The next morning.

The early winter wind was a bit cold, so Ganmei got up early in the morning and prepared a meal.

The face was a little red from the cold, and even the corners of his eyes showed a hint of fatigue.

Xi Yu couldn't bear it.

Knowing that he was going to Xuzhou today, Ganmei worked hard all night to make the cloak, and hurriedly prepared meals for herself early in the morning.

This situation made Xi Yu extremely heart-warming.

"Alang, be careful here, I'll wait for you to come back!"

Slightly hunched over to watch Gan Mei tie up the dark cloak for him, Xi Yu casually rubbed the other person's hair and nodded with a smile.

"You, you, I don't lack a big cloak, why bother working all night!"

In order to rush the work, Xi Yu could clearly see a few more needle holes in Gan Mei's hands.

There was no electricity in this era, and the oil lamps were a little dim at night. Ganmei was stubborn about finishing the cloak, and Xi Yu naturally knew that was what the other party wanted.

"Okay, I've stayed up all night, let's go and have a rest!"

"No need to send me away!"

Without saying anything more, Xi Yu whispered instructions and then led Dian Wei out of the house.

At this time, Dian Wei was holding the horse outside.

The dark Jueying hooves were still rubbing against the ground. Three weapons were tied behind Dian Wei, two dark black halberds, and a golden tiger-headed Zhanjin gun.

Seeing Dian Wei fully armed, Xi Yu couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

What is this guy doing with a weapon?

They were only responsible for transporting grain, but Xi Yu went to Juancheng with the intention of saying hello to Cao Cao after transporting the grain.

Dian Wei not only brought his own double halberds, but also the tiger-headed Zhan golden spear, which left Xi Yu speechless.

However, this kung fu drama did not dampen Dian Wei's interest.

In short, since this guy wants to carry a weapon, let him do it.

The Battle of Xuzhou, in general, is very stable.

There was no one in Xuzhou who could stop Cao Cao.

After setting off from Juancheng, Xi Yu took Dian Wei along the mountain road. In less than half a day, the two of them caught up with the convoy transporting food.

Although the mountain road between Yanzhou and Xuzhou is a bit rugged, it is not as steep as the Sichuan Mountain Road. There is no problem in riding a unicycle.

There were no large armies to transport food along the mountain road, and there were not many problems on the road. The land road that originally took five days would take about the same amount of time if we took the mountain road.

When Xi Yu was escorting the grain and grass, Cao Cao, who was in Xuzhou, was already looking forward to Xi Yu's figure.

Three days have passed since I received the letter from Juancheng.

There were only three days left with the rations that the entire Cao camp could sustain, and Cao Cao sat firmly in his military tent.

He has great trust in Xi Yu.

He had received a letter from Xun Yu, saying that Xi Yu was taking the transport team through the mountain road and that the army rations were already on the way.

Inside the tent, flames were stirring.

Cao Cao looked at the reports of the town captured in the past two days and felt a little distracted.

It seems that they have learned the news that Cao Jun is short of food, and the movements in Xuzhou in recent days are quite obvious.

Xuzhou's army, which was originally somewhat shunned from fighting, suddenly changed its demeanor, and Xuzhou's scouting horses could be seen outside the city all the time.

What surprised Cao Cao was.

Because the news of the army's lack of food and grass was spread by the Xuzhou Army, the people in the towns he captured have now learned of this news.

Two days ago, these people were worried about whether Cao's army would confiscate grain and grass.

But on the third day, the sounds were much less frequent.

What's even more surprising is that some people naturally gave their own grain and grass to Cao's soldiers.

After learning such news, the entire Cao camp was a little surprised.

Cao Cao was even more emotional.

I have never seen the army forcibly confiscate food and grass from the people, but I have never seen the people send food to the army on their own.

Such a situation is too rare.

Although there were only a few people sending food, this move seemed to drop a light on Cao Cao's heart.

Mencius once said that the people are the most valuable, the country is the second most important, and the king is the most important!

Until this moment, Cao Cao somewhat understood that ordinary people are the foundation of this world.

But the eyes of the people are bright, and they distinguish between good and bad!

Just a policy of dividing the fields has greatly changed the people of Xuzhou's view of Cao Jun!

And this is Xiyu’s strategy!

At the same time, Xuzhou City.

After learning that Cao's army was short of food and grass, Tao Qian advocated preparing to conquer the lost territory.

He originally thought that after waiting for a few days, Cao Jun would naturally retreat on his own initiative.

However, three days have passed, and Cao Jun has not left camp at all!

Today, Cao Cao seems to have regarded Dongguan County and half of Donghai County as his own territory.

Naturally, Tao Qian couldn't bear this situation.

If Xuzhou retreats like this, wouldn't it mean that these places will no longer be Xuzhou's territory?

Taking advantage of Cao's army being short of food, Tao Qian ordered Sun Guan and Zangba to attack Cao's army.

Then the Tibetan tyrants fought against Xiahou Yuan in the wild. There was no winner in this battle, so they both stopped fighting!

Xia Houyuan was a little helpless. At present, Cao's army had not yet arrived, and the battle with the Xuzhou soldiers was at its limit. The morale of the army was poor, and there was nothing he could do.

If he fell into a long-term war, he might mutiny, so he had no choice but to retreat to the town and not leave the city.

Cao Ren on the other side directly defended the city without giving orders to fight, and only waited for the arrival of food and grass from the rear.

Although Zang Ba had military power, his soldiers were still no match for Xia Houyuan's soldiers. Now that Xia Houyuan was defending the city, it was not that easy for him to attack the city.

When Tao Qian ordered Zangba and Sun Guan to go out, Liu Bei and Tian Kai, who were in Tancheng, also faced Cao Cao's main force.

For Liu Bei, Cao Cao knew that the army was in short supply but showed no signs of retreating. This behavior really made him confused.

Cao Cao garrisoned inside the city, while Liu Bei led his troops and garrisoned ten miles outside Linyi City.

At this moment, the two armies were waiting and watching, but Liu Bei was not in a hurry to attack the city.

Within Liu Jun's tent, Liu Bei was in the first place, with Guan Yu and Zhang Fei sitting on the left and right respectively.

"Brother, that bird Cao Cao is huddled in the city like a turtle, how can we fight him?"

Zhang Fei muttered as he opened his mouth, and then raised his brows.

"How about I go out and call for formation?"

Zhang Fei was already a little helpless. He originally thought that the war would start once the war started here, but who knew that Cao Cao, who was originally deep in the offensive, could not hold on.

This is really surprising.

Guan Yu didn't say anything. In his opinion, it was the right choice for Cao Cao to stay stationed.

However, because of his eldest brother Renyi, the people in Linyi City are still the people of Xuzhou after all.

The eldest brother probably can't bear to attack the city directly.

"Cao Cao's move is quite surprising. He came to report that Yanzhou's food road is still cut off. Cao Cao's army must be short of food now, but!"

"But I heard that there was no news that Cao Cao's army had confiscated food in the city occupied by Cao Cao's army. What did Cao Cao think?"

Liu Bei couldn't understand the changes in Cao Cao's army. What made him even more confused was that someone like Cao Cao actually allowed the army to do nothing to the people of Xuzhou.

This was a bit unlike the Cao Cao he knew.

"Brother, there's nothing wrong with that. Who knows what Cao Cao is thinking? I don't know what bad ideas that guy is harboring!"

"Otherwise, just listen to my siege!"

Zhang Fei was babbling a little, but Liu Bei beside him just smiled at him.

It was so easy to attack the city there. As far as he knew, Zang Ba and Sun Guan had not attacked the city.

The town in front of us, even though it is now occupied by Cao Cao, is still essentially a town in Xuzhou.

Once a siege begins, it is not easy to end.

"Let me ask him what Cao Cao thinks!"

After thinking about it, Liu Bei took the initiative to write a letter and gave it to the envoy to send to Cao Jun's town.

Within a short time, Liu Bei's letter was already on Cao Cao's desk.

"Did Liu Bei write to me?"

Cao Cao frowned slightly when he learned that it was a letter from Liu Bei.

This time Liu Bei was invited to help Tao Qian, and Cao Cao naturally received the news. None of the princes in the world came to help Tao Qian this time.

The only one who came was Liu Bei.

And this also made Cao Cao pay more attention to Liu Bei.

Thinking of Liu Bei, Cao Cao couldn't help but picture the two sturdy men behind him.

When the eighteen princes attacked Dong, Guan Yu warmed the wine and killed Hua Xiong, which made Cao Cao extremely hot.

It was also at that time that Cao Cao became passionate about the peerless general.

Afterwards, Lu Bu once again occupied Hulao Pass like a god, and none of the generals could compete with him.

Although the Three Heroes' Battle with Lu Bu is famous all over the world, the one who is more famous among them is Lu Bu.

Cao Cao more or less understood the meaning of Liu Bei's letter this time.

Opening the letter in front of me, Liu Bei's letter came into view immediately.

[Brother Meng De, seeing a letter is like meeting in person.

It has been several years since I left Hulao Pass. I am very happy to learn that Brother Meng De has entered Yanzhou!

When I learned that the old lady Cao was in danger, I was heartbroken. Later I learned that the old lady was fine, and I was able to sleep peacefully.

When he first heard that Brother Meng De had launched an army to conquer Xuzhou, Bei knew that this was the cause of his father's hatred and did not want to get involved.

After receiving a letter from Tao Shijun, the reserve was sincere and deeply regretful. After thinking about it for a long time, he rushed to Xuzhou.

At that time, Brother Meng De captured several towns, and everyone in the world heard about his filial piety. He also heard that Brother Meng De and the people of Xuzhou did not commit any crimes in autumn, and he was even more admired.

This letter is to persuade Brother Meng De to make peace with Tao Shijun...

Brother, Liu Xuande. 】

After reading Liu Bei's letter, Cao Cao's expression did not change at all.

Liu Bei's words were pertinent, but his sending troops this time was not as simple as avenging his father.

Now the world is in chaos, and princes from all over the country are attacking each other.

Doesn't Liu Bei know the truth?

Now that he has pacified Yanzhou, if he wants to continue to grow, the only way to conquer Xuzhou is to conquer it.

When Tao Qian joined forces with Yuan Shu to attack Yanzhou, why did Liu Bei not mention it at all?

"Zhicai, what do you think?"

Cao Cao casually handed Liu Bei's letter to Xi Zhicai beside him, and Cao Cao curled his lips.

The latter took the letter, glanced at it, and smiled softly.

"It's nothing more than persuading the lord to retreat, Tadashi has no opinion!"

Liu Bei first described his friendship with Cao Cao in his letter and had no opinion on Xi Zhicai.

What relationship can Cao Cao and Liu Bei have? In the final analysis, they are both princes.

Even Liu Bei is not considered a prince now.

Cao Cao didn't care about the other party's friendship with his peers, he already thought highly of Liu Bei.

At this moment, the other party obviously wanted to persuade Cao Cao to stop his troops.

But, can Cao Cao stop his troops?


This massive campaign against Xuzhou was not that simple.

In today's Han Dynasty, princes from all over the country are scrambling to increase their strength.

Yuan Shao in the north wanted to annex Youzhou. Inside Youzhou, Gongsun Zan and Liu Yu also wanted to decide the winner.

Yuan Shu in the south occupied Huainan, and now he occupied Yangzhou, and his eyes fell on Jingzhou again.

The emperor, who was in Sili position, had lost power.

This scene looks like Qin lost its deer, and the whole world chased it away.

Nowadays, Qin has become Han.

At the beginning, Liu Bangneng, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, competed with other heroes and established the glorious Han Dynasty.

Among the princes in the world today, no one wants to be the next Liu Bang.

It's just that no princes from all over the world are taking the lead!

After all, the four hundred years of the Han Dynasty are too deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, but so what?

This time can't be too far away!

The princes from various places conquered and annexed each other. This is the reason why they understand it.

If they all think about the big man, then why would they bother to conquer each other?

Why did the Emperor of Han end up like this again?

"Lord, do you want to reply?"

After looking at Cao Cao, Xi Zhicai asked casually.

When the latter heard this, he reached for the letter and looked at it again, with some disdain on his lips.

"Reply to what letter?"

Cao Cao did not hesitate and threw the letter Liu Bei gave him into the stove in front of him.

Cao Cao was still very optimistic about Liu Bei.

Over the years, he has known a little bit about Liu Bei's trajectory. Although the other party is not as good as himself, there are only a few people in the world who can catch his eye.

Even Yuan Shao was not noticed by him, but Liu Bei was different.

Cao Cao ignored Liu Bei's letter and didn't even reply.

Liu Bei on the other side was not anxious at all.

The soldiers and horses on both sides were in a stalemate with each other.

Liu Bei thought that Cao Cao would retreat soon. Who knew, at this moment, Tan Ma came to report that Cao Cao's army's rations had arrived!

According to the prescribed time, Xi Yu used a wheelbarrow to successfully deliver the grain and grass to Cao Jun's camp.

The continuous arrival of grain and grass made Cao's army's momentum increase crazily.

At the same time, Cao Ren and Xia Houyuan also received the grain and grass delivered later.

Cao Ren and Xia Houyuan, who had received the food and grass, led the army to fight again. Cao's army, which had regained its momentum for a great victory, went directly into the wild and defeated Zangba and Sun Guan.

The originally stalemate atmosphere on the entire Xuzhou battlefield changed instantly with the arrival of Cao's army's supplies.

I learned that Cao Jun's supplies had arrived.

Liu Bei immediately led his army and Tian Kai back to Juntan City.

Before, he could compete with Cao Cao who had no rations, but now that he knew that Cao Cao's army had rations, he immediately understood that he had no chance of winning against Cao Cao again.

"Cao Cao, who is so stupid, has military rations again!"

On the way to withdraw the troops, Zhang Fei couldn't figure out how Cao Cao managed to have rations again!

Obviously the food routes to the rear of Cao's army have been blocked. Could it be that his army's food was transported from the sky?

Zhang Fei couldn't figure it out, and neither could Liu Bei.

My spies have been sent out to find out the news a long time ago, but there is no news yet.

But the news that Cao Jun has food is indeed true.

Fortunately, he retreated in time, but the other two groups, Zang Ba and Sun Guan, had already suffered a huge defeat.

Within Linyi Government Office.

After learning the news that Liu Bei had withdrawn his troops immediately, Cao Cao couldn't help but laugh.

"Then Liu Xuande is really a talent, he can run really fast!"

Although Cao Cao was smiling, it was not a mockery. There was some recognition in the laughter.

Liu Bei can recognize his strength so quickly, which is not something ordinary people can do.

People like Zang Ba, Sun Guan and others have learned a lesson from Cao Jun this time.

Xi Yu, who had just arrived beside him, became somewhat interested when he heard Boss Cao talking about Liu Bei.

As expected, Liu Bei came to conquer Xuzhou this time.

Judging from Cao Cao's tone, he seemed to be very familiar with Liu Bei.

They are worthy of being lifelong rivals. After fighting each other for a lifetime, these two people have become familiar with each other from this time on.

"Fengyi, you really came on time!"

Seeing Xi Yu in front of him, Cao Cao eagerly held the other party's hand. After the two entered the main hall, Cao Cao felt quite emotional.

All the signs of this expedition to Xuzhou are related to Xi Yu!

"Brother, why do you look at me like this?"

Seeing Cao Cao looking directly at him, Xi Yu felt helpless.

Cao Cao laughed.

"Fengyi, your strategy will make our army conquer Xuzhou like an arm!"

"This change in our army makes me even more happy. You are really my Xiao He!"

Xiao He?

When Xi Yu heard Cao Cao praising him so much, the corner of Xi Yu's mouth twitched inadvertently.

If I remember correctly, Boss Cao has a way of praising people, such as my wife, my Xiao He, and my Chen Ping.

Anyway, if his subordinates make good decisions, Cao Cao will compare them directly to the heroes of the early Han Dynasty.

And in this case, most people will still find it extremely useful.

However, comparing Xiao He's words, if Xi Yu remembers correctly, Cao Cao must have said these words to Zhong Yao!

Why did it come to me?

However, this evaluation is considered extremely high.

Xiao He was the first prime minister of the Han Dynasty.

"Brother, you are overly praised!" Xi Yu smiled modestly.

Cao Cao was not polite at all, and his expression was extremely serious.

"In this world, you are the first one who can transport food on mountain roads, Fengyi!"

"What kind of wheelbarrow is this? This is the first time I have seen Cao. Fengyi, you are the first to contribute to the conquest of Xuzhou!"

? ? ?

Just transport some food and it will be your first success!

Dian Wei beside him was a little dumbfounded, Mr., this is his first success?

Aren’t they not at war yet?

The first achievement is that simple!

In the main hall, after Cao Cao finished speaking, Yu Jin and others beside him also agreed with it.

If the army supplies do not arrive this time, I am afraid that Cao Jun will have no choice but to retreat.

What's more, it was precisely because of the gentle policy that Xi Yu had specified before that the expedition against Xuzhou went so smoothly.

In addition to this matter of transporting military rations, everyone naturally has no objection to the other party's first contribution.


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