We Will Meet Again

Chapter 260 - Yang Part 5

Following morning, Meiji Year 1895

After seeing her the other day. Yang didn't think she would appear again so soon. Then again, it scared even him. Don't just appear like that in the morning. It scared the heck out of him. Thankfully, Setsura didn't wake up. He wouldn't know how to explain things then.

Cynthia left after giving him this box. At first, Yang thought to go back to sleep. He didn't want to deal with this right now. Setsura has been strangely clingy since yesterday. She snuggled up to him last night. So it irritated Yang when somebody interrupted them.

He most likely won't get another chance later. So, he might as well take a look. Yang pulled the blanket up to cover Setsura's half bare frame. He still didn't have the guts to do it. Is it because he feels guilty? No, from the start, Setsura belonged to him.

Yang quickly turned to the box in front of him. He opened it up, and slips of different sizes and colored paper fell out. He immediately recognized it.

'I pray that Yang is having fun at his new school. '

'I pray that Yang remains healthy. '

' I pray that people, aside from me, will one day grow to see how kind-hearted Yang is.'

'I pray that Yang also finds people who are important to him.'

Several entries of not just kind-hearted words. But words filled with deep affection.

'I pray that Yang finds someone he loves.

Even if that person is not me.

I want him to continue smiling happily for all eternity.

This is the only form of love I can give him.'

Damn, Yang genuinely thought it was more information. Where on earth did Cynthia find these things? His gaze flickered onto the girl fast asleep on the bed. Sleeping so peacefully like that, she really has no idea, huh? But that's the type of woman she is.

These notes, did she write them before they broke up? This was the pen and paper she was using that day. So, she was writing letters to him? Why didn't she just say it then? He snapped at her. Misunderstandings can destroy a relationship. If they don't communicate things properly, then things will fall apart.

Setsura's father was a terrible man.

He set the girl up with many blind dates, even though Setsura was engaged already.

Of course, he was one of those candidates.


Year 20XX Restaurant

"You know, this is awkward for me too."

"Then why did you agree?" Setsura exclaimed.

Yang actually didn't know who the candidate was until a few minutes ago. The only reason why he is staying here is because he learned it was her. For a long time, he's liked her; however, she always looked another way. It seems like he has to step up his game.

He leaned across the table, "Because I've always seen you as a woman."

"Wait, wait," Setsura looked dumbfounded with his words. "Don't say such strange things. I mean, do you know how long we've been friends? It would be strange for something to change."

'What does she mean by strange?' Yang wondered what the problem was. Why can't they turn from friends to lovers? Yang dropped the topic for a few minutes, and the waitresses brought the food. All of them gave him a particularly seductive looking gaze. He's so good looking, and he has everything. But why doesn't this woman look at him that way?

He really doesn't understand her at all.

"Hey, stop drinking. You can't hold your alcohol," Yang lectured. When did she start? From the moment they put the food down, no maybe even long before then. Maybe when she was meeting the previous candidates?

"You know, Yang. I learned something from watching TV recently how to tell whether someone is just a friend or not. When you imagine someone as a friend, you feel like throwing up whenever they touch you inappropriately. Like if they try to kiss you. But if it's the opposite, and you don't feel like throwing up..then.."

"So, what are you thinking? Do you want to throw up, thinking of kissing and dating me?"

Setsura shook her head, "You know it's not like that."

"Oh yeah? Lately, you keep avoiding me."

"I'm not avoiding. I just heard some strange things about you.."

"What did you hear?"

She looked at him with a slight red in her cheeks. Yang took a sip of his wine, "Hey, tell me." It's not like she is blushing, but what's wrong with him thinking that? He needs to stop entertaining such delusional thoughts. The only one she acts differently around is that guy.

"People say we look good together. They say you like me, romantically."

"And that's a problem for you?"

"No! Why would it be? But, I'm worried that you have a problem with such rumors. Don't you have a girlfriend?"

"I don't have anyone."

"What about the girl on your social media pages..."

"A fellow model."

"But, you still take so many pictures," she mumbled. "I don't like it at all."

Huh? Why does she sound so jealous for? Is it just his imagination? "Even if you don't have a girl, you have many other women.. Those rumors are very annoying...."

"I don't mind kissing you, but I never kiss others. Do you know why?"

Setsura looked at him again, "Don't say that weird thing."

"After all this time, you still don't understand my feelings?"



His feelings, huh, it sounds so ridiculous now that he thought about it. If he didn't make the first move - then nothing would have happened between them. Setsura would not have had to go through something terrible.

Before they met properly, Yang remembered a time where he snuck of to see her.

He wanted to see how she reacted naturally. So when they led him to her, Yang watched her rather carefully. There was something about her that was indeed different from all the other girls. She had the aura of nobility, and yet there was something that seemed to draw him into her.

Indeed as his brother informed him Setsura is indeed a ' Perfect lady,' there was no doubt about it from her manners and speech. How she conducted herself as a leader at a young age was something quite remarkable.

Yang didn't want to leave with a greeting though and so greeted the girl's father in private while his guards remained outside by the gate waiting for him.

'I'm glad your curiosity took over you, and you came over to see for yourself. Indeed she's an excellent wife for a noble. However, though she may be perfect, I'll believe you'll find that she has her own share of imperfections too. He hadn't realized that he would learn the meaning of those words so quickly.

During the formal banquet, and Yang understood something was different about her. Indeed her mannerism plus her behavior was the same. The seating arrangement had puzzled him, but he had no intention of questioning. '

Act as I see so fit,' eh? To him, it was quite amusing in a sense and wondered if this is what the girl's father meant by imperfections. But that's not what it was. What the girl's father referred to then was something completely different. That's right; what Setsura lacked was nothing to do with her slightly different views.

It was wings to fly out of that cage. Those wings were 'love.' Even though she is still chained to a dark past, unlike before the chains do not stay on long, she can fly freely and spread her wings into the sky. That's because those two taught her how to love.

Ah, what use is there thinking about this stuff, no? Would anything change? The answer is no.

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