The next day, the early morning sunshine shined through the thin clouds on the roof of the Huang family mansion, but it could not dispel the sad atmosphere.

The Huang family is holding a funeral ceremony, with white cloth strips fluttering in the wind and bleak music echoing in the air.

The eldest lady stood in front of the mourning hall, her face serious and cold.

Beside her, several concubines were dressed in plain clothes, with haggard faces, and tears kept falling like broken beads.

"Today, you will leave with the master. This is the tradition of the family and your honor." The eldest lady's voice was as cold as frost, without any mercy.

"No! We don't want to die!" a concubine cried, her voice full of despair, "Please, Madam, let us live!"

The other concubines also echoed, and their pleading voices echoed in the mourning hall, but the eldest lady's expression did not move at all.

At this moment, the county magistrate hurriedly arrived with a group of people.

Their footsteps echoed through the silent morning, as if a challenge to this sad scene.

The county magistrate's gaze was as sharp as an eagle. He walked straight to the eldest lady and said loudly: "Stop! The Prime Minister has an order not to bury alive people! This is illegal!"

The eldest lady's face instantly turned pale, and she looked at the county magistrate in disbelief.

"Master has already taken care of things, why would you object?"

"I am the county magistrate, and I must uphold the dignity of national law!" The county magistrate's voice was sonorous and powerful, "No one can disobey the Prime Minister's order!"

At this time, the atmosphere in the mourning hall became tense, and people began to whisper and discuss.

Some people expressed dissatisfaction with the eldest lady's actions and thought she was too cruel; others applauded the county magistrate's courage and justice.

The county magistrate turned to face the crowd, and his voice was clear and loud, "Folks, burying people alive is an extremely cruel and inhumane act."

The eldest lady's lips trembled slightly, she obviously did not expect such a change.

She cursed in her mind. This county magistrate, after taking the master's things, came to meddle in others' affairs again.

She still tried to argue: "This is our Huang family's family matter, you have no right to interfere!"

"Family matters cannot exceed the boundaries of the law!" The county magistrate did not flinch. "I am here today to safeguard fairness and justice."

"If you insist on stopping me, I would rather die here!" the eldest lady said through gritted teeth.

The county magistrate looked at the eldest lady coldly.

"Then you die. You keep saying this is a family tradition, so why don't you go and be buried with him yourself?"

The eldest lady's body was trembling slightly, and her tears kept rolling down.

"This...this is different..."

"What's the difference?" The county magistrate's voice became more severe, "You have to deprive others of their lives for the sake of so-called tradition. How cruel and selfish is this!"

At this time, there was silence in the mourning hall, and everyone was shocked by the county magistrate's words. They began to think about whether this so-called family tradition was really worth upholding.

"But you accepted the Huang family's money and promised the master." The doctor said.

At this time, the county magistrate asked his servant to bring a box.

"I haven't touched the money your master gave me at all. I'll give it back to you now."

It's a joke, compared to being punished by Xi Yu, this little money can't bear anything.

The eldest lady's cries echoed in the air, and her heart was full of contradictions and pain.

The eldest lady looked at the county magistrate with doubts on her face and asked, "What's going on? Why did you suddenly change your mind?"

The magistrate was silent for a moment and turned his eyes to the door.

At this time, a figure slowly walked in.

Xi Yu is dressed in gorgeous clothes and has an extraordinary temperament.

He smiled and showed the token to everyone and solemnly announced: "I am the Prime Minister."

The Huang family was immediately shocked. They never expected that the Prime Minister himself was here.

Seeing this, one of the concubines hurriedly came to Xi Yu and begged with tears in his eyes: "Your Majesty, Prime Minister, please make the decision for me!"

Xi Yu looked at her gently and comforted: "Don't worry, since I'm here, I will definitely uphold justice for you."

The eldest lady did not expect that Prime Minister Xi Yu would come here in person. Her face became very ugly and she was secretly panicking.

Prime Minister Xi Yu looked around with serious and firm eyes. He said: "The bad practice of burying people alive has long been outdated. Life is precious, how can it be taken away easily? I am here to stop this absurd behavior."

Everyone nodded in agreement, and the eldest lady also realized that her actions had aroused public outrage.

She lowered her head and said nothing, her heart filled with regret.

Prime Minister Xi Yu continued: "From now on, the Huang family should abandon this bad habit, respect life, and abide by the law." He looked at the eldest lady, "I hope you can understand that traditions are not unchangeable."

The eldest lady nodded silently, knowing that she could no longer stick to her original idea.

The arrival of Xi Yu not only changed the fate of the Huang family, but also made them understand the importance of justice and fairness.

Under the auspices of Xi Yu, the Huang family's funeral ceremony was resumed. There is no more tragedy of being buried alive.

This story spread throughout the county, and people were full of praise for Prime Minister Xi Yu's wisdom and courage.

His actions not only saved innocent lives, but also showed people a good official who truly cares about the people.

The county magistrate was sweating coldly.

Xi Yu and the magistrate stood in the courtyard, talking seriously.

Xi Yu looked at the county magistrate with sharp eyes and said firmly: "County magistrate, the governor Chen Dagang is still detained in your home. You must rush to trial, and I will personally supervise."

The county magistrate replied respectfully: "Yes, Prime Minister. I will immediately start handling the matter."

The magistrate turned around and left in a hurry. Xi Yu looked at his back quietly, with a lot of thoughts in his heart.

In the county magistrate's hall, Chen Dagang was brought up. He looked at the magistrate with a firm look on his face without fear.

The county magistrate patted the gavel and said sternly: "Chen Dagang, do you know your guilt?"

Because now he had Xiyu supporting him, he became bolder.

Chen Dagang straightened up and replied loudly: "This matter has nothing to do with me! I was wrongly accused!"

The magistrate sneered.

"Hmph! The evidence is solid, you still want to deny it? Here comes someone, a big waiter."

A trace of anger flashed in Chen Dagang's eyes.

"Extorting confessions through torture is not allowed! This is an injustice to a good person!"

The magistrate's face turned gloomy, and he slapped the table hard.

"How bold! How dare you speak so harshly! Come and be punished!"

At this time, Xi Yu walked into the hall. His appearance made everyone nervous.

"Let's call out the witnesses first and then talk." Xi Yu said.

The county magistrate temporarily stopped using torture.

Just hurry up and call the killer out.

After a while, the killer appeared.

He immediately knelt down and his body felt a little better.

The county magistrate then asked: "Did you say that Chen Dagang ordered you to kill the prime minister?"

The killer insisted and said firmly: "Sir, this is the fact. Chen Dagang did hire us to assassinate Prime Minister Xi Yu."

Chen Dagang acted rogue and yelled loudly.

"This witness was arranged by the county magistrate and doesn't count at all! If you have the ability, come up with other evidence!"

The county magistrate's face became very ugly.

He glared at Chen Dagang, "How dare you slander me!"

Prime Minister Xi Yu frowned and fell into deep thought.

Although the killer's testimony is important, it is indeed unconvincing if it is not supported by other evidence.

At this time, a government servant walked in hurriedly, holding a mysterious letter in his hand.

He handed the letter to the county magistrate and said, "Sir, this is a letter I just received. It seems to be related to this case."

The magistrate opened the letter and read it carefully.

His face gradually became serious, and finally he handed the letter to Prime Minister Xi Yu.

"Prime Minister, take a look."

Xi Yu took the letter and after reading it, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

He looked at Chen Dagang and said in a majestic tone: "Chen Dagang, does the content in this letter have anything to do with you?"

Chen Dagang's face instantly turned pale, and his body began to tremble.

"This this……"

Xi Yu said coldly: "The evidence is conclusive, what else do you have to say?"

Chen Dagang knew that he could no longer deny it. He collapsed to the ground and reluctantly admitted his crime.

Prime Minister Xi Yu turned to the county magistrate and said: "A fair trial will never be tolerated."

The county magistrate replied respectfully: "Yes, Prime Minister."

It turned out that the letter was written between Liu Long and Chen Dagang.

Although this time the letters were burned by Chen Dagang, the previous letters were preserved.

Xi Yu had already ordered secret guards to search Chen Dagang's home, and finally found these key evidences. Today, the secret guard handed over the letter as a stranger.

In the face of such irrefutable evidence, Chen Dagang finally admitted his crime.

He confessed that he and Liu Long had been exchanging letters because they were relatives, and Liu Long promised to give him glory and wealth when the matter was accomplished.

And he always believed that the country must be controlled by the royal family. Xi Yu's current behavior is simply a traitor.

Xi Yu frowned slightly after hearing Chen Dagang's words.

He knew that this idea was deeply ingrained in some people's minds.

But his mission is for the benefit of the people, not a personal struggle for power.

He looked at Chen Dagang firmly and said: "What I do in Xiyu is not for my own selfishness, but for the common people in the world."

Chen Dagang snorted coldly.

"You are using strong words to make excuses! Rebellious officials and traitors will eventually be punished!"

At this time, the county magistrate interjected: "The Prime Minister is right. Now the country is in turmoil and the people are in dire straits. What we need is a capable person to save this troubled world."

Xi Yu's eyes were firm, and he waved his hand to interrupt the magistrate's words.

"No need to say more, just sentence according to the law."

The county magistrate responded respectfully: "Yes, Prime Minister."

He turned around to face Chen Dagang in the hall and pronounced the verdict loudly.

"Chen Dagang, you hired a murderer to commit a heinous crime. I will sentence you to beheading in accordance with the law!"

Chen Dagang's face turned pale, and his body trembled involuntarily.

He never imagined that his momentary greed would lead to such a severe punishment.

Xi Yu looked at Chen Dagang and said to the county magistrate: "Enforce the judgment as soon as possible to rectify the national law."

The county magistrate nodded quickly.

"Yes, Prime Minister. I will arrange it as soon as possible."

As Chen Dagang was taken away, the hall fell into silence.

Xi Yu decided to continue on his way, and Xiao Cui accompanied him.

The county magistrate came in person, with a humble smile on his face and a beautiful gift in his hand.

He walked up to Xi Yu, bowed and said, "Prime Minister, I apologize for my neglect before. This is a small gesture, and it should be regarded as my gift of apology."

Xi Yu looked at the county magistrate, shook his head, and said firmly: "I don't need any gifts. As long as you are a good official in this county and benefit the people, that is the greatest reward for me."

There was a hint of embarrassment on the magistrate's face, but he quickly returned to his smile.

"Yes, the Prime Minister's lesson is correct. I will certainly keep your teachings in mind and become a competent official."

Xiyu nodded.

"I hope you can keep your word."

After saying that, Xiyu turned around and continued on his way, while Xiaocui sat on the horse.

Xiaocui asked curiously: "Prime Minister, where are we going next?"

Xi Yu smiled and replied: "We are going to Jiangnan to bring Wu Guotai to Youzhou."

Xiaocui nodded, a trace of expectation flashing in his eyes.

Jiangnan is a place full of poetry and beautiful scenery.

They walked along a winding path lined with lush trees.

The breeze caressed their faces, bringing bursts of fresh air.

Xi Yu raised his head slightly, feeling the touch of the breeze.

He said softly: "Xiaocui, the land south of the Yangtze River, is picturesque. We are going here not only to pick up Wu Guotai, but also to see that beautiful land."

Xiaocui smiled and said: "Sir, I believe this trip to Jiangnan will be very interesting."

A firm determination surged in Xi Yu's heart. He remembered what Liu Long had done and understood that he must eradicate this cancer that was endangering the country.

At the same time, he also knew clearly that in this world full of intrigues and battles, there must be other people with evil intentions trying to murder him.

He gritted his teeth secretly, his eyes shining with determination.

"Liu Long, your evil deeds will not succeed for long. I will definitely bring you to justice and eliminate harm for the country!" Xi Yu's inner voice revealed unquestionable determination.

"There are also those enemies hiding in the dark. I will find you one by one and make you pay for your crimes."

In Jiangnan, Wu Guotai's room was filled with the faint smell of Buddhist fragrance. Wu Guotai was sitting on the couch, holding a Buddhist bead, with a hint of worry in his eyes.

"Sun Ce, my son." Wu Guotai called softly.

Sun Ce asked: "Mother, what did you call me for?"

Wu Guotai smiled slightly.

"I just wanted to ask, has Sun Quan written a letter? How is he doing lately?"

Sun Ce looked gloomy.

"Mother, I haven't received a letter from Sun Quan. However, no news is the best news. He must be doing well. You don't have to worry."

Wu Guotai sighed.

"Well, I hope he's okay."

Sun Ce held Wu Guotai's hand.

"Mother, don't worry. I will send someone to inquire about Sun Quan and let you know as soon as I have any news."

Wu Guotai smiled slightly.

"I want to go to Youzhou to visit Sun Shangxiang. I hope you can make arrangements."

Sun Ce looked gloomy.

"Mother, you are old and should not travel long distances. Moreover, Youzhou is a long way, and you may encounter many dangers along the way."

Wu Guotai's expression changed.

"I miss my daughter very much. If you don't make arrangements, you would be unfilial to me!"

Sun Ce felt a pain in his heart. He knew his mother's feelings for Sun Shangxiang, but he was also worried that his mother's body could not bear the long journey.

"Mom, please don't worry, I will make arrangements immediately." Sun Ce decided to fulfill his mother's wish.

A pleased smile appeared on Wu Guotai's face.

"Okay, okay, then just step back."

Sun Ce stood up, took a deep look at Wu Guotai, then turned and left the room.

The sun was shining brightly outside the house, but Sun Ce's heart was heavy.

He knew that this trip to Youzhou might be difficult, but he had to do it for his mother.

Sun Ce called Zhuge Jin and asked him to escort Wu Guotai to Youzhou. Zhuge Jin could also meet Zhuge Liang by the way.

When Zhuge Jin heard this, he felt a little hesitant.

He was willing to go there, after all, it was a rare thing to reunite with his younger brother Zhuge Liang.

But can Wu Guotai's body bear it?

"My lord, Wu Guotai's body..." Zhuge Jin couldn't help but say.

Sun Ce sighed.

"I thought so too, but my mother insisted on seeing her daughter. She said she missed Sun Shangxiang and hoped to see her with her own eyes."

Zhuge Jin understood Sun Ce's difficulties. He knew that Sun Ce was not willing to let Wu Guotai take risks, but he could not go against his mother's wishes.

"Okay, I will try my best to protect Wu Guotai's safety." Zhuge Jin finally agreed.

Sun Ce nodded.

"With you here, I feel relieved. Just prepare yourself and leave tomorrow."

Zhuge Jin stood up and left, starting to prepare for tomorrow's trip.

Zhuge Jin was also very happy, taking this opportunity to reunite with Zhuge Liang, which really made him particularly happy.

After a while, Sun Ce came to Wu Guotai's room again and said that arrangements had been made.

Let Zhuge Jin take others to escort his mother to Youzhou tomorrow.

Wu Guotai expressed great joy.

"Zhuge Jin is very stable. I am very happy to have him escort me."

Sun Ce smiled slightly.

"Mother, he is indeed a reliable person. I feel relieved to have him by your side this time."

"Mother, do you have any other requests?" Sun Ce asked.

Wu Guotai thought for a while.

"No, you have already made good arrangements. As long as I can see Sun Shangxiang, I will be satisfied."

"Mother, please go to bed early. You have to get up early tomorrow and go on your way."

Sun Ce exited the room.

Wu Guotai immediately moved the prayer beads in his hand and began to pray to the Buddha to bless him for everything going well tomorrow.

In the room, the smell of burning incense filled the air. Wu Guotai knelt in front of the Buddha statue, clasped his hands and prayed devoutly.

Her eyes were closed tightly and she was mumbling words. The beads turned gently in her hands and made a crisp sound.

"Buddha, please bless our trip tomorrow so that I can arrive in Youzhou safely and see my daughter Sun Shangxiang." Wu Guotai's voice was full of sincerity and expectation.

Sun Ce did not go far and knew that his mother was praying to God and worshiping Buddha. He also hoped that everything would go well for his mother tomorrow. (End of chapter)

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