Jia Xu had a dream.

In the dream, he was in the court, and Liu Xie was sitting on the emperor's throne, with a haggard face and despair and helplessness in his eyes.

The ministers took refuge in Cao Pi one after another. They shouted loudly and asked Liu Xie to abdicate. Their voices echoed in the court.

Liu Xie cried, tears falling down his cheeks, his body trembling slightly, looking so helpless.

Jia Xu walked to Liu Xie and said softly: "Your Majesty, the situation is over. For your safety, it is better to write an abdication edict as soon as possible. After all, you and Cao Pi are related, and I believe Cao Pi will treat you well."

Liu Xie raised his head and looked at Jia Xu, with a trace of despair and unwillingness flashing in his eyes.

"Jia Xu, is there no other way? I don't want to lose the throne!"

Jia Xu sighed helplessly.

"Your Majesty, the situation has been decided now. Cao Pi is powerful and we cannot compete with him. Writing an edict to abdicate can still save your life."

Liu Xie bit his lip and his tears became more intense.

"I worked hard for the Han Dynasty, but I ended up like this..."

There was silence in the court hall, with only Liu Xie's sobs echoing in the air.

Jia Xu looked at Liu Xie silently, and couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness in his heart.

Jia Xu's eyes suddenly became vicious, and he approached Liu Xie with a hint of threat in his voice.

"Your Majesty, time is running out. You'd better sign quickly! Otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous."

Liu Xie's body was trembling. He looked at Jia Xu, his eyes full of fear and helplessness.

Finally, he picked up the pen and slowly signed his name on the abdication edict.

Jia Xu took the abdication edict signed by Liu Xie and breathed a sigh of relief.

He rushed to Cao Pi without stopping and handed over the edict.

Cao Pi took the edict with a satisfied smile on his face. However, Jia Xu said with a serious face: "Mr. Cao, you must not print this edict directly and issue it. If you do, you will bear the infamy of the world."

Cao Pi looked at Jia Xu doubtfully.


Jia Xu said thoughtfully: "Mr. Cao, in order to show your kindness, you should resign three times. In this way, people in the world will think that you have no choice but to do so after Liu Xie's repeated requests."

Cao Pi nodded.

"What Jia Xu said is true. Then I'll leave this matter to you."

Jia Xu woke up from that strange dream and rubbed his temples, filled with doubts and uneasiness.

He murmured to himself: "How could I be such a vicious person in my dream? I will do whatever it takes to achieve my goal...Is this really me?"

His heart began to tangle, and he felt guilty as he recalled the scene in the dream.

Jia Xu realized that perhaps in his subconscious, there were some dark sides that he usually did not want to face.

Suddenly, he remembered another important thing.

"Cao Pi is dead? Then your Majesty should be able to sit back and relax now..."

This thought gave him some relief.

Jia Xu rubbed his hazy sleepy eyes, frowning slightly due to the headache after a hangover.

He looked around and found himself in a strange inn room, and felt an inexplicable warmth in his heart.

"How could I be drunk? And I'm still in the inn..."

He shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts.

Jia Xu secretly thought: "The people in the store are so kind. I was drunk last night, and they still brought me here and gave me a safe place to rest. I must thank them tomorrow."

He was filled with gratitude and at the same time a little ashamed of his drunken behavior last night.

The next day, Jia Xu came to the inn counter in high spirits.

With a smile on his face, he said gratefully to the waiter: "Brother, thank you so much for helping me come here yesterday. I was drunk last night. If it weren't for your help, I don't know what would have happened."

He asked: "How much does the drink cost?"

The waiter replied with a smile.

"Sir, the wine you drank last night plus the cost of the room totaled twenty taels of silver."

His tone was calm, and there was a hint of kindness in his eyes.

When Jia Xu heard this, his heart sank.

His eyes widened and his voice rose.

"What? Two taels of silver! I just drank some wine, why is it so expensive?" There was a look of dissatisfaction on his face.

Seeing this, the waiter hurriedly explained: "Sir, this price is already very affordable. You drank too much last night. We were worried about your safety and specially arranged a room for you to rest. The cost of the room is also included. "

Jia Xu frowned and retorted: "I didn't ask to stay in a hotel, how could you be so unreasonable!"

His voice echoed in the inn, causing other guests to look askance.

At this time, the atmosphere in the inn became a little tense. The other guests stopped talking and looked at the scene curiously.

The waiter's face also became a little ugly.

He said in a stiff tone: "Sir, what you said is wrong. We kindly helped you into the room because we saw you were drunk. If we threw you on the street and something happened, we wouldn't worry about it." You can’t take responsibility!”

Jia Xu didn't appreciate it and sneered.

"Hmph! You are taking advantage of others' danger to extort money!"

Jia Xu's voice gradually became louder.

"I don't need to stay in a hotel, I only pay for the drinks, and I will never pay for the room!"

"Then do you think we should leave you on the street? If you encounter any danger outside, we can't afford it!" the waiter said anxiously.

"I don't need your pity! I can take care of myself." Jia Xu responded without showing any signs of weakness.

The quarrel between the two became louder and louder, and the entire inn was shrouded in their quarrel.

The innkeeper heard the sound and came over.

He looked at Jia Xu and the waiter, and said seriously: "Stop arguing! This is a place for business. Isn't it okay for everyone to be nice?"

He turned around and said to Jia Xu: "Sir, the people in our store helped you into the room out of good intentions. The cost of the room is not very high. If we didn't keep you here, what would we do if we didn't keep you here?" Who should we ask for the drink money?”

However, Jia Xu still stubbornly insisted on his position.

"I only pay for the drinks, I won't pay for other expenses at all!"

The shopkeeper showed no sign of weakness when he saw this.

He straightened his body, put his hands on his hips, and said sternly: "Don't be ignorant! If you don't pay this, don't even think about leaving this inn!"

Jia Xu's face became extremely gloomy, and his fists clenched unconsciously.

Suddenly, he took a step forward and punched the shopkeeper in the face.

The shopkeeper was caught off guard and was knocked back by the punch.

A bruise suddenly appeared on his face, and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

The shopkeeper touched his injured face, a trace of fierceness flashed in his eyes.

He roared and rushed towards Jia Xu. The two instantly struggled with each other, exchanging fists and kicks.

Jia Xu dodged the shopkeeper's attack, and then grabbed the shopkeeper's neck.

The shopkeeper struggled to get free, but Jia Xu's strength was so strong that he couldn't escape.

The waiter was frightened by this sudden scene and was at a loss what to do.

He quickly shouted for help: "Someone! Come and help!"

However, the surrounding guests were too frightened by the fierce fighting to come close, and no one was willing to come forward to help.

Jia Xu's eyes were full of madness, and he seemed to have lost his mind.

His fingers tightened tighter and tighter, and the shopkeeper's face became paler.

He himself is a weak scholar, but at this moment he doesn't know where the strength comes from.

Finally, the shopkeeper stopped struggling and his body fell softly.

Jia Xu let go of his hand, and the shopkeeper's body fell heavily to the ground.

The waiter hurried forward, tested the shopkeeper's breathing, then looked at Jia Xu in horror, and shouted loudly: "You killed him! You killed the shopkeeper!"

Jia Xu's mind went blank, and he didn't know how to face this situation.

He was filled with panic.

Jia Xu took advantage of the waiter's distraction, quickly turned around and rushed out of the inn, diving into the bustling crowd. His heartbeat was like a drum and his steps were staggering, as if there was an invisible force chasing him behind him.

The waiter came to his senses and hurriedly chased him out.

As he ran, he shouted: "Catch him! He killed the shopkeeper!"

People on the road looked sideways, but no one dared to step forward to stop him easily.

Jia Xu ran desperately, his mind in chaos.

His breathing became rapid.

He didn't know where he was going, he just knew he had to escape from this place.

While the waiter was trying to catch up, a carriage suddenly came speeding up.

The waiter wanted to get out of the way, but it was too late. He was blocked by the carriage and could only watch Jia Xu disappear into the crowd.

When the carriage drove away, the waiter looked for Jia Xu again, only to find that he had disappeared.

The waiter stamped his feet in annoyance, his heart filled with helplessness and frustration.

The morning sun shone on the earth, Xi Yu and Xiao Cui carried their bags and continued on their journey.

Xi Yu looked up at the sky, smiled and said to Xiao Cui: "We will reach our destination in the afternoon." There was a hint of excitement in his voice.

After hearing this, Xiao Cui also showed an expectant look on her face.

They walked along the path, lined with lush trees and blooming flowers, and the breeze brought bursts of floral fragrance.

Xiyu pointed forward.

"Look, we have entered Jiangnan's territory."

Xiaocui looked in the direction he pointed and saw undulating mountains and green trees in the distance, a lively scene.

Xiaocui couldn't help but exclaimed: "Jiangnan is so beautiful!" Her eyes were full of love for this land.

Xi Yu smiled and said, "Yes, the scenery in Jiangnan is so picturesque and intoxicating."

The two of them walked while admiring the beautiful scenery around them, feeling particularly comfortable.

The afternoon sun shone on the city streets, and Xiyu and Xiaocui finally arrived at their destination.

The fatigue from the journey seemed to dissipate at this moment. They stood at the door, looking at the scene in front of them, filled with expectations.

When Sun Ce heard about Xi Yu's arrival, he couldn't help feeling a little strange.

He thought to himself: "Why is Xiyu here?"

Despite his doubts, Sun Ce decided to personally take Zhang Zhao and others to the door to greet them to show respect for the guests.

The group of people hurried to the door, and Sun Ce's eyes fell on Xi Yu.

He was wearing a simple robe, but he exuded an extraordinary aura.

Sun Ce nodded and said with a smile: "Master Prime Minister, what can I teach you here?"

Xi Yu looked at Sun Ce, frowned slightly, and said: "General Sun, I came here this time as entrusted by Sun Shangxiang to pick up Wu Guotai to Youzhou. She misses Wu Guotai very much and hopes to reunite soon. "

After hearing this, Sun Ce and others had surprised looks on their faces.

They looked at each other, and then Sun Ce said: "Prime Minister, I'm so sorry. My mother has been escorted to Youzhou by Zhuge Jin. They set off a few days ago."

A trace of disappointment and surprise flashed in Xi Yu's eyes.

He never expected that he would miss it. He originally came with full confidence, but got such news.

Sun Ce said: "Prime Minister, this shows that mother and daughter are united in thinking. Since they are already here, please come in quickly."

Xiyu nodded.

Sun Ce signaled his servants to quickly serve tea and greeted Xi Yu warmly.

"Master Prime Minister, please sit down and rest for a while."

After Xi Yu thanked him, he took the tea and took a sip, then turned his eyes to Sun Ce.

"I have always been concerned about the situation in Jiangnan. I wonder what the situation in Jiangnan is now?"

Sun Ce smiled and said: "At present, the Jiangnan area is prosperous, and the people live and work in peace and contentment, and live a prosperous life."

Xiyu was very happy after hearing this.

"This is the result of your good governance. It is really a blessing for Jiangnan that the people can live and work in peace and contentment." Xi Yu praised.

Sun Ce waved his hand modestly.

"This is not my fault alone and cannot be separated from the efforts of everyone. I hope to further develop agriculture and commerce and improve people's living standards. At the same time, strengthen education and cultivate more talents to lay a solid foundation for the future development of Jiangnan." Base."

Xi Yu looked at Sun Ce with admiration.

"You have lofty ideas. The development of agriculture and commerce can bring economic prosperity, and education is the key to cultivating talents. If your plan can be implemented smoothly, Jiangnan will surely become more prosperous."

The two looked at each other and smiled, full of expectations for Jiangnan's future.

That night, Xi Yu and Xiao Cui decided to spend the night at the residence arranged for them by Sun Ce, preparing to continue their journey tomorrow.

Xiaocui was arranged to live in a room with several maids. in the room.

Several maids were full of curiosity about Xiao Cui and asked her how she met Xi Yu.

Xiao Cui smiled and began to talk about her acquaintance with Xi Yu.

The maids listened with great interest and exclaimed from time to time. They were envious of Xiaocui's experience.

On the other side, the inn was in panic.

The sudden death of the shopkeeper shocked everyone, and the waiter ran to report the case in panic.

Yamen officers quickly rushed to the scene and launched an investigation. They carefully questioned the guests of the inn, but no one could provide effective clues about the murderer Jia Xu.

"What should we do? No one knows the murderer, where should we start?" a police officer said anxiously.

Another experienced policeman thought for a moment and said, "Let's start with the inn's residents. Let's see if there are any suspicious people or clues."

So, they began to inquire and investigate the guests of the inn one by one.

However, everyone claimed that they had nothing to do with the death of the shopkeeper and did not know Jia Xu.

Wang Liang, the county magistrate of Youzhou, was recently appointed. Before that, Guan Yu, a knowledgeable man, had been in charge of all affairs in Youzhou.

Now, Guan Yu can finally relax a little and hand over the heavy burden on his shoulders to Wang Liang.

Wang Liang was sitting in the study room of the county government office, his brows furrowed, the pen in his hand scribbling back and forth on the paper, and his mind was full of thoughts.

This case is really quite difficult.

Suddenly, a government servant hurried over and reported excitedly: "Sir, someone is here to provide clues!"

Wang Liang was overjoyed when he heard this and quickly asked the government officials to bring the people in.

After a while, a man with a sly eyebrow walked into the county government office. He looked around with a hint of cunning in his eyes.

Wang Liang looked at this person with some doubts in his heart, but still asked politely: "Do you have any clues to provide to this county?"

The man chuckled, showing a greedy expression.

"Sir, I have provided clues, do you have to give me some benefits? Otherwise, I will never tell you."

Wang Liang's face darkened, and he understood that this person was here to ask for benefits.

He thought for a moment and decided to first listen to what clues this person had.

"You tell me the clue first. If it is indeed valuable, the county will naturally consider giving you corresponding reward." Wang Liang said seriously.

But the other party just shook his head.

"Of course if you don't want to cooperate, then forget it."

With that said, the man started to turn around and leave.

Although Wang Liang was unwilling to do so, he had no choice but to give the person a favor first.

At the same time, he was warned: "If the clues you provide turn out to be worthless, the county will definitely hold you accountable."

After the man got the benefit, he immediately vowed: "Don't worry, sir, what I said is absolutely true. The person who strangled the shopkeeper to death was none other than the important minister beside Xi Yu, Jia Xu!"

Wang Liang was shocked after hearing this.

Why would the ministers around the prime minister do such cruel things?

Wang Liang quickly asked: "Do you dare to swear to God that what you said is true?"

The man raised his hand without hesitation and swore: "If you tell a lie, I am willing to be punished by God!"

Wang Liang's face became very solemn, and he realized that things might be more complicated than he thought.

He decided to investigate the matter personally and could not easily draw conclusions based on one person's words.

Do you want to move the people around Xi Yu?

What should we do?

On the first day he became the county magistrate, he set his ambitions.

You must be a good official and not be afraid of power.

No matter who they are, as long as they violate the laws of the country, they must be punished.

But now this problem makes him feel very difficult.

If he really goes to arrest Jia Xu, will Xi Yu oppose him?

Then wouldn’t his head be saved?

Wang Liang asked the man to retreat, and then quietly told the government officials to follow this man and see where his home was.

Of course he will not harm this person, but first he must know this person's confidence to avoid being deceived by him. (End of chapter)

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