We Will Meet Again

Chapter 284 - The Difference Part 2


For a moment, Setsura kept looking away from him. She felt Yang gradually get closer and closer until he sat directly beside her. One hand was on the slit of her kimono, "You know," Yang muttered in her ear. "There is a reason why I allowed you to continue wearing western dresses. I knew if you wore these clothes, I'd end up getting seduced by you."

Setsura knew he was getting horny considering how seductive his voice was. "This isn't proper."

Yang chuckled, "Screw that."

'Geez,' Setsura shook his hand away, "We can do it at home. Let's wait until my clothes dry and then leave."

"But, I wanted to do it while your wearing this. Besides you look really good."

"Uh, right thanks," Setsura laughed awkwardly. Is he that horny? Normally he wouldn't give her this many compliments, he's an awkward guy after all. Right now though he is paying her so much attention.

So, Setsura allows him to kiss her. Yang isn't a romantic or gentle guy, even when they kiss - he's passionate and very aggressive. He immediately opened her mouth up, and shot his tongue inside. A battle of dominance, which she always lost. "Nnngh, unngh .."

He kept murmuring how in his words how f.u.c.k.i.n.g beautiful she was. Setsura couldn't miss the little gestures, him tracing her thighs and his hands on her b.r.e.a.s.ts. He was only touching her through her clothes, but it made her feel hot all over. However, eventually Yang drew back from her. He wiped her salvia from her lips and placed it in his mouth.

Setsura turned red at his actions and looked away, but he cupped her cheeks. "A real beauty and fine piece of work. What man could ever let you go."

"Alright Yang, you've had your fun," Setsura quickly pulled away from him. For awhile they didn't exchange any words. But then after awhile he showered her with compliments again.

"You know, I've always wondered why you even looked my way. You already had that guy then. We bickered a lot. I wanted to get along with you better, but the two of us always ended up fighting. It frustrated me a great deal. But, you still accepted me. You really are the prettiest and most wonderful girl I've met."

Yang saying something like this is not out the ordinary, and she knew that he not really mean it. She knows this and yet...it wasn't working. No matter how many times she repeated it to herself, her heart kept beating ever quicker. He's still smiling too.

Setsura felt defeated and lowered her head in a last ditch attempt to hide her blushing face. But he suddenly leaned forward. "Oh, your hair is a little of. Mind if I fix it for you?"

After doing that to her, now he wants to fix her hair? "Huh?" Setsura sent him a suspicious look.

She did not even have the chance to respond, since Yang removed the hairpin. All of her hair fell at once. "Wait, are you really.."

Yang smiled, "Relax, I won't do anything," his gentle smile defeated her and she simply stayed put. "Gathering all of your hair with this hair pin is quite difficult if you don't know what your doing."

"And you do?"

"I used to have quite long hair."

Oh, right. There was a time where he had strangely long hair. Now that she thought about it, he gave of a completely different impression then. With long and unruly hair, those dark eyes. He looked frightening. Even now he is quite scary, Setsura couldn't forget that maniac look in his eyes. The recent battle with Touma remained fresh in his mind.

Yang gathers up all her hair, so easily and fixed it up. Setsura however couldn't help but shift about uncomfortably. Oddly, she felt very nervous. She knew she was still blushing too, her cheeks feel very hot. Setsura knew it was no longer the effect from the kiss earlier either. This situation is getting really bad for her.

Why does her face get all hot when all he does is touch her hair? Setsura couldn't deny it any longer, her cheeks kept increasingly burning. One thing was for sure, she must not let Yang see her face right now. Just him briefly brushing his hands against her, makes her feel all jittery and nervous.

This is so peculiar, Setsura didn't think things would end up like this between them. In the first place their current relationship started from a lie. She genuinely didn't think anything would come out of it. Dating Yang is very different than dating Akito. While Setsura tried not to compare the two, it would occasionally happen.

"Alright, I'm done. Do you like it?"

Setsura checked her hair in the mirror nearby. Her eyes widened when she saw her hair. He gathered up all the lose strands, and now it looked much neater than before. "It's very good."

Yang bent down and kissed her lips lightly, "I'm glad then."

"Yang," she murmured. 'Why do you like me?' Why does he treat her like this? Setsura had so many questions for him.

"Isn't this a nice change? You usually have your hair up."

"I suppose so."

It was a refreshing change. She didn't think she could wear such a style, especially with her face shape.

"You should use this chance to try other hair styles too? You already have such nice hair. Although, I do like it when it's down, since.."

Setsura didn't have to ask him why he liked it when it was down. She could hear the seducing tone in his voice again. This man really is utterly unreasonable.

She had no idea how to respond when she is praised like this.

"I'm glad your trying new things though. But, I'm sure that guy already saw you like this."

The next half was said so quietly, so Setsura wasn't sure if she heard correctly. Still, she saw the expression on his face. It more than confirmed exactly what was going on.

"Did you say something?"

"No, it's nothing."

He's denying it? That's unusual from him. No, it isn't unusual, whenever it comes to matters regarding Akito or that guy. Yang would often act strangely. Setsura understood that it was normal. She loved those two a great deal, and even now she is in love with Akito. If it weren't for the main reason she broke up with him - his safety. Then Setsura knew she would choose Akito over Yang.

Setsura didn't want to risk it with Akito. He maybe strong, but - 'he doesn't deserve it.' Akito doesn't deserve to get caught up in her mess. It's easier for her to rely on Yang and burden him with her problems. Ah, 'what a terrible woman.' Just because Yang and her come from the same time frame. Does that really give her the excuse to burden him?

Her thoughts broke off when Yang slipped something inside her mouth. It was one of the sweets the shopkeeper provided. When she entered the room, Setsura saw that Yang was munching on something.

"Tastes good?"

Setsura nodded, "It's delicious," she hesitated and yet picked one up. She extended the strange looking macaroon towards Yang, and he bent down and ate it from her fingers. This sudden action caused her to freeze up and for Yang to laugh.

He really is unreasonable!!

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