The county magistrate came back immediately. With a trace of apology on his face, he looked at Xiyu and Xiaocui and said softly: "Prime Minister, I'm really sorry, there are no other guest rooms. There was originally one room, but it was full of groceries. There's no room, not even for a bed. You two will have to make do in this room."

Xi Yu and Xiao Cui looked at each other and showed helpless smiles.

Xiaocui said softly: "It's okay, Lord Magistrate."

The county magistrate quickly waved his hand and said, "I'm really sorry for you. You have been wronged by these simple conditions."

The county magistrate stepped back and said jokingly: "In that case, I can sleep on the bed while I sleep on the ground."

Xiaocui said: "Prime Minister, you have a noble status, how can I let you sleep on the ground? How about you sleep on the bed, I will just make a bunk on the ground."

Xi Yu shook his head and said seriously: "Xiao Cui, you are a girl. The ground is too cold, which is not good for your health. I am a grown man, so I have no problem sleeping on the ground."

Xiaocui bit her lip, her eyes showing gratitude.

She nodded and said, "Okay, thank you, Prime Minister."

Xiaocui climbed onto the bed, made the bedding, and then lay down.

Xi Yu was busy on the ground. He first cleared the debris on the ground aside, then spread thick straw, and then spread out the bedding sent by the county magistrate.

The county town is extremely quiet at night, with only the occasional barking of dogs breaking the silence of the night sky.

Xiyu lay on the floor, staring at the ceiling, thoughts flooding into his mind.

The moonlight shines through the window and onto the ground, forming patches of silver light.

Xi Yu closed his eyes, feeling the gentleness of the moonlight, and gradually fell into sleep.

Xiaocui was lying on the bed, tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep. Her heart was filled with gratitude and admiration for Xi Yu.

Chen Dagang sat quietly in a nearby inn room, staring out the window.

He thought of the letter Liu Long wrote to him, and his thoughts surged like a tide.

"I really saw Xi Yu." Chen Dagang murmured to himself, as if he was still recalling the encounter with Xi Yu just now.

There was a trace of confusion in his eyes, "But do I have the ability to do it?" He thought of the mysterious secret guards around Xi Yu, and he couldn't help but feel a little uneasy in his heart.

The candlelight in the room swayed, casting Chen Dagang's shadow on the wall, flickering brightly and dimly.

He stood up and paced the room, frowning.

"Perhaps, I should take a long-term view." Chen Dagang said to himself, "You can't act impulsively, you have to think of a comprehensive plan." He walked to the window, stared into the distance, and secretly made up his mind.

On the street outside the inn, there were few pedestrians and the lights were dim. Chen Dagang's figure loomed in front of the window, as if blending into the tranquility of the night.

Chen Dagang paced back and forth in the inn room, thought for a long time, and finally decided to give it a try.

His eyes shone with determination, as if he had made an important decision.

He stood up quickly, got dressed, and quietly walked out of the inn.

The streets at night were so quiet that it felt a little depressing. Chen Dagang walked quickly through the narrow alley, and the sound of his heartbeat was particularly clear in the silence.

Arriving at a secluded alley, Chen Dagang stopped and knocked gently on the door.

There was a slight noise from behind the door, and then the door slowly opened a crack.

"Is that you?" A deep voice came from behind the door.

"I need your help." Chen Dagang said in a low voice.

The other party let him in.

He knew that the other party was a professional killer organization and had handled similar cases before.

"I want you to go to the county magistrate's house and assassinate Xi Yu." After entering the room, Chen Dagang spoke.

The receptionist was shocked and silent for a moment, and then said: "This is not an easy task. There are very strong secret guards around Xi Yu."

Chen Dagang nodded and said: "I know, but I believe in your ability. As long as you can succeed, the reward will definitely not be less."

The people from the killer organization considered it for a moment, then nodded and said, "Okay, we will do our best. But you have to know that this is a very dangerous operation, and if it fails, the consequences will be disastrous."

Chen Dagang took a deep breath.

"I understand that I do so at my own risk."

There was a tense atmosphere in the room.

The moonlight shines through the clouds and shines on Chen Dagang and the people in the killer organization, illuminating their serious expressions.

"Okay, we will take action tonight." The person from the killer organization said.

"Thank you." Chen Dagang said softly, then turned and left the alley, his figure gradually disappearing into the darkness.

He prayed secretly in his heart that this assassination operation would succeed. He knew that this was a life and death battle, but in order to achieve his goal, he was willing to take the risk.

After a while, several killers followed Chen Dagang's instructions and quietly lurked in the county magistrate's house.

Wearing black night clothes and walking lightly, they shuttled between the corridors and courtyards of the mansion like ghosts.

They arrived at the guest room and were about to enter the room when they suddenly heard a scream.

It turned out that Xiaocui got up to go to the toilet and saw the figures of several killers, and was so frightened that she screamed.

The scream alarmed Xi Yu in the room, and he immediately stood up alertly.

At the same time, the secret guards in the mansion quickly appeared and started a fierce fight with several killers.

The killers are agile and have sharp sword skills, while the secret guards are well-trained.

For a moment, swords and swords clashed with each other, and the sound of killing and metal clashing echoed in the mansion.

Xiao Cui turned pale with fright. She ran into the house in panic and got into Xi Yu's arms.

"Don't be afraid, Xiaocui." Xi Yu comforted her while keeping his eyes fixed on the battle outside.

There was a hint of surprise and confusion in his eyes.

"Who sent these killers?"

At this time, the fighting outside became more and more fierce, and the killers gradually fell into a disadvantage.

The attacks from the secret guards surged like a tidal wave, making it difficult for them to resist.

"What to do? We can't let them succeed!" one of the killers shouted.

"Retreat!" the leading killer gave the order.

The killers began to fight and retreat, trying to find a way out of the county magistrate's house.

But the secret guards pursued them closely, giving them no chance.

Xi Yu made a decisive decision and immediately issued the order.

"Leave one alive and destroy all the others."

The secret guard immediately obeyed the order and stepped up the attack. After a while, there was only one killer left on the field.

The killer was covered in wounds and fell to the ground gasping for air.

But his eyes remained firm and he refused to reveal the person behind the scenes.

"Tell me, who sent you here?" Xi Yu walked up to the killer and looked at him condescendingly.

The killer gritted his teeth and said nothing.

At this time, the movement in the mansion finally alerted the county magistrate.

He stood up in a hurry and came to check the situation. He was shocked when he saw the scene in front of him.

"What's going on?" the county magistrate asked.

Xi Yu briefly told the county magistrate what happened, and then said: "This person is very tough-talking. You need to interrogate him together to find out who is behind the scenes."

The county magistrate nodded and signaled the secret guard to escort the killer to the hall.

"If you tell the truth, I can spare your life." The county magistrate said.

The killer remained silent, seemingly determined.

"If you don't eat the toast, you will be fined with wine!" the county magistrate shouted angrily, "Looks like I have to be tortured! Someone come."

Several government officials on duty came over quickly.

"Go and get the torture instruments."

Only then did several government officials realize that something had happened. Oh my god, someone actually dared to assassinate Xi Yu.

And they were patrolling, but they didn't even know it.

After a while, the government officials placed various instruments of torture in front of the killer.

The cold eyes make people shudder.

The killer's face became paler, but he still gritted his teeth and refused to speak.

In the guest room, Xiao Cui's body was still trembling slightly, and her eyes were full of fear.

Xiyu sat next to her and comforted her gently.

"Don't be afraid, Xiaocui. It's okay now. Those killers have been killed." Xi Yu's voice was low and gentle, as if it had a calming power.

Xiao Cui raised her head, looked into Xi Yu's eyes, and tried to keep her voice from trembling.

"But... I'm still scared. Why do they want to kill you?"

Xiyu sighed and said slowly.

"I don't know either. But don't worry, I will protect myself and you."

Xiaocui nodded, and the fear in her heart was gradually dispelled by Xi Yu's words.

However, even though their emotions had calmed down a bit, they couldn't sleep peacefully.

The thrilling scene kept flashing in their minds, making it difficult for them to calm down.

The night is getting deeper and deeper.

Chen Dagang was lying on the bed in the inn, tossing and turning, unable to sleep. His heart was full of anxiety and uneasiness, and the results of the killers' actions hung in the balance.

The figure of Xi Yu kept appearing in his mind.

Chen Dagang knew that this assassination operation was his desperate attempt, and whether it succeeded or not was related to his future destiny.

He prayed silently, hoping that the killers could successfully complete their mission.

He imagined the scene after Xi Yu was assassinated, and felt a sense of revenge in his heart.

However, at the same time, he also felt a sense of fear that things would be exposed and he would be in a desperate situation.

Time passed little by little, and Chen Dagang's mood became heavier and heavier.

He stood up and walked to the window, opened it, and let the cool night breeze blow on his face.

Under the brutal torture, the killer's body had reached its limit, and he fell to the ground dying, his breath weak.

Eventually, he could no longer endure the pain and couldn't help but tell the truth.

When the secret guards and the county magistrate learned that all this was related to Chen Dagang, they were immediately surprised.

The county magistrate's face became very ugly. He looked at the killer in disbelief and said sternly: "Don't talk nonsense! How could the governor be related to this matter?"

The killer raised his head with difficulty, his eyes showing firmness and determination.

"I didn't lie. It was Chen Dagang who hired us to assassinate Xi Yu. He gave us a generous reward and told us to complete the task."

The magistrate fell into deep thought. Could it be that Chen Dagang really hides such a deep conspiracy?

He couldn't help but feel a twinge of doubt.

"This matter is not trivial and must be investigated carefully." The county magistrate analyzed calmly, "We cannot easily draw conclusions based on the killer's words."

He decided to go to Chen Dagang personally, confront him face to face, and find out the truth of the matter.

The county magistrate and secret guards took a few cronies and quickly went to the inn where Chen Dagang was staying.

At the same time, Chen Dagang was anxiously waiting for the news in the inn room.

When he saw the news of the arrival of the county magistrate through the window sill, his heart tightened.

The secret guard stepped into the inn room and looked at Chen Dagang coldly.

"Chen Dagang, I got news that you hired a killer to assassinate the Prime Minister. What is going on?"

Chen Dagang's face turned pale instantly, and he replied calmly: "This is slander! How could I do such a thing? I have no enmity with the Prime Minister, why should I assassinate him?"

The county magistrate said awkwardly: "My lord, the killer said it was you who instigated it."

Chen Dagang's voice was trembling.

"Someone must have deliberately framed me! It could be that the killer randomly identified me to protect himself."

The secret guard held a sharp knife and held it tightly on Chen Dagang's neck. The cold blade gave off a chilling light.

His eyes were sharp and he showed firm determination, hoping that through this kind of intimidation, Chen Dagang would tell the truth.

However, Chen Dagang's expression remained firm.

He insisted that he had nothing to do with the assassination of Xi Yu.

When the secret guard saw that Chen Dagang was unwilling to compromise, his tone became stern.

"Lord County Magistrate, this person is of great importance and must be taken away for interrogation." He set his sights on the County Magistrate, hoping that he could make a decision.

The county magistrate's face became very embarrassed.

Chen Dagang has a special status. He is the governor and has certain power and status.

The county magistrate couldn't help but hesitate, worried that offending Chen Dagang would bring trouble to him.

However, the secret guard did not flinch. He angrily said: "Everything is decided by the prime minister. Do you still need to be afraid of a governor?"

The county magistrate sighed helplessly, and he had no choice but to order someone to take Chen Dagang away.

The moment Chen Dagang was taken away, a trace of despair and unwillingness flashed in his eyes.

As Chen Dagang was taken away, the county magistrate's heart was full of contradictions and helplessness.

He understood that this matter might cause a series of disturbances, but he could only do what the secret guards asked him to do.

Chen Dagang was eventually locked up.

The secret guard sternly asked the county magistrate to keep an eye on Chen Dagang to ensure that he could not escape, and said that he would be interrogated again tomorrow.

If the county magistrate dares to let people go privately, he will bear the consequences himself.

There was a slight sound of footsteps outside the guest room door.

Xi Yu's nerves tensed up instantly.

The door was pushed open gently, and the secret guard walked in quietly.

"Prime Minister, we have important news to tell you."

"Has the mastermind been caught?"

The secret guard's voice was low and serious.

"The killer said it was Chen Dagang and he has been imprisoned by us."

Xi Yu was shocked after hearing this, his face was full of disbelief.

"Chen Dagang?"

The secret guard's eyes were as sharp as an eagle.

"But further questioning is required."

Xi Yu's frown deepened and he shook his head.

"I have no enmity with Chen Dagang. I really can't figure out why he wanted to murder me."

"We will continue to investigate and will find out the truth."

Xi Yu looked at the secret guard gratefully.

"Thank you. This matter is not trivial. I hope you can be more careful." Thank you for your protection. "

The secret guard bowed slightly.

"This is the responsibility of my subordinates. If there is nothing else, I will leave first."

After saying that, the secret guard left quietly like a ghost.

Xiyu's mood became heavier and heavier.

After Xiaocui heard the news that Chen Dagang was locked up, a look of doubt and confusion appeared on her face.

She asked: "Prime Minister, isn't Chen Dagang the governor? The county magistrate only released us after he came. How can he be a bad person?"

Xi Yu looked at Xiao Cui, a trace of worry flashed in his eyes.

He sighed softly and said sincerely: "Xiao Cui, sometimes you can't just look at people by their appearance. Identity and appearance do not necessarily reflect a person's true character."

He paused and continued: "I'm afraid this matter is not that simple. There may be deeper motives and purposes hidden behind Chen Dagang's behavior. We cannot easily believe things on the surface and need to uncover the truth through in-depth investigation."

Xi Yu feels that Xiao Cui is still too naive and easily confused by appearances.

Her understanding of the complexity of human nature and the insidiousness of world affairs is not deep enough.

He hopes that through this incident, Xiaocui will understand that when looking at people, one must take a comprehensive view, and cannot judge a person's quality based on temporary impressions or superficial phenomena.

"Xiao Cui, remember the lesson from this time. When encountering things in the future, you must think more and observe more, and don't jump to conclusions easily." Xi Yu gently asked.

Xiaocui nodded, although she was still a little confused, but she also realized her naivety.

She looked at Xi Yu gratefully.

"I will remember it, Prime Minister, thank you for the reminder."

Late at night at the Youzhou Theater, Ouyang Linlin was suddenly awakened by a nightmare.

She jumped up from the bed and let out a shrill scream.

This sudden sound instantly broke the tranquility of the night.

Xiao Hong, who was sleeping outside, was immediately awakened by the scream.

She stood up in a hurry, rushed to Ouyang Linlin's room, and asked with concern: "What's wrong, miss? What happened?"

Ouyang Linlin's face was pale, and there was still fear in her eyes.

She answered with a trembling voice: "I had a nightmare that my husband was assassinated!"

Her voice was filled with uneasiness and worry.

Xiaohong quickly comforted her.

"Don't worry, miss, it's just a dream. Maybe you care about the Prime Minister too much, so you have such a dream."

Ouyang Linlin's mood calmed down a little, but her brows were still frowning.

"But this dream is so real, I feel as if it really happened. I am so worried about my husband's safety."

Xiaohong looked at Ouyang Linlin's still worried look and continued to comfort her: "Miss, don't worry too much. The prime minister is protected by secret guards, so there won't be any danger. Don't worry about others and scare yourself."

Ouyang Linlin nodded slightly, feeling a little calmer.

She knew that Xiaohong was right. Xiyu had professional guards around him, so he should be safe.

"Besides, the Prime Minister is resourceful and he must be able to deal with any possible danger. You have to believe in his ability."

"You are right, I should believe in my husband's ability. He has experienced so many storms, and he will definitely be able to turn danger into safety."

Ouyang Linlin finally felt calmer and slowly fell asleep.

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