We Will Meet Again

Chapter 261 - Yang Part 5

Since nothing will change, whether or not he thinks about it, then there is no use dwelling on such things. Yang slowly put the small notes away when he spotted something. Beneath yet another stack of notes, there was a small and yet bright red colored notebook. 'That's her journal, isn't it?' Cynthia must have placed it with the rest of these notes. That woman really does interfere far too much.

Yang still doesn't understand what her intention is. Even if he keeps disobeying her. Why is she going so far as to help him out?

His gaze fell on the girl who stirred awake; he was still crouched down on the ground. So, when she did wake up. She looked around, confused. "Yang?"

Yang's lips curve to a smile, 'So, she looks for him the first thing she wakes up?' That's good to know. He stood up, and she glanced over at him. Setsura extended her hand out, and Yang grabbed hold of it.

"Good morning Yang."


"What do you want to do today?" Yang asked.


His lips curve to a smile, "Alright."

She raised her eyebrows at this, "It's okay to go on one?"

"I don't see why not. But first, quit crying," Yang brushed his fingers across her eyelids. To think she woke up crying again. Yang thought he was doing a good job making her happy. However, it turns out that isn't the case here. "Rei, cheer up. Didn't you go to that event yesterday? Wasn't it fun?"

She sends him a huge glare, "Don't mention that now when I'm crying about another guy, otherwise it would make me seem so sly and unfair."

Uh, did he just make it worse? He really is no good, after all, with providing comfort to girls. If Hanabusa saw him in this state, he would undoubtedly laugh at him. But in the first place, the girls he has gotten to know since he was younger never cried like this. Sure, Cynthia cried about losing sometimes, and that girl cried whenever someone insulted her. But it was never such a serious matter.

Setsura right now is under so much grief and stress. Why is it that once again? Isn't he able to do anything for her? It was the same in the future too. All he could ever do was stand by and watch her cry. He couldn't do anything to help her. Yang always felt frustrated about this side of himself.

"Setsura, I really do feel helpless right now," he muttered. What is with this feeling? Why can't he do anything? She always looks

"It can't be helped. You can't comfort a girl. I've always known that." she said through her tears. Despite the state she's in, Setsura can say such things, huh? He supposed it is just a natural reaction.

He can't do anything to help her. That time when she lost control of herself, all he could do was watch her. 'What are you talking about? Your our center. Without you were nothing, that's why I'm sure your voice can reach her also.'

He may not be able to provide her warmth like Akito, security land naturalness like that guy. However, even for him, there's still something he can do. Yang starts singing; quite some time has passed since he sang like this. There is no reason for him to sing in the Meiji era. Yet, the lyrics came spilling out so easily.

The tears in the girl's eyes gradually faded.

Although Setsura showed him weakness plenty of other times since then, Yang felt as though the first two held more meaning, especially the later. It was the first time she had ever admitted to being lonely. Even though she always says things like she will be fine alone. Though whenever she says, though, it becomes clear to those who know her well enough that she's not telling the truth.

She's never admitted it before. So when she admitted it to him, through a breakdown. Yang realized it that he must still hold a special place in her heart.

"Yes, it's only during such times where you're my Prince. Even though I've long stopped believing in such fairytale dreams, whenever I'm with you, I can truly grow to like the side of me that's an elite."

The side of her that's an elite, huh? For him, who met her when she was an elite, of course, it's a side of her that he understands very well. When Yang first learned of her status, it was during a ball his brother was hosting. He had been surprised to see her. He heard she was wealthy and even saw the bodyguards; and yet to see her at that party surprised him. It confirmed everything, though, why she held such a lonely gaze in her eyes.

Man, she's cute though, this timing is definitely wrong. But one won't hurt, will it? Why does he find her attractive even though she is crying? There must be something wrong with him.

Yang leaned in closer and nipped on the girl's earlobe before he moved over and pressed his lips on hers. When he finished, he knocked their foreheads lightly with each others briefly before backing away. When he looked up at her, her tear-stained face had replaced with an embarrassed one. He's the one who will be embarrassed from now onwards.

"I'm just going to say this. But such an action is embarrassing and not easy for me to do," Yang said, looking away. He's played around with countless females before, but this one is different.

'Your first love will always be different, eh?' His first love in the Meiji era, too, remains special to him even now.

"Yang, too?"

"Yeah, don't tell the others about this, though," Yang muttered. If the others found out about this, then they would most likely make fun of him. Still, this situation reminds him of something that occurred in the past.

At that, a light chuckle escaped her lips, "Roger."

"Tell me, what are you thinking right now?"

Setsura kept shaking her head. He knew the song worked since she calmed down slightly. However, she was still trembling.

Yang took a deep breath and, in a gentler tone, asked, "What's wrong?"

"When…when I was talking to you about leaving… I finally recalled it. That the reason I came to this place was because I wanted to see you again." His eyes went wide at the girls words, although it is something he knew. He didn't think she would ever repeat it, "I was honest about those things I said to you. About wanting to discover new places and spreading my music there. But when I thought about how you nor the others would be there anymore…"

The tears rolled down from her eyes. "I don't understand, but I feel so very lonely. I have you, and it isn't too bad here. But I..."

It seems like even without her memories, she gets like this. Did she want to see him again? That's stupid. Her mission here has something to do with that guy in the future. Though Yang doesn't know the exact details, he can guess that something happened.

"Let's stay like this until you have calmed down. But, really, this situation..." How did they end up talking on the ground?

"Aha, that's true. But isn't it peaceful this way? I feel like I can talk to you better now too… Ah, don't get me wrong, I could speak to you just fine then…" Oh, she's rambling. He glanced over and indeed still saw the hint of pink in the girl's cheeks.

Yang reaches over and caresses her cheeks, the deep scar too.

"Yang, what are you doing?"

"It must have hurt, are you okay?"

Setsura laughs lightly, "Nothing can phase me. I'd be more worried about the opponents."

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