We agreed that you, a weak strategist, would fight against three heroes by yourself?

Chapter 68 Brother, don’t panic, watch me, Lao Zhang, shoot Cao Cao in the head

When Cao Jun entered the towns of Xuzhou, he did not do any harm to the people. This was the first of its kind in the world.

For the common people who have experienced wars in these years, they have never seen such an army.

Whether it was among the Yellow Turbans in the previous uprising, or the feudal armies in the subsequent war.

These armies were not burning, killing, looting, or forcibly collecting taxes.

It is unheard of for someone like Cao Jun to do this.

Trust between each other starts from the little things.

With the Yanzhou policy in front, most people gradually heard about Yanzhou.

And with the implementation of the farm division policy, this trust began to grow.

Nowadays, the perception of Cao Jun in the towns and cities of Xuzhou under Cao Jun has completely changed.

Under such circumstances, people's hearts gradually stabilized.

Over time, these Xuzhou towns will become towns under Yanzhou, and there will be no problem at all.

There are not many issues recorded in the tablets.

In addition to the stability of these towns, the people sang praises.

Most of them are trivial things, and there are a lot of such things on Cao Cao's desk.

Putting down the slip in his hand, Xi Yu glanced at Cao Cao and Cao Cao in front of him.

“People’s support is available!”

It was not beyond Xi Yu's expectation that the towns and cities in Xuzhou under Cao Jun were so stable.

Generally speaking, in such towns, the people's hearts are already leaning towards Cao Jun.

Of course, the people who have lived in Xuzhou for generations still have some feelings for Xuzhou itself. It is normal for some people to have a wait-and-see attitude.

There are more or less aristocratic families behind this, so this is not a problem.

For the current plan, if the entire Xuzhou can be annexed in one go, it would be the best thing for Cao Cao's camp.

If they can occupy Yanzhou and Xuzhou at this point in time, the power of Cao Cao's camp will be greatly improved.

The four words Xi Yu blurted out made Cao Cao and Xi Zhicai in front of them look at each other and smile.

The two of them have the same feelings and feelings about the current situation.

Nowadays, the people's hearts in Xuzhou towns under their command are really towards them.

In the past, it would have taken years or even decades to win over people's hearts, but now the effect is achieved in just over a month.

All of this is thanks to Xi Yu!

Cao Cao looked pleased, seeing Xi Yu on the side again. At this moment, he was making great progress and annexed the entire Xuzhou in one fell swoop before the end of the year.

When the time comes, let’s have a good time celebrating the Chinese New Year in Yanzhou!

"Fengyi, can our army capture the entire Xuzhou in one fell swoop before the year?"

Cao Cao was so proud that the beard on the corner of his mouth trembled slightly. At this moment, he seemed to have seen the scene where the entire Xuzhou had gathered under his command!

In the future, the entire Han Dynasty will be pacified, and the princes will be granted the title of Prime Minister!

For a moment, Cao Cao's thoughts couldn't help but wander a little far away.

Xi Yu glanced at the other party indifferently, and Xi Zhicai beside him also squinted his eyes slightly.

Capture Xuzhou in one fell swoop?

Whether such a thing is difficult or not, it is not difficult to say that it is difficult. It is actually quite difficult to say that it is not difficult.

There is still a big gap between today's territory and the territory of later generations.

The war between Yanzhou and Xuzhou, in later generations, may not even lead to a big province.

However, this era is not comparable to later generations, and there are no ship artillery.

When fighting with cold weapons, the fight is more about human lives!

Some things are not as simple as imagined. There are only a few words in history books. Only when you put them in reality with your own eyes can you know how tragic it is.

Although Cao's army captured more than ten towns in Xuzhou in succession, these towns still saw blood to some extent.

It also depends on the situation if the whole city is surrendered.

It makes no sense that just because you, Cao Cao, are here, the whole of Xuzhou will raise their hands to give Xuzhou to you.

Xi Yu originally thought that he could annex the entire Xuzhou in one fell swoop.

But now it seems that it is not easy to annex the entire Xuzhou in one fell swoop before the end of the year.

Although the people's hearts and minds can be used, the people of this era are after all people's words.

Nowadays, those who control the world are still those wealthy families that have been around for a long time.

The people of the entire world are attached to these wealthy families, and some ideas cannot be changed in a moment.

It is too difficult to capture the entire Xuzhou before the end of the year.

Those aristocratic families in Xuzhou would not agree at all, and if Cao Cao pressed harder, the whole of Xuzhou might become a tightrope.

Probably, in history, Cao Cao attacked Xuzhou three times in a row for this reason!

Of course, this was because of Cao Cao's actions of massacring the city, which made Xuzhou deeply grieved by Cao Jun.

But, it’s different now!

If we can advance slowly, like boiling a frog in warm water, capturing Xuzhou will not be a problem.

After thinking clearly, Xi Yu raised his head and glanced at Cao Cao, who was looking at him expectantly.


"It's very difficult to capture Xuzhou in the first month of the year!"

Xi Yu poured cold water on Cao Cao without hesitation, dispelling Cao Cao's series of sweet dreams.

After Cao Cao came back to his senses, the light in his eyes was obviously a little weaker.

Xi Zhicai beside him was also a little helpless. He had already analyzed the situation in Xuzhou in his mind before.

Sure enough, his brother's views were not much different from his own.

If you want to capture the entire Xuzhou in one go, such a thing cannot be solved in a month or two.

Now that the Han court is still there, some people will not sit back and watch Cao Cao annex the entire Xuzhou in one fell swoop.

What's more, the entire Xuzhou will not just sit back and watch Cao Jun annex the entire Xuzhou.

"Is it really impossible?"

Cao Cao was still a little unwilling. If he couldn't annex Xuzhou in one fell swoop, what was the point of his laborious battle?

"What does brother mean by impossibility?"

Looking at Cao Cao who was frowning, Xi Yu looked at Cao Cao with a slight smile on his lips.

The latter raised his head: "Of course it is to annex Xuzhou!"

"I thought my brother was talking about annexing Xuzhou before the new year!"

Xi Yu took a deep breath and looked slowly at the flames in the furnace in front of him.

After picking up a piece of black coal and throwing it into the stove, Xi Yu spoke again.

"It is somewhat difficult to annex Xuzhou before the end of the year."

"Fang is still undecided today. The Han court is still there. My brother is attacking Xuzhou now. All the princes in the world are watching."

"But this time my brother has great righteousness, naturally no prince in the world will take action."

"But, if my brother really wants to annex the entire Xuzhou in one go, I'm afraid it will arouse fear from all around!"

"What's more, although the Han court shows weakness, if Tao Qian has no choice but to seek help from the Han court, how should my brother respond when the emperor's edict comes?"

Xi Yu looked at Cao Cao and spoke calmly.

If you want to grow big in one go, it won't be a problem if you can solve it quickly.

However, less than two months is too short after all.

Yuan Shao from the north could not fail to see this no matter how stupid he was.

At present, Cao Cao's attack on Xuzhou is just to avenge his father and stand upright. Yuan Shao will naturally not say anything. Even his advisers will only turn a blind eye.

However, if they really occupy the two states, how can Yuan Shao's people sit still.

By then, Yuan Shao might have put aside his fight for Youzhou with Gongsun Zan, but would have to suffer for his little brother instead.

But now, it is not a good thing for Cao Cao to go against Yuan Shao, who has a profound background.

What's more, Yuan Shu is still watching in the south.

If the princes really join forces to attack, the entire Yanzhou will not be able to stop it.

Not to mention, if Tao Qian really asked the Han court for help, a world edict would make Cao Cao at a loss.

To answer or not to answer?


Xi Yu's words made Cao Cao feel numb. Thinking about it carefully, this is indeed the case.

However, now that Xuzhou has been captured, it seems that all he needs to do is force himself to annex the entire Xuzhou.

How could he be willing to let him give up like this?

"Could it be that our army can't capture Xuzhou?"

Cao Cao was a little confused, and the words he subconsciously blurted out became a little anxious.

Xi Yu shook his head: "Brother, don't worry!"

"It's not that we can't annex Xuzhou, but we can't be too impatient about this!"

"Our army's attack on Xuzhou naturally cannot be useless. Now the towns in Xuzhou under our command have shown miraculous results!"

"Brother, please advance slowly this time. I expect that Yuan Shao and Gongsun Zan in the north will face each other again soon."

"At that time, the two are incompatible with each other, and Yuan Shu in the south will not be a concern!"

"At that time, Xuzhou will no longer be able to resist my brother."

Xi Yu spoke slowly, and Xi Zhi beside him nodded.

I definitely still have to fight, but there is no need to fight so urgently now.

Annexing Xuzhou bit by bit will not only force the entire Xuzhou to death, but also allow the other party to pretend to breathe.

This is indeed a good idea.

Cao Cao sighed and thought carefully, but there was nothing wrong with what Xi Yu said.

This seems to be the only plan for now.

"Now, our army should start there first!"

Cao Cao casually spread out the map of Xuzhou placed on the desk, raised his eyes and asked Xi Yu.

The latter moved his body to the side of the desk, and when he saw it, he saw the circle that Cao Cao had marked on the map.


It seems to be where Liu Bei's troops are stationed.

Almost subconsciously, Xi Yu raised his head and glanced at Cao Cao, who was smiling with narrowed eyes.

"Brother, do you want to deal with Liu Bei first?"

Xi Yu's expression was a little playful. He never thought that Cao Cao would consider Liu Bei so important in his heart.

"Huh, Cao is avenging his father this time. None of the other princes have sent troops. Only Liu Xuande is eager to come here and be a good person?"

"He really thinks Cao has no temper!"

Thinking of Liu Bei, Cao Cao's teeth couldn't help but itch!

When he issued the edict this time, he clearly stated that he was avenging his father and holding up the banner of righteousness.

Even before, he sent a letter to Liu Bei to explain the matter. He thought that the other party would not show up, but unexpectedly, Liu Bei came anyway!

How could this not make Cao Cao angry inside.

He originally thought that Liu Bei and he were still friends, and they had many contacts with each other when the princes met for alliance.

At that time, he and the three Liu Bei brothers were talking happily.

But now, Liu Bei is so unwilling to give himself face, how can this not be annoying.

"Okay, Tancheng is not bad!"

Xi Yu nodded. Now Cao Ren and Xia Houyuan have won against Shang Zangba and Sun Guan.

The morale of Xuzhou is weak. If Cao Jun can defeat Liu Bei this time, the morale of the entire Xuzhou will definitely be hit hard again.

As for Liu Bei, Guan Yu and others.

After all, Xi Yu is quite interested. Since coming to this era, Xi Yu still wants to get to know celebrities such as Liu Bei and Guan Yu personally.

Later generations' evaluations of Cao Cao and Liu Bei were mixed, but Xi Yu didn't have much opinion on this.

Those who can be recorded and passed down in history books are never mediocre people.

What's more, one is Emperor Zhaolie of Han and the other is Emperor Wu of Wei.

After Cao Jun made the decision, the next day the army began to march in the direction of Tancheng.

As the movements of Cao's army became clear, Liu Bei, who was in Tancheng for the first time, also received the news.

Tancheng Yamen Office.

When he learned that Cao Cao's army was invading, Liu Bei couldn't help but feel numb.

How could Tancheng, a small land on the East China Sea, stop Cao Cao's army from invading?

He now has more than 10,000 soldiers plus Tian Kai's soldiers. How long can such soldiers hold off Cao Cao?

As soon as he received the news, Liu Bei had people rush to send the news back to Xuzhou City.

Tao Qian, who also received the news, glanced hard at Cao Bao when he heard the letter from Liu Bei's envoy.

"General Cao, please lead the troops to help Liu Xuande. Don't let Cao Cao invade our Xuzhou territory!"

Tao Qian was weak, and Cao Bao beside him couldn't help but shake hands.

"Your Majesty, can you really trust Liu Xuande?"

Cao Bao glanced at Tao Qian with some doubts. He didn't have much contact with Liu Bei.

However, Liu Bei's escape this time made Cao Bao not feel very good about him.

Now that Tao Qian asked him to lead Xuzhou's remaining troops to help Liu Bei, he was somewhat reluctant.

If the time comes, Liu Bei opens the city to surrender, directly welcomes Cao Cao in, and surrenders the city, what should he do?

He heard that Liu Bei and Cao Cao still had some friendship.

"General Cao, don't be suspicious. Xuande understands justice well and is a benevolent person. He will never do what you think!"

"He can help me in Xuzhou at this time. If I shrink back at this moment, how will the world view Xuzhou?"

Tao Qian forced himself up and looked at Cao Bao quietly.

At this time, he has become more and more aware that he may not be able to hold on for long. Even if he recovers from his illness, he will never be able to regain his youth and strength.

He was somewhat confused about what Xuzhou would look like in the future.

"Go and help him!"

He could only place his hopes on Liu Bei for the time being.

The other party was able to help Kong Beihai before, so he was worthy of trust.

After hearing what Tao Qian said, Cao Bao didn't say much. This time Tao Qian asked him to help Liu Bei, and he understood the meaning to some extent.

Now that Tao Qian is old, he has followed Tao Qian for a long time, and the other party now thinks about him.

If he can establish a good relationship with Liu Bei at this moment, it will be a good thing for Cao Bao in the future.

At least, if Tao Qian really dies one day, Cao Bao will have something to rely on in the future.

"My lord, take good care of your health, I will leave now!"

Cao Bao bowed his hand towards Tao Qian, and then without any further delay, except for the order from the State Mufu, Cao Bao began to lead the army towards Tancheng.

At the same time, within Tancheng.

The spies came to report that Cao's army would arrive at the city in a short time.

Liu Bei felt a little panicked about this situation.

Since entering Tancheng, he has ordered his soldiers to start building the city wall. The originally narrow Tancheng city wall has now become somewhat taller and expanded.

But, it’s still not enough!

After all, this town is too small.

It is not a big city like Xuzhou City.

Such a town cannot be defended for long. If it is really surrounded by Cao Cao's army, it will become a dead end.

In desperation, Liu Bei could only choose to station his troops and horses in front of the city wall of Tancheng, waiting for the arrival of Cao Jun's army.

He somewhat hoped to persuade Cao Cao to retreat in front of the two armies.

However, such thoughts flashed through Liu Bei's mind after all.

This letter he sent to Cao Cao has been for a while, and I think Cao Cao has already read it by now!

However, Cao Cao did not reply to himself.

The meaning of it couldn't be more obvious.

Cao Cao had no intention of retreating.

"Brother, what are you afraid of? Cao Cao is also a man with a head on his shoulders, so there is nothing to be afraid of!"

"In the worst case, when I fall, I, Lao Zhang, will sprint straight into the enemy formation and help me bring back Cao Cao's head!"

Zhang Fei said carelessly, now that the fight was finally about to start, he felt a little uneasy.

As soon as he said this, Liu Bei glared at him.

"Yide, stop talking nonsense!"

"Then Cao Cao is in the middle tent. Even if you are brave, you can't rush to his main tent!"

When the two armies are fighting, it doesn't mean that you can just rush over. Do you really think that the generals and soldiers in front of Cao Cao are all blind?

Zhang Fei curled his lips and said nothing, but the eyes of Guan Yu and Zhao Yun beside him lit up at the same time.

For a military general, taking the enemy general's head in the midst of thousands of troops is the greatest compliment.

And if it can really do this, it will be the most dazzling thing for it.

Guan Yu's eyes narrowed slightly, and he couldn't help but start thinking about it subconsciously.

At that time, can you ride a horse and rush over to chop off Cao Cao's head?

Is this difficult?

Guan Yu thought it shouldn't be difficult!

Zhao Yun also clenched the spear in his hand and rode his horse across the enemy formation. It would be good to take the enemy general's head as if he were searching a bag for something.

Zhang Fei's words made the other two people beside him somewhat eager to give it a try.

This situation was naturally observed by Liu Bei. He was a little surprised that the second brother, who was usually very stable, was actually aroused by the third brother's words.

And Zhao Yun, who is as gentle as jade, is also interested?

As for Tian Kai, who was standing on the other side, his whole body was already numb.

Ever since he met Liu Bei and others, he felt that these three brothers were not fucking normal people.

Tens of thousands of troops follow the crowd and take the heads of enemy generals. Are you kidding me? -

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