That night, in that secluded rural hut, Liu Long and several of his confidants sat around a dilapidated table with serious expressions.

Liu Long frowned and said in a low voice: "We must find a way to deal with Xi Yu. There are secret guards around him, so it is not easy to do it directly." There was a hint of anxiety in his eyes.

One of the confidants nodded and said, "Besides, Xi Yu has sent experts to protect Liu Xie. It will be even more difficult to kill Liu Xie."

Liu Long slammed the table.

"I want to be the emperor, and these two people are obstacles to me. I must get rid of them both!" His voice was full of determination.

Another confidant thought for a moment and said, "Maybe we can start with the people around them."

At this time, a gust of wind blew by, making the windows creak. Liu Long's face became more and more gloomy, and he looked out the window.

"No matter what method we use, we must get rid of these two people." His tone was firm and cold.

Everyone nodded and said they would go all out.

They know that this is a life and death battle, but for Liu Long's ambition, they are willing to take risks.

Then, Liu Long got angry again, his voice suddenly raised, full of anger.

"What's the use of your determination? Is there any way to get rid of those two people?" His eyes scanned everyone present, and the anger in his eyes made people dare not look directly.

Several people were at a loss and looked at each other, unable to answer Liu Long's question for a while.

They lowered their heads silently, their hearts filled with helplessness and anxiety.

Liu Long became even more angry when he saw everyone was silent.

He pointed at them and cursed: "You trash, what's the use of raising you! I can't even think of a way!"

The atmosphere in the room became extremely tense, as if a tight string was about to break at any time.

Everyone held their breath for fear of angering Liu Long.

At this time, a slightly bolder confidant said cautiously: "Boss, calm down, we will come up with a solution as soon as possible..."

Liu Long interrupted him.

"I don't want to hear these useless words! What I want is practical action!" His voice echoed in the hut, which was terrifying.

Everyone else bowed their heads and remained silent, for fear of arousing Liu Long's anger again. At this time, a crow's cry came from outside the window, as if mocking the people in the house.

Liu Long took a deep breath and tried to calm down. He knew that getting angry wouldn't solve the problem. What he needed was a practical plan.

Next, Liu Long's tone gradually softened.

"That's all, you all have worked hard." He waved his hand, "Please step back and rest first, think about it carefully, we will definitely find a way."

After hearing Liu Long's words, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. They stood up one after another, saluted Liu Long, and then silently exited the hut.

Everyone's mood also relaxed a little. As they walked, they talked quietly, trying to come up with a workable plan.

Liu Long stayed alone in the hut, his heart still heavy. He knew that to realize his ambition, he had to overcome the difficulties before him.

He secretly made up his mind to come up with a perfect plan to get rid of Xi Yu and Liu Xie.

That night, Xi Yu and Xiao Cui came to an inn.

The inn was brightly lit, people were coming and going, and there was constant noise.

Xi Yu looked at the sky, counted the time, and whispered to Xiao Cui: "It will take two or three days to reach Jiangnan." There was a hint of exhaustion in his eyes.

Xiaocui frowned slightly after hearing this.

She grabbed the corner of Xi Yu's clothes and said timidly: "Prime Minister, I... I would be very scared to live alone. Can I share a room with you?" There was a slight tremor in her voice.

Xi Yu's face turned red and he quickly shook his head and said: "How can this be done? There are differences between men and women. How can it be appropriate for a man and a woman to live together in the same room?"

Xiao Cui disagreed. She raised her head, looked into Xi Yu's eyes, and said firmly: "We were in the same room at the magistrate's house, weren't we? It was nothing at that time." There was a hint of stubbornness in her tone. .

Xi Yu's face turned redder, and he said helplessly: "That was different, because there was only one house at that time. This was in an inn, there were many people, so we still have to pay attention to the impact."

"Then what should we pay attention to? Others don't know us."

At this time, the lobby of the inn was bustling with people, the guests were noisy, and the waiters were busy shuttling among them.

The conversation between Xi Yu and Xiao Cui seemed a bit out of place in this noisy environment.

Seeing that Xiyu refused to agree, Xiaocui started to act like a baby. She took Xi Yu's arm and shook it, muttering: "Prime Minister, I don't care, I just want to be in the same room with you, otherwise I will definitely not be able to sleep at night."

She also knew that it was a bit rude to say this. She was just a little girl.

But that's what she was willing to say.

Xi Yu looked at Xiao Cui's pitiful appearance and couldn't help but feel a little shaken.

But Xi Yu felt that she couldn't be allowed to fool around like this, so he shook his head firmly.

When Xiao Cui saw this, tears suddenly welled up in her eyes. She looked at Xi Yu pitifully and sobbed softly.

Xi Yu felt tangled in his heart. He really couldn't bear to see Xiao Cui so sad.

Amid Xiaocui's cries, his determination began to waver.

In the end, Xi Yu relented. He sighed helplessly and said, "Okay, Xiao Cui, don't cry. I promise you."

Xiaocui's face immediately showed a bright smile,

She burst into laughter and jumped up happily. "Great! Thank you, Prime Minister!"

She held Xi Yu's hand tightly, her eyes filled with gratitude.

Xi Yu couldn't help but feel a warmth rising in his heart when he saw Xiao Cui's happy expression.

"Okay, let's go and have a rest. We have to go on the road tomorrow."

Xiaocui nodded and ran into the room happily. Xi Yu stood at the door, looked at her back, and shook his head helplessly.

He knew that such a decision might cause some trouble, but for Xiaocui's safety and happiness, he could only do this.

Arriving at the room, Xiao Cui excitedly brought a basin of steaming foot-washing water, placed it in front of Xi Yu, and said with a smile: "Prime Minister, you must be very tired after a long day's journey. Let me help." Wash your feet and relax."

Xi Yu looked at Xiao Cui in surprise and waved his hand quickly: "No, Xiao Cui. I can do it by myself. I'm not used to others serving me." There was a trace of embarrassment on his face.

Xiaocui shook her head and said, "No, I will help you wash it. You are my savior, and I want to do something for you." Her eyes were full of sincerity.

Xi Yu smiled helplessly, feeling moved in his heart. He looked at Xiaocui's serious look and couldn't bear to refuse her kindness anymore.

Xiao Cui knelt down gently, put Xi Yu's feet into the water, and scrubbed him carefully.

Xiyu sat on the chair, feeling Xiaocui's attentiveness and tenderness, and his heart was filled with emotion.

He looked at Xiao Cui's focused expression and couldn't help but think of every detail of their journey.

"Xiao Cui, you are so kind. Actually, you don't have to do this." Xi Yu said softly.

Xiao Cui raised her head, looked at Xi Yu, and said with a smile: "I am willing to do anything for you, because you are the person I trust most." There was a hint of determination in her voice.

Xi Yu was slightly startled. He was now deeply moved by Xiao Cui's words.

While washing Xiyu's feet, Xiao Cui asked gently: "Prime Minister, we will be in the same room for the next few days. Is that okay? I am willing to serve you like a greenhouse girl."

Xiyu felt a little embarrassed after hearing this.

He thought for a while and said, "If you are really scared, I can arrange for secret guards to protect you outside the door. Will this make you feel more at ease?"

Xiao Cui immediately shook her head and objected: "No, I won't be able to adapt to that. I still like to be with you. Only when you are by my side will I feel at ease." Her eyes revealed her feelings for Xi Yu dependence.

Xi Yu couldn't help but feel soft in his heart when he looked at Xiao Cui's firm eyes.

He sighed helplessly and said, "Okay, let's talk about it tomorrow. You'd better sleep on the bed today, and I'll just sleep on the floor."

After hearing this, Xiaocui showed a happy smile on her face. She quickly stood up, poured out the foot-washing water, and began to make the bed.

Xiaocui watched Xi Yu spread the bedding on the floor, quickly got up from the bed, ran to Xi Yu and said, "Prime Minister, you have a noble status, how can you sleep on the floor? How can I feel sorry for this?"

Xi Yu looked at Xiao Cui with a smile and said softly: "Xiao Cui, you don't have to worry. I won't feel any discomfort if I sleep on the ground, and it will also allow you to rest peacefully."

Xiaocui shook her head, grabbed Xi Yu's arm and said, "No, Prime Minister, I'm not worried. You and I should both sleep on the bed, so that I will feel more at ease."

Xi Yu looked at Xiao Cui with some embarrassment. He knew that he had a special status and if he slept with Xiao Cui, he might cause some unnecessary trouble.

But seeing Xiaocui's sincere eyes, he couldn't refuse.

He didn't know why, why his heart was so soft today.

After thinking for a moment, Xi Yu nodded and said, "Okay, since you insist so much, let's all sleep on the bed. But don't worry, I am a gentleman and will never do anything untoward to you. "

After hearing this, Xiaocui showed a happy smile.

She took Xi Yu's hand and walked to the bed together.

Xiyu and Xiaocui were lying on the bed separately, with some distance between them. Despite their physical proximity, there was deep respect in their hearts.

Xiaocui lay quietly on the bed, feeling extremely safe in her heart.

Early the next morning, the sun shone on the earth, giving people a warm feeling.

Zhuge Jin had already prepared the horses and lined them up neatly at the door.

Wu Guotai was in high spirits and followed by ten followers. She was smiling and in a particularly happy mood.

She said to Zhuge Jin: "Mr. Zhuge, I am really looking forward to going to Youzhou this time."

Zhuge Jin replied respectfully: "Madam, I can understand your mood. You will definitely be happier after meeting the lady."

Wu Guotai nodded, his eyes shining with happiness. "Yes, I haven't seen my daughter for a long time. I don't know how she is doing in Youzhou. I really miss her."

At this time, a breeze blew, carrying the fresh breath of the morning. Wu Guotai took a deep breath and felt this beautiful moment.

Then he got on the sedan chair.

Xi Yu and Xiao Cui continued on their journey, and the morning sun shone on them. As soon as Xi Yu got up, he felt that his whole body was filled with a faint fragrance.

He knew that this was the unique body fragrance exuding from Xiao Cui.

After walking for a while, they saw a medicine shop. Xiao Cui suddenly stopped and said to Xi Yu: "Prime Minister, I feel a little uncomfortable and want to go to the pharmacy to get some medicine."

Xi Yu looked at Xiao Cui with concern and asked, "What's wrong with you? What's wrong with you? Do you want me to go in with you?"

Xiaocui smiled and shook her head and said, "It's just a minor problem. I can just go in by myself. Just wait for me near the drug store."

Xi Yu nodded and said worriedly: "Okay, if you need help with anything, be sure to call me."

Xiao Cui walked into the medicine shop, while Xi Yu found a place to sit nearby and waited quietly.

He glanced at the door of the drug store from time to time, thinking about Xiao Cui's physical condition.

At this time, the environment around the drug store seemed particularly peaceful. There were few pedestrians on the street, and occasionally one or two carriages passed by, making the crisp sound of horse hooves.

Xi Yu felt the breeze blowing on his face, and his mind was filled with thoughts.

The medicine shop doctor looked at Xiaocui and asked, "Girl, what medicine are you buying?"

"I am healthy."

The doctor asked doubtfully: "Girl, since you are in good health, why do you still need to buy medicine?"

Xiaocui's face turned red instantly, and she lowered her head, feeling a little at a loss.

When the doctor saw her like this, he became even more puzzled and said softly: "Girl, if you have something to hide, you might as well tell me directly. I am the doctor, so I will naturally keep the secret for you."

Xiaocui took a deep breath and plucked up the courage to say, "I want to buy some medicine so that after men take it, they will have... thoughts about that."

Her voice grew lower and lower until it was almost inaudible.

After all, I am still a big girl, and it is really embarrassing to say these words.

The doctor listened and understood what Xiaocui meant.

He smiled and said: "I see, the girl is here for her sweetheart?"

Xiao Cui's face turned redder, and she nodded slightly.

Lang Zhong thought that it was normal for this little girl to be shy.

He took out a few medicinal materials from the medicine cabinet, handed them to Xiao Cui, and said: "Pair these medicinal materials together, make a medicinal soup and take it, it will have the effect you want. However, the dosage should be moderate and must not be overdosed. "

Xiaocui took the medicinal materials and said gratefully: "Thank you, doctor." She paid the money and walked out of the pharmacy with the medicinal materials.

Xiaocui felt a little nervous.

When Xi Yu saw Xiao Cui coming out, he rushed to greet her and asked with concern: "How is it? What did the doctor say?"

Xiaocui lowered his head, fiddled with the medicinal materials in his hand, and said hesitantly: "The doctor... the doctor prescribed some medicine for me."

Xi Yu looked at the medicinal materials in Xiaocui's hand curiously and asked, "What kind of medicine is this? What disease does it cure?"

"It's just some cold medicine."

Xi Yu breathed a sigh of relief and said, "That's good, let's continue on our way. But you should pay more attention to rest. If you still feel uncomfortable, you must tell me in time."

Xiao Cui nodded.

On the other side, Wu Guotai was sitting in the sedan chair, clasping his hands together, chanting Buddha's name softly, and praying for everything to go well on the road.

Her eyes revealed her longing for her daughter and her expectations for the future.

At the same time, Zhuge Jin was riding a horse and was in a particularly happy mood. He thought in his mind: "I can see my brother Zhuge Liang when I go to Youzhou. I wonder how he is doing."

Along the way, the team passed through bustling towns and quiet countryside.

On both sides of the road, there are green trees, prosperous flowers and plants, and the breeze caresses your face, bringing bursts of fresh breath.

Wu Guotai occasionally opened the sedan curtain and enjoyed the beautiful scenery along the way.

She said to the entourage beside her: "The scenery is so beautiful. I hope our journey will be so smooth."

"Yes, Madam."

A few hours later, their team passed the drug store where Xiao Cui got medicine.

Zhuge Jin suddenly reined in the reins and said to Wu Guotai: "Madam, I feel a little uncomfortable and want to go into the drug store to get some medicine."

Wu Guotai looked at Zhuge Jin with concern and said, "Mr. Zhuge, since you don't feel well, go to the drug store quickly." She thought to herself that maybe he was tired from the journey and Zhuge Jin needed some medicine to recuperate his body.

Zhuge Jin got off his horse and walked into the medicine shop.

The medicine shop is filled with a faint aroma of herbs, and specimens of various herbs are hung on the walls. When the doctor saw a guest coming in, he hurriedly came forward to greet him.

Zhuge Jin said to the doctor: "I'm feeling a little unwell. Can you prescribe me some appropriate medicine?"

The doctor asked Zhuge Jin carefully about his symptoms, then took his pulse and said, "Sir, don't worry, you're just a little overworked. I'll prescribe some nourishing medicine for you, just take it on time."

Zhuge Jin nodded and said, "Thank you, doctor." He took the prescription, paid the money, and walked out of the pharmacy.

At this time, the sun had already set in the west, and a gorgeous sunset glow appeared on the horizon.

He said to Wu Guotai: "Madam, I have taken the medicine and I feel much better. Thank you for your concern."

Wu Guotai smiled and said, "Mr. Zhuge, you're welcome. Your health is important, so you must take good care of it.

The team continued to move forward, and the afterglow of the setting sun shone on them, casting long shadows.

With their longing for the future, they move towards Youzhou.

Wu Guotai thought that since Zhuge Jintian was not feeling well, he should quickly find an inn to stay, although the weather was not over yet.

"Madam, it's okay. I just got cold by chance. Don't delay your trip because of me."

"Mr. Zhuge, what are you talking about? With you escorting us all the way, you are equivalent to my benefactor. Besides, although we have to hurry, there is no need to rush."

"In that case, thank you very much."

Next, they immediately found an inn to stay.

In order to avoid trouble, they also dressed up a little bit when they came out this time, wearing very ordinary clothes.

To avoid being robbed by others.

But when they walked into the inn, they had a special aura after all.

Therefore, the waiter immediately saw that their identities were different.

But there must be a reason for the guests to dress up like this, and I can't let it out casually.

Zhuge Jin immediately started to ask the waiter to make medicine for himself, and then delivered it to his room.

"Don't worry, sir, I will definitely handle it." (End of Chapter)

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