The jailer carried a shabby lunch box along the narrow corridor to their cell.

With a malicious smile on his face, the jailer handed the lunch box to Xi Yu, and then whispered: "As long as you are willing to pay me money, I can intercede for you in front of the county magistrate and let you be released early. "

After hearing what the jailer said, Xi Yu angrily accused: "You are taking bribes! Your behavior is simply unacceptable. You should die!"

The jailer's expression instantly turned ferocious, and he began to curse.

"You ungrateful fellows, you're going to have to drink fine wine instead of a toast! I think you want to stay in this cell for the rest of your life!"

After saying that, the jailer glared at them fiercely, turned and left, leaving Xi Yu and Xiao Cui in silence in the cell.

Xi Yu looked at the decent food in front of him. Although his heart was full of anger towards the jailer, he still cared about Xiao Cui first and said softly: "Xiao Cui, eat quickly. It's important to preserve your strength."

Xiao Cui nodded, glanced at Xi Yu gratefully, and then silently began to eat the food.

After finishing the meal, Xi Yu quietly called out the secret guard hiding in the darkness.

Xiao Cui watched in surprise as the secret guard appeared and disappeared like a ghost, her eyes full of curiosity and doubt.

Xi Yu whispered to the secret guard: "Go to Huang's house immediately to see what's going on."

After receiving the order, the secret guard instantly disappeared into the darkness, as if he had never appeared.

Xi Yu looked at Xiao Cui's surprised expression and explained, "Don't worry, he is my confidant and has been protecting me secretly."

Xiaocui breathed a sigh of relief, but her eyes still showed concern.

There was a heavy atmosphere in the hall of the Huang family. Mr. Huang was lying on the bed, his face was as pale as paper, and he was extremely ill.

Several of his wives gathered around the bed, crying.

The eldest lady said to Mr. Huang with tears streaming down her face: "Master, you can go with peace of mind. I will bury all the concubines alive according to your wishes."

When several concubines heard this, they were so frightened that they cried bitterly and begged for mercy: "Madam, please spare us! We have always been loyal to the master!"

The eldest lady accused them of being disloyal to the master.

"You bitches, you usually fight and are jealous, but now that my master is seriously ill, you just want to survive!"

Mr. Huang said weakly: "I...I most hope that Xiaocui will be buried with her, and let her...accompany me after death..."

In the courtyard of the Huang family, the cries of several ladies echoed in the wind, making people feel sad.

The secret guard appeared quietly in the corner of the Huang family like a ghost.

He quietly observed the situation here, taking in every detail.

A trace of determination flashed across the face of the eldest lady, and she said to Master Huang: "Master, don't worry, Xiaocui will definitely accompany you."

"But Xiaocui has been rescued, so what should we do?" Old Man Huang said.

After a while, Mr. Huang's breathing became weaker and weaker, and finally he took his last breath.

The entire Huang family fell into grief, and several ladies burst into tears.

The eldest lady suppressed her grief and said to the housekeeper: "Hurry up and handle the funeral. It must be grand." The housekeeper nodded and left in a hurry.

At the same time, the secret guard quietly returned to the cell. With a solemn expression on his face, he told Xi Yu everything he saw in Huang's house in detail.

After hearing this, Xiyu frowned.

Xi Yu looked at the secret guard firmly, handed him his token, and said solemnly: "Take my token and go to the local governor immediately and tell him our situation."

The secret guard took the token, followed the order, and quickly disappeared into the darkness.

It was late at night, and there was silence in the cell, except for the occasional sound of Xiao Cui turning over.

Xiaocui felt sleepy, but being in the same room with a strange man made her feel a little unnatural.

Xi Yu was keenly aware of her thoughts and said softly: "Don't worry, go to sleep. I'm definitely not a bad person."

Xiao Cui looked into Xi Yu's eyes, trying to discern his expression in the darkness.

She found that there was sincerity and determination in Xi Yu's eyes, and the uneasiness in her heart gradually dissipated.

Xiaocui finally relaxed, slowly closed her eyes, and fell asleep.

Xi Yu sat quietly aside, looking at Xiao Cui's sleeping face, and a determination to protect her surged in his heart.

In a secluded village, the moonlight at night shines on the dilapidated houses and muddy roads.

Liu Long, a tall man with a stern face, was talking to several masked men.

Liu Long's appearance exudes a kind of majesty, and his eyes are as sharp as knives, revealing coldness and decisiveness.

His hair was messy and fluttering in the wind, adding a touch of wildness.

His face was chiseled and his jaw was set.

Liu Long angrily yelled at several masked men: "You guys failed to kill Liu Xie! What's the use of raising you?" His voice was full of annoyance and disappointment.

It turned out that Liu Long sent two groups of masked men.

That wave had already been killed, but this wave didn't dare to show up.

One of the masked men replied with a trembling voice: "Brother, that Liu Xie is teasing around him. He is protected by experts. Our plan... failed."

Liu Long gritted his teeth and interrupted him: "Excuse! I have given you so much time and resources, but you can't even handle this little thing!" His fists were clenched, as if he was ready to explode at any time.

Another masked man whispered: "Brother, we will find another way..."

Liu Long turned around suddenly and glared at them: "I don't want to hear any more excuses! Next time, you must succeed, otherwise don't come back to see me!"

The surrounding atmosphere was extremely tense. The masked people lowered their heads and remained silent, their hearts filled with fear and pressure.

The night breeze blew by, bringing a bit of coolness.

Liu Long's figure looked lonely and determined in the moonlight.

Hatred for Liu Xie burned in his heart, and he was determined to make the other party pay the price at all costs.

In the official residence of Mingyue Ancient City, the governor Chen Dagang was sitting in the study, holding a letter in his hand. His brows were furrowed and his expression was serious.

The night in Mingyue Ancient City is quiet and peaceful, with moonlight shining like water on the bluestone streets.

An oil lamp was lit in Chen Dagang's study, and the weak light illuminated his face.

He silently read the contents of the letter, and a complex emotion surged in his heart.

The letter was written by Liu Long, mentioning Xi Yu's whereabouts and hinting that he hoped he could find a way to get rid of Xi Yu.

There was a trace of hesitation in Chen Dagang's eyes, but he immediately put the letter close to the oil lamp and lit it. The letter paper gradually turned into ashes in the flames and scattered in the air.

Chen Dagang took a deep breath and said to himself: "Liu Long, Liu Long, your request really embarrasses me."

He stood up and paced back and forth in the study, thinking about how to deal with it.

The night in Mingyue Ancient City was particularly quiet, with only the sound of Chen Dagang's footsteps echoing in the room.

He knew that this decision would affect the fate of many people.

Chen Dagang stood up and stretched, ready to end the day's work and rest.

Just as he turned towards the bed, a sudden gust of wind blew up and lifted the sheets.

He was startled and looked at the window in confusion.

At this moment, a black shadow appeared in front of him like a ghost.

Chen Dagang thought he was dazzled. He rubbed his eyes and took a closer look, and found that there was indeed a person standing there.

He was startled and instinctively wanted to call someone, thinking that an assassin had broken in.

However, the secret guard quickly took action and signaled him to be silent.

Chen Dagang looked at the secret guard nervously and asked with a trembling voice: "Who are you? How did you get in?"

"You don't have to shout. If I were really an assassin, you would be a ghost by now."

"who are you?"

The secret guard replied in a low voice: "Don't be alarmed, sir, I am the prime minister's secret guard. I have something important to tell you." His tone was calm, revealing an extraordinary temperament.

Chen Dagang breathed a sigh of relief, but his eyes were still full of vigilance. He looked at the secret guard and asked, "What do you want?"

The secret guard approached Chen Dagang and said softly: "Sir, the Prime Minister is currently in danger. He needs your help."

Chen Dagang frowned, thinking about the secret guard's words.

The secret guard took out a token from his arms and handed it to Chen Dagang.

The light on the token flickered in the darkness, showing its specialness and importance.

Chen Dagang took the token and carefully looked at the patterns and lines on it, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

He realized that the secret guard in front of him was indeed Xi Yu's confidant.

The secret guard looked at Chen Dagang's reaction and said softly: "Sir, now you believe my identity. The prime minister has been imprisoned by the county magistrate and is in critical condition."

Chen Dagang frowned and asked doubtfully: "Why doesn't the Prime Minister take out the token and reveal his identity? Wouldn't this avoid a lot of trouble?"

The secret guard sneered, with a hint of disdain in his tone.

"The Prime Minister has his own reasons for doing things, which is not something people like you can understand and question. He has his own plans and considerations."

Chen Dagang couldn't help but be startled after hearing what the secret guard said.

Chen Dagang stared at the secret guard closely and asked: "What is the matter between the prime minister and the county magistrate? Why did it get to such a point?" There was urgency and confusion in his voice.

The secret guard replied with firm eyes: "It's about the implementation of the burial system. The prime minister discovered the county magistrate's misconduct in the burial system and wanted to expose the truth."

Chen Dagang's face became serious. He understood the importance and sensitivity of the burial system.

He stood up without hesitation and said, "We must go to the county government immediately. We cannot let this kind of thing continue."

The secret guard was satisfied with Chen Dagang's decisiveness.

He nodded and said, "Sir, your decision is correct. Time is running out and we must act as soon as possible."

Chen Dagang hurried out of the room and immediately began to prepare his horse.

The night is deep and everything is silent.

The magistrate was lying on the bed, immersed in sleep.

Suddenly, there was an urgent knock on the door, breaking the tranquility of the night.

The county magistrate was awakened and felt very unhappy.

He frowned and asked angrily: "It's so late, who is knocking on the door? Is it to announce a funeral?"

The servant outside the door responded excitedly: "Sir, the governor is here!"

The magistrate was startled and instantly sat up from the bed.

His eyes widened, filled with doubts and uneasiness.

"Lord Governor? How could he come at this time?" He said to himself, while hurriedly putting on his clothes.

He hurriedly adjusted his appearance, took a deep breath, and walked to the door.

The county magistrate hurriedly came to the gate, saw Chen Dagang, and hurriedly saluted.

Chen Dagang walked straight into the mansion with an expressionless face. The county magistrate hurriedly followed him. While ordering the lights to be lit, he asked cautiously: "My Lord Governor, you came to visit late at night. I don't know why?"

In the hall, candlelight flickered, illuminating the county magistrate's nervous face.

Chen Dagang stared at the county magistrate with sharp eyes and asked, "Did you put people in jail who shouldn't be locked up?"

The county magistrate immediately replied: "My lord, I have never done anything like this. I always enforce the law impartially, so how can I imprison innocent people at will?"

Chen Dagang sneered and said in a stern tone: "I received news that someone was detained without reason. If I find that you have done anything for personal gain and perverted the law, you will bear the consequences!"

Cold sweat broke out on the county magistrate's forehead. He lowered his head and said, "My lord, I understand. Anyone who violates this rule is willing to be severely punished."

At this time, the entire hall was filled with a tense atmosphere, and the county magistrate's heart was filled with uneasiness and fear.

Chen Dagang looked at the county magistrate with sharp eyes and said, "I got the news that you have imprisoned Xi Yu."

The county magistrate waved his hands quickly and answered in a panic.

"There is absolutely no such thing! How could Xiaguan do such a stupid thing? Besides, Xiaguan is not qualified to see Xi Yu."

Chen Dagang asked in hot pursuit: "Then did you imprison a man and a woman? It is said that the man came to discuss the burial system with you."

The county magistrate was shocked when he heard this and thought to himself: Could it be that that man is Xi Yu?

Beads of sweat began to form on his forehead, and his voice trembled slightly as he said, "Sir, the lower official did imprison a man and a woman, but they..."

Chen Dagang's gaze was like a torch, as if he could penetrate the county magistrate's heart.

He said seriously: "I want to meet these two people in person to ensure the truth of the matter."

The county magistrate said respectfully: "Sir, please come with me."

The two of them walked towards the county government prison together. The road was silent except for the sound of their footsteps echoing.

The corridor of the county government office was dark and depressing, as if it heralded the coming of a storm.

In the silent cell, Xi Yu heard the sound coming from outside and immediately woke up alertly.

There was a hint of expectation in his eyes.

Chen Dagang and the county magistrate walked into the cell.

Chen Dagang has a keen eye. He has seen Xi Yu's portrait before and recognized the person in front of him at a glance. He quickly stepped forward and saluted respectfully.

"Your Excellency, Prime Minister, I am late, and I have made you suffer." Chen Dagang's voice was apologetic.

The county magistrate stood aside, dumbfounded.

He never expected that the person he was imprisoned turned out to be Xi Yu. His face turned pale and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

At this time, Xiaocui next to her was also woken up by the sound.

She rubbed her eyes, saw Chen Dagang and the county magistrate, and immediately understood what happened.

"Sir, are you the Prime Minister?"

Xi Yu smiled slightly.

"Yes, I have been lying to you, I hope you don't mind".

Xiaocui's face burst into a smile of joy, and she couldn't believe her eyes.

The person in front of me turned out to be Xi Yu, the Prime Minister!

There was a surge of excitement and joy in her heart.

"Prime Minister!" Xiaocui shouted excitedly, his eyes shining with surprise.

Xi Yu looked at Xiao Cui with a smile, his eyes showing kindness and warmth.

"Xiao Cui, don't panic. We will leave here soon." His voice was calm and firm, giving people a sense of reassurance.

The magistrate's face turned pale, his legs went weak, and he quickly knelt down.

His voice was trembling, full of panic and regret.

"Your Excellency, Prime Minister, I have blind eyes, and I mistakenly imprisoned you here. You really deserve death! Please forgive me for your ignorance and stupidity."

He lowered his head and prostrated, his forehead almost touching the ground.

The county magistrate's heart was filled with fear. He knew that he had made a big mistake and his future might be ruined.

Xi Yu looked at the county magistrate quietly, and his voice was calm and dignified: "Okay, since you already know your mistakes, then tell yourself what crimes you have committed."

The county magistrate lowered his head and looked ashamed.

There was a tremor in his voice.

"Your Excellency, Prime Minister, I did accept the gift from Mr. Huang, so I chose to turn a blind eye to the burial system. In addition, I... I have accepted bribes from other people. I am really ashamed of myself." The court and the people!"

His words echoed in the silent cell, each word filled with regret and self-blame.

At this time, the atmosphere in the cell became solemn, as if even the air had condensed.

Xi Yu's eyes were as bright as fire. He looked at the county magistrate seriously without saying a word, which made the magistrate feel tremendous pressure.

The county magistrate's forehead was dripping with cold sweat. He did not dare to raise his head and could only continue to confess: "I know I was wrong and I am willing to take all responsibilities. Please give me a chance to change my ways, Prime Minister."

Xi Yu was silent for a moment, and then said slowly: "Your crime has been made clear. The most important thing now is how to make up for your mistakes. You must return all bribes, actively cooperate with the investigation, and make the truth about the burial system known to the public. Only in this way can you be relieved. of guilt.”

The county magistrate nodded repeatedly.

"I will definitely do as I am told, I will definitely do as I am told!"

Chen Dagang looked at the county magistrate and said seriously: "Since the matter is clear, it is better for the Prime Minister and this girl to get out quickly and have a good rest."

The county magistrate nodded quickly and said respectfully: "Yes, yes, I will arrange the best guest room for the Prime Minister and this girl to have a good rest."

Xi Yu and Xiao Cui walked out of the cell and felt the fresh air outside.

The rooms are elegantly and comfortably furnished.

The county magistrate said respectfully: "Prime Minister, you and this girl can rest instead."

Xiaocui shouted quickly.

"Are there no other rooms?"

The county magistrate became embarrassed and took one last look at Xi Yu.

He originally thought Xi Yu was willing to sleep in the same room as this girl.

"That's right. Hurry and prepare another room for him." Xi Yu said.

"Okay, okay, I'll go make arrangements right away."

After a while, the county magistrate prepared another room and was ready to let Xiaocui go there. (End of chapter)

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