Early November.

The cold wind was biting, and the entire sky was covered with a layer of white frost that was originally dark blue.

The weather was a bit gloomy, and the howling cold wind blew against my face, like sharp knives scraping my face.

Cao Jun arrived outside Tancheng, Xuzhou today.

At the same time, the garrison under Liu Bei's command merged with Cao Bao's army that had just arrived for support and lined up outside Tancheng.

The two armies faced each other, and the howling cold wind made the two armies face each other as if they were filled with a chilling air.

Cao Cao is sitting on his horse, wearing armor, and his dark red cloak is fluttering in the wind, which is very conspicuous.

Next to him, Xi Yu was also riding Jueying. He was wearing a Confucian shirt and a dark cloak, which seemed to wrap his whole body in it.

The entire Cao army was ready to go.

The two armies were separated by hundreds of feet, and at a glance they were all densely packed with black shadows.

Cao Cao also didn't expect that Liu Bei would have the courage to confront his two armies.

Xi Yu raised his eyebrows and looked subconsciously at the military formation on the opposite side. The distance of several hundred feet didn't seem very real.

It is not that simple to find the three Liu Bei brothers at a glance.

He regretted why he didn't ask the craftsmen to help him build the telescope.

"My lord, the weather today doesn't seem to be very good!"

Xi Zhicai, who was also wrapped in a big cloak, was trembling a little. It was really too cold, and there happened to be a strong wind today.

Xi Zhicai didn't want to ride on the horse anymore. Now that the army was coming, it was so cold that he wanted to cower on the horse.

The hooves of the war horse moved back and forth, and the sound of neighing was endless.

The weapons held in the hands of the surrounding generals were a little numb. If you look closely, you can see that the hands of the soldiers in the eyes can't help but turn red.

The current weather is quite tolerable, but if some time passes, it may be difficult for people to hold weapons.

Xi Yu understands that this is the disadvantage of war in the cold weapon era.

Fighting in winter is itself a great test for soldiers. Of course, there are many admirable iron troops in later generations.

It is more than 40 degrees below zero, and the soldiers who carry on fighting are even more admirable.

"Zhicai, this is the perfect weather for killing people!"

Cao Cao sneered and looked at Liu Bei's army in the distance.

At this time, Xi Yu yawned. Such a confrontation between the two armies would definitely be extremely chaotic if they fought.

Looking at the Xuzhou Army in front of him, there were tens of thousands of troops. It seemed that Tao Qian still had some hope for Liu Bei.

Among Liu Bei's troops.

Looking at the roaring Cao Jun in the distance, Liu Bei couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

At that time, he and Cao Cao had an alliance, but the gap between them was not very big.

But now, just a few years later, the lord of Yanzhou has been conquered conveniently, and he has hundreds of thousands of generals under his command. At present, Cao Cao is only leading the army, and the other two armies have not yet joined forces.

In such a situation, there is such power. If the armies converge, how can Xuzhou resist such power?

He was a little envious of Cao Cao, who had a much better start than him.

If Liu Bei had the same foundation as Cao Cao, he would never be far behind!

While Liu Bei was feeling confused, Cao Bao beside him couldn't help but his heartbeat quickened.

Although he brought the Xuzhou Army several times that of Liu Bei, after the reinforcements arrived, Tao Qian asked him to obey Liu Bei's orders.

Although Cao Bao felt a little unhappy in this situation, he still chose to listen to Tao Qian's instructions.

After the army was handed over to Liu Bei, the Xuzhou Army was now considered capable of resisting Cao's army.

But in this battle, the outcome is unknown!

"General Liu, how should our army act at this time?"

Cao Bao couldn't help but ask Liu Bei. In his opinion, it would be too reckless for the whole army to start a war with Cao Cao like this.

If we lose, wouldn’t everything be lost?

Liu Bei understood Cao Bao's worries. Although he now had the right to command the other party, he was not blind enough to actually command Cao Bao.

After all, Cao Bao is the general of the Xuzhou Army. At the moment, he only has the right to command, not control. If the other party gives him face to ask questions, he will naturally give the other party face.

"General, don't worry, Cao Cao and I are getting acquainted!"

"If we can avoid war this time, our army will still focus on avoiding war!"

Liu Bei knew in his heart that if there was a real fight, he might not be able to defeat Cao Cao right now.

After all, the situations on both sides are fundamentally different.

Cao Cao's soldiers are now driven like arms, and the only people he can really control are a few thousand troops. If the army led by Tian Kai really fights with the Xuzhou army.

Whether you can follow his orders or not is one thing!

"The General wants to negotiate peace?"

Cao Bao frowned, does Liu Bei still want to negotiate peace with Cao Cao after all his hard work?

The other party's army is coming right in your face. Is that something that can be resolved through negotiation?

Isn't this Liu Bei a mediocre person?

It's a shame that you believe him. If you entrust the Xuzhou army to this person, I'm afraid the whole of Xuzhou will be destroyed!

Cao Bao was a little flustered, and the expression on his face changed a bit at this moment.

Liu Bei somewhat saw what the other party was thinking.

But, in the end, he didn't want to start a war directly.

"General, once the war starts, it will be a disaster for the people of Xuzhou. Liu just wants to avoid the war this time!"

"This is not an opportunity for a battle!"

There are different leaders on his side, the generals and soldiers are not united in their intentions, and Cao Cao's army is so powerful that it will be difficult to win if they really fight.

Liu Bei explained to Cao Bao carefully, but the latter didn't say much after he reacted.

Zhang Fei on the side stared, and the Zhangba spear in his hand clenched.

He couldn't hold it any longer. As long as Liu Bei gave the order, he was willing to ride his horse and fight directly towards the opponent's army.

"Third brother, please wait here, Yun Chang!"

Liu Bei glanced at Zhang Fei, and after thinking for a while, he turned to look at Guan Yu.

"Please accompany me to meet with Cao Cao for a while!"

Hearing this, Zhang Fei couldn't help but frown: "Brother, what do you mean, why don't you take me?"

"Third brother, you!"

Liu Bei originally thought that Zhang Fei was reckless, and it would be bad if a fight broke out after a disagreement.

However, thinking that he was here, Zhang Fei finally listened to his own words. After thinking about it, he finally nodded: "Then Yide, please follow us. The three of us brothers will meet Cao Cao together today!"

Guan Yu didn't say much at the side. After Liu Bei spoke, he just led the horse forward, holding the weapon casually and followed to Liu Bei's side.

Seeing this situation, Cao Bao frowned at first, but then he breathed a sigh of relief.

Liu Bei was just three brothers, and they did not go there with his troops. Presumably they did not surrender to the enemy on the battlefield.

What's more, another general under Liu Bei was also there, as well as Tian Kai and his men, and Cao Bao handed them over.

"Rely on General Liu!"

If Liu Bei can really make Cao Cao stop his troops, it will be considered a great thing.

Liu, Guan, and Zhang nodded in return, then rode their horses together towards the direction of the formation of the two armies.

At this time, Cao Cao on the other side quickly received a letter from the envoy on the other side.

"I have met the general. My General Liu invited General Cao to speak in front of the battle array!"

The envoy left a word and hurried back.

After hearing this, Cao Cao's brows twitched slightly, and at this moment he saw three figures from the opposite army riding out on horseback.

Seeing this scene, Cao Cao couldn't help but smile.

A general on the side glanced at Cao Cao subconsciously: "My lord, be careful of fraud!"

When Liu Guan and Zhang Xiang fought against Lu Bu at Hulao Pass, it became famous all over the world. At this time, inviting Cao Cao there was still a bit worrying.

The Cao Cao of the past would naturally be a little wary at this moment, but he couldn't help but glance to the side subconsciously.

It’s different now!

There is Xi Yu beside him.

If Fengyi could stay by his side, what would he have to fear?

He believed that since he was loyal, he would not be afraid at all if Liu, Guan, and Zhang had different intentions!

What's more, this time the two armies faced each other, the other side's general had invited him to talk.

If he doesn't even go, what should the soldiers behind him think of him?

Even if these generals understand, the soldiers under their command do not understand after all.

When Cao Cao turned to look at Xi Yu, Xi Yu next to him naturally understood what he meant.

This is a coincidence, what if I wasn't here?

Of course, there are other generals around Boss Cao, so there is no problem if Wu Yangyang brings a few generals with him.

"If brother wants to go, Yu would also like to go and have a look!"

Xi Yu took the initiative to speak to Cao Cao.

He is also looking forward to the legendary Three Taoyuan Brothers.

"Fengyi's words are exactly what I want!"

Cao Cao nodded.

Hearing this, Xi Yu turned his head and glanced at Dian Wei beside him: "Awei, come with me and my brother to have a look!"

Dian Wei next to him became excited when he heard the mention of himself.

He and Xi Yu had not fought a single battle since they had sent food. Now that there was finally a big battle, he didn't expect that he would actually have a chance to participate in the war.

Dian Wei was a little excited. Carrying his own twin halberds and Xi Yu's tiger-headed Zhan Jinqiang, he responded quickly and quickly came to the side of the two of them.

Cao Cao glanced at Dian Wei and felt determined.

For a moment, the heroic spirit was extremely high.

"Okay, Fengyi, Dianwei, come with me to meet Liu Xuande for a while!"

The wind above the sky seemed to become a little stronger.

Within the military formations on both sides, each other's generals walked out of the military formations. At this time, tens of thousands of pairs of eyes looked towards the center.

Center of the two armies.

Not long after, Cao Cao, Liu Bei and others were already a few feet away from each other.

Liu Bei took the lead to dismount with Guan Zhang, and the three brothers took the initiative to approach on foot.

Seeing this scene, Cao Cao dismounted, followed closely by Xi Yu and Dian Wei.

Six people met in the center.

Cao and Liu looked at each other, and then smiled at each other not long after.

"I haven't seen Meng De for a long time, but his style remains the same!"

"Xuande is still like that!"

After the two of them spoke, the originally solemn atmosphere seemed to lessen instantly.

"I never thought that when I meet Meng De, it would be like this. It's really disappointing!"

Liu Bei sighed, with some emotion in his tone.

Cao Cao looked at the other party and couldn't help but turn up the corners of his mouth.

"Isn't Xuande abandoning the dark side and turning to the bright side this time?"

Cao Cao opened his mouth and said something sarcastic. He knew that Liu Bei was not here to surrender, but he still said this.

Liu Bei's face looked fine, but Zhang Fei behind him was holding a spear and grinning a little.

"Then Cao Cao, what are you talking about? Is my brother like that?"

Zhang Fei was a little cautious and cursed without opening his mouth. It was appropriate to say this at this time.

"General Zhang San is still the same as usual!"

Cao Cao smiled at Zhang Fei, and then turned his eyes to Guan Yu: "Yun Chang, goodbye from the prison, Cao misses you very much!"

Zhang Fei grinned, Cao Cao actually called him that.

Isn't his attitude towards himself and his second brother a bit too big?

What Zhang San? His name is Zhang Fei!

Guan Yu, who was standing next to him, responded with a very formal salute: "Thank you, General Cao, for your concern. Everything is fine with Yu. Judging from General Cao's complexion, he looks pretty good."

When Cao Cao spoke to Guan and Zhang, Liu Bei in front of him also looked at Xi Yu and Dian Wei.

The Xiyu in front of him was dressed as a Confucian scholar, but just one look at Liu Bei made Liu Bei's heart beat wildly.

Could it be that this person is Cao Cao's subordinate Xi Yu?

In Liu Bei's view, the young man in front of him was like a green pine, standing tall and straight, his broad cloak fluttering in the wind under the biting cold wind.

The person in front of him didn't change his color at all. Even in such weather, he could feel a hint of coldness all over his body.

And the person in front of him, just standing here, makes people feel like a ball of warm jade.

Gentle and approachable.

As for Dian Wei behind Xi Yu, Liu Bei glanced at him a few times.

In fact, Dian Wei's appearance is not much different from that of his third brother Zhang Fei. The two of them are almost of the same type.

The man looked like a tall tower, his body was bulging, and standing there gave people a sense of security.

What's more, the double halberds and spears on Dian Wei's body are even more obvious.

When Liu Bei looked at Xi Yu, Xi Yu also looked at him.

The two looked at each other, and Xi Yu smiled faintly at each other.

The Liu Bei in front of him was similar to what was described in the history books. He was tall and stronger than ordinary counselors.

His complexion is like jade, and his ears are indeed larger, but they are not the kind of special ears that attract wind, it's just that the earlobes are a bit big.

It's not much different from the Buddha on the sculpture. This appearance, coupled with an extremely tolerant face, does make people feel a little fond of him.

As for Guan Yu, who was standing behind him, his face was indeed a little red, a bit like the color of a jujube.

There is something really unusual about this complexion.

When the pair of red phoenix eyes were slightly squinted, the majestic look was fully displayed on the face.

Zhang Fei is not a black-faced figure in later generations, but he has a bit of a beard. On the surface, he is indeed a burly, yellow-faced man with Chinese characters for his face and beard.

"Could it be that sir is the rumored Xi Yu and Xi Fengyi?"

Liu Bei asked Xi Yu eagerly, with a smile on his face.

Hearing this voice, Xi Yu nodded: "I've met General Liu!"

After greeting each other, the two sides stood facing each other.

This time, it was like returning to the topic.

Cao Cao couldn't help but glance at Liu Bei. Just as he was following Guan Yu's conversation, Liu Bei actually pulled his Xi Yu and was also talking.

Liu Bei is so good, but you still want to pry him into a corner?

"Xuande, if you invite me to come and narrate this time, if you have anything to say, just say it!"

When they got down to business, the two sides also regained their composure.

Liu Bei cupped his hands: "Mengde, I invite you here just to persuade you to stop fighting and make peace!"

"We shouldn't be fighting this time!"

Liu Bei spoke sincerely, as if he was doing it for the best of both parties.

Hearing this, Cao Cao couldn't help but frown: "Xuande, I'm here to avenge my father. This is human ethics. Do you insist on stopping me?"

What Cao Cao said was righteous, and avenging his father was a matter of course.

Liu Bei was a little helpless: "I heard that Grandpa Cao is fine now, Mengde has captured dozens of cities in Xuzhou, Tao Shijun has apologized, can't Mengde take a step back?"

Liu Bei looked at Cao Cao with burning eyes, wondering if there was anything important going on with Mr. Cao now.

Cao Cao's move was obviously to annex the entire Xuzhou. Although he understood, there were some things he couldn't say directly.

"Mengde, if the war breaks out, the people of Xuzhou will lose their lives. Mengde, do you insist on killing people suddenly?"

Cao Cao sneered: "Xuande, why are you doing this? By helping Xuzhou, aren't you also targeting the land of Xuzhou?"

"Speaking of killing, since our Cao army marched into Xuzhou, has anyone ever committed such a massacre without any reason?"

"Tao Qian is old now, and his two sons are mediocre people. Why are you not helping Xuzhou because of the land of Xuzhou?"

"Could it be that if Xuzhou was given to you, you wouldn't want it?"

Cao Cao taunted Liu Bei, who didn't know how to respond.

Cao Jun was indeed benevolent and righteous towards the towns and cities under his command in Xuzhou, and was even the only example of this in the world.

When it comes to the land of Xuzhou, although he has the intention to refute.

I wanted to say that I was just here to help Tao Shijun, but when I thought of what Chen Deng said before.

If the land of Xuzhou is really given to him, can he refuse it?

Liu Bei was very concerned about having a foundation for development.

If he could really own Xuzhou, he would not refuse it if he wanted to come.

"Xuande, you and I understand in our hearts that some words should not be wasted!"

"This land in Xuzhou should belong to me, Cao Cao!" Cao Cao chuckled.

"Meng De's words are wrong. The land of Xuzhou belongs to the Han Dynasty, not private land!" Liu Bei frowned.

"Since you and I have nothing to talk about, let's meet Zhenzhang!"

After leaving a sentence, Cao Cao didn't say anything more. Dianwei had already brought the horse over and the three of them got on the horse.

On the other side, Liu, Guan, and Zhang also mounted their horses.

Before the conversation was settled, and before they dispersed, Liu Bei glanced at Cao Cao again.

At the same time, Xi Yu also stared at Liu Bei and the others.

He was thinking whether he should take advantage of this opportunity to directly leave the three Liu Bei brothers here, so as to save some opportunities to gain three points in the world in the future, or to do other things, which would at least reduce a lot of things.

However, this thought was fleeting.


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