Xuzhou, Linyi City.

Inside Cao Jun's camp.

As problems arise in the food routes between Yanzhou and Xuzhou, the rations for the 200,000-strong army are in short supply.

Xia Houyuan and Cao Ren, who commanded the other two armies, left their lieutenants behind and rushed to Linyi City where Cao Cao was located.

"Brother, what should we do for now?"

The first time he arrived at Cao Cao's camp, Cao Ren couldn't help but ask Cao Cao.

At this moment, the 50,000-strong army under his command could not last for ten days with rations. His generals had already given him advice on whether to collect rations from the local area.

Cao Ren was also moved by this.

However, before the army set off this time, Cao Cao had issued three military orders: no collecting grain and grass at will, no destroying civilian fields, and no plundering at will.

However, there was a problem with the food routes in the rear. Without food and grass, the army would be unsustainable.

In desperation, Cao Ren could only come to ask Cao Cao in person.

Coincidentally, Xia Houyuan also came from the other side.

There is not much difference in what the two think.

Not long after Cao Ren arrived, Xia Houyuan also arrived at Cao Cao's tent.

Seeing that Cao Ren was here again, Xia Houyuan didn't say anything but just sat down casually near Cao Cao, looking directly at the two of them.

Not just food and fodder for the other two routes.

The army led by Cao Cao was twice that of the two men, and the shortage of food and grass was even worse.

Xia Houyuan and Cao Ren could last for ten days, but Cao Cao could only survive for seven days.

"Zhicai, is there any letter from Wenruo?"

Reaching out to pick out a piece of black coal from the stove, Cao Cao raised his head and asked Xi Zhi beside him.

The latter shook his head somewhat helplessly.

"Lord, now that the weather has turned colder and the food routes have been blocked, it will be difficult for our army to supply food and grass in the short term. If this continues, our army will have no choice but to retreat!"

Xi Zhicai sighed.

The food path is not blocked by man, but by God!

He and Cao Cao have been thinking about it for a long time.

The rivers were washed away by heavy rains, affecting the original transportation of grain between the two places, making it difficult to transport grain and grass.

And if you want to rebuild the grain road, it will take only a few days!

Hearing this, Cao Cao slowly raised his head and glanced at Cao Ren and Xia Houyuan beside him.

He was a little unwilling to retreat if he just retreated!

By the time we attack Xuzhou again, it will be after spring at the earliest!

But such a good opportunity as this one is hard to come by again, not to mention that with the current situation in the world, time will not wait for us, and he is not willing to accept it!

"Wait, wait for three days. If Wen Ruo doesn't send a letter within three days, our army will prepare to retreat!"

Cao Cao said coldly, his voice firm!

Xia Houyuan and Cao Ren on the side were both helpless, but they also knew that if there was no food and grass, they would have no choice but to retreat!

Neither of them mentioned the matter of collecting food and grass, and Cao Cao did not speak.

According to the Yanzhou New Deal, even if you want to collect taxes in current towns, you will have to wait until after the autumn harvest next year.

Naturally, it was impossible for Cao Cao to break the rules he had set.

If there is really nothing we can do about food and grass, we have no choice but to retreat!

The news that Cao Cao's food route was blocked did not remain hidden for long.

In just half a day, Xuzhou received news that Cao's army's food road was damaged.

This news came so timely, Xuzhou, which was still a bit depressed, seemed to have changed its appearance in an instant.

The entire Xuzhou wealthy family celebrated with joy.

In Xuzhou City.

Tao Qian, who was suffering from illness, became somewhat energetic after receiving such news.

Liu Bei and others were also a little surprised, but they did not expect that the heavy rain would destroy Cao's army's food road.

At this moment, Tancheng is where Liu Bei is stationed.

"Brother, I didn't expect that guy Cao Cao's food path was destroyed by the heavy rain!"

Zhang Fei was a little excited, somewhat gloating about his misfortune.

Liu Bei also had a smile on his lips.

He has not yet faced off against Cao Cao, but now he has a temporary place to stay, and he even gathered Tao Qian's four thousand Danyang soldiers.

Everything seems to be moving in a good direction.

“It’s God’s will!”

He was thinking that Cao Cao would get help from heaven, but he didn't expect that in the blink of an eye, God would destroy the enemy's food route.

Good luck seems to be on his side!

Guan Yu didn't have any objections.

The three brothers didn't have much opinion about Cao Cao.

Zhao Yun felt quite dazed in his heart.

It always felt like I was doing nothing on this trip, just following Liu Bei all the way to Xuzhou and just going through the motions.

Tian Kai waited for Cao Cao to withdraw his troops and then went back to resume his duties.

For some reason, he felt that if he continued to stay with Liu Bei, he might not be able to take even a single soldier with him when he went back.

He didn't have any opinion on Liu Bei, and even thought he was very good.

It was precisely because of this that Tian Kai felt something was wrong.

Even he thought Liu Bei was a good person, and his soldiers felt the same way about Liu Bei these days.

On the other side, the Chen family in Xuzhou!

Naturally, Chen and his son also received the news that Cao Cao's food route was blocked.

However, the two of them didn't pay too much attention to the grain road at the moment.

So what if Cao Cao retreats this time?

Will Cao Cao not attack Xuzhou in the future?

"Yuanlong, what do you think of Liu Bei?"

When Chen Gui and his son got together, they mentioned Liu Bei by the way.

After hearing about Liu Bei's senses, Chen Deng subconsciously glanced at his father.

Originally, the Chen family was somewhat interested in Cao Cao.

However, ever since they learned that Cao Jun had implemented a policy of dividing land in Xuzhou, the entire gentry in Xuzhou no longer had a good impression of Cao Cao.

What kind of land did Cao Jun get?

That was the land of their noble clan. In this way, the people of Xuzhou welcomed Cao Jun as if they were welcoming the king's master.

Cao Cao's move touched the interests of Xuzhou's wealthy families. Under such circumstances, it was difficult for Xuzhou's wealthy families to surrender to Cao Cao.

No one wants to be cut after taking effect.

For these Xuzhou nobles, the only thing they can do now is help Tao Qian defend Xuzhou.

However, Tao Qian is old now.

His two sons have no image of a hero.

At this time, Liu Bei's appearance made Chen Gui see a new possibility!

What would happen if Liu Bei was supported to become the lord of Xuzhou?

Hearing his father's question, Chen Deng instantly understood what Chen Gui meant.

"Liu Bei is a very benevolent and righteous man. He helped Kong Beihai regardless of the trouble, and his reputation spread throughout the country and abroad. Now he helps Xuzhou in such a situation. He is indeed a gentleman!"

Chen Deng smiled.

"If my father wants to support him to become the lord of Xuzhou, that's not a bad idea!"

Tao Qian is already old and cannot hold on for long.

The Xuzhou family naturally has to think about a way out. Cao Mengde touches Xuzhou's interests and it is difficult to cooperate. Liu Bei is the right candidate now.

"That's what Yuan Long said, tomorrow you and I, father and son, can pay a visit to General Liu!"

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