We Will Meet Again

Chapter 210 - I want to stay with you

Going to the scene of the crime is a waste of time. According to Akito, anyway, the higher-ups have something to hide. So, all they clear the evidence before they even get there. Just a few moments ago, they lost track of the two. Even though they were having a serious discussion with one another. Setsura kept a careful eye on them. How is it possible for them to disappear just like that? Something is strange; she is sure they were here just a few moments ago. But now there is not a single trace of them at all.

It didn't take them long before they received word that somebody got killed in the town square. By the time they arrived, the blood from the person had appeared to decay. The victim is the man they were chasing moments ago, the notorious killer. The crime looked simple, a knife impaled in the heart. The murderer hung him here as an example. No, to show everybody that they brought justice down on the killer.

Earlier, when they arrived at the square, people were laughing. Some were throwing things, others crying due to relief. So many people fell victim to this guys' crimes. So it's reasonable to see this reaction. But, it still made her feel sick. Seeing this brutal sight, and they are laughing? Setsura isn't a saint; she understands that this man caused so much grief. However, a person's life is so fragile.

Can they stand by here and watch like nothing has happened? If this happened to an innocent person, then these people would freak out won't they?

"What do you think happened here?" she asks Akito.

He shrugs and tightens the bandage around his arm. On the way here, somebody attacked them. Clearly, they meant to stall them so the murder could take place.

"What always happens."


"Touma wants to cover something up, and then we end up seeing the ugly side of humans."

While Akito already brought his group over, and, they were helping to clear the area out. Other people were still jeering and sniggering. To think these people are actually okay with this. Setsura didn't know what to think. A simple murder and yet, her gaze fell on the dead body. His entire face color was white, almost like somebody had drained the blood from his blood. His hands nailed to the fountain.

Interestingly enough, this water fountain broke. The one who did this knew that, knew that the water wouldn't cover the dead body up. Is this one of those so-called crimes for justice? Such cases frequently happen in the future too.

So, they did this deliberately. They wanted people to know they committed a crime. How rare. Up till now, the standard pattern for crimes in this era are kidnaps. Even they find the body later, they hide it - nobody is located almost immediately. What's more, it seems the crime was in progress when people gathered.

It turns out some of the crowd even helped the murderer. Her gaze dimmed, 'she needs to read up on it.' But, this guy must have committed a terrible series of crime for the general public to hate him like this.

This is the first time that she was feeling like this. Such a warmth and wave of light that fills her body. Although she doesn't know what kind of color or power he has, there was something about it that was rather soothing. Something familiar about it. Ah, that's right. From the very beginning, she always wanted to draw this person - from when they first met. She already noticed that there was something different about him than all the others.

Her thoughts broke off when she noted how silent Akito was. Do his wounds hurt? She glanced over and saw his face broke into a sweat. Her eyes widened, was it that bad?


Akito didn't have time to say anything, since he suddenly hugged her and laces their hands together, "I know that I'm not qualified to stay by your side. But I still don't want to let go of you. I thought I'd never be able to hug you again with this hand. I'm happy."

At that comment, her eyes widened.

"I thought, I'd never see you again... I've finally met you. I've wanted this for so long."

His words, is he talking about her? Or is he referring to his old wife? Either way, right now, it didn't matter. It does not matter; she can feel how sincere he is.

Akito is hugging her. He's hugging her so very carefully and yet so closely, as if ..as if he let's go, then she won't come back. He is holding her like this as though she's someone precious.

"I understand…that it's pointless for me to stay by your side. But, but.."

"Pointless...what!? I don't care about the formalities. I want to stay with you!" Setsura exclaimed. Although, although they can't be together that way. She still wants to be able to stay beside him. Ah, is that selfish of her she wonders?

"But, it hurts to breathe.."


By this point, Setsura noted how badly he was shaking in her arms. "Without you by my side, I'm a mess. I can't live without you by my side. I finally understand this."

Her eyes widened when she saw genuine tears falling from his eyes.

"I'm sorry, but I only want to stay with you."

This was the first time Setsura ever saw him like this - no, there were two times in the past she witnessed his tears. But even then, he tried to hide it from her. This was the first time she truly saw it. And what's more... it's about her...

Setsura is completely stunned by this. Akito, to this degree, cares about her? Although, although it was something that had always been obvious. It was something that was always just there. Many people realized it before they went out, and that's why...they all entrusted him to her.

"I can't do anything but hurt you, I'm so sorry."

"Don't cry, Akito."

That's right, don't... Don't shed any more tears for her sake.

Please don't..

"But forgive me. I can't let go of her. I don't want to let go. Please forgive me...!"

"Me, too," she mutters." I don't want to let go of you...I want to stay by your side!" It sounds so foolish and stupid. But, this is how she genuinely feels.

Ah, it makes little sense. She doesn't understand what this was.

"Nn, fuu…" Akito reached over and brushed his lips against hers, "Your lips are warm. More. Do it more."

Setsura turned to look at their surroundings. The other members were taking care of the crowd.

Akito and her were in a quiet area. Nobody could see them from here.

She nodded and wrapped her arms around his neck. So warm, that she could melt. She wouldn't mind if they melted right here, then, they could be together forever, together forever...

Her thoughts broke off when they hear a coughing sound. The source of the voice was none other than Chauncey Long. When she saw his dark gaze, she knew how this would end up.

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