We Will Meet Again

Chapter 253 - Far too peaceful

*UNEDITED* While what happened earlier remains fixed in his mind. Yang isn't the petty type, if she wants to try this again, he will give her another chance. Besides, if he doesn't do this with her. What if the other guys try? Yang knew with his protection and status as the future missuses. Many guys in the base had their eyes on her. Setsura is very beautiful, so.. His thoughts broke off when he saw her nervously look down. "Yang," she muttered. "I just, don't think we've done stuff like this before. Can you tell me some details? Like the dates we've gone on...and how we usually talk." Is she starting to doubt him? Or maybe it's because he is too impatient. Yang gently kissed her forehead. "Dear, sorry. I'm too rash," he apologized. The best thing to do now is apologize. Setsura nodded, "I want to take things slow, since I know how much I treasure you…" 'That's usually the guys line.' Yang thought. But, even though her words are very sincere. These words aren't for him are they? Setsura, she doesn't realize that at all. Yang wondered exactly how they were holding Akito back from coming here. Akito aside, there is Victor and Chauncey Long. Surely, they can't hold those two back too? That man's daughter too. So many people ought to be searching for her. Yang found it strange, how nothing has happened yet. It's far too peaceful for his liking. While he desires peace more than anything. Yang knew it wasn't the time for that. He pushed the girl against the wall, and bent down to kiss her again. Her lips are addicting like a cigarette. Even if they don't do it, Yang is content with this. There is something special about kissing this woman. "You'll damage my lips Yang," Setsura mumbled as he tried to pry her mouth open. Yang looked at her frustrated, "Open your mouth." She hesitantly did so, and another round of intense kisses began. "Boss…" Yang clicked his tongue in annoyance when he hears the faint call behind the door. However, he didn't let go of Setsura. He continued to kiss her again, her tongue and his inter winded. She tastes so dammed good. Why would he let her go now? …

Meeting room Yang slammed his hands against the table as he read the reports. "Your telling me Touma actually went ahead and kidnapped Akito?" "Y--yed sir…" Is that man crazy? He will ruin everything doing this. Setsura's disappearance was already suspicious enough. He should have known better than to team up with Touma. Yang hesitated when the man gave him that offer. But, he still accepted. "Save him," Yang muttered. "Excuse me sir?" "Get some men, disguise them and send them to Chauncey Long." No wonder those people haven't looked for Setsura yet. Akito got kidnapped before they could pursue the leads they had. Naturally, they would choose to save Akito first. He can't let anything bad happen to Akito. Even if they are no longer in good terms, he isn't heartless enough to stand by and watch him get killed. "Our only target is leader of the region Ushi. We cannot win with our number of peoole. We will declare war on these three cities, which are the closest to the capital. For the timing, let's also aim at this place," Yang said pointing to the map,  "Our aim is not to massacre or destruction. It is to disperse the troops strength. " "But even if their strength is weakened, we are still talking about that place. I don't think they will let us invade that easily," Ryou commented. The man called Ryou is his second in command.  True, if it was as simple as that then even he alone would be sufficient. Rather it was only supposed to be him and a few people. However; on the day he arrived at the camp. He was already there, 'Mind if I join you?'  Yang glanced over at Hanabusa. He doesn't understand what he's thinking. Their relationship to a certain degree may have gone back to how it was used to. But that does not mean that he has completely forgiven him.  He shook his head and turned back to the table. Yang pointed to a certain area in the map, "Were not going to surround the building. But instead attack it from the inside. Here is the intrusion route." "I've never seen that area before." "Me neither." "There used to be a place underneath the grounds that produces retina swords. The materials and work forces for that came from this remote location. So there is an underground passage, that continues down the place," Yang explained. "Yang," a soft voice fill the room. "You left your lunch…" He glanced up and saw her - the woman who mainly occupied his thoughts. The men in the room started to gossip. "Is that her?" "She's such a beauty.." "Ssh fool, that's the boss woman." Yang's lips curved to a pleased smile when he heard the last line. At least the people here are sensible. He waves Setsura over and the girl walked over. Her steps seemed elegant. Yang pulled her onto his lap and she wrapped her arms around his neck. "You left your lunch behind. Even if you want to work, you can't forget to eat," Setsura mumbled. "I wanted you to bring it." That's why he purposely left it behind. Yang felt awkward about asking her to eat with him. He genuinely didn't know the first thing about being romantic. The only thing he really knows about romance is… Yang pinned Setsura down onto the meeting table. He kissed her slowly, in hailing her scent in the process. 'Sweet, she tastes like strawberries.' Her skin is very good, it's fragrant and soft. "The rest of you leave," Yang flared at the other members, realizing they were the reason why she wasn't kissing him back. "Uhh, Boss but…." "Leave..please," Setsura mumbled. His lips curve to a smile. It seems like she can still speak. With Setsura's words, the remaining men left in a rush. "Yang, I came here to discuss something with you.." "Discuss?" He isn't fond of talking. "What do you want to discuss? Can it wait? Is it more important than what we are doing now?" "One, my lips are damaged. Two, we haven't gone anywhere in awhile. Going around town by myself is boring Yang." So, she wants to go on a date, right? A date, huh? He can do that much for her. Yang nodded and drew back from her. He ran his hands through his red hair. He still felt a bit light headed from that kiss. Setsura must have understood since she gently kissed him again. "Yang, I love you." It was the first time she said those words to him. For a moment he didn't know what to think. What is with her? Yang suspected that Setsura had no idea what she was doing. She isn't in her right mind because of that medicine. As an underground doctor, Yang could tell from a glance how dangerous the medicine is. That's why he hesitated, this thing will have severe side effects on her. One side effects was constant fever, at night Setsura's temperature would spike. Two, her sleep - it seems to cause her to hallucinate. The second one is very dangerous. 'This is why he ensured he slept beside her.' If she were left alone at night, he wouldn't know what she could end up doing.

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