We Will Meet Again

Chapter 209 - Alike

"One of the victims had a rare paperback book with him. A book that came from the future."

"I bet that was mine. I thought I'd lost it, but I guess somebody found it, "Akito commented. They were sneakily following behind the pair that walked off.

"I've met so many people who told me that you showed them the way. Are you sure you haven't indirectly become their advisor?" Setsura knew that people's opinions towards Akito differed. But, even then, when she heard those people talk earlier. It surprised her.

She didn't know if he knew, but his expression changed to an unpleasant face at the thought.

"Honestly, whenever people act like they worship me. I hate it, I've done nothing for people to act that way towards me, anyway."

"You don't have to, people believe in your convictions."

"It doesn't suit me. But, I think me and that guy are alike. His words and behavior influenced me too much," Akito said. "It's becoming increasingly obvious. Those people look at me with eyes with admiration and hope. I'm using them for my own convenience. Yet, they all care about me."

He sounds so depressed again. Then again, it's easy, isn't it? To fall into this negative mode. She understands it all too well.

"Even if you don't intend for it to happen, these things happen. You have an aura that draws people to you. Well, it's like that, man."

An aura resembling gravity. It was something she knew all too well. After all, Akito resembles that person all too well. That's why she understands his feelings and current state of mind.

"Do I also look similar to that man?"

Setsura didn't immediately reply. She doesn't know Touma very well, after all. All she knows about him is what she has heard from the others, "You could accurately predict his next moves better than anyone else. It wouldn't be strange if you possessed similar talents and character traits. To truly understand a person, you have to contain similar traits to them."

"I see, but at least in the past, things weren't like this. But why have things suddenly changed?"

Akito genuinely looked troubled.

"Change happens unexpectedly in the blink of an eye. It's something that comes crashing down without a single warning. These changes vary, they can be good or bad. It depends on the situation, and how they interpret it. There ate those who will have a good interpretation of everything. Then, there are those who will have a negative one. But, it does make one worse than another. Since your lifestyle is different now. Back then, you chose to become a police officer with a different viewpoint. Things have changed though. The place you are standing in right now is not much different from the place he is standing in now," she explained.

Laughter escaped his lips after her speech. His laughter, however, sounded so bitter. Setsura knew her words were far too harsh. However, it's about time somebody tells him. He cannot continue on the force this way.

"Are you saying from now on I'll become like Touma?"

'Is there anything that can be done?'

She can read his thoughts and his words. The words he wants to say.

"No, that's not it. You can still choose your own path without others influencing you. But, more people will continue seeing the similarities between you two. Even the followers of that man may think of you that way. If anything ever happened to him, they'd go to you got instructions. I don't know Touma that much, so my analysis could be of base. However, those who find you two similar will go to you and rely on you like they did with him."

Yes, those people who are frustrated with society and want things to change. Those who want to change things, but do not have the power to do so. Those people will seek a leader, somebody who can shoulder the massive weight and burden.

"I know this is the last thing you want to hear, but wouldn't you rather hear this from me than other people? Yes, I'm not the only one who has noticed your similarities."

"That's annoying."

"Perhaps so.." Setsura trails off, "But there is a difference between you two."

"Hah, there is?"

Setsura nodded, "Unlike them, you don't have a grand ambition involving controlling people's hearts."

"Ambition, huh? I guess that explains why I'm having so much trouble right now."

"I spoke with the chief. He told me a bit."

She immediately panicked when she heard his words. Wait, when did he get a chance to speak with Izu about her? "H--old on? When? What did you say? You two didn't fight, did you?"

"Hmm, I wonder."

Setsura pulled a skeptical expression before sighing deeply, "Now I see why you were able to blend in. Indeed dangerous and reckless does seem to suit you quite well."

His sweatdropped, "Hey, hey, why on earth are you saying that now?

"The other paperback they had with them was Shakespeare's 'The Tempest'" Setsura trailed off, "That was mine wasn't it?"

Ever since she started speaking to him about the books, she knew Akito became interested. Though she found it strange, when did he have time to take her copy of those books? Then again, it seems like she has underestimated Akito's stealth skills.

"Yeah. I figured that Shakespeare would become more bearable for me to read if it's your copy."

Setsura smiles lightly, "Indeed, perhaps the magic finally wore off on you at last. And with that confirmed, I can finally feel at peace."

At that, his eyes went wide,"Aren't you? I know even now, you still love that guy. The situation is completely different now then back then. Think about what will happen if you die. That person might go mad and be consumed in hate and me? I will be plunged into sorrow because I never had time to explain himself. It will be a tragedy, that sort of ending won't be like the Tempest."

She leaned forward until she stood directly opposite him, "Your making this face again."


"Ssh," she brushed her fingers across his lips. "You don't have to worry about me. I do not fear death. For the longest time, I've thought that maybe it would be better for me to get killed in a case. This way, my death would have meaning. Rather than me inflicting harm and causing my own death. Dying in the line of duty sounds a lot better, doesn't it?"

"Don't even joke about that. I can't let you die," a dangerous look appeared in his eyes. If anybody saw him like this, they'd flinch and back away. However, Setsura was not the type to do so.

Instead, Setsura leaned even more until she brushed their forehead together. "Your so precious to me, Akito."

"If I'm so precious, then don't do this..."

"Don't worry. I shall be careful. I have our future to think about. So, I won't die that easily."

Besides, if the cases from here connect with the ones from the future, then she has to be alive to see things through. The crimes in the future, huh? Whenever she thought of those crimes, her heart would tighten in pain. So, many people died. So many lost their lives.

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