We Will Meet Again

Chapter 254 - I want to live peacefully

Once in a while, she would get that look in her eyes. A blank and soulless look. Whenever she gets that way, Yang senses danger from her. It seems stupid saying such things. However, he genuinely feels it. There is something abnormal about Setsura.

Akito must know about this, too. Otherwise, he wouldn't have hidden her away for so long. Their relationship is fake, but Setsura told him that she loved him. When she regains all her memories back and realizes that he tricked her, Yang knew she would never forgive him. However, what use is there thinking about that situation now? Just focus on the present and nothing else.

Yang cupped her cheeks and noticed how red her cheeks were. This is all a lie; he knows that better than anyone. The happiness and warmth he feels from her too. All of it is a lie. It does not belong to him. But, so what? Right now, the one Setsura loves is him.

"Normally, you're so cold. But you're very red now. Your blushing so easily."

"Uhh, uhh, that's…Yang...I love you."

'Words not meant for him.' Yet, hearing her say such things makes him so very happy. He's never felt like this before. No matter what anybody says, he won't let go of this feeling anymore. Yang let's go of her cheeks and walked over to the cabinets. He pulled out a bag from one of the draws. It was the bag the girl had on her that day.

Yang tossed it to her, and Setsura caught it. "What is this?"

"It's yours."

Setsura, however, puts the bag down, and Yang raised his eyebrows. "You don't want to look?"

"Yang, what are you trying to do?"


"I just told you I loved you. I don't care what kind of past I have now. My feelings for you are sincere. Let me live my days out peacefully," Setsura's voice trembled. "My life before you saved me, I no longer want to know."

Yang walked back over to her, "Why?"

"I'm scared," she mumbled. "I'm scared. I was almost killed. I don't want that to happen anymore..I...I can't. It's better if I don't remember."

So that's why she took the medicine. "Setsura, did you know…"

"I vaguely recall it," Setsura took out the bottle from her bag. "This has side effects to distort my memory, doesn't it?"


So, she knew?

"I'd rather live a lie. Yang, don't throw me away. Even if I'm not the one, you love, even if I don't really love you. Don't throw me away."

Poor girl, that incident must have traumatized her greatly. Here he was worrying all this time that she would dislike him. Such petty thoughts. It seems like Setsura already knew, and she chooses this path willingly. Yang knew he would eventually have to tell her about Akito's situation. However, for now, he wrapped his arms around her. He has to keep her safe.


If she doesn't want to remember her skills, that's fine. However, his gaze fell on the girl curiously, looking at the gun in his hands. Yang was checking the weapons inventory. After that conversation earlier, Yang was reluctant to bring her here. Still, she insisted that she would follow along. "You don't want to remember, right?" Yang clarified.

Was it just him being delusional earlier?

Setsura nodded, "I don't. But," her gaze fell on the rows of guns. "I'm still impressed. You have so many weapons here."

"As part of a syndicate, it's normal."

"My husband to be is dangerous. I guess I ought to protect myself," she picked up one of the guns from the shelf. But, Yang waltz over and hugged her from behind. "Yang?"

"Since you mentioned that. Is it okay? I'd like to say I will always be around to protect you. However, if I can't, use this gun to protect yourself."

Setsura turned her head and looked back, "Shouldn't you teach me how to use it?"

"You already know-how."

She paused and nodded. Yang watched as she picked up the gun and raised it towards the target on the wall. "Relax your body, don't be so tense," he murmured in her ear.

"I'm tense since you're far too close, mister."

"You're posture must be right. Don't focus your body weight on one leg. Keep balance."

"Yang--l-let go."

Finally, Yang realized how close he actually was to her and pulled back. He awkwardly scratched his cheek. He didn't know why, but he felt slightly embarrassed too. Yang looked down at the ground, but at that moment, he hears the sound of a few bullets.

Bang, bang, bang.

Yang glanced up, and his eyes widened when he saw the three perfect shots in the middle. 'She's good,' he thought. He heard the reports, so this should be normal.

As someone who comes from this side of the world. He already saw this on numerous occasions. Countless amounts of weapons being secretly made right under the enemy's noses. These secret locations determining the outcome of a massive amount of battles.

Yang saw it so so many times. Yet, hearing of such a route in the palace that he has been staying it this entire time left him with an almost bitter feeling. It should be alright, now that we know of the location - after we use it, it can be destroyed immediately. Still, his gaze fell on Setsura. "How did you know that?"

"I remembered seeing it...when I was escaping," Setsura muttered vaguely.

Yang immediately understood. So, she saw it when she was escaping from her attacker. How can he reassure her that nothing like that will happen again? Yang knew it left some mental scars in the girl. But, he didn't know how to get rid of it.

Setsura must have understood since she turned around. "You not have to do anything for me. I---" her sentence fell short when he saw her sway back and forth. The medicine side effects, huh?

He pulled her into his arms and, in seconds, hears the sound of her quiet figure.


Yang glanced at the girl's petite figure that was sleeping beside him now. He suggested to her that she should stay in his room for the night since it wasn't safe, leaving her in her own room. He didn't think that she would willingly agree like that; then again, he glanced at the girl once more. Yang saw the dark circles under the girl's eyes. She hasn't been getting much rest, and she's paler than before too.

Tsk dammed those guys. He would get up and lecture them now. However, he didn't want to leave her alone. He thought so when he first met her, but she did look like a person who didn't like to fight. Someone who would rather stay entirely far away from any of this. Someone who belonged in a warm place with her family, not in the center of a battlefield with a sword - not in the middle of bloodshed.

This girl doesn't belong to this era of bloodshed. While life here is no longer like back then, it's still quite bad. Recalling what she said before about living a lie, Yang clenched his fists. Would she go that far?

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