We Will Meet Again

Chapter 283 - The Difference Part 1


It felt strange to Setsura, walking under blue skies. Walking in a busy place once again. After spending so long in that place with Yang, Setsura got used to their little world. Stepping out like this completely shatters all the delusions she's had since she started to live with Yang. One strange delusion was, that the large manor and that area were the only things remaining in the world. That small town, the people living there.

Yang squeezed her hands. "You okay?" Just two words, but Setsura understood that he was trying to reassure her. Setsura nodded in reply.

'So, this is the after effects of living a secluded lifestyle.' Setsura felt very conflicted. Even though when she first came here. She more or less lived in seclusion with Akito. But, it didn't feel like this. Then again, with Akito she could walk around the manor and garden. With Yang, she was limited to three rooms. At first she stayed in that one room in the ship for so long. If she didn't persuade him, to just clear out the area. Setsura felt like she would have eventually gone crazy.

Unlike Akito, Yang didn't know the first thing about living with another girl. No wonder most of his group members are men. How can any female survive in those conditions? Setsura sighed, well things are getting better recently. It still made her slightly uncomfortable whenever she hears their inappropriate language and the messy living style. But, everything is a work in progress.

Besides while Yang's men are noisy, loud and disruptive. Yang himself is quiet, and neat. His room is always tidy, and he's a man of little words. She stole a glance at him, 'Such a peculiar person. Why is he so hung up on her?' Setsura questioned his feelings. Why does he like her so much?

Since Setsura regained her memories better due to their conversations. She also recalled how things started between them. They would fight and bicker a lot. So many disagreements and fights. She didn't exactly present herself as girlfriend material. So, why did he like her?

Her thoughts broke off when Yang placed something on her hair. It was a gorgeous oriental hairpin. "Hmm, this looks nice on you. Sir, we will take this."

"Dear customer, that's our most expensive item. Are you sure?"

Clearly, the old man was trying to white coat his words. Setsura rolled her eyes, when she hears that. What use is there pretending? No need to act humble when his eyes clearly scream, 'buy, buy.' Setsura removed the hairpin from her hair, "I don't want anything from this stand. Can we go to another place?"

She's no saint. Any normal person would simply go through with the lie. But Setsura was not that type of person. She won't give people like this self satisfaction no matter what. Yang nodded and the two of them quickly left the stand. After walking for a few minutes though, Setsura felt that there was something odd.

Something feels different about this trip, what is it? aside from Yang's strange behaviour and that smile she still doesn't understand. There was something different but she couldn't exactly put to mind right now.

"Setsura, will bump into someone if you space out like that."

Setsura however didn't reply to him, and remained in a half daze. What's the difference?

Really what's different? She doesn't like being ignorant about anything. Right now, it really was bothered her. "Careful your going to hit someone."

The difference of this trip, difference difference...

Yang tugged on her hand, causing her to fall back and land in his arms. "Geez, you're a walking disaster."

"T--thank you," she muttered.

When she saw a passerby's approving, she instinctily tried to apologise but. ... She hears a chuckle, from one of the shop owners, " What a passionate couple."

Many other shop owners joined in the jeering.

"Go, go."

"Get a room!"

Hearing these calls, Setsura examined the distance between her and the passingbyer. But, immediately noticed something. She automatically figured it out, " You lied to me Yang! I wasn't about to bump in to anyone at all."

"Hmmm? Are you sure?"

No she cannot loose her temper here.

She ought to stay calm, she kept repeating those words in her head.

Setsura pulled her hand free from Yang's clutches. 'Unbelievable, just now he was actually acting romantic.' But, he just had to ruin it. She really can't trust that man for a moment. Even though recently, she felt the need to change her opinion of him.

Unfortunately such an action did not offend him, "You're so cute when your embarrassed look out."

"I am not going to fall for that again."

Is he really going to try the same trick twice in such a short amount of time? Yet just as she said that, Setesura hears a shrieking seconds afterwards.

Something cold lands on her chest. Her clothes and hair were completely drenched. She was soaked all over.

"Aah. I you," Yang said with a deep sigh.

Before Setsura could make any remarks back. The shop owner immediately came out, " Oh I'm sorry miss, are you alright?".

"Y--yes. It is my fault for not paying attention to where I was going."

This time she had unfortunately walked in front of a store that was throwing water out. Setsura harshly glared at Yang.

"D--don't glare at me like that, I warned you didn't I?"

She wanted to tell him, that it was his earlier lie that set her up for this accident. If Yang didn't mess around earlier, then this would not have happened. Then again, she understood it was

only an unnecessary out burst of anger. She needed to calm down.

Setsura turned her attention back to her clothes, which was hugging tightly into her skin. A deep sigh passed her lips, if it were just a bit of water then it would be fine. But, she got drenched all over.

"I'm so sorry miss. I'll dry those clothes for you, so why not stay in my shop while you wait?"

They really shouldn't be staying in one area for long. Because, it doesn't change the fact that Yang is a wanted man. It would be bad for people to catch them together, although rumors are already going around.

The media of this time seem desperate. It wouldn't be surprising, if they began to snoop around the people around Akito. Even so, it is partly his fault this happened and she can't walk around like this. Still, Setsura didn't have much of a choice. She will end up sick if she continues this way.


Setsura borrowed a kimono set from the shop owner, so she could wait for her clothes to dry out, and put it on in the back room. A kimono huh ....? It's been awhile. She had become accustomed to wearing western clothes since arriving here. Then again, in the future she seldom wore traditional clothing. She often wore them to special occasions, the gatherings held by her family. The ones she couldn't escape, by wearing clothes against the dress code. Setsura tried to make a statement.

The clothes aside, there is a full set of accessories too. Setsura debated about it before she slipped them on, and slid open the door. In the next room, Yang waited for her.

"Sorry to keep you waiting Yang."

"Hey, you know the shop owner said we can drink some tea until your clothes are dr-" His sentence was cut short as he stared at her.

For awhile nothing was said. Setsura shifted about u comfortably. What's with him?

If he keeps staring without not saying anything, it will make her feel even more nervous, "W--what?" Setsura decided to break the tension.

"Oh, it's just the different aura you have now.. You...look really really cute."

Setsura averted her gaze, "Flattery doesn't work on me," she quickly took a seat beside him. She felt uncomfortable wearing such clothes.

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