Orion thought again, it would be better to have one less thing than one more thing, so he might as well not ask, because others might not tell him.

Zhuge Jin couldn't sleep at all while lying on the bed.

Sun Ce trusted him so much that he allowed him to escort Wu Guotai.

But the result was that he made a mess.

His tears couldn't help but flow out.

I am so useless.

Early the next morning, the sun shines through the thin clouds and shines on the city wall at the Youzhou border crossing.

The soldiers guarding the city stood firm at their posts as usual.

Suddenly, a man came to the city gate on horseback, holding a letter in his hand.

This is exactly Zhao Qiang’s letter.

"A letter has arrived! It's for the Prime Minister." The man shouted.

Soldiers gathered around.

Since this letter is for Xi Yu, you have to check it carefully.

A soldier took the envelope and looked at it carefully.

"It doesn't look out of the ordinary," said the soldier examining the letter.

"Okay, then quickly send someone to deliver the letter to the theater house without any delay." The leader-like soldier made a prompt decision.

A young soldier took the letter, mounted his horse, and galloped away in the direction of the theater.

The soldier guarding the theater gate took the letter and handed it to Ouyang Linlin.

"Mrs. Ouyang, there is a letter from the Prime Minister!" The soldier guarding the door handed over the envelope.

Ouyang Linlin took it.

Just now, a girl happened to pass by.

This girl's name is Xiaomei, and she lives in Ganmei's room. She watched the soldier give the letter to Ouyang Linlin, with an angry look in his eyes.

"Hmph, why should Ouyang Linlin handle all household affairs when the Prime Minister is away? Mrs. Gan is the eldest lady!" Xiaomei complained in her heart.

Xiaomei returned to the room and told Ganmei about her dissatisfaction.

"Madam, look, Ouyang Linlin is dealing with family affairs again. Isn't it obvious that she doesn't take you seriously?" Xiaomei provoked.

Gan Mei frowned and reprimanded: "Xiao Mei, don't sow discord. Ouyang Linlin is the prime minister's right-hand assistant, and she has the ability to handle these things. We should trust her."

Xiaomei bit her lip unconvinced.

"Madam, you have such a good temper. You are the mistress of the house."

"Ganmei, stop talking. What do you mean?"

Although Ganmei has a good temper, she has lost her temper at this moment.

"Xiaomei, you have to know that in this family, what we need is unity and harmony. Don't be resentful because of trivial things." Gan Mei said in a serious tone.

Although Xiaomei was still a little unwilling, she stopped talking.

Faced with Gan Mei's scolding, he could only bow his head and remain silent.

After Ganmei was silent for a moment, he said to Xiaomei: "Xiaomei, go and call all the girls in my room."

Xiaomei left in response, and after a while, a group of girls walked into the room.

Gan Mei looked at them and said seriously: "I called you here today because I have something to confess. In this family, unity is the most important thing. In the future, we will never allow any words that undermine unity."

The girls nodded one after another to express their understanding.

Ganmei continued: "We are all part of this family and should support each other instead of being suspicious of and instigating each other. Only by uniting as one can we make this family more prosperous."

The girls listened carefully to Ganmei's words. They understood that Ganmei was maintaining the harmony of the family.

"Do you understand?" Gan Mei asked.

"Understood, madam." The girls replied in unison.

Ganmei nodded, and the girls exited the room one by one.

That day, the sun was shining brightly, and Xi Yu and Xiao Cui continued to move forward.

When they rode to the door of a store, they saw many people queuing.

This is a grilled chicken restaurant.

"This is a newly opened store. It seems very popular." Xiaocui said.

"We're hungry too, let's wait in line and try it." Xi Yu dismounted with a smile and pulled Xiao Cui to join the team.

While queuing up, suddenly, a arrogant young man walked over.

There were several thugs behind him, looking menacing.

"Stand back, everyone! I want to get to the front!" Young Master shouted loudly.

When people saw his appearance and the group of thugs, they were so frightened that they backed away.

Seeing this, Xi Yu couldn't help but feel a sense of justice in his heart. He stepped forward and stopped the young master.

"Sir, everyone is queuing up. It's not fair for you to jump in line like this." Xi Yu said.

The young master glared at Xi Yu and sneered: "How dare you interfere with my business? Do you know who I am?"

"I don't care who you are, fairness and order are important to everyone." Xi Yu didn't flinch.

The young master became angry and signaled the thugs to take action.

However, Xi Yu was not afraid.

Because the secret guard came out immediately.

The secret guard showed off his martial arts skills and subdued the thugs in a few blows.

People around him cheered for Xi Yu.

However, they could only cheer in their hearts and did not dare to show their applause. To avoid the young master’s revenge.

The company looked at the secret guard and Xi Yu fiercely.

He cursed loudly.

"You two beasts. You will not die well."

The young master was very angry when he saw several of his thugs being easily subdued by Xi Yu.

He angrily shouted: "You trash, you are so incompetent! I raised you in vain!"

The thugs lowered their heads and did not dare to respond.

At this time, a burst of whispers suddenly came from the crowd.

People began to talk about it, wondering why a master like the secret guard appeared here.

"Who is this person? Why is he so skilled like a ghost?"

The young master stared at Xi Yu fiercely and said through gritted teeth: "Do you know who I am? My status is extremely noble and I cannot afford to offend someone like you!"

Xi Yu smiled slightly and said disdainfully: "I don't care who you are, no matter how noble your status is, you cannot trample on fairness and justice."

His voice was firm and powerful, echoing in the air.

The young master was so angry that his face turned red.

Seeing that his men were unable to do anything about Xi Yu, the young master angrily asked them to go home and invite his father to come over. He planned to ask his father to support him and teach Xi Yu a lesson.

"You guys, go and invite my father!" the young master shouted to the thugs.

The thugs quickly followed the order and left.

The young master turned to the shop owner and said, "Boss, give me something first! I don't have time to waste here."

The boss looked at the people queuing up, then at the young master, and said calmly: "Sir, everything must be done on a first-come, first-served basis. Everyone is queuing up, and I can't favor anyone."

After hearing this, the young master became furious, pointed at the boss's nose and cursed: "You don't know how to praise me! Do you believe I will give you a beating?"

As he said that, the young master raised his fist, ready to swing at the boss.

At this moment, the secret guard took action again.

He quickly grabbed the young master's wrist and twisted it slightly, causing the young master to scream in pain.

"You'd better stop making trouble unreasonably." Xi Yu said.

The young master glared at Xi Yu, but he also knew that he was no match for Xi Yu, so he had to give up.

At this time, people on the street gathered around and witnessed this scene.

They were full of praise for Xi Yu's righteous behavior.

After being stopped by Xi Yu, the young master temporarily stepped aside. After a while, the sound of horse hooves came from the street.

An old man came slowly on horseback.

He was accompanied by many men dressed in soldier's clothing and armor, holding spears and guns.

This majestic old man is the young master's father.

Seeing his father arriving, the young master rushed to greet him and complained: "Father, you are here! Someone dares to attack me, you must vent your anger on me!"

After hearing what the young master said, the old man's face became very ugly.

He glared at Xi Yu and asked loudly: "Who are you? How dare you attack my son!"

Xi Yu replied neither humble nor arrogantly: "I'm just an ordinary person, I just can't stand his arrogant behavior."

The old man became even more angry. He sneered and said, "There is nothing my son wants to do that he can't do! How dare you be so bold!"

Xi Yu said without changing his face: "He did something wrong and should be taught a lesson."

The old man couldn't help but be a little surprised when he looked at Xi Yu's determined expression.

Just when the tension reached its peak, the store owner stood up.

He saluted the old man and said, "He didn't do anything wrong. It was indeed your young master who made trouble unreasonably."

Xiao Cui felt speechless, what's going on with this boss? He actually explained to the old man, who seemed to be an unreasonable person at first glance.

Sure enough, the old man cursed loudly.

"You bastard, get out of here."

When the secret guard was about to teach him a lesson, he was stopped by Xi Yu.

The old man looked at Xi Yu coldly.

"Now kneel down and apologize to me obediently. Then remove your limbs and I can forgive you."

Xi Yu looked at the people around the old man.

"Who are they?"

"Since you want to ask, I will tell you."

The old man turned to face Xi Yu and said indifferently: "These are my servants. They usually dress like soldiers. In this place, anyone who dares to disobey will be killed."

There was an unchallengeable dignity in his voice.

After Xi Yu heard this, he accused him righteously: "You are not a member of the government, but you are so daring to set up your own private laws. It is really a heinous crime!"

The old man's face instantly turned gloomy.

He was furious and shouted at Xi Yu: "How dare you be so rude to me, you ignorant boy!"

Following his order, the servants pounced on Xi Yu like tigers and wolves.

At this point, people on the street backed away in fear for fear of being involved.

Many people think that Xi Yu is a good person who wants to uphold justice, but strong dragons cannot overwhelm local cowards.

Besides, Xiyu may not be a strong dragon.

The secret guard dodges the attacks of the servants with agility and punches back at the same time. For a moment, the wind of the fists howls and the momentum is astonishing.

Many screams came quickly.

The servants were eventually knocked to the ground.

The old man was frightened. He didn't expect the secret guard to be so powerful.

Xi Yu then asked the people around him.

"Is this old man usually so hateful?"

No one dared to speak for fear of being settled by the Queen.

But Xiyu already understood what was going on through their expressions.

"Okay, you don't need to say anything. I know this old man is usually very hateful."

The old man didn't dare to be harsh at this time, because all the people he brought suffered.

"You brat, maybe you can fight me, but you can't offend my father."

That young man just said this again.

"Does the local government not care?"

Xi Yu glanced around again.

Everyone knew in their hearts that the old man was so arrogant because he was protected by the local magistrate.

The county magistrate accepted the old man's bribe and naturally obeyed his advice.

However, everyone only dared to think about these words in their hearts, and no one dared to say them in person.

The old man sneered and said to his son: "Why don't you go and ask the county magistrate to come and arrest this kid and his accomplices!"

After receiving the order, the young master left in a hurry.

Xi Yu secretly thought to himself: "The county magistrate is here just in time. I want to see if he will handle this matter fairly." His eyes were firm and calm, as if telling himself that no matter what difficulties he encountered, he must stick to justice.

I am also preparing to ask the county magistrate. Isn't this just right?

At this time, the atmosphere on the street became increasingly tense.

People watched all this silently, sweating for Xiyu in their hearts.

At this time, someone secretly winked at Xi Yu and whispered: "You'd better leave quickly. No matter how powerful you are, you can't fight with the government."

Xi Yu's heart tightened, and he naturally understood the other party's good intentions.

He took a deep breath and replied calmly: "I know, but if we leave like this, justice will not be served."

The man shook his head helplessly.

"Why are you doing this? Your arm can't twist your thigh, but your life is more important."

Xi Yu smiled slightly.

"I believe that justice will eventually defeat evil. Even if I face the government, I am not afraid."

The young master hurriedly came to the county government office and told the county magistrate what had happened before with an angry look on his face.

After hearing this, the county magistrate was so angry that he burst into flames.

"This is unreasonable! How dare you run wild on my territory!"

The young master agreed: "That's right, County Master, you must make the decision for me!"

The county magistrate frowned.

"You said that man has some skills, but so what if he can fight? I will bring some archers over to see how long he can be arrogant!"

When the young master heard this, he immediately became excited.

"Great! County Master, we must let that kid know how powerful we are this time!"

At the entrance of the store, people were still queuing up in an orderly manner. Xi Yu stood in the queue and waited quietly.

Finally, it's Xiyu's turn.

The boss looked at him with a smile, his eyes full of admiration.

"You are really a hero. So, I won't charge your fee today."

Xi Yu shook his head quickly.

"No, boss, how can this be done? It's not easy for you to do business. Just do whatever you want."

The boss waved his hand generously.

"It's okay. I usually can't stand the behavior of that young master and his father. You spoke out for us, what does this little thing mean?"

Xi Yu looked at the boss gratefully.

"Thank you for your kindness, but I cannot accept it. Money must be paid."

At this moment, the county magistrate arrived with a group of soldiers.

The soldiers were holding bows and arrows, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

The county magistrate shouted loudly: "Who is arrogantly causing trouble here?"

Xi Yu walked straight to the county magistrate and asked, "Are you the county magistrate?"

The magistrate sneered.

"What? How dare you be so presumptuous in front of me! You caused trouble first, and now I want to arrest you!"

Xi Yu asked with a righteous face: "I'm making trouble? Why don't you tell the difference?"

The county magistrate said impatiently: "I already understand the situation. It's you who are causing trouble. It's best to plead guilty, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous!"

Xiyu didn't flinch.

"What's my fault? You're doing nothing!"

The county magistrate became angry with shame.

"You are so bold and unruly! You dare to speak harshly! Come on, shoot your arrows!"

Following his order, the soldiers drew their bows and shot arrows.

The people around him screamed in fear and fled for cover.

Xi Yu continued to accuse the county magistrate.

"As the head of a county, you don't make decisions for the people, but instead bully them. Where is the justice of heaven!"

At this time, the streets fell into chaos, and people fled in panic.

"Where is the law of heaven? Here, I am the law of heaven."

Xi Yu thought to himself that the situation was critical now and he had to reveal his identity.

It would be difficult for the secret guard to deal with those bows and arrows alone, and he might get injured.

So, he made a prompt decision, took out the token, showed it in front of the county magistrate, and said loudly: "County magistrate, you have to take a good look at this token!"

The sun sheds rays of golden light, reflecting on the token, shining with mysterious light.

The county magistrate's eyes fell on the token, and his face instantly became horrified.

"This...this is..."

His voice trembled, and he looked at Xi Yu in disbelief.

There was dignity in Xi Yu's voice.

"Now, do you still think I'm making trouble?"

Beads of sweat began to appear on the county magistrate's forehead, and his face turned pale.

"This... this is a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding! I am blind to the knowledge of Mount Tai, please forgive me!"

Almost everyone was confused by this scene and they didn't know what was happening.

The old man came over quickly.

"Master County, what does this mean?"

The county magistrate was very angry and slapped the old man suddenly.

"You bastard, you almost killed me."

Some people who were hiding far away came over one after another when they saw this scene.

Although they don't know what the token is, they have now confirmed it.

The man in front of him must have a particularly noble status, so much so that the county magistrate was particularly scared.

This would be great.

The young master also came over quickly.

"Lord County Magistrate, what on earth is going on?"

It was okay that he didn't come over. After he came over, the county magistrate also slapped him in the face.

"What's going on? It's okay for you to behave randomly and be domineering. Today you caused trouble for me. I have to beat you to death."

At this time, the county magistrate was like a shrew.

The shop owner quickly came to Xi Yu and asked in a low voice: "Excuse me, who are you?"

"Don't worry, this bastard county magistrate will tell everyone who I am in a moment."

At the scene, more and more people came here.

There were more people than there were in the queue just now, and they were all very curious as to who Xi Yu was.

The county magistrate quickly knelt down again and kowtowed to Xi Yu.

"I beg you, Prime Minister, to forgive me. Please forgive me. I will never dare to do it again." (End of chapter)

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