We agreed that you, a weak strategist, would fight against three heroes by yourself?

Chapter 62 Who said mountain roads cannot transport food?

For the people who farm, the Quyuan plow is like good news.

After feeling the benefits brought by Qu Yuuli, Liu Bei wanted a talent like Xi Yu from the bottom of his heart.

It's a pity that he has never met a talent like Xi Yu.

After entering Xuzhou this time and seeing the changes in Cao's army, Liu Bei was even more moved.

Not long after Liu Bei led his army to station outside Xuzhou City, Cao Cao's army began to attack Xuzhou again.

After learning of this situation, Tao Qian quickly led his generals to resist Cao's army, and at the same time dispatched four thousand Danyang troops directly to Liu Bei.

Tian Kai then came to join Liu Bei, and Tao Qian sent them to garrison Tancheng.

In less than a few days, Cao's army captured Xuzhou towns one after another.

With the Xuzhou defense line collapsing, Cao Jun has begun to occupy Donghai County.

In this situation, Tao Qian could only pin his hopes on Liu Bei. Fortunately, Cao's army stopped after capturing several cities.

Just like the previous four counties.

Tao Qian was a little helpless about this situation.

Over the past few days, he had learned why Cao's army did not continue the attack after capturing the four counties.

The spies came to report that Cao Cao had already begun to implement the Yanzhou policy within the four counties.


At this time, Tao Qian knew clearly that Cao Cao was planning to annex Xuzhou in one go.

But now, with the Xuzhou gentry at both ends, the only confidant he can rely on is Cao Bao.

However, Cao Bao's ability was not outstanding, and Sun Guan and Zang Ba were not the people he relied on. Only Liu Xuande led troops to help.

In the previous episode, Liu Bei helped Beihai, and Kong Rong has spread his reputation!

Because of this, Tao Qian also had great trust in Liu Bei, not to mention that he was a member of the Liu family.

In Xuzhou City.

After Cao Jun stopped attacking again, Tao Qian took the initiative to invite Liu Bei to discuss how to resist Cao Jun.

In the main hall at this moment, Tao Qian didn't care about the eyes of others and took the initiative to look at Liu Bei.

"Xuande, do you have any good strategies to resist Cao's army this time?"

Cao Jun's actions made Tao Qian realize that Xuzhou had no way out now.

To be precise, he, Tao Qian, had no way out, and the wealthy families in Xuzhou might just surrender to Cao Cao in the end.

The only person he relied on was Liu Bei.

Is there any good strategy?

When Tao Qian asked Liu Bei, the latter couldn't help but sigh.

Where does he have any good ideas!

He also needs someone who can provide him with good advice!

However, now we are about to enter deep winter, and winter is not conducive to combat.

Thinking about it, as long as it lasts until winter, Cao Cao will have no choice but to retreat, right?

Thinking like this, Liu Bei raised his eyes and looked at Tao Qian.

"Your Majesty, now that winter is approaching, Cao Jun's delay is not a bad thing for Xuzhou!"

"Winter is approaching and it is difficult to transport food and grass. It won't be long before Cao's army will be short of food and grass!"

"By then, Cao Jun will definitely retreat!"

When it comes to resisting Cao Cao head-on, Liu Bei has no choice.

This time Cao Cao came with an army of 200,000. Even if it was divided into three armies, it was not something he could resist head-on.

Including Tao Qian's 4,000 Danyang soldiers, Liu Beiman only had 8,000 soldiers at full count, and even Tian Kai's 3,000 soldiers were no more than 10,000 soldiers.

How to resist, several times, or even dozens of times the force? !

Now, the only option is to defend!

The best strategy is to wait until Cao's army runs out of food and supplies and then retreat naturally.

After Liu Bei's words came out, Tao Qian felt helpless, and he naturally understood the reason.

However, Yanzhou has a bumper harvest this year, so it may be difficult for Cao Cao to have enough food and grass.

the most important is!

If Cao Cao is really allowed to drag on like this, it will not only be Dongguan County, but also half of Donghai County.

In the future, I am afraid that it will become the territory of Yanzhou!

Tao Qian was worried, but there was nothing he could do.

Chen Deng and his son beside him said nothing, Liu Bei had no good strategy, and the morale of the generals was low.

After returning to the station, Liu Bei began to train his soldiers as usual.

And at the same time!

Yanzhou Juancheng!

After examining the terrain of the two places, Xi Yu couldn't help but set his sights on one of the mountain roads.

Xun Yu on the side naturally noticed the mountain road.

But he didn't regard it as a way to transport food at all.

The mountain road is rugged and not a road for transporting grain at all.

On the entire terrain map, there is no other way to pass.

Xun Yu frowned, and Xi Yu beside him suddenly placed the topographic map on the table, pointed at the mountain road on the map and said.

"Brother, is this road accessible?"


Xun Yu took a quick look and saw that it was indeed the mountain road he saw.

"The road is feasible, but this is a mountain road. It can only be used by people, but it is difficult to transport food!"

Xun Yu shook his head. It was too difficult to transport food from the mountain road!

Hearing Xun Yu say that the road was fine, Xi Yu couldn't help but chuckle.

Since the mountain road is passable, there is no problem!

Who said mountain roads can’t transport food?

Among all the mountain roads in the world, are there any more difficult ones than those in Xishu?

In another ten years, Prime Minister Zhuge, who will be famous in later generations, can transport grain on the mountain road, which has proven everything.

Of course, at this time, there were no wooden cows and stray horses, and such craftsmanship in previous lives had long been lost.

But, to be precise, there is no problem if you have a unicycle to transport grain.

"Who said mountain roads can't transport food?"

Xi Yu looked at Xun Yu and then smiled: "Leave this matter to me. Brother, please write a letter to the lord so that he can rest assured!"

"It just takes a few days. By then, the food and grass will naturally arrive on time!"

Xi Yu was full of confidence. When Xun Yu heard this, his eyes couldn't help but light up.

"Fengyi, are you serious about this?!"

He was a little confused about how Xi Yu should transport food on the mountain road.

But as soon as the words came out of his mouth, Xun Yu couldn't help but smile.

He had forgotten that Xiyu had built Quyuan plows, waterwheels, and a series of other things before.

Maybe transporting grain through mountain roads won't be a problem at all.

Thinking like this, Xun Yu nodded immediately: "Fengyi, just go ahead and do it, I will send a letter to the lord!"

"In this case, I will leave the rest to my brother!"

Xi Yu nodded, and after leaving the Juancheng Yamen Office, he began to gather the craftsmen again.

With the previous experience of waterwheels, the craftsmen came very quickly.

Immediately afterwards, the craftsmen headed by Ma San soon appeared in front of Xi Yu.

"Sir, what are you going to do this time?"

The previous waterwheel made these craftsmen admire Xi Yu very much.

The appearance of the waterwheel has made the people of Yanzhou and even the craftsmen praise it a lot. Today, these craftsmen are somewhat proud of it.

And all this has never happened before.

"Make a car!"

Xi Yu said casually, and then took out the drawings he had just prepared.

It was a drawing of a wheelbarrow.

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