Everyone present was stunned. No one expected that the visitor turned out to be the Prime Minister.

The people knelt down one after another, and their respect was beyond words.

The old man and the young man were so frightened that their faces turned pale and their bodies were limp and weak.

However, many people were happy again.

The young master composed himself and said to the county magistrate calmly: "Is this the prime minister holding a token? Maybe someone is pretending to be you!"

When the county magistrate heard this, he was furious and slapped the young master on the face again.

"Don't talk nonsense! Prime Minister, how can anyone dare to impersonate you?"

The young master's cheeks suddenly became red and swollen, and he covered his face, afraid to speak in anger.

At this time, Xi Yu looked around with burning eyes, and everyone felt an invisible pressure.

Xi Yu cleared his throat and said slowly: "Don't panic, everyone, get up."

His voice was not high, but it carried an unquestionable dignity.

The county magistrate hurriedly stepped forward and said respectfully: "Your Excellency, Prime Minister, please forgive me for my sin of neglect."

"Kneel down, I'm just asking the people to get up."

The prime minister had no choice but to kneel down.

The old man and the young master walked to the prime minister tremblingly and kowtowed.

"You know you're wrong, I beg you, Prime Minister, for mercy!"

"Tell me, what evil things have you done in your daily life?" Xi Yu said.

In this case, the old man had no choice but to tell the truth.

Xi Yu stood in the center of the crowd, looking firmly at the people around him.

He said loudly: "Fellow folks, if they have any sins, just tell them. I, Xiyu, will make the decision for everyone!" His voice was sonorous and powerful, echoing in the air.

The people looked at each other and hesitated at first.

But with Xi Yu's encouragement, they gradually gathered their courage.

A middle-aged man walked out first.

"Sir, this old man and the young master often bully us small traders in the market, buying and selling by force, but we are too angry but dare not speak out!"

His words resonated with other people, and everyone agreed.

"Yes, they also occupied our land and made us homeless!"

"The county magistrate didn't care, and colluded with them to help them do evil!"

Xi Yu's face became increasingly ugly. He clenched his fists, anger burning in his heart.

"How unreasonable! Such a bad thing can happen in broad daylight!" he said angrily.

The wind blew the corners of Xi Yu's clothes, making his figure look particularly tall in the crowd.

Xi Yu turned around to face the old man and the young master, his eyes burning brightly.

"What else do you have to say?"

The old man and the young master were already pale with fear.

They tried to argue, but their words seemed so weak under the criticism of everyone.

"Sir, this is all a misunderstanding. We...we were also wronged..." the young master stammered.

Xiyu snorted coldly.

"Unjustly accused? Everyone sees what you have done. I will definitely get to the bottom of this matter and give the people justice!"

His voice was like thunder, making the old man and the young man tremble.

At this time, an old man came forward and grabbed Xi Yu's clothes.

"Sir, you must make the decision for us. The county magistrate's inaction has left us living in dire straits."

Xiyu patted the old man's hand.

"Don't worry, old man, I won't let this situation continue."

Xi Yu's eyes flashed with determination.

He said loudly: "As a parent official, the county magistrate does not seek the welfare of the people, but instead colludes with evil forces. It is really a heinous crime!"

Having said that, Xi Yuda abolished his official position as county magistrate on the spot.

The magistrate's face instantly turned as pale as paper, and his body trembled involuntarily.

Then, Xi Yu ordered people to take the county magistrate, the old man and the young master to the death row and keep them under strict guard.

When the people saw this, they clapped their hands and praised Xi Yu's wise decision.

"Okay! Prime Minister, I am really pleased!"

"Now we can finally get rid of the oppression of these evil forces!"

The cheers of the people resounded throughout the county like thunder.

Xi Yu looked at everyone with a smile.

Amidst cheers, Xi Yu turned and left.

In the death row, the magistrate, the old man and the young master were locked in dark and damp cells.

Their faces were filled with despair and regret.

"How did we end up like this..." Young Master muttered to himself.

The county magistrate bowed his head and remained silent. He felt regretful and ashamed of what he had done.

In the streets and alleys of the county town, people were praising Xi Yu's feat.

People were filled with admiration and gratitude for him.

The early morning sunshine was shining on the earth. Zhuge Jin was holding the horse, feeling anxious.

He was eager to move on, but the new horse seemed unfamiliar to him and kept a slow pace.

"Why is this horse so disobedient!" Zhuge Jin complained in a low voice.

He patted the horse's neck gently, trying to establish some rapport with it.

But the horse just shook his head and continued walking leisurely.

Orion looked on and said with a smile: "Mr. Zhuge, this horse may still need some time to adapt to you. Don't be anxious, take your time."

Zhuge Jin frowned.

"I'm pressed for time and can't delay any longer."

He sighed helplessly and looked into the distance.

Zhuge Jin held the reins tightly and kept trying to guide the horse to speed up.

But Ma seemed to be deliberately against him and still went his own way.

"Damn horse!" Zhuge Jin couldn't help but cursed.

His mood became more and more irritable, and beads of sweat slid down his forehead.

Orion stepped forward and comforted: "Mr. Zhuge, you don't have to be so anxious. The horses also need to rest and adapt. Forcibly driving them may be counterproductive."

Zhuge Jin gritted his teeth.

"I know, okay, it's getting late, so don't send it away."

As the sun rises, the weather gradually becomes hotter.

Zhuge Jin's clothes were soaked with sweat, but he still persisted.

On this day, Zhao Qiang secretly wanted to take Wu Guotai to the ruined temple.

"Wu Guotai, I will take you to a place." Zhao Qiang said softly.

Wu Guotai looked at him doubtfully. "Where are you going?"

"It's a ruined temple. I told Xi Yu in the letter and told him to go there." Zhao Qiang explained.

His heart was filled with anticipation, but also mixed with a hint of worry. He hoped that Xi Yu would come as promised.

But I can't help but worry about whether Xiyu will come.

Wu Guotai was unwilling to come because she was not his biological mother.

Along the way, they passed through green grassy fields and passed gurgling streams.

As Zhao Qiang walked, he observed the surrounding environment and thought about how to deal with this matter.

The two of them seemed like a mother and son, and there seemed to be no hostility at all.

Zhao Qiang also hopes to finish this matter quickly and then go to see Liu Bei.


Sun Ce sat in front of the window, staring into the distance, thinking about Yuan Wu Guotai in his heart.

His face was pale and his brows were furrowed, as if he was carrying a heavy burden in his heart.

"My lord, you haven't had a good rest for several days." Zhang Zhao walked into the room and looked at Sun Ce worriedly.

Sun Ce shook his head slightly.

"I'm fine, I'm just worried about my mother."

Zhang Zhao sighed lightly.

"My lord, your health is important. You don't have to worry too much."

Sun Ce turned his head.

"How can I not worry?"

Then, Sun Ce became thinner and thinner, and the smile gradually disappeared from his face.

Sun Ce fell ill that night. He was lying on the bed, too weak to even speak.

Zhang Zhao stayed beside his bed, his eyes full of worry.

"Lord, you must get through it." Zhou Yu held Sun Ce's hand tightly.

Sun Ce opened his eyes with difficulty.

"I will."

There was a heavy atmosphere in the room, as if time had frozen.

Sun Ce's illness affects everyone's heart, and everyone silently prays for his speedy recovery.

Sun Ce's thoughts were floating in the wind, as if flying to Wu Guotai in the distance.

He silently called for his mother in his heart, hoping that everything would be fine for her.

The room was filled with a strong smell of medicine, and the windows were closed, making the air seem a bit dull.

"My lord, your condition seems to be getting worse. Do you want to write to Sun Quan and ask him to come back and see you?" Zhang Zhao asked softly.

Sun Ce shook his head slightly.

"No need, Sun Quan is out of town now. If I tell him about my condition, it will only distract him and cause trouble for him."

Xiyu and Xiaocui hurriedly walked on the road, and the sky suddenly became gloomy.

After a while, heavy rain poured down.

They hurriedly looked for shelter from the rain and finally came to an inn.

Xiyu looked at the rain outside the window and sighed helplessly.

"It seems that the day to go home will be a few days later."

Xiao Cui consoled him: "Prime Minister, the rain came suddenly, there is nothing we can do about it."

Xi Yu nodded, "I hope Wu Guotai has arrived safely. She should have been reunited with Sun Shangxiang, right?"

"I think so."

Xiyu quietly listened to the sound of rain outside the window.

The rain was still falling, and it seemed that it had no intention of stopping.

Xiyu and Xiaocui decided to rest in the inn for one night and could only wait for the rain to stop before setting off.

Zhuge Jin was riding a horse on the road and encountered heavy rain.

He groaned secretly in his heart, hoping to find a place to take shelter from the rain.

Suddenly, heavy raindrops began to fall, hitting his body and horse's back.

Zhuge Jin looked around hurriedly and finally saw an inn not far away.

He quickly galloped towards the inn.

Arriving at the door of the inn, Zhuge Jin hurriedly dismounted and walked into the inn.

And this is the inn where Xiyu and Xiaocui are staying.

The waiter came up to us with a malicious smile on his face.

"Sir, would you like to stay in the hotel?" the waiter asked.

Zhuge Jin nodded.

"Yes, please give me a room."

The waiter rolled his eyes.

"Okay, but because of the rain, the price of the room is a little more expensive than usual."

The waiter also regretted it.

When Xi Yu and the two came in, he should have asked them for more money.

Zhuge Jin frowned.

"How could this be? Isn't this taking advantage of others' misfortune?"

He was very dissatisfied with the behavior of the waiter.

The waiter didn't think so.

"Sir, there is nothing we can do about this. It's raining and business is hard to do. We still have to survive. If you're not happy, just go to another inn."

Zhuge Jin felt indignant, but at this time it was raining harder and harder outside, and he had no other choice.

In desperation, he had to take out his wallet and handed the money to the waiter.

However, Zhuge Jin did not notice that the moment the waiter took the money, he secretly stuffed part of the money into his pocket.

"Okay, the room is the first one on the second floor, please do as you please." The waiter took the money and his attitude became cold.

Zhuge Jin was suffocating in his heart, but he could only swallow his anger.

He turned and walked towards the stairs, cursing the profiteer in his heart.

After entering the room, Zhuge Jin sat on the bed tiredly, recalling what he had just experienced, still feeling aggrieved.

Downstairs, the waiter was counting the money he had just received with a proud smile on his face.

As night falls, an old atmosphere fills the ruined temple.

Zhao Qiang and Wu Guotai huddled in the corner, waiting for Xi Yu's arrival.

Zhao Qiang stared at the door anxiously, feeling increasingly irritable.

"Why hasn't Xi Yu come yet? Does he not want to come at all?" He murmured to himself.

Wu Guotai sat quietly aside, with his eyes closed, holding a string of rosary beads in his hand, and chanted the sutra softly.

Her face was calm and she seemed not to be affected by Zhao Qiang's emotions.

"Stop reading!" Zhao Qiang suddenly interrupted Wu Guotai.

Wu Guotai opened his eyes and looked at Zhao Qiang, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

"If you say it again, I'll beat you to death." Zhao Qiang's voice contained a hint of anger.

Wu Guotai said.

"You don't have to be so upset. We have arrived at the temple, which is the sanctuary of the Buddha. Chanting can calm my heart and pray to the Buddha to keep us safe."

Zhao Qiang snorted coldly.

"I don't believe this."

He stepped forward and kicked Wu Guotai.

Wu Guo was in so much pain that he had no choice but to stop reading.

But she was still thinking about it.

Zhao Qiang was still pacing. He was also worried that Xi Yu would send troops.

If Xiyu doesn't come tomorrow, he will temporarily take Wu Guotai to see Liu Bei.

Early the next morning, the sun shone on Xi Yu's face through the inn window.

He opened his eyes and saw a clear sky outside the window, and the air was filled with a faint fragrance of flowers.

In a happy mood, he was going to go downstairs to have breakfast and then continue on his way.

He quickly went to the next room to call Xiaocui.

In the hall, there was a quarrel between Zhuge Jin and the waiter.

"What's your point? You obviously took advantage of the rain yesterday to increase the price. You should return the money to me!" Zhuge Jin's voice was filled with anger.

Not to be outdone, the waiter replied: "Sir, I made it clear to you yesterday. If you think it's expensive, you don't have to stay here. You agreed to the price yourself, how can you go back on it now?"

Zhuge Jin's eyes widened.

"You are being unreasonable! I just have no other choice, otherwise why would I stay in this shabby inn like yours?"

"Guest, what you said is wrong. We also need to make money when opening an inn, and the price is subject to market trends. You can't ask me to refund the money because of your own reasons." The waiter argued.

Zhuge Jin's face turned red with anger.

"You are a profiteer! I am going to report you!"

"Okay, since you are willing, then go ahead and sue."

The waiter in the shop also looked like a dead pig who was not afraid of boiling water.

Zhuge Jin was trembling with anger. He didn't want to waste time, otherwise he should leave quickly.

Xi Yu and Xiao Cui went downstairs. They were walking and chatting in a happy mood.

However, when they walked downstairs and saw Zhuge Jin, Xi Yu couldn't help but feel a little strange.

He stopped and looked at Zhuge Jin doubtfully.

Zhuge Jin also saw Xi Yu, his eyes full of surprise and disbelief.

He quickly stood up and walked quickly towards Xi Yu.

"Prime Minister, why are you here?" Zhuge Jin's voice was filled with urgency.

Xiyu frowned.

"I want to ask you too, Zhuge Jin. Why are you here?"

Zhuge Jin took a breath and quickly told Xi Yu what happened while escorting Wu Guotai.

There was a hint of panic and remorse in his tone.

After hearing this, Xi Yu's face became very solemn. He couldn't believe what he heard.

"Such a thing actually happened?" Xi Yu's voice was full of shock.

His eyes flickered, and a feeling of worry surged in his heart.

Xiaocui asked anxiously from the side: "Where is Wu Guotai now?"

Zhuge Jin shook his head.

"I don't know Wu Guotai's situation either. I came all the way just to find the prime minister and see if there are any clues."

Xi Yu immediately understood that the person behind this was probably targeting him.

"In that case, let's go back to Youzhou quickly and then think of a solution."

But Zhuge Jin was still a little worried.

What can you do after returning to Youzhou?

Xi Yu saw his worry, so he said: "I guess the kidnappers will write to me, so I have to go back quickly."

Zhuge Jin felt that Xi Yu might be right.

At this time, Xi Yu was not in the mood to eat anymore, so he had better leave quickly.

The waiter in the shop felt particularly at a loss.


Was this person just now the Prime Minister?

Oh my god, I offended the Prime Minister's friend, what should I do?

But when he saw them walking away, he felt relieved.

After a night of running-in, Zhuge Jin's horse finally developed feelings for him.

Along the way, both horses ran extremely hard.

Xi Yu suddenly thought of a problem. They had not eaten breakfast, so he asked Xiao Cui if she was hungry.

"I'm not hungry. Let's hurry on, Mr. Prime Minister."

Zhuge Jin said it was better to eat quickly.

No matter how urgent the matter is, there is no rush at this moment.

Xiyu thought about it and realized that it was indeed the case.

It doesn't matter if you're hungry yourself, but don't let Xiaocui go hungry.

"Okay, in that case, let's quickly find a place to eat in front."

Soon, they found a place in front.

Zhuge Jin also asked Xi Yu in detail why he was here.

Only then did I know that Xi Yu also wanted to pick up Wu Guotai.

"It turns out that things are such a coincidence. If the prime minister had gone a few days earlier, perhaps these things would not have happened."

Zhuge Jin also said that Sun Ce was very anxious now.

Of course, he doesn't know about Sun Ce's illness now.

Xi Yu was also very angry, so he couldn't eat much when eating.

Xiaocui quickly comforted him.

"Prime Minister, you'd better eat quickly. If you don't eat, how will you have the strength to find Wu Guotai?"

Xi Yu nodded and then started to eat.

As for Xiaocui, she and Wu Guotai have no feelings at all.

So what Wu Guotai is like has nothing to do with her. (End of chapter)

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