting at the door. When they saw Xi Yu and Liu Xie arriving, they immediately stepped forward to salute.

"Greetings to Your Majesty and Prime Minister." The Su family father and son said in unison.

Liu Xie nodded with a smile and said, "No need to be polite."

Xi Yu said: "Your Majesty, this is the manor I have prepared for you. Are you satisfied with it?"

Liu Xie looked around and saw the pavilions, trees, and flowers in the manor, and he was very satisfied.

"Well, not bad. The environment here is very good and very suitable for living." Liu Xie said.

Xi Yu said: "In that case, let's choose an auspicious day to allow His Majesty to officially move in. At that time, Wei Chen will arrange many servants to serve His Majesty, and all the expenses of all the people living here will be borne by Wei Chen .”

Liu Xie said: "Okay, very good. Well, let's go check out the room first."

So, a group of people came to a large room. The room is elegantly decorated, and the window overlooks a beautiful garden.

Liu Xie nodded and said, "Well, it's very nice here. I'm very satisfied."

After everything was taken care of, we were just waiting to find an auspicious day, and then Liu Xie could officially move in here.

Su Yuanwai said: "Your Majesty, Prime Minister, today I will return to my hometown to live. As for my son, he will stay here for the time being."

Waiting for Liu Xie to move in before letting his son officially move out.

Liu Xie and Xi Yu also agreed.

Xi Yu said: "Your Majesty, this place is smaller than the palace after all. If you feel it is not suitable, it can be expanded in the future."

Liu Xie smiled and said: "No need, I don't care about anything now. I am just an idle emperor. There is no need to waste people and money so much."

Xi Yu nodded, knowing that Liu Xie was telling the truth. To be fair, Liu Xie is a good person, but he has no ability and was born in troubled times, so he has done nothing.

He said: "Your Majesty, you still have to pay attention to safety. We will strengthen our defenses and we must not let assassins come in."

Liu Xie said: "Then it will be hard work."

Xi Yu said: "This is what Wei Chen should do. Your Majesty, if you have any other needs, just ask and Wei Chen will do his best to satisfy you."

Liu Xie said: "Well, I don't have any need for the time being."

Liu Xie was filled with emotions.

He thought of his days in the palace, which, although luxurious, were full of intrigues and intrigues.

And now, in this manor, although it is simple, he can feel tranquility and peace of mind.

After a while, Xi Yu and Liu Xie were walking back home with a group of guards.

Along the way, the weather was calm and no assassins were encountered. Xi Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

After returning to the mansion, Xiyu dismounted and returned to the room alone.

He pondered for a while and suddenly remembered a question.

He felt that he should start a newspaper to let more people know about world affairs.

And there happened to be a suitable candidate beside him, and that was Su Yu.

Xi Yu's heart moved, and he decided to let Su Yu be the editor-in-chief of the newspaper. He believed that Su Yu's talent and ability would be able to successfully run this newspaper.

He called the soldiers and asked them to call Su Yu.

After a while, Su Yu came here. When he saw Xi Yu, he felt happy and saluted quickly.

"Meet the Prime Minister." Su Yu said.

Xi Yu nodded and said, "Master Su, there is no need to be polite. I have something to ask of you."

Su Yu said: "Please tell me, Mr. Xi, as long as it is something within Su Yu's ability, he will do his best."

Xi Yu said: "I want to run a newspaper to let more people know about the world's major events. And I think Mr. Su is a suitable candidate. I want Mr. Su to be the editor-in-chief of the newspaper. I wonder what Mr. Su wants?"

Su Yu was confused at this moment. What kind of thing is a newspaper?

Xi Yu laughed and got so excited that he forgot that newspapers were not a thing of this era.

It hasn't been expressed clearly to the other party at all.

So, he roughly said that he would print something on paper.

Then we need to let the villagers know about some of our national events, and then publish them publicly. There will also be newspapers in every county for people to read.

It will be given away for free at the beginning, and after a long time, people will need to subscribe.

Or post it on a wall so that more people can see it. The main content is to record the affairs between myself and His Majesty the Emperor.

After listening to what he said so much, Su Yu had a general understanding.

"Master Prime Minister, you are really a genius. How come you have so many ideas?"

Xi Yu smiled and thought that this was already outdated in his previous life.

But then, Su Yu felt something was wrong.

"The circulation is so large, but if everyone wants to copy it, how many people will be needed?"

He thought to himself, it couldn't be that Xi Yu made him copy them all.

I can write articles myself. But if you copy them one by one, it would be so tiring.

Xi Yu said: "I won't let you copy it, we will print it out when the time comes."

Su Yu felt even more surprised.

"Printing it, what's going on?"

"Okay, don't worry about so much for now, just decide whether you agree or not, right?"

Su Yu immediately agreed, thinking that he thought this was a good thing that would benefit the country and the people.

Xi Yu understood that the next step was to complete the printing process. Printing technology has not yet appeared, so why not let it come out in advance.

"Okay, there's no rush on this matter. You just need to agree. Now go back and wait. Originally I was thinking about asking you to do something, but now I can finally do it."

Su Yu soon returned to the manor.

His father was packing his things because he was going back to his hometown in the afternoon.

Seeing the smile on Su Yu's face, Su Yuanwai asked: "Son, what did the Prime Minister ask you to do?"

"Dad, the Prime Minister said he wanted to start a newspaper."

Member Su was naturally very confused.

"Newspaper, what is this?"

Su Yu then gave a rough explanation based on Xi Yu's explanation.

Member Su also raised the same question, that is, how many copies should be copied?

Su Yu immediately laughed, and his smile was particularly bright.

"Son, what's wrong? Why are you laughing? Is the question dad asked funny?"

"No, Dad, I also asked such a question at that time, and the Prime Minister explained it to me."

So, he said everything Xi Yu said to him at that time.

"So that's what happened, but I don't know if it can be realized."

Su Yuanwai stroked the beard on his chin. Although he was optimistic about this matter, he did not have any confidence.

"Dad, you also know that the Prime Minister can often create miracles."

Seeing his son's admiration for Xi Yu, Su Yuanwai wanted to laugh.

"Okay, since he is willing to take you in anyway, just follow him and start a good business."

Thinking of running a newspaper, Xi Yu felt particularly excited, and he decided to discuss the matter with Liu Xie.

So, he quickly came to the door of Liu Xie's room.

Liu Xie was worried at the moment.

He's always been like this lately, tending to think of some things in extremely complicated ways.

He knew that although he still carried the title of emperor, he had actually become a king who had subjugated his country.

Just like that manor, after living in it, I became even more isolated from the world.

He is like a prisoner. Although everyone is polite to me and listens to me, I am a prisoner.

While I was thinking, I suddenly heard footsteps outside. It was Xi Yu who had arrived.

When Xi Yu was about to salute, Liu Xie waved his hand.

"This is not above the court. There is no need to be so polite. If you have anything to say, just say it directly."

Xi Yu told him about running the newspaper, and without waiting for the other party to ask, he also told him about the structure of the newspaper.

Liu Xie's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Oh, it sounds good from what you say."

But then he shook his head.

"It's better to tell more about you. There is no need to tell you about me."

Because Liu Xie thought that he was about to withdraw from the stage of history after all. Besides, if he went to live in that manor, he would have nothing to report except eating, drinking and defecating.

However, Xi Yu showed respect for him and still wanted to publish his news.

"Otherwise, it's just an occasional visit. It's impossible for me to be there every time."

Xi Yu finally agreed.

"Listening to what you said, I am very much looking forward to it. What printing did you just say..."

"Yes, as long as there is that kind of machine, many copies can appear immediately."

"That being said, I am looking forward to it even more."

After a while, Xi Yu retreated.

He decided to tell Wenxuan and Dongfanghong the news so that they could share their joy.

After a while, he came to Youzhou College.

It happened that Wenxuan had no classes and was preparing lessons in the office.

The sun shines through the thin clouds and falls on the gardenia branches.

Gardenias are blooming, and the refreshing fragrance fills the entire courtyard.

Xi Yu walked into Wenxuan's office and said enthusiastically: "I want to start a newspaper, what do you think?"

Wenxuan sat by the window, looked at the scenery outside the window, and said lightly: "This is a good thing, but you don't want to take this opportunity to promote yourself, do you?"

The corners of her mouth raised slightly, revealing a sarcastic smile.

A trace of embarrassment flashed across Xi Yu's face, but he quickly regained his confidence, straightened his body and said, "Of course not, I just think our era needs a deep and thoughtful newspaper to convey some real Valuable information."

"By the way, I was planning to find you when I had time, and you came just in time."

"Oh, what do you want from me?"

"Wasn't it a weekend a few days ago? You also know that I used to like to travel around, so I went out for a walk this weekend."

Xiyu nodded, hoping she would continue.

Wenxuan sighed softly.

"I was just passing by a place and saw something that made me very sad."

Xiyu looked at Wenxuan curiously, waiting for her to continue.

"A landowner died, and several of his women were forced to be buried with him. There was a little child, and he didn't want his mother to be buried with him, so he and his mother knelt there and cried. But the servants didn't want to, and they treated the child's mother After a severe beating, she must be buried with her, that is, buried alive.”

Wenxuan's voice was full of pain and helplessness.

Xi Yu's face became heavy, and he slammed the table angrily.

"This is so cruel! How can you treat innocent lives like this!"

Wenxuan cried silently, her heart filled with sadness and sympathy.

"I saw the little kid and his mother kneeling on the ground, their eyes filled with despair and helplessness. I felt like there was nothing I could do but watch this happen."

Xi Yu held Wenxuan's hand and comforted: "This is not your fault, Wenxuan. You have tried your best. We can't change everything."

Wenxuan looked at Xi Yu with sharp eyes.

"You can change everything, don't you know what I mean when I tell you this?" Wenxuan said.

Xi Yu was suddenly startled. He understood what Wen Xuan meant, which meant that he wanted to abolish the burial system.

Yes, why haven’t I thought about this problem before?

In real history, this system was abolished starting from Yingzong of Ming Dynasty.

This is probably the only good thing Ming Yingzong did.

He suddenly laughed.

"Thank you, Wenxuan, thank you for telling me this."

Xi Yu said he would discuss it with Liu Xie.

Wenxuan slammed the table angrily.

"What are you still discussing? You should implement it immediately. Now that the emperor has been ousted by you, you are the master of the world. Why do you still discuss with him?"

At this moment, Lu Su walked in and was very surprised when he saw this scene.

Of course he knew that Wenxuan was so presumptuous in front of Xi Yu, but he shouldn't relax to this extent.

He was suddenly very embarrassed and didn't know whether to walk in or walk out.

At this time, Wenxuan realized that he had lost his composure.

"Mr. Lu, what can you do?"

"It's nothing. There's nothing else. Let's talk first."

He walked out as quickly as a thief, but Wenxuan couldn't hold it in any longer and immediately burst into laughter.

She suddenly noticed that Xi Yu glared at her.

"Really, what's so funny? Be more honest in front of me from now on, don't be immovable, no matter how big or small you are."

This time, Wenxuan was very obedient and nodded honestly.

"But I'm telling you the truth. If you have to ask His Majesty for instructions at any time, then what's the point of this constitutional monarchy?"

Xi Yu nodded, feeling that what she said made sense.

You can only ask Liu Xie about some particularly big matters. And under normal circumstances Liu Xie will agree.

Because whatever Xi Yu said, Liu Xie would basically agree to it.

If you ask for instructions on everything, you will lose the meaning of the constitutional monarchy.

"Thank you for reminding me, okay, I'm going back now."

Xi Yu rushed out immediately and met Dongfang Hong in the yard.

"Xi Yu, why are you here?"

"Look what you said, this is my college, why can't I come?"

"That was not what I meant."

Xi Yu also shared with him about running a newspaper.

"Oh, that's a good thing. People don't have much entertainment in this era. It's also good to get news from newspapers."

Xi Yu briefly chatted with him and left.

After a while, Lu Su came to Wenxuan's office.

Wenxuan still felt embarrassed that his other side was seen by Lu Su.

But Lu Su said nothing.

"Mr. Lu, what can you do?"

"I'm just very curious. I thought I saw you crying yesterday."

Wenxuan just smiled. He just remembered the incident of being buried, so he couldn't help it.

She also shared this matter with Lu Su.

"I told the Prime Minister about this just now. So he should abolish the burial system after a while."

However, when Lu Su heard this, his eyes widened.

"What's wrong, Mr. Lu, do you think this is inappropriate?"

“How can this be so casually abolished?”

Lu Su believes that there are many rich people who still want to enjoy themselves after death.

If this system is abolished, how will the rich feel?

Wenxuan was very angry after hearing Lu Su's expression.

"Okay, Mr. Lu, I didn't expect you to be so stubborn just because of a moth like you, so..."

Wenxuan blushed with anger and didn't know what to say.

Lu Su didn't expect Wenxuan's words to be so serious.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Lu, I shouldn't have said that."

"Teacher Wen, please don't say that. In fact, what you said makes some sense. After all, you think about the poor. Well, if there is nothing else, I will leave first."

Lu Su walked out immediately.

Wenxuan's words made Xiyu fall into thinking.

Yes, this burial system must be abolished.

Many heartbreaking scenes seemed to appear in Xi Yu's mind.

Sitting in the room, he couldn't help but shed tears.

Unknowingly, Wan'er had arrived at the door, but he didn't notice it.

Wan'er felt very strange when she saw him crying.

"Husband, what's wrong with you"?

Only then did Xi Yu realize that Wan'er had arrived, and he immediately laughed.

"How do you walk so quietly?"

"No, it was your thinking, so you didn't notice my arrival."

Xi Yu stood up immediately and took Wan'er's hand.

"Husband, what's wrong with you? Why were you crying just now?"

"I just went to Youzhou College, and Teacher Wenxuan told me something that made me feel very painful."

After that, he shared the relevant situation.

"So that's what happened. I thought there was some grievance nearby."

"What grievances can I have? I'm just being compassionate, okay?"

Wan'er nodded.

"Husband, do you want to abolish the system of burying people alive?"

"Indeed, it is inhumane."

But on the contrary, the idea is the same as Lu Su.

Is this approach too avant-garde? Will it be opposed by people?

"If I give an order, who dares to object?" Xi Yu sneered.

He is not using power to oppress others.

But this is a good thing that benefits the country and the people, so he must do it.

"Yes, husband, I support you." (End of Chapter)

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