We agreed that you, a weak strategist, would fight against three heroes by yourself?

Chapter 67 I regret that I should have turned against Cao Mengde!

In late October, winter has arrived.


The war was supposed to improve slightly, but with the arrival of Cao's army's supplies, the situation changed in vain.

It was originally thought that when the rivers were washed away and the food routes were blocked, Cao's army would have no choice but to retreat when winter came.

Who would have thought that under such circumstances, Cao Jun could actually transport grain and grass.

This is simply unimaginable.

Not long after returning to Tancheng, Xuzhou's spies quickly learned why Cao Jun suddenly had food and grass this time.

"Xi Yu, is it him again?"

Tancheng Yamen Office.

Liu Bei was a little confused after receiving the secret letter. The name Xiyu was no longer unfamiliar to him these days.

Since the other party was rewarded by the Emperor of the Han Dynasty, this name has become famous in the eyes of the princes of the thirteen states of the Han Dynasty.

Now I hear this name again.

At such a critical time of the war, Liu Bei no longer knew what kind of mood he should feel.

It was clear that Cao Jun's food route had been washed away by the river, and coupled with the continuous rainy weather, how did Cao Jun deliver the food and grass to the front.

Liu Bei couldn't figure it out. He just felt that this matter was more difficult than climbing to the sky.

Is it possible that Xi Yu was sent from heaven to help Cao Cao?

He, Cao Mengde, why?

Why do you have such talents!

Liu Bei was a little helpless. Now that Cao's army's food and grass were in good condition, and with its morale restored, it was difficult to stop the army.

Fortunately, he chose to retreat as soon as he received the news.

Compared to Zang Ba and Sun Guan, the strength of his men was not affected.

However, if he doesn't even fight, how should Tao Qian treat himself?

Liu Bei frowned, and the gloominess between his brows lingered for a long time.

In the government office, Guan, Zhang and Zhao, who were sitting opposite each other, did not speak.

Zhang Fei had a straight face and felt a little unhappy.

In his opinion, what if Cao Jun had food and grass?

Now that the two armies have not yet fought, the eldest brother has taken the lead in leading them to withdraw. This situation really makes Zhang Fei a little unhappy.

Not even a fight? Who knew they couldn't defeat Cao Jun?

"Brother, let me tell you, we shouldn't have withdrawn our troops before. We have already gotten under Cao Cao's nose. Why should we run away?"

"If you want me to see it, we should have a fight with him, so that Cao Cao knows how powerful we are!"

"I, Lao Zhang, will definitely kill him and make him stand up!"

Zhang Fei was panting, but he no longer held back his words. Seeing that Liu Bei had not spoken, he opened his mouth and spoke out his thoughts.

As soon as he started talking, Liu Bei in front of him looked at him helplessly.

What does it mean to kill the last one?

When two armies fight, they either win or lose. Once they fight, who knows how many soldiers will die on the battlefield?

In such a situation, how can one make a hasty decision based on one's own anger?

Moreover, compared to Cao Cao's army that was several times or even dozens of times stronger, Liu Bei couldn't think of how to defeat Cao Cao even if he tried his best.

He was familiar with Cao Cao. If the other party could not escape from the previous situation, how could he be mediocre and incompetent?

If they really fight, he has no chance of winning!

Liu Bei knew these words clearly.

But at this moment, it can't be explained in just one or two sentences.

Seeing Zhang Fei staring at him with round eyes, he could only put a wry smile on his lips.

"Third brother, how could you be so careless in a battle between two armies?"

"What is tied to you and me are the lives of thousands of soldiers. If these lives are lost because of your own thoughts, my conscience will not be at ease!"

Liu Bei's face turned bitter.

After saying this, Zhang Fei opened his mouth, and then the words he wanted to say seemed to be blocked in his throat.

What he couldn't bear the most was his elder brother trying to reason with him.

Moreover, she still reasoned with him in this tone. Every time this happened, he was speechless.

Guan Yu, who was beside him, stretched out his hand and lightly swept his beard. His eyes, which had been half-closed just now, opened slightly.

"Third brother, what the eldest brother said is true. Matters on the battlefield are not child's play. Don't mess around!"

What Liu Bei knew in his heart, Guan Yu also knew more or less.

However, the two armies had not yet fought, which made Guan Yu feel a little unhappy.

After all, he was a general who killed the enemy on the battlefield. It is really embarrassing to talk about the fact that he ran away without fighting.

What's more, news of this war spread back to Xuzhou.

At that time, Zang Ba, Sun Guan and others had already fought, and the two had been severely defeated, but they did not even fight.

At this moment, I wonder how the people in Xuzhou view their brothers?

"General Liu, this matter is not your fault!"

Seeing the cross-faced expressions of the three Liu Bei brothers, Zhao Yun, who was among them, couldn't help but say something.

Although he was transferred to Liu Bei's command by Gongsun Zan this time.

But in the final analysis, he is not like Zhang Fei and Guan Yu. The relationship between him and Liu Bei is far less strong than the two.

Zhao Yun has not really surrendered to the other party, and at this time, the title cannot be called lord.

After all, at this moment, Liu Bei could not say that he had any intention of asking Zhao Yun to surrender.

The reason why he was able to bring his country warriors to Gongsun Zan was because Gongsun Zan's reputation in Youzhou was too great.

Among the people who are famous in the world today, which one has no foundation like Liu Bei?

And now, the only thing Liu Bei can be praised for is his benevolence and righteousness, and his consideration for his subordinates and the people.

"Zi Long!"

Hearing Zhao Yun speak, Liu Bei felt better.

After all, the only thing I didn't expect was that Cao Cao would have someone like Xi Yu to help him.

No matter how I think about it today, I can't imagine how the other party was able to transport food and grass to the front line under such circumstances.

Cao's army is now as powerful as a rainbow, and the matter of food and grass is definitely not a lie.

It was impossible for the hundreds of thousands of troops to go hungry, and there was no forcible confiscation of food and grass in the captured towns.

If Cao Cao really slaughtered people in Xuzhou and even forcibly confiscated grain and grass, he would still have some righteousness in his heart.

However, everything is a little different from what he imagined!

While the atmosphere in Tancheng was somewhat helpless, the city of Xuzhou in the hinterland of Xuzhou was even more clouded.

Zang Ba and Sun Guan were sent to the Prefectural Mufu as soon as they were defeated.

Tao Qian found it hard to rest after hearing the news.

Cao Cao suddenly had something to do with food and fodder, and Tao Qian couldn't figure it out even if he thought about it.

I only know that the spies said that Xiyu came with his men, and Cao Jun had food and fodder. This is really difficult for people to understand.

"What did the two generals say in their letter?"

Tao Qian asked his confidant Cao Bao next to him?

He was naturally aware of the news that Liu Bei had not suffered any losses. Although he fled, Tao Qian did not say anything on the surface.

"What else can I say?"

Cao Bao looked at Tao Qian who was lying on the hospital bed again and shook his head helplessly.

A defeat is a defeat.

Zangba didn't make any excuses, he just said that Cao's army was too powerful and our army could not resist, so he was defeated in a hurry.

After all, Xuzhou has been in Shengping for too long. Except for Tao Qian's Danyang soldiers, Zang Ba's soldiers are already pretty good.

However, the soldiers under Cao Cao were the Yellow Turban soldiers who had experienced the Yellow Turban Rebellion, and they were left over from battle after battle.

It's normal to be beaten.

As for Sun Guan, he spat in the letter and said that he did not beat Cao Cao because the other party made a sneak attack.

He even bluntly said that Liu Bei's behavior of running away after hearing the news made his military morale somewhat disordered.

These excuses can naturally be seen by a discerning person at a glance.

However, he didn't have much friendship with Liu Bei and Cao Bao.

He didn't need to speak to the other party. Besides, Liu Bei was here to help Xuzhou, and he didn't even fight him this time.

It looks a bit ugly after all.

After telling Tao Qian exactly what was said in the letter, Cao Bao said nothing more. Tao Qian naturally had his own thoughts.

After learning what was said in the letter, Tao Qian narrowed his eyes slightly and his chest felt like a heavy stone.

"Hey, I regret that I should have turned against Cao Mengde!"

If he had known that there would be a situation like this, he should not have agreed to Yuan Shu's words and attacked Yanzhou in two directions.

How could he have imagined that Cao Cao would rise so quickly?

First, Yanzhou was successfully pacified, and then they were able to gather hundreds of thousands of Yellow Turbans, which was simply unheard of.

Now, when food and grass are cut off, such things can be solved in a short period of time.

It’s like God’s help.

How could he suppress such a person in Xuzhou?

Now, there is no news about Yuan Shu, which makes him feel even worse.

"Ah Bao, do you think there is still room for peace between Cao Cao and me now?"

Tao Qian looked at the curtain above his head, but his eyes were a little distracted. He was asking Cao Bao, but he seemed to be asking himself.

Cao Bao beside him was speechless.

At this point, how can it be as simple as having super powers to shake hands and make peace?

In the current chaos in the world, the princes are fighting against each other. Either you die or I die. How can anything be so easy?

Cao Bao didn't speak, and Tao Qian couldn't help but smile bitterly.

As his body trembled, he fainted again soon after.

Early November.

The weather after winter has become colder day by day.

Within Cao Jun’s camp.

Xi Yu originally planned to return to Yanzhou as soon as possible after transporting the grain and grass.

However, I didn't expect that Boss Cao would directly give him the first victory in this battle just because of transporting grain and grass in front of the big tent.

Xi Yu had no intention of accepting such credit.

However, I don't know what the situation was, but the entire Cao Cao army seemed to have no objections to Cao Cao's decision.

Up and down the military camp, everyone who knew him well congratulated Xi Yu, and even those who were not familiar with him would come up and say hello with a smile.

Everyone just acquiesced in the first achievement.

Under such circumstances, Xi Yu's original plan to return to Yanzhou fell through in an instant.

He can't just throw his pick and leave under such circumstances!

Although he didn't care what other people in Cao's camp would think of him, even if he lost Cao Cao's face, he didn't care.

However, Xi Zhicai was still Cao Cao's mastermind after all.

If he left like this, Boss Cao would lose face.

Cao Ying didn't know how to treat him.

When the time comes, rumors will fly, saying that he is arrogant and has no master, and that he does not take others seriously after his achievements. I am afraid that the rumors will not fly to the sky.

Xi Yu, who knows how much influence public opinion has on future generations, knows clearly that sometimes, it is not the knife that kills.

But the mouth that opens.

In desperation, he could only temporarily agree to Cao Cao to stay in Cao camp.

Now, all I can do is wait for the war to go smoothly, and when I am no longer needed at all, no one else will say anything before I leave.

Early in the morning, Xi Yu, who was wearing a big cloak, was called into the camp by Cao Cao.

After he entered the camp, he looked up and found that there was no one else in the entire camp except Cao Cao and Xi Zhicai.

Three fires were set up inside the tent, and the temperature was much more comfortable than outside.

At this time, Cao Cao was sitting cross-legged on a ball of felt, with a stove in front of him and a scroll of letters in his hand while he was warming himself.

Xi Zhicai was lying on his side, and Cao Cao didn't care at all about this posture.

The two of them seemed to have been friends for many years, smiling as they said this.

The tent was opened, and when he saw Xi Yu coming in, Cao Cao stood up on the felt without putting on his boots.

"Fengyi is here, come here quickly, come here quickly!"

After waving to Xi Yu, Cao Cao took two steps up to meet him. When he realized that he hadn't put on his boots yet, he stopped.

Xi Yu cupped his hands towards Cao Cao, and couldn't help but glance at Xi Zhicai.

When the latter saw that it was him who had come in, he just raised his eyes and took a look, then he changed to a comfortable position and lay down.


After bowing to the two of them, Xi Yu followed Cao Cao to the stove and sat down cross-legged. His eyes fell on Xi Zhicai again.

"Brother, you..."

Just by looking at the show's behavior, I knew that this guy had forgotten to exercise during this period of time.

That's right, Xi Zhicai's nature is casual, so if he really wants to hold the other person down like a donkey, it would be impossible.

Xi Yu was a little helpless and wanted to say something, but in the end nothing came out.

Xi Zhicai seemed to have just thought of something, and suddenly he sat upright with excitement.

However, he then thought that Xi Yu was married now, and the situation now was different from before.

"Ayu, it's just that it's a bit cold now. I forgot about today's morning exercises!"

Xi Zhicai scratched his head and then glanced at Cao Cao beside him.

"If you don't believe me, ask my lord, I used to practice Wuqinxi every day in the camp!"

He glanced at Cao Cao, and the latter understood it. At this moment, he smiled and spoke to Xi Yu.

"Fengyi, what Zhicai said is true. In the past few days, I have never neglected to exercise!"

Hearing what the two said, Xi Yu just nodded.

"Brother, just remember. I'm just worried that your brother is weak. The weather has changed. If he catches wind and cold, it's nothing to worry about!"

"I know Ayu!"

Xi Zhicai nodded. After Xi Yu finished speaking, a hint of warmth appeared in his heart.

Seeing the two brothers understanding each other at this time, Cao Cao had a smile on his lips.

Unable to help himself, he also thought of his younger brother.

Thinking of Cao De, Cao Cao couldn't help but look at Xi Yu again.

If it weren't for Xi Yu, his whole family would have died in Xuzhou.

Although the relationship between him and his younger brother cannot be said to be very close, after all, blood is thicker than water.

If Cao Song died in Xuzhou, Cao De would not be able to escape even if he thought about it.

There was some emotion in his heart. He was really the greatest luck in his life to meet Xi Yu.

First, he helped to pacify Yanzhou, then he saved his family, and now, the battle of Xuzhou.

If it weren't for Xi Yu's timely delivery of food and grass, I'm afraid this battle would have been over by now.

At that time, he might have no choice but to lead his army back to Yanzhou in despair.

When I wanted to attack Xuzhou, I'm afraid it wouldn't be as easy as it is now.

As his thoughts flashed, Cao Cao's eyes fell on Xi Yu.

"Fengyi, thanks to your timely arrival in this battle, otherwise, I'm afraid..."

Cao Cao didn't finish his words, but everyone would understand the result of not having food and grass.

Xiyu smiled, not denying it.

The weather changes and rivers wash away grain routes. Such things are beyond his imagination.

I'm afraid no one would have thought that such a coincidence would happen again!

I thought I had solved the problem of a good harvest in Yanzhou, but who knew something like this could happen again.

Fortunately, there is always a road ahead. Although the original grain road was washed away, a new grain road was expanded.

Nowadays, the transportation of grain and grass before Yanzhou and Xuzhou is due to the use of wheelbarrows, so traveling on mountain roads is not difficult.

"Ayu, you came just in time!"

Xi Zhicai put his hand on the fire and turned it over, and took a long breath. When he looked at Xi Yu again, he couldn't help but turn the corner of his mouth.

"The Lord and I are discussing how to deal with these Xuzhou towns that have been captured. The policy you proposed before is indeed good!"

"Now that you, the rightful owner, have arrived, tell me what you think!"

Xi Zhicai looked at his younger brother indifferently. He was filled with pride to have such an outstanding brother.

When an actor reaches this generation, he can be regarded as worthy of his parents who died early and worthy of his ancestors.

After Xi Zhicai spoke, Cao Cao beside him also nodded.

The current approach to treating towns like Xuzhou is based on the strategy that Xi Yu formulated before.

The attitude of the people of Xuzhou towards Cao Jun also made Cao Cao see the benefits of this strategy.

Moreover, there has always been a question lingering in Cao Cao's mind.

That is, what is the world Xi Yu hopes for.

"Fengyi, tell me what you think!"

Seeing the two people in front of him looking at him with burning eyes, Xi Yu immediately focused his eyes on the slips on the desk next to Cao Cao.

Seeing this scene, Cao Cao immediately opened his mouth to explain.

"These are the current conditions in the towns and cities in Xuzhou under our army in recent days. You can watch them in Fengyi!"

Hearing what Cao Cao said, Xi Yu was not polite and picked up the scroll closest to him.

After unfolding the slip, Xi Yu's eyes slowly fell on the content on it.

The content on the letter is about the situation in Dongping County.

Since Cao Jun took Dongping County, the entire Dongping County was initially the same as before, and the people were somewhat resistant to Cao Jun at first.

But as Cao Jun began to promote the policies implemented by Yanzhou, the situation in Dongping County began to gradually change.


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