Abolition of the sacrificial burial system is not an easy task and requires the support and approval of ministers. Xi Yu knew this, so he decided to summon Zhuge Liang and Jia Xu to discuss the matter with them.

Early the next morning, Xi Yu summoned Zhuge Liang and Jia Xu in the room.

The room was filled with the faint fragrance of tea. Xi Yu was sitting at the desk with a serious expression.

Zhuge Liang and Jia Xu walked in together, and when they saw Xi Yu's face, they felt a little uneasy in their hearts.

"Meet the Prime Minister." Zhuge Liang and Jia Xu said in unison.

Xi Yu nodded and said, "Please sit down."

Zhuge Liang and Jia Xu sat down, waiting for Xi Yu to speak.

"I summoned you two today because I have an important matter to discuss with you. Of course, this is a polite way of saying it, but I'm actually telling you something." Xi Yu said.

Zhuge Liang and Jia Xu looked at each other, feeling Xi Yu's seriousness.

"Prime Minister, please speak." Zhuge Liang said.

Xi Yu took a deep breath and said, "I have decided to abolish the burial system."

Zhuge Liang and Jia Xu were both surprised. They did not expect Xi Yu to come up with such an idea.

"Your Majesty, the burial system is a rule left by our ancestors. How can we abolish it at will?" Zhuge Liang said.

Xi Yu said: "I know that the burial system has been around for a long time, but this system is too cruel and inhumane. I cannot let innocent lives die."

Jia Xu said: "Your Majesty, the burial system is to maintain the dignity and honor of the royal family, and to appease the souls of the deceased. If the burial system is abolished, I am afraid it will cause dissatisfaction and resentment among everyone."

Xi Yu said: "I know that abolishing the burial system will face a lot of pressure and difficulties, but it is the right thing and I have to do it. Moreover, I believe that many people will understand and support it."

Moreover, Xi Yu believes that the rich will oppose it, and the poor will definitely agree with it.

After that, Xi Yu talked about the case mentioned by Wen Xuan.

Zhuge Liang and Jia Xu fell into deep thought. They knew that Xi Yu's decision was based on justice and conscience, but abolishing the burial system was indeed a very difficult matter.

"Prime Minister, this matter is very involved and needs careful consideration," Zhuge Liang said.

Xi Yu nodded and said, "I know. So I would like to ask my dear friends to give me some advice on how to successfully abolish the burial system."

Zhuge Liang and Jia Xu looked at each other and nodded.

"Prime Minister, we can start with publicity and education to let everyone understand the cruelty and inhumanity of the sacrificial burial system. At the same time, we can also formulate some reward and punishment measures to encourage the subjects to support the abolition of the sacrificial burial system." Zhuge Liang said.

He thought to himself that he couldn't oppose Xi Yu anyway, he could only give Xi Yu advice.

Xi Yu nodded and said, "This is a good idea. We can start with publicity and education to let everyone understand the disadvantages of the burial system."

Therefore, Xi Yu began publicity and education work to abolish the burial system.

He issued a series of announcements to publicize the cruelty and inhumanity of the burial system.

At the same time, he also formulated some reward and punishment measures to encourage everyone to support the abolition of the burial system.

The tavern was filled with people and smoke. A group of poor people were sitting around a table, discussing the recent announcement to abolish the burial system.

"Have you heard? The Prime Minister issued an announcement to abolish the burial system!" said an old man in shabby clothes.

"Really? This is great! My daughter no longer has to be buried with her!" a young mother said excitedly.

"But those rich people will definitely not be happy. They will try their best to oppose it." A middle-aged man said worriedly.

"Yes, they will definitely feel that their interests have been violated." Another old man said.

"No matter what they think, we poor people should support the prime minister's decision. The burial system is too cruel, and we can no longer let innocent lives be persecuted," said the young mother.

On the street, there are bustling crowds and busy traffic. A group of rich people gathered together to discuss the recent announcement to abolish the burial system.

"The prime minister wants to abolish the burial system!" said a rich man in gorgeous clothes.

"What? How can this be done? The burial system is a rule left by our ancestors. How can we abolish it at will?" said another rich man.

"Yes, in this case, wouldn't our interests be violated?"

"No, we have to find a way to oppose this decision."

"Yes, we must join forces with other wealthy people to oppose it!"

"But will this cause the Prime Minister's resentment?"

"We want to let those poor people know that if the burial system is abolished, it may cause chaos in the world." The ninth rich man said.

People in the taverns and on the streets were talking about the announcement of the abolition of the sacrificial burial system.

The poor people praised Xi Yu's decision and thought it was a just thing, while the rich people were shocked and angry, thinking that their interests had been violated.

Half an hour later, a group of rich people gathered in front of Xi Yu's house.

They were dressed in gorgeous clothes and looked anxious. They knelt on the ground and petitioned Xi Yu.

"Prime Minister, please take back your order and don't abolish the burial system!" said a rich man.

"Yes, Prime Minister, the burial system is a rule left by our ancestors. It cannot be abolished at will!" said another rich man.

"Prime Minister, abolishing the burial system will cause great chaos in the world!" said another rich man.

Soon, Xi Yu stood at the door, looking at the scene in front of him, filled with emotions.

He knew that abolishing the burial system was a difficult reform and would encounter a lot of resistance and opposition. However, he also firmly believes that this reform is correct.

Xi Yu said: "I can understand your feelings. The burial system is a rule left by our ancestors, but this rule is no longer suitable for today. We can no longer let innocent lives die for me."

The rich man said: "Prime Minister, you can't do this! This will make us lose a lot of benefits! Do you really want to do this?"

Xi Yu said, "Yes, I have already made up my mind."

While Xiyu was discussing with the ministers, Wenxuan galloped over on a horse.

Panting, she stopped in front of Xi Yu. Before she could dismount, she couldn't wait to ask: "Prime Minister, do you really plan to abolish the burial system?"

Xi Yu smiled and nodded, and said to Wenxuan, "Yes, this is my decision after careful consideration."

Wenxuan jumped off his horse excitedly and ran to Xiyu's side.

Her eyes sparkled with joy and she said, "I knew you would do this!"

Xiyu looked at Wenxuan tenderly.

Wenxuan immediately turned to face the rich man and reprimanded: "You rich people are so greedy and selfish! You only care about your own interests and don't consider the poor at all!"

Xi Yu was secretly pleased when he saw Wenxuan's reaction.

By this time, many people had gathered on the street.

And Wenxuan told all the miserable things he saw that day.

At this time, many poor people had quietly wiped away tears.

An old man burst into tears on the spot.

He said that his granddaughter worked as a maid in a rich man's house.

After the rich man died, he also asked his granddaughter to be buried with him.

So what a good thing it would be if Xiyu abolished this system at this time.

Everyone will be grateful to Xi Yu.

So many poor people firmly supported Xi Yu's plan.

Xi Yu saw a few rich people.

"Do you have anything else to say now?"

The rich people felt very ashamed.

Wenxuan sneered.

"You still come here to petition, I don't know how embarrassing it is."

These rich people left in disgrace.

But many players burst into warm applause.

Xi Yu said: "Thank you for everyone's support. There will be formal legal provisions soon."

If anyone implements the system of sacrificial burial, he will be sentenced directly.

Slowly everyone dispersed. When Xi Yu was walking in, he felt footsteps coming from behind. He knew it was Wenxuan.

He turned around and found that it was indeed Wenxuan.

Wenxuan gave him a thumbs up.

"What you did was simply amazing."

"Okay, isn't it all because of your encouragement? Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to make this determination. Is there anything else you have to do?"

"What's wrong? Don't you welcome me to your home?"

"Of course I don't mean that."

Liu Xie was reading a book in the room and suddenly heard the hustle and bustle outside, so he asked someone to see what was going on.

After a while, several servants came back.

Tell him that Xiyu wants to abolish the burial system, which has caused dissatisfaction among many rich people.

"What? Want to abolish the burial system?"

Liu Xie's eyes were very wide, and his mouth was also very wide.

He felt that Xi Yu was too bold.

He then asked the soldier to call Xi Yu, and he wanted to have a good talk with Xi Yu.

However, after a few soldiers had taken a few steps, Liu Xie said, "Wait a minute, you guys can come back."

Several soldiers returned immediately.

"You all should step back."

Only then did Liu Xie realize that he was no longer the official emperor.

All the power has been given to Xi Yu, so why should I intervene?

Xi Yubu came to tell himself that it was actually right.

But despite comforting himself like this, he still felt a little uncomfortable.

Moreover, he also opposed Xi Yu's abolition of the system of sacrifice and burial.

Xi Yu immediately summoned Zhuge Liang and Jia Xu again.

"Based on the abolition of the burial system this time, please improve the law by the way."

Xi Yu believed that some laws of the Han Dynasty needed to be changed, and he wanted to add some new elements.

He gave a rough outline of the framework, and finally let the two people go and work on it.

A few days later, the official law was enacted.

And the abolition of the legal system is also written into the law.

Not only in Youzhou, but also in the whole country.

The news soon spread to Fangjun and Wuhuan.

Liu Bei and Meng Huo also immediately started execution.

Before the abolition of the sacrificial burial system, a few wealthy people were still trying to find ways to tell Liu Xie to oppose Xi Yu.

However, their ideas were very naive because it was impossible for them to meet Liu Xie.

And Liu Xie no longer cares about worldly affairs.

Next, Xi Yu began to ask people to check the auspicious days of the zodiac.

It turns out that five days later will be the auspicious day.

This is a great day for moving.

So, Xi Yu asked Liu Xie to move to that manor.

And Xi Yu had already prepared many servants for Liu Xie.

Some of the eunuchs and maids from the palace also arrived.

Most of them are still the same cast, just in a different environment.

And Su Yu moved out.

He also had a small house in the county seat, so he temporarily lived there.

After Liu Xie moved away, many people were talking about it.

"His Majesty was moved to a place alone. Do you think this is a good thing or a bad thing?"

"Why do I feel as if the Prime Minister is deliberately isolating His Majesty?"

"That's right. There is no room for two tigers in one mountain."

"Hey, what are you talking about? It's not appropriate for His Majesty to always stay at the Prime Minister's house. He should go out and live alone."

"That's right. Besides, His Majesty has already said that all major matters must be decided by the Prime Minister."

At this time, some patrolling soldiers passed by the roadside and heard these people talking.

"Whatever you discuss here, aren't you afraid of beheading?" the soldier said.

At this time, those who were talking were so frightened that they quickly ran away.

Looking back, the patrolling soldiers reported the incident to Xi Yu.

However, Xi Yu smiled.

Because it is so normal for everyone to talk like this.

"If you encounter something like this again in the future, there is no need to stop them, just let them discuss it."

Several soldiers were stunned. They didn't expect that Xi Yu had such a good temper.

But they immediately understood that Xi Yu had not done anything that disturbed his conscience, so he was not afraid of other people's comments.

Xi Yu thought it was a good thing for Liu Xie to live alone in a place. It was actually very embarrassing for him to always live in his own home.

Suddenly, Xi Yu thought of Cao Pi and wondered if he would be particularly embarrassed in the military camp.

On this day, he decided to meet Cao Pi.

Cao Pi was sitting in the tent, his face pale and his eyes weak. He held a wine glass in his hand and took a sip from time to time, as if he wanted to drink away his sorrows.

Xi Yu walked into the camp and saw Cao Pi's appearance, and couldn't help but feel a pity in his heart.

"Are you okay?" Xi Yu asked softly.

Cao Pi raised his head, glanced at Xi Yu coldly, and raised the corners of his mouth with a disdainful smile.

"Hmph, what are you doing here? Are you here to see my jokes?" Cao Pi sneered.

Xi Yu sighed and said, "I'm not here to see your jokes. I just want to talk to you."

Cao Pi put down his wine glass and said, "Talk? What do you want to talk about? Is there anything else we can talk about?"

Xi Yu said: "You should be very clear about the current situation. You have no way out."

Cao Pi said: "A way out? I have never thought about a way out. I will not surrender."

Xi Yu said: "Why are you so persistent? Now you are the defeated one."

Cao Pi said: "Humph, so what? Even if I lose this war, I will not surrender. I can die, but I will not surrender to you."

Xi Yu said: "Why are you doing this? Surrendering is not a shameful thing."

Cao Pi said: "You don't need to say any more. I have already decided. I will not surrender or give up. You can kill me, but you can't conquer my heart."

Seeing how determined Cao Pi was, Xi Yu couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration in his heart.

But he immediately set a date for Cao Pi.

"I'll give you ten days. It would be best if you can surrender within ten days. If you still can't, I can only deal with you."

After Xi Yu said this, Cao Pi looked at him fiercely.

"Why wait ten days? You can get rid of me now, and it will be the same in ten days."

But Xi Yu didn't speak and walked out.

Many soldiers started talking about it.

"The Prime Minister is simply too good-tempered. Why don't you kill Cao Pi?"

"That's right, it's just a waste of food."

Cao Pi heard the commotion outside and thought of his past again.

He felt deeply humiliated.

Unexpectedly, I lost a lot overnight.

He was unwilling to give in, but what could he do?

He also wanted to die, but he never had the courage.

But at the same time, he also wondered if Xi Yu asked him to surrender, let alone because he was unwilling. Even if he was willing, could Xi Yu feel relieved?

Xi Yu should understand that he is not of the same mind as him.

So in this case, why does he have to win over himself?

Forget it, don't think about it so much, he still has to write poetry quickly.

He didn't even notice that a poem he wrote had been taken away by Xi Yushun.

Just now Xiyu saw a good poem, so he quickly put the paper away.

Xi Yu was reading Cao Pi's poems while walking on the road.

Cao Pi described his feelings after becoming a prisoner.

"He is indeed one of the Seven Sons of Jian'an. His poems are indeed good."

Although Xi Yu has never read this poem, he still thinks highly of it.

If you ask yourself to write, you won't be able to write it.

After an hour, Cao Pi prepared and sorted out the poems he had written today.

He suddenly discovered that a poem was missing.

How is this going?

And no one else arrived, so he suddenly thought of Xi Yu.

Could it be that Xi Yu took him away by the way?

He carefully recalled every detail.

When Xi Yu left, some paper seemed to fall on his feet.

Yes, it must be like this.

Cao Pi was very angry and clenched his fists.

This is all his hard work, and he doesn't want his voice to be seen by Xi Yu.

After returning home, Xi Yu was still reading the poem, admiring it very much.

Suddenly, Ouyang Linlin appeared at the door.

Ouyang Linlin was passing by and was stunned when she saw Xi Yu, so she walked in.

"Husband, what are you looking at so fascinatedly?"

"This is a poem by Cao Pi, what do you think?"

Ouyang Linlin took it.

After all, she has been literate since she was a child and has a certain level of appreciation.

She also kept feeling emotional.

"This poem is really good. It expresses all my depression."

Finally, she looked at Xi Yu.

"He is your enemy, why do you like him so much?"

"Of course, this is also a rival in my mind."

"Did you try to persuade Xiang again? He certainly won't surrender, right?"

Xiyu nodded.

"I gave him ten days. If he still doesn't surrender after ten days, I can only kill him." (End of chapter)

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