Ouyang Linlin nodded.

"Okay, as long as the husband knows what he is aware of, it will be fine." Okay, here are the excerpts from the novel for you:

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, a few more days have passed.

On this day, Sun Shangxiang came to Xi Yu and said that he missed his mother more and hoped that Xi Yu would let him go back to see his mother.

Xi Yu felt a little reluctant after hearing this, but he also knew that Sun Shangxiang was a filial child and she had always had a deep affection for her mother.

Xi Yu said: "In that case, why not bring Wu Guotai over? I had this idea before, but I forgot about it later. You can just wait at home, I want to go to Jiangnan in person."

Sun Shangxiang is very grateful.

So Xiyu set off on horseback.

Sun Shangxiang nodded and said, "Thank you, husband. You are such a good person. I will wait for your good news at home."

After saying that, Sun Shangxiang said goodbye to Xi Yu and returned to his room. She sat on the bed, feeling a little excited and looking forward to it. She hopes to see her mother soon and be reunited with her.

On the other side, Xi Yu is also ready to leave. He was riding a tall black horse and wearing a white robe, looking handsome and handsome. Head all the way towards Jiangnan Street.

Along the way, the scenery was picturesque and Xiyu was in a good mood. He admired the beautiful scenery on the roadside and felt the charm of nature. He knew that this time he went to Jiangnan Street not only to pick up Wu Guotai, but also to further his relationship with Sun Shangxiang.

On this day, Xiyu passed by a village and saw a girl running in panic, followed by many servants chasing her with wooden sticks.

He was shocked and quickly asked the girl to get on his horse.

"What's going on? Come to my yard quickly."

The girl didn't hesitate and immediately got on Xi Yu's horse.

At this time, several servants ran over and told Xiyu not to meddle in other people's business.

Xi Yu asked: "What are you doing? Why are you chasing this girl?"

One of the servants said: "This is our master's order. This girl is our slave. She has escaped. We must take her back."

Xi Yu said: "Since she is your slave, you should treat her well instead of chasing her like this. You do not respect human rights by doing this."

Another servant said: "You, an outsider, don't meddle in other people's business. This is our family's housework and has nothing to do with you. If you don't leave, we won't be polite."

Xi Yu said: "Don't threaten me. I am a just person and I will not stand idly by. You'd better let this girl go, otherwise you will bear the consequences."

After saying that, Xi Yu pulled out the sword from his waist to scare the servants.

Seeing Xi Yu's tough attitude, the servants didn't dare to take action easily. They hesitated for a moment, then turned and left.

Xi Yu breathed a sigh of relief when he saw them leaving. He looked back at the girl and saw she was still sobbing. He said: "Girl, don't be afraid. The servants have left and you are safe now."

The girl raised her head, looked at Xi Yu, and said gratefully: "Thank you, Master. You are really my savior."

Xi Yu said: "You're welcome. What happened to you? Why did you run away?"

The girl said: "I was sold here by human traffickers. I was originally a good girl, but because my family was poor, I was abducted by human traffickers. I was sold here and became a slave. I have to do a lot of hard work every day. I have to be bullied by my master. What’s more important is that my master is dying and wants me to be buried with him.”

Xi Yu was particularly angry after hearing this. He had just abolished the burial system, and the news should have spread throughout the country, but there are still people who dare to do this.

"This is simply unreasonable."

The girl's name was Xiao Cui. She looked at Xi Yu gratefully and said, "Thank you, Master, for saving me. I don't know how to repay Master."

Xi Yu smiled and said: "You're welcome, Xiao Cui. This is what I should do. You are safe now, don't worry anymore."

However, as soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly heard the sound of a bowstring, and an arrow shot towards Xiao Cui on horseback.

Xiaocui screamed in horror and almost fell off the horse. Xi Yu quickly supported her and said, "Don't be afraid, Xiaocui. As long as I'm here, you'll be fine."

At the same time, a group of black-clad killers rushed out from the darkness and attacked them.

The secret guards appeared quickly and started fighting with the killers.

Xiao Cui turned pale with fright. She grabbed Xi Yu's clothes tightly and said, "Master, what should I do? They must be people sent by the master."

Xi Yu said: "Don't be afraid, Xiaocui. Just hide behind me and don't get hurt."

The secret guard blocked a killer's attack with his sword and kicked him to the ground.

Another killer took the opportunity to slash at Xi Yu with a knife, but Xi Yu dodged the knife by dodging sideways.

The secret guard stabbed the killer in the chest with a backhand sword.

The killers became even more crazy when they saw their companions being killed by the secret guards. They rushed towards Xi Yu desperately.

However, the secret guards defeated them all.

After that, the secret guard disappeared, and Xiao Cui quickly asked what was going on.

"This is my secret guard, specially designed to protect my safety. Are you okay?"

Xiaocui started to cry. She said she was frightened. Suddenly, she dismounted.

Xiao Cui looked at Xi Yu gratefully and said, "Thank you, Master, for saving me. I have nothing to repay. I am willing to follow the Master from now on, be a maid, and take care of the Master's daily life."

But Xi Yu shook his head and said: "Xiao Cui, you don't have to be like this. I didn't save you just to let you repay me. You are a free person and should not be my maid. You should go home and be with your family reunion."

Xiao Cui shed tears after hearing this.

She said: "Sir, you don't know, I don't have a home anymore. I heard the news of the death of a family member a few days ago, and now I have no relatives. I don't know where to go or what to do. I I feel that only by following the young master can I have a chance of survival."

Xiyu couldn't bear it when he saw Xiaocui crying.

He said: "Xiaocui, don't cry. Since you have no relatives anymore, just follow me. I will give you a place to live and let you live a stable life. But don't think of yourself as a maid. , you are my friend, we must get along as equals."

Xiao Cui felt warm in her heart after hearing this. She said: "Thank you, Master. You are such a good man. I will definitely serve you well."

Xi Yu said: "Okay, Xiaocui, don't say anything. Let's find a place to rest first, and then continue on our way tomorrow."

After saying that, Xi Yu took Xiao Cui to an inn.

Xi Yu frowned and asked, "Xiao Cui, who is your family? Why are you so bold and dare to disobey the Prime Minister's order? The Prime Minister just issued an order to abolish the burial system."

Xiao Cui sighed and said: "Sir, this master is a local bully. He is powerful and colludes with the government. He has many slaves in his family and he often abuses us. He thinks he is a great person, He doesn’t take anyone seriously. He says whatever he says and no one dares to oppose him.”

Then, she sighed again.

"So what if it's the Prime Minister's order? After all, the mountains are high here and the emperor is far away."

Xi Yu thought to himself, you don't know that I am the prime minister in front of you.

After hearing this, Xi Yu felt a surge of anger in his heart. He said: "It's so unreasonable! This bully is so hateful! How could he treat you like this? You are humans too, not his animals!"

Xiaocui said: "Master, don't be angry. We slaves are all suffering, and no one cares about us. We can only endure his torture, there is no other way."

Xi Yu said: "No, Xiaocui, don't say that. You are not slaves, you are free people. You have the right to choose your own life. I will not let you be bullied by him anymore. Don't worry."

Xi Yu decided to take Xiao Cui to the local magistrate to resolve the matter completely.

Xiaocui was startled and said: "Sir, we are free now, so there is no need to trouble the county magistrate anymore, right?"

Xi Yu said: "Xiao Cui, you don't understand. This county magistrate actually colluded with the bully and must be punished."

Xiaocui said: "But, how can we see the county magistrate? We are just ordinary people, there is no way to see him, let alone let him be punished."

Xi Yu smiled and said, "You don't have to worry about that. I have a way. I am the person next to the Prime Minister."

Xiaocui was very surprised when she heard this. She said: "Master, you are so amazing. You are actually the person beside the Prime Minister. I am so honored."

After saying that, Xi Yu took Xiao Cui to the local county government office.

The Huang Mansion is one of the most powerful families in the town.

It was also the family that Xiaocui served before.

Mr. Huang is a very wealthy businessman. He runs various businesses and has countless wealth and connections.

But now he is terminally ill.

Mr. Huang's housekeeper was very angry when he saw his servant running back in embarrassment.

He asked: "What's going on with you? Why didn't you catch Xiao Cui?"

A servant said: "Steward, we met a young master, and he rescued Xiaocui. Moreover, the people around him were very powerful, and the killers we sent out were also killed by them."

The housekeeper was shocked when he heard this. He said: "What? Such a thing could happen? What is the origin of this young master? Why did he want to save Xiao Cui?"

The servant said: "Butler, we don't know either. We only know that he is a young master, and there are masters around him. We are not their opponent."

The housekeeper said: "It's so unreasonable! This Xiao Cui is such a broom star, he has caused us so much trouble. You trash, you are really useless, you can't even catch a woman. Forget it, forget it, it's over. At this point, it’s useless to say any more. You go down first, I’m going to report this matter to the master.”

Xi Yu took Xiao Cui to the county government office.

He said to the two government officials at the door: "Brother, I'm here to see the county magistrate. I have something important to see him."

One of the yamen servants looked at Xi Yu, then at Xiao Cui behind him, and then said coldly: "Who are you? Who do you think you are? A country bumpkin like you dare to come to the county magistrate. ?”

Another yamen servant also echoed: "That's right, that's right. Who do you think you are? Do you know who the county magistrate is? He is our parent officer here, and he is not someone who can meet just anyone. You want to see him , you must have a greeting card. Do you have a greeting card? Take it out and take a look."

Xiyu felt a little unhappy after hearing this.

He said: "I would like to ask, why are the Prime Minister's orders not followed here?"

"You bastard, who do you think you are? How dare you talk to us in this tone."

Xiao Cui felt a little dissatisfied when she saw Xi Yu being ridiculed by two government officials.

She said: "Brother, officer, please don't speak of the young master like this. The young master is someone close to the prime minister, so don't offend him."

The two government officials became even more disdainful after hearing this.

"What did you say? He is the person next to the Prime Minister, so the two of us are the people next to the Jade Emperor."

Finally, the two government officials started laughing.

Xi Yu didn't want to tangle with the two government officials anymore, so he directly called out the secret guards.

Let him teach these two government servants a lesson.

The secret guard quickly took action and knocked the two government officials to the ground.

The two government officials looked at Xi Yu in horror, realizing that they had offended someone they shouldn't have.

Xi Yu gave them a cold look and walked into the county government office with Xiao Cui.

In the lobby of the county government office, the county magistrate was lying on a chair, with his legs crossed and humming a tune.

Suddenly, he heard footsteps and looked up, only to see two strangers walking in. The county magistrate was taken aback, sat up straight and asked, "Who are you? How did you break into the county government office without permission?"

Xi Yu took a step forward and said, "I am the envoy sent by the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister has abolished the burial system, but you still have such a thing here. It is said that you colluded with that wealthy businessman. Is this possible?"

The county magistrate was shocked when he heard this, and then sneered.

"You said you are the Prime Minister's man, but what evidence do you have?"

Xiao Cui was filled with joy, thinking that Xi Yu would definitely come up with evidence.

But Xi Yu shook his head and said that he had no evidence.

The county magistrate was furious.

"Asshole, you dare to play tricks on me."

When the county magistrate heard Xi Yu's words, his face became very ugly.

He immediately called several government officials, pointed at Xi Yu and Xiao Cui and said, "Put them in the cell!"

The government officials obeyed the order and immediately stepped forward to catch Xi Yu and Xiao Cui, preparing to take them away.

At this moment, a dark shadow suddenly appeared, it was the secret guard.

However, Xi Yu waved his hand and signaled those black figures to retreat. He looked at the county magistrate and said coldly: "Putting me in jail is a death sentence for you, so you'd better think about it."

After hearing this, the county magistrate said calmly: "Who do you think you are? How dare you run wild on my territory! I tell you, no matter who you are, as long as you break the law, you will be punished!"

Xi Yu sneered and said, "Okay, then you can lock me up. However, I advise you to think clearly about the consequences."

The county magistrate still ordered Xi Yu and Xiao Cui to be imprisoned.

The prison was dark, damp, and full of stench.

Xi Yu and Xiao Cui were locked in a cell. The iron door of the cell was closed tightly, with only a small window letting in a ray of light.

Xi Yu sat in the corner of the cell with a gloomy expression.

Xiao Cui was so frightened that she kept hiding next to Xi Yu, not daring to speak.

After a while, the county magistrate came to the cell. He looked at Xi Yu and said proudly: "How is it? Do you know how powerful it is now? Let me tell you, here, I am Wang Fa!"

Xi Yu looked at him coldly and said nothing.

Seeing this, the county magistrate became even more proud. He continued: "However, if you are willing to plead guilty and get some more money, I can consider letting you go. Otherwise, hum..."

Xi Yu still didn't speak, just looked at him quietly.

The county magistrate felt a little guilty when he saw him, so he turned around and left the cell.

After a while, Xiao Cui gently pulled Xi Yu's sleeve and asked in a low voice: "Are you someone close to the Prime Minister? Why didn't you come up with evidence just now? Also, what about the secret guard? Why do you object to this matter?"

Xi Yu smiled slightly and said softly: "Don't worry, just stay calm and watch the show."

Xiaocui sighed and said, "Well, actually, as long as I'm with you, it doesn't matter even if I enter the cell."

Xi Yu felt warm in his heart and said softly: "Don't worry, I won't let you be wronged."

Next, Xi Yu said to Xiao Cui: "To pass the time, let's tell each other a story."

Xiaocui also agreed, smiled and nodded.

"Okay, I like listening to stories the most."

Xi Yu found it a little funny. They didn't seem to be in jail now, but like they were staying in an inn.

The cell was dark and damp, the stone walls were covered with moss, and there was a putrid smell in the air.

Only a faint light came through the small window above the iron door of the cell, reflecting the figures of Xi Yu and Xiao Cui.

They sat on the haystack in the cell, leaning against the cold stone wall, and began to tell their stories.

Xi Yu tells a story about bravery and adventure.

Xiao Cui tells a story about love and sacrifice.

Time passed unconsciously, and their stories came one after another until night fell.

Xiaocui suddenly asked worriedly: "Will the county magistrate imprison us separately in a while? Also, the county magistrate is good friends with Mr. Huang, will he take me to the Huang family?"

Xi Yu smiled and comforted her: "You don't need to worry at all. With me here, nothing will happen. I will protect your safety."

Xiaocui didn't speak, but licked her lips with her tongue.

Xi Yu said: "I think you must be laughing at me in your heart. You can't even cross the river like a Bodhisattva. How can you protect yourself if you can't protect yourself?"

Xiaocui blushed because she had indeed thought so just now.

But she immediately started laughing.

"No, Master, I don't think so. As long as you say it, it will definitely be done."

I don't know why, after Xiaocui said this, she suddenly felt a little warmth flowing through her heart.

At this time, the jailer brought them food. (End of chapter)

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