The messenger brought Xi Yu's letter to Youzhou.

He knew that this letter was very important to Xi Yu, so in order not to delay things, he kept going non-stop along the way, with almost no time to eat or sleep.

When he finally arrived at the Youzhou border crossing, he was out of breath and exhausted.

Soldiers guard the border closely.

Breathing heavily, the messenger explained his purpose to the soldiers.

"I'm here to deliver a message for the Prime Minister!" he said, with a hint of anxiety in his voice.

The soldiers looked at each other and quickly took the letter.

Some soldiers were particularly moved when they learned that he was traveling quickly without resting at all.

"Look at you, no matter how important the Prime Minister's heart is, you can't help but rest."

"It doesn't matter. I'm finally relieved now and feel at ease." The messenger said.

"You have worked hard along the way." A soldier said, "Please take a rest first."

The messenger nodded gratefully and found a place to sit down.

After a while, a soldier came over.

"You come with me to the barracks to eat something and take a rest. It won't be too late to go back after you regain your strength."

The messenger felt warm in his heart and followed him to the barracks.

There, he received food and water and gradually recovered.

A soldier at the border crossing took the letter and walked quickly to the theater.

The soldier came to the house and handed the letter to the guard at the door. After the guard received the letter, he immediately handed it to Ouyang Linlin in the mansion.

After Ouyang Linlin got the letter, her eyes fell on the recipients' names on the envelope - Zhao Yun and Zhou Yu.

She frowned slightly, thought for a moment, and then sent two servants to summon Zhao Yun and Zhou Yu.

Her husband wrote back. It seemed that there was an emergency and she couldn't take it lightly.

The servants in the mansion hurriedly walked towards Zhao Yun and Zhou Yu's residence.

However, on the way, they happened to meet Jia Xu.

Jia Xu stopped the people and asked curiously: "Where are you going?"

The servants answered truthfully: "We are ordered to deliver a message to General Zhao Yun and Zhou Yu."

Jia Xu couldn't help but feel a trace of doubt in his heart. He thought to himself: Is there any emergency for Xi Yu to write back at this time?

And why did he specially summon two generals?

Looking at the people's leaving figures, Jia Xu's face became a little gloomy. He suddenly felt jealous. Why didn't he also take a look at Xi Yu's letter?

Could it be that his status in Xi Yu's heart was not as good as those two generals?

Jia Xu's heart was full of doubts and dissatisfaction. He bit his lip unconsciously while thinking. A sour feeling spread in his heart.

Zhao Yun and Zhou Yu hurried to the opera house and went straight to Xi Yu's room.

Entering the room, they saw Ouyang Linlin sitting there quietly.

Ouyang Linlin stood up, smiled and said to Zhao Yun and Zhou Yu: "My husband has sent a letter, and he specifically designated you two to receive it. As a woman, I cannot interfere, so I gave the letter to you."

She handed the letter to Zhao Yun, then silently exited, closing the door gently.

Zhao Yun and Zhou Yu looked at each other, then carefully opened the envelope.

Their eyes fell on the letter paper and they quickly scanned the contents.

When they saw the letter mentioning the need to deal with Cao Pi's affairs, both of their faces became serious.

"I didn't expect that the Prime Minister finally made a decision." Zhou Yu said.

"We should have taken action long ago." Zhao Yun's voice was firm and decisive.

Zhao Yun and Zhou Yu discussed in the room how to make Cao Pi die.

Because Xi Yu only said to let them handle it, but did not tell how Cao Pi would die.

"Killing Cao Pi directly seems too cruel." Zhao Yun said with a frown.

"Using poisoned wine might be a good choice." Zhou Yu thought, "This can make him die unconsciously."

"What about drowning? Not bad."

After some discussion, they finally decided to let Cao Pi commit suicide.

"If Cao Pi disagrees, we will think of other ways." Zhao Yun said.

After discussing, the two stood up.

They left the theater and walked firmly towards the military camp.

Cao Pi was alone in his room, with the desk covered with papers. He was sometimes meditating, sometimes writing furiously, concentrating on composing poems.

At this time, Zhou Yu and Zhao Yun walked in.

Cao Pi raised his head, a trace of vigilance flashing in his eyes.

"If you are here to act as lobbyists for Xi Yu and persuade me to surrender, then there is no need to waste words."

Zhao Yun replied coldly: "We are not here to persuade you to surrender. There is a letter here for you to read."

He handed the letter to Cao Pi.

Cao Pi took the letter, opened it, and his face instantly turned pale.

It turned out that the content of the letter was that Xi Yu directly wanted his life, and even if he chose to surrender, he would not be given a chance.

Cao Pi laughed angrily, with a hint of helplessness and sadness in his laughter.

"Haha, okay! Xi Yu is so decisive, I can be considered relieved." His eyes revealed despair and relief.

"Well, maybe this is my fate." He said to himself, "In that case, I don't need to miss anything anymore."

While Cao Pi was writing poems in his room, Zhou Yu and Zhao Yun walked in.

After hearing what Cao Pi said, Zhao Yun said coldly: "We ask you to choose a way to die. It is best to commit suicide to prevent us from doing it."

Cao Pi looked at the letter in his hand again and recognized that it was indeed Xi Yu's handwriting.

He was already tired of living an ignoble existence, and death might really be a relief for him.

He nodded.

He walked to the wall, reached out and pulled out the sword hanging on the wall. The blade of the sword flashed with cold light, reflecting his firm eyes.

Cao Pi took a deep breath, and the sword in his hand flashed a cold light in the air. He put the blade close to his neck without hesitation.

At this moment, a gust of wind blew by, and the wind seemed to be mixed with a trace of sadness, as if it was mourning for this tragic scene.

Cao Pi's hands were trembling slightly, but his eyes were extremely firm. He swung hard, and the sword cut his neck easily, and blood spurted out.

Cao Pi's body fell slowly, and the sword in his hand clattered to the ground.

His eyes gradually dimmed, and the light of life quietly disappeared at this moment.

Zhou Yu and Zhao Yun watched all this quietly, with complex emotions welling up in their hearts.

They completed the task, but at the same time they also felt a little sigh for Cao Pi's fate.

In any case, this is also a generation of heroes.

Zhou Yu silently picked up the sword on the ground, wiped it carefully, and then put it into its scabbard.

They turned around and left this sad place, leaving behind the shocking pool of blood...

They immediately ordered the soldiers to rush in and deal with the scene.

The two of them were further away from the room.

The soldiers hurried into the room and felt very strange when they saw Cao Pi's death.

They began to whisper.

"Zhao Yun and Zhou Yu must have killed Cao Pi." A soldier whispered.

"Yeah, how dare they do that?" another soldier echoed.

"However, it must be the Prime Minister's intention for them to do this. Otherwise, how could they dare to do it so easily?" Another soldier guessed.

Zhou Yu walked in immediately and his face darkened when he heard the soldiers' discussion.

"Don't make random guesses!" he said sternly, "This is the Prime Minister's order, we are just executing it."

The soldiers immediately fell silent. They knew Zhou Yu's majesty and did not dare to express their opinions easily.

With the busy work of the soldiers, the room was quickly cleared. The smell of blood gradually dissipated.

Soldiers gathered around Zhao Yun and Zhou Yu, asking what to do with Cao Pi's body.

Zhao Yun and Zhou Yu looked at each other speechlessly, and were at a loss for the moment.

"How about just throwing it in the wilderness." Zhou Yu suggested.

Zhao Yun frowned and retorted: "In any case, Cao Pi is also a hero of the generation. It seems inappropriate to treat him like this. Why not give him a good burial? I believe the prime minister will be happy to see it. Let me make the decision on this matter. If the Prime Minister is blamed, I will bear all the consequences."

Zhou Yu listened to Zhao Yun's words and nodded in agreement: "That's very good. This way of handling it will also be good for the prime minister's reputation."

"You guys find a suitable place and buy a coffin." Zhao Yun ordered.

The soldiers followed the order and left.

The soldiers acted quickly and efficiently. They soon found a suitable place and the coffin was successfully purchased.

Cao Pi's body was carefully placed in the coffin.

In this way, Cao Pi was finally buried.

The instructions in the letter are clear. After completing the task of burying Cao Pi, Zhao Yun and Zhou Yu need to report the news to Liu Xie.

So, they embarked on a journey to where Liu Xie was.

"I heard that the manor where His Majesty lives is very nice, but we have never been there." Zhou Yu said to Zhao Yun as he walked.

"Yes, this time I have a chance to see its elegance." Zhao Yun responded.

Along the way, they passed through green mountains and green waters, and passed by bustling towns and quiet villages.

The wind gently blew over my cheeks, bringing a hint of coolness.

Finally, they came to the manor where Liu Xie lived. The solemn door is closed tightly, and the stone lion in front of the door is lifelike.

Zhao Yun stepped forward and knocked on the door knocker. After a while, the door slowly opened and a eunuch appeared in front of them.

"Excuse me, what do you two want?" the eunuch asked.

"We were ordered by the Prime Minister to report the news about Cao Pi to His Majesty," Zhao Yun said.

"In that case, come with me."

When Zhao Yun and Zhou Yu stepped into the manor, they saw that the courtyard was beautifully and elegantly decorated, with flowers, plants and trees scattered in an orderly manner.

A clear stream gurgled, and there were jagged rocks on the rockery beside the stream.

Crossing the courtyard, they came to the living room.

Liu Xie was sitting on the Taishi chair, reading a book with concentration.

"See your majesty!" Zhao Yun and Zhou Yu bowed and saluted.

Liu Xie put down the book and stood up with a smile.

"It's you, what's the matter?"

The two of them talked about how to deal with Cao Pi.

Liu Xie really didn't expect that Xi Yu would arrange such a thing.

If he had longed for Cao Pi's death, Xi Yu should have done so.

Moreover, Xi Yu also knew what he was thinking, so he asked two people to report to him.

So at this moment, Liu Xie also had a smile on his face.

"That beast should have died long ago. The prime minister is doing this to eliminate harm for the people."

After learning that Cao Pi was dead, Liu Xie boldly expressed his views.

Zhou Yu and Zhao Yun looked at each other.

They naturally understood that Liu Xie had always hated Cao Pi.

Only then did Liu Xie know that Xi Yu had gone to Jiangnan.

After a while, Zhao Yun said goodbye.

"Your Majesty, if there is nothing else, we will leave first."

"Okay, go ahead. I hope you will come here to play often in the future."

Now Liu Xie has really regarded this place as his home.

The two of them resigned and left.

Zhao Yun and Zhou Yu walked side by side on the road, talking while walking.

"The emperor is living a very quiet life now, which is actually very good." Zhao Yun said.

"Maybe the emperor is also depressed. After all, the implementation of a constitutional monarchy actually weakened his power." Zhou Yu said thoughtfully.

Zhao Yun shook his head slightly.

"I think the emperor might be happy about this. You think, if the country is taken away by others, the emperor's life may not be saved. It is a blessing to be able to save his life now."

"Having said that, the reduction of power is not an easy thing for anyone to accept." Zhou Yu said.

"What you said is true. However, times are changing, and the system needs to change accordingly. It is a wise move for the emperor to put the overall situation first." Zhao Yun looked forward firmly.

On the other side, Xi Yu and Xiao Cui were riding on horses, moving forward slowly.

Xi Yu suddenly felt a premonition in his heart. He reined in his horse and stopped.

"I feel that Cao Pi is dead." Xi Yu said softly.

Xiaocui looked at him in surprise.

"How do you know? Is this what you call telepathy?"

Xiyu nodded.

"My telepathy has always been accurate. It's just..." His voice was slightly lowered, and his mood seemed very complicated.

Xiaocui looked at him silently, as if she could understand his inner conflict.

"This is the inevitable outcome sooner or later." Xi Yu sighed longly.

Xiaocui sat on the horse and swayed her feet gently.

She looked at Xi Yu expectantly and said, "Prime Minister, can you tell me a story?"

Xi Yu smiled and asked, "What kind of story do you want to hear?"

Xiao Cui thought for a moment and replied with a smile: "Anything is fine, just tell some things you have experienced, or stories about wars."

Xi Yu nodded, looking into the distance, and his thoughts gradually drifted back to the past.

"Then let me tell you about my experience with Cao Cao." Xi Yu's voice was filled with emotion.

The breeze blows, bringing the fragrance of the distant fields.

"Once, Cao Cao led an army to an expedition. On the battlefield, flags were flying and the sound of killing was loud. As a general, I took the lead and charged into the battle..."

Xi Yu's narration was vivid and passionate, as if Xiaocui was brought back to the battlefield filled with smoke.

Xiao Cui listened attentively, her eyes full of admiration and appreciation for Xi Yu.

As the story progresses, Xi Yu's expression sometimes becomes serious and sometimes smiles.

Xiaocui was deeply attracted by Xi Yu's story. From time to time, she would interject a few words and ask for some details, and Xi Yu would patiently answer her questions.

Gradually, their conversation merged into the peaceful landscape.

Xiao Cui felt particularly happy listening to Xi Yu's story.

She originally thought that Xi Yu would hate her for some reason, but she didn't expect that Xi Yu was willing to tell her stories.

Then, Xi Yu suddenly heard Xiao Cui crying.

He turned his head and asked with concern: "Xiao Cui, why are you crying?"

Xiaocui wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, her voice slightly choked.

"I'm so touched. I thought I had become a thorn in your side."

Xiyu's expression became serious.

He said seriously to Xiaocui: "As long as you are honest and don't have any special ideas, I won't hate you."

Xiao Cui nodded slightly, her heart full of gratitude.

Jia Xu was depressed and came to a restaurant alone.

He sat by the window and looked at the streets with people coming and going, feeling a sense of loneliness in his heart.

He ordered several jugs of wine and drank one cup after another.

After a while, Jia Xu's mood became heavier and heavier.

He thought to himself: "I have made great contributions to the Prime Minister. Why does he ignore me if he should discuss anything with me?"

There were noisy noises in the restaurant, but Jia Xu's heart became increasingly peaceful, and his eyes gradually became blurred.

Jia Xu kept pouring himself alcohol, using alcohol to numb the pain in his heart.

His hands were shaking slightly, and the wine glass made a crisp sound when it collided with the table.

"Don't everything I do deserve his trust?" Jia Xu smiled bitterly.

Outside the window, the setting sun gradually set in the west, dyeing the horizon golden.

His heart was filled with confusion and loss.

And these emotions seemed to turn into cups of bitter wine, plunging him into endless pain...

The waiter felt very strange, so he came over to persuade him.

Jia Xu seemed to drown all his worries in wine.

"Sir, you'd better drink less. Too much alcohol is harmful to your health," the waiter reminded kindly.

Jia Xu suddenly raised his head and glared at the waiter.

"Are you mocking me for not having the money to pay the bill?" There was obvious anger in his voice.

When the surrounding customers heard Jia Xu's words, they all winked at the waiter, telling him not to argue with a drunkard.

The waiter shook his head helplessly.

"I don't dare, I'm just worried about your health."

He turned and walked away without saying another word.

The restaurant was filled with a strong smell of alcohol, and Jia Xu continued to drink by himself, as if he wanted to make the whole world drunk.

After a while, Jia Xu finally got drunk, his heavy head lying on the table, and the wine bottle in his hand rolled aside.

The waiter watched all this helplessly and quickly informed the shopkeeper of the situation.

The shopkeeper came over after hearing the news, took a look at the drunk Jia Xu, and showed an imperceptible smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Don't worry, get him into the room. You can ask him for a room fee tomorrow. If he doesn't pay tomorrow, it won't be too late to deal with him then." The shopkeeper said softly to the waiter.

The waiter nodded and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally, the waiter and several waiters carried Jia Xu to a certain room.

As soon as he entered the room, Jia Xu started talking nonsense.

"I'm not drunk, please serve me some wine quickly."

The waiter shook his head helplessly, then hurried out to clear Jia Xu's table. (End of chapter)

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