We Will Meet Again

Chapter 211 - Eternal Dream Part 1

Akito is far too fragile right now. It would do him no good speaking with Chauncey Long now. Besides, this man has a way of making everybody feel irritated towards him.

She protectively stood between the two.

"What do you want?"

Chauncey's gaze fell on Akito, "Is this what you want, Akito? You want this woman to continue protecting you?"

Her frown deepened when she hears Chauncey Long's words. There is something wrong with him. Why is he talking like this? He never spoke like this before. Rather, he's acting so strange. No, quite some time has passed since Chauncey started acting this way. What triggered it though? What made him drop his mask? Setsura did not have time to say a word, since Akitos subordinates emerged from the corner.

"Captain Akito, can we have a word?"

Akito glanced over at her, "I'll go for a bit. Stay here."

Setsura reluctantly nodded. Will he be okay? She kept watching him, right until he disappeared around the corner. It was only after he left did Setsura realize something. Akito walked off and left her alone with Chauncey Long? That's so weird. This entire time Akito made it clear to her that under no circ.u.mstances will he ever leave her alone with this man. But, now he's done just that.

Maybe she is overthinking things. Akito can still see her from wherever he is. She could too. Setsura could vaguely make him out, speaking to his subordinates who gathered around the body. Setsura suddenly lost her balance, but somebody catches her immediately.

"Geez, you idiot," Chauncey scolded. The hands that wrapped around her waist to stop her fall were unfamiliar to her. But, at the same time. Setsura wonders why it feels so nostalgic to her.

So close, she could feel his breath trickling down on her skin. Setsura realizing the proximity between them immediately pulled away. "S—orry about that…" Setsura stammered.

What on earth was that?

Why did her heartbeat then? Stupid stupid, Setsura scolded herself. Is she that desperate? This is Chauncey Long of all people.

There was silence for a few moments, "Say….why did you come here?"

Setsura immediately understood the implication behind his tone. "I came with Akito to solve the case," Setsura replied. It was obvious. Why else would she come here? She didn't have to answer but did so, anyway.

"It's late, you know?" Chauncey said.

Her eyes widened when she heard his response.

"Ah, well, I was asleep. But I woke up and couldn't sleep again," Setsura half lied. That was the case, but it was because of the nightmares. However, she didn't want to admit that to him. One of the things she regretted the most was Chauncey Long knowing her secret.

"I see and I know it's been a while. But you're pretty rude."

Setsura rolled her eyes at that comment, "Who was the one acting rude to me this entire time?"

Chauncey sighed, "I was putting on a show."

"A show?"

He glanced around at his surroundings and nodded. "Yeah, since that time, I covered for Akito and took the blame. They keep watching over me like a hawk."

Even if they were, him acting that way towards her was a bit extreme. He even tried to hit her. Chauncey must have understood what she thought since he spoke up. "Well, this isn't an excuse. It seems like I'm no good with women."

Uh, what? Setsura looked at him with wide eyes. Even somebody as calm and composed as her would have to react this time. What on earth is he talking about?

But, bad with women? Does this mean he fought with Natasha? Is that why he keeps acting like this? Huh, so perhaps this guy already likes. "Rumor has it you like me," Setsura brought up. Since there, meetings are by chance and coincidence. Setsura never got around to speaking to him about this.

A look of disbelief spreads on Chauncey's face, "Why are you so casual about that woman?"

Setsura shrugged, "So many men have proposed to me using the same tactics as you."

At that comment Chauncey almost fell down, Setsura laughed. What an easy person to tease. "So? What are you trying to get at now?"

"Well, I was hoping I could ask you to stay away from this case."

"Are you stupid?"

"It won't hurt asking you directly since your not even listening to Akito."

A deep sigh escaped her lips; she found this entire conversation ridiculous. When she explained it to Akito, Setsura felt motivated. She felt obliged to do so. It's wrong to hide such things from the man your dating. Telling Akito her reasons is okay. But this man, who she does not like?

Suddenly she felt him wrap something around her and noticed that it was his cloak. Setsura blinked and stared at the piece of black cloth. Confusion clearly evident in her face at the kind gesture from the usually cold Chauncey Long.

Even though she dislikes him, Setsura felt that she knew a lot about this man. Then again, no matter where she went.

"I--m giving that to you idiot. It's cold out here; you'll freeze," Chauncey said, looking away.


That's right …he's this kind of person.

Setsura chuckles, and yet smiles at him as she wrapped it tightly around her body. "Thank you."

She hears Chauncey mutter something about this being stupid. Stupid? Yes, this is stupid. Why does she encounter this man a lot? Akito takes great lengths to avoid him and succeeds. But, whenever she does it. It leads to even more encounters between them. It isn't fair at all. Still, he isn't a completely bad guy.

"Setsura," Chauncey said, pulling her out of her thoughts.


Chauncey gave her a hard look as he stepped towards her. "Answer my question." He said, anger changing his tone slightly.

'Why is he getting snappy again?' Such a problematic person. Setsura decided not to reply; her gaze fell on the rose bushes not too far from where they were. Strangely enough, she didn't notice it earlier. Then again, she was very focused on Akito. She seems to forget a lot of things when Akito is around.

"Are you even listening!?" Chauncey snapped, making her tremble slightly. Setsura knew Chauncey didn't scare her. What frightens her is this scene. It resembles something that happened in the past. The more she thought about it, the more she trembled.

It's okay; this person isn't 'him.' This one won't harm her. Isn't he in love with her? Why would he hurt her? However, didn't that person say the same thing too? Somebody once told her they loved her, someone who wasn't that man. Setsura never returned his feelings, but she thought of him as a good friend. Yet, in the end - he betrayed her.

Chauncey gripped her arm tighter, and she winced in pain.

"Sir Long…you're hurting me…" Setsura remarked as she looked at him with pleading eyes.

Chauncey calmed down and loosened his grip on her arm but didn't let go of it.

Setsura wanted to say something, but she found her legs were still trembling. Her entire body trembled due to fear. Chauncey ran his fingers down to her elbow before her wrist.

Eh? This, 'what is this man thinking?' "Cha-" she only got those letters out. Suddenly Chauncey leaned down and kissed her injuries. Ah?

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