Another night came, and Xi Yu and Xiao Cui came to an inn again.

The inn was bustling with people, the guests were noisy, and the waiter busily shuttled between the tables and chairs.

Xiaocui looked at the busy waiter and walked to the kitchen with a thought in her heart.

"Waiter, let me serve you the food. I see you are very busy." Xiaocui said with a smile.

The waiter raised his head with an expression of surprise on his face.

"Oh, you are so kind. I am worried about being too busy, so it would be great to have someone to help me." The waiter said gratefully.

Xiaocui smiled.

"You're welcome, I want to help too."

With that said, Xiaocui picked up a stack of plates and started placing dishes on them.

She came to a corner and secretly sprinkled the medicine on the dishes while no one was paying attention. She moved carefully so as not to be noticed.

After saying that, Xiao Cui returned to the table where Xi Yu was.

Xiao Cui told Xi Yu that because the waiter was too busy, she was willing to serve the food for him.

Xi Yu didn't know about her conspiracy and praised her for being particularly hardworking.

"You are such a kind girl, always willing to help others." Xi Yu said with a smile.

Xiaocui was a little nervous, worried that her behavior would arouse the suspicion of the secret guards.

But she tried to stay calm and not let Xi Yu notice anything strange about her.

"It's just a little effort. I saw that the waiter in the shop was so busy, so I just wanted to help him." Xiaocui said softly.

Xiyu nodded.

"You did very well."

Xiao Cui watched Xi Yu eat all the food, feeling secretly happy in her heart.

She thought to herself: "After a while, Xi Yu will definitely react." As she thought about it, a smile appeared on her face.

Tonight, they are still in the same room. When Xi Yu agreed, he felt a little uneasy. Even though he had been trying to keep his heart pure, how could he not be moved by being so close to a girl?

He thought to himself: "I must control my emotions and not let them affect the mission."

Xi Yu sat quietly by the bed, his eyes falling on Xiao Cui from time to time.

Xiaocui was busy making the bed. Her movements were light and elegant, and every movement was full of feminine grace.

Xi Yu took a deep breath and tried to calm down his mood.

He knew he couldn't let his emotions get to his head and had to stay calm and focused.

However, his eyes were involuntarily attracted to Xiaocui, and her beauty and gentleness made his heart move.

Xiaocui seemed to feel Xi Yu's gaze, and a blush appeared on her face.

She turned around and met Xi Yu's eyes, showing a hint of shyness and expectation.

Xi Yu was shocked and said softly: "Xiao Cui, you are really beautiful today."

Xiaocui lowered his head and said with a smile, "Thank you, Prime Minister, for your compliment."

After a while, Xi Yu felt his body was unusually hot, and an unspeakable discomfort surged into his heart. His face gradually turned red, and beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

Xiaocui was secretly happy, knowing that the medicine was starting to work.

She quietly observed Xi Yu's reaction, feeling secretly proud in her heart.

Xi Yu's consciousness gradually blurred, and his body trembled involuntarily.

He tried hard to stay awake, but the hot feeling was getting stronger and stronger, making him unable to resist.

Xiao Cui approached Xi Yu and asked softly: "Prime Minister, how are you?"

Xiyu opened his eyes with difficulty and looked at Xiaocui, his voice was full of pain.

"I...I feel so uncomfortable..."

Xiaocui pretended to be concerned and said, "How could this happen? I'll get you a glass of water."

With that said, she picked up the kettle, poured a glass of water and handed it to Xi Yu.

Xi Yu took a sip of water, trying to relieve his physical discomfort. However, all this was in vain, his body was getting hotter and hotter, and his inner desires were becoming more and more difficult to control.

In the end, Xiyu finally made a mistake, which was exactly the result she wanted.

Early the next morning, Liu Long woke up leisurely under the caress of the sun.

He stretched and got dressed, ready to start the day.

Suddenly, there was a slight knocking sound outside the door.

Liu Long's eyes flashed with alertness, but then he smiled knowingly. He knew that his confidant Zhao Qiang was here.

There was a special signal when Zhao Qiang knocked on the door, which was the code agreed between them.

Only after hearing this secret signal would Liu Long open the door with confidence.

Liu Long walked to the door and opened it gently.

Zhao Qiang entered the room, quickly closed the door, and reported to Liu Long seriously: "Boss, I just thought of a way."

Liu Long nodded, motioned for Zhao Qiang to sit down and said.

"Boss, we can get in touch with Liu Bei of Fangjun and form an alliance with him."

"What did you say? How did you even think of that?"

Liu Long was really surprised.

"Boss, I know you are worried about going to Fangjun to discuss this matter with Liu Bei." Zhao Qiang's voice was calm and firm, "But I think this is our only choice at the moment."

Liu Long raised his head and looked at Zhao Qiang, with a trace of hesitation in his eyes.

"I understand what you are thinking, Zhao Qiang. But Liu Bei is not someone we can completely trust."

"Boss, although Liu Bei surrenders to Xi Yu on the surface, he may not be convinced on the inside. I know this is an adventure, but we must try. I will contact Liu Bei in an appropriate way and test his tone. If he has If we are willing to cooperate, we will further discuss specific plans.”

Zhao Qiang's intention has been very obvious. If the negotiation really fails, no one will know that it is related to Liu Long.

Liu Long felt a little embarrassed when he heard this, as if he was greedy for life and afraid of death.

"But even if you are right, Liu Bei really wants to oppose Xi Yu, but what ability does he have to oppose?"

Regarding Liu Long's worries, Zhao Qiang had actually thought about it for a long time.

"Boss, let's talk about it later after giving everything to Liu Bei."

Next, Liu Long kept walking around the room.

He seemed to be weighing the pros and cons to see if he should do it.

But he also knew that as a man, there was no need to be so indecisive.

"Okay, Zhao Qiang, if that's the case, then you can go, but you must pay attention to safety."

Zhao Qiang was very happy when he heard Liu Long agreed. The next day, when Xi Yu woke up, she felt a little dizzy.

He rubbed his temples and suddenly realized that something wrong seemed to have happened last night.

He looked towards Xiaocui, and was surprised to see that she also opened her eyes, her face flushed, as if she was shy.

Xi Yu's face instantly turned gloomy, and he asked viciously: "Xiao Cui, did you drug me?"

A trace of panic flashed in Xiao Cui's eyes, but she soon regained her composure.

She bit her lip, nodded, and said softly: "Prime Minister, yes. I...I have fallen in love with you since the first moment I saw you. I know that I am of low status and not worthy of the Prime Minister, so That’s why I made this bad move, I hope the Prime Minister can forgive me.”

Anger welled up in Xi Yu's heart. He didn't expect Xiao Cui to do such a thing.

He pinched Xiaocui's neck hard.

"This is totally unreasonable. Why would you do this?"

However, when he saw Xiao Cui's sincere eyes and guilt on his face, his heart softened.

He quickly let go of his hand.

Tears welled up in Xiaocui's eyes.

"Prime Minister, I know I was wrong. I just really like you and hope to do something for you. Please forgive me."

Xi Yu was very angry and hurriedly went to get dressed.

He asked Xiaocui to explain the specific process of administering the medicine.

Xiaocui also told all the relevant situations.

Xi Yu's face suddenly turned gloomy.

Then I remembered the process of Xiaocui going to the kitchen to serve food.

Xiao Cui quickly knelt down for Xi Yu.

"Prime Minister, I know that my sins are serious, please punish me."

Xi Yu really wanted to kill her, but seeing her like this, he couldn't bear it anymore.

Xi Yu stared at Xiao Cui sharply and asked, "Xiao Cui, do you have any intentions? Do you want to be my wife?"

Xiaocui's face turned red instantly. She lowered her head and admitted shyly: "Prime Minister, I...I do have this idea."

Xi Yu's face became serious. He immediately summoned the secret guards and asked sternly: "Why didn't you discover Xiao Cui's conspiracy yesterday?"

The secret guard hurriedly knelt down and explained in panic: "My subordinates were all focused on the Prime Minister and did not notice Xiao Cui's actions at all. Please forgive me, Prime Minister!"

Xi Yu's brows furrowed tightly, he was dissatisfied with the secret guard's dereliction of duty.

However, he also understood that this could not be entirely blamed on the secret guards.

"That's it this time. You must not be negligent in the future. You must always be alert and not slack off at all." Xi Yu said seriously.

The secret guard nodded quickly and responded: "I understand, thank you Prime Minister for your tolerance. I will be more careful in the future and will never do it again!"

Xi Yu turned to look at Xiao Cui, his eyes showed both reproach and helplessness.

To be fair, Xi Yu doesn't dislike Xiao Cui.

But he still felt angry because he was being plotted in such a confused way.

Immediately, the secret guard also said: "Prime Minister, in this case, it is better to kill this woman."

Xiao Cui was startled and quickly kowtowed.

"Please, Prime Minister, please let me go."

Xi Yu asked the secret guards to retreat and leave the matter to him.

He said to Xiaocui: "Okay, stop talking, I won't kill you."

Xiaocui finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Since you are willing to follow me, then you will follow me. From now on, you will just be my maid. You will never become my wife. Do you understand?"

After hearing this, Xiaocui felt particularly complicated.

Could it be that I could never become Xi Yu’s wife in my whole life?

"What? Don't you agree? Do you want me to accuse you?"

"I promise, I promise, thank you Prime Minister for your kindness."

Maybe Xi Yu didn't hate her, but this kind of behavior was absolutely intolerable.

Because she is so scheming, if she really becomes one of the ladies, she will definitely make the harem uneasy.

Xi Yu thought again, if the other party didn't do this.

Maybe he would really like her and maybe let her become one of his ladies.

But she blocked her way.

"Okay, hurry up and pack your things, let's go eat and then hit the road."

Xiaocui quickly got up.

That day, the sun was shining brightly, and Su Yu stayed in an old house in his hometown.

He lay lazily on an old bamboo chair, basking in the sun, feeling a little bored.

His thoughts gradually drifted back to that day, when Xi Yu told him about running a newspaper.

"I wonder what that newspaper will look like..." Su Yu murmured to himself, full of curiosity.

The more he thought about it, the more impatient he felt and wanted to talk to Xi Yu immediately.

So he got up and left the old house and embarked on the road to the theater.

When he arrived at the door of the Xi Mansion, he was told by the concierge that Xi Yu was not in the mansion and had gone to Jiangnan.

There was a hint of disappointment on Su Yu's face, but there was nothing he could do.

"It seems we can only wait for the Prime Minister to come back." He said to himself, turned around and prepared to leave.

On this day, the sun was shining brightly and there was a gentle breeze.

Wu Guotai and Zhuge Jin embarked on the journey again, walking along the winding road.

Wu Guotai asked with concern: "Mr. Zhuge, how is your health?"

Zhuge Jin replied with a smile: "Thank you for your concern. My health is much better. After recuperation, I have recovered a lot."

After Wu Guotai heard this, a happy smile appeared on his face.

"That's good. This trip is a long way, so you need to take more care of yourself. If you feel unwell, be sure to inform us in time."

Zhuge Jin cupped his hands and said, "Don't worry, Mrs. Guo, I will pay attention."

At noon that day, after Xi Yu finished eating, he suddenly thought of a question.

He recalled the ten-day agreement with Cao Pi and knew that Cao Pi would not surrender easily.

"It seems that we have to find a way to solve this problem." Xi Yu said in his heart.

He decided to write a letter and let Zhao Yun and Zhou Yu watch the handling to ensure that Cao Pi's threat could be resolved smoothly.

Xi Yu came to an inn and asked the waiter for paper and pen to write a letter.

Xi Yu picked up his pen and quickly wrote down his thoughts and plans on the letter paper.

His handwriting is strong and powerful.

After the letter was written, Xi Yu folded it carefully and put it into the envelope.

He stood up and came to the inn.

The people at the inn were working busy and orderly.

Xi Yu handed the envelope to the person in charge of the inn and took out the token to prove his identity.

The people here quickly saluted Xi Yu.

Xi Yu said solemnly: "This letter must be sent as soon as possible without any delay."

The person in charge of the inn took the envelope and immediately realized the importance of this letter.

"Don't worry, Prime Minister, we will send someone to deliver the letter immediately, and we will ensure that it is delivered safely." The person in charge replied respectfully.

Xi Yu nodded and left immediately.

The people at the inn acted quickly, selected an experienced courier, handed the letter to him, and told him to deliver the letter to the destination as soon as possible.

The messenger embarked on the journey with the Prime Minister's letter in mind.

After leaving here, Xiaocui asked carefully: "Prime Minister? What kind of letter is so important that it must be dealt with before you return?"

Xiyu glanced at Xiaocui.

Xiaocui immediately realized that she had said too much.

"I'm sorry, Prime Minister, I shouldn't be meddling in such nosy matters."

Xi Yu said nothing, he hoped Xiao Cui would know his identity.

In fact, Xi Yu also felt very conflicted, and he could handle this matter by himself after returning home.

It seemed that he couldn't wait any longer and wanted Cao Pi to die quickly.

In the past, he sincerely hoped that Cao Pi would surrender quickly.

But now he seems to be hoping that Cao Pi will not surrender, and he wants to kill Cao Pi.

He didn't understand why this ambivalence suddenly appeared.

He rode a horse and led Xiao Cui forward, remembering his experience with Cao Cao again.

Those days are still vivid in my mind.

After all, he had just been with Cao Cao when he traveled here, and he was considered his first boss.

Those days are gone.

Thinking about it now, it's like it happened yesterday.

He suddenly laughed. He had promised to become a scribe.

But later, some things happened that were really unexpected.

At this moment, he also said silently in his heart: "Old Cao. One day your son and I became enemies, and in the end I won. I want to kill him now. I know you will be particularly unhappy." .

"Of course, if I keep him now, he won't be able to cause any trouble. But I don't know why, but I can't tolerate him now."

"I know you will definitely hate me. If you want to hate me, then go ahead. I will send him to reunite with you soon."

"Maybe you call me ungrateful and a traitor, but no matter what, I want to lead the whole world to prosperity."

"What I am doing now is to fulfill your unfulfilled wishes, but your wishes are for yourself, and I am for the world."

"Old Cao, I never told you that I came from another world. Even if I told you, you wouldn't understand."

Xi Yu suddenly discovered that he and Cao Cao still had some feelings.

Xiaocui was sitting behind him. Although he couldn't see his face clearly, she felt that he was worried.

And since taking the medicine, she felt that her relationship with Xi Yu seemed to be somewhat distant.

She regrets it very much now.

She has now thought clearly that if she didn't take the medicine, she might actually become one of Xi Yu's wives.

But because of her eagerness for quick success, she lost the opportunity.

So if she continues to work hard next, will Xi Yu change her mind?

Forget it, it's better not to have any bad thoughts.

In fact, she has always been kind since she was a child. She will not lie or scheme against others.

But this time, she did so.

Of course, when she was doing this, she was actually very nervous.

She even thought that Xi Yu might kill herself.

Then she decided to take a gamble.

In this way, two people on the same horse are each thinking about their own thoughts.

A gust of breeze blew, causing the hair on the temples of both people to blow up.

However, this is the spring breeze, which makes people feel particularly itchy.

It doesn't feel cold at all when it blows on my body.

Xiao Cui's hair was very long, and some of her hair blew into Xi Yu's face.

Xiyu suddenly had a strange feeling.

He tried hard to tell himself that he should never have any feelings for Xiaocui.

Otherwise, you will be very soft-hearted in the future.

Xiao Cui quickly sat back a little to prevent her hair from getting close to Xi Yu.

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