We Will Meet Again

Chapter 285 - The Difference Part 3


A completely unreasonable man. However, Setsura is slowly adjusting and learning things about him. Her thoughts broke off when she felt Yang lean closer, "Hey, we can kiss again can't we?"

'Men really don't have anything else on their mind.' But well forget it, she supposes she is in the mood too. Setsura placed the sweets down on the bowl, and Yang pushed her against the wall.

"Sometimes you reject me, sometimes you accept. Such a busy woman."


Yang smirked, "Eventually, all you will do is accept."

"I don't think so," but even as Setsura said that she found herself leaning forward, making it easier for Yang to kiss her.


Setsura glances at the bags in her hands, she believes that they required all the essentials already. Yang and her returned to shopping. Setsura already familiarised herself with the shops. Still, it feels strange walking in the streets with Yang and not Akito. She still found the sudden change uncomfortable. Whenever she thought of this place, she recalls the first time she came here with Akito. To think things have become like this now.

Her thoughts were broken when he suddenly extends his hand out, "I'll take that."


Yang smiles, "Not at all. I mean, this is the least I can do."

She was honestly worried when she made the choice of having Yang assist her. But he's been rather obedient today. He's offered to carry everything, too. He's surprisingly hardworking for once...and kind too. Such a gesture is only something kind gentleman types do. Though Yang is far from being described as a gentleman. He really would score some points with anyone by doing such a action.

Still, he's acting a big oddly. Setsura knew him for a very long time now. So, she

A chuckle escaped his lips, "This is so fun."

Come to think of it, this entire time he's been happy and smiling a lot. Not that teasing smile either. Setsura blinks in confusion at his words, " ...? It is just shopping? What could possibly be fun about it?"

"No, not the shopping. It's fun spending private time with you. You know, being out on a date with you."

Setsura rolled her eyes, "You know this could hardly be called a date. Aren't we supposed to be investigating something?"

While shopping was just something they came up with along the way. The main reason is one of Yang's subordinates found some new information out.

"I'm glad you decided to keep that outfit on, you look really good," Yang suddenly changed the topic.

Since leaving the shop earlier, Setsura noticed his odd gaze. But, she didn't comment. So, he was focusing on her appearance? "I don't usually wearing things like this."

"Yeah, you used to wear them to rebel."

Setsura felt a bit embarrassed but Yang laughed. "I thought you were cute whenever you did that."

Why does he remember the strangest things about her? How unfair! "So good," Yang repeated. "This slit is in the perfect place."

So, he's just horny? She doesn't understand men at all. Eventually Yang suggested that they go and but souvenirs for everyone.

"Welcome welcome. We got the freshest produces from anywhere. Oh miss, you there! Please check out my works!"

"Hey, beautiful lady. Come check out my shop! Lots of fresh caught fish over here!"

Something those two would enjoy. It's quite difficult to think of something for them. This two are quite indifferent people. Even Natasha, with her bubbly personality - acted indifferent at times. Still, Setsura was determined to get them a gift. They went around various stores to find souvenirs for Natasha and Lyra. However, it turned out to be surprisingly tough, as she had no idea what to get them.

Come to think of it, she had never really bought anything for her friends before. Furthermore, she did not know if she had anyone she would really call those two her friends. Lyra is older, and more. Lyra only associates with her on a formal basis too, so Setsura wondered if it would be alright to get her something. With the current events, is it okay to get Lyra a gift? After all, she's Akito's friend.

Her thoughts broke off when something catches her eye, "Ah, this might look nice on Natasha," Setsura muttered. On the stands, there were various shaped hair clips. The butterfly ones drew her attention the most.

Various coloured clips, she took the butterfly shape clip in her hand. Setsura however put it back down "But this other hair clip is also nice," she picked up a random one.

"Hmm let me see," Yang leaned forward.

Yang rendered her speechless.

Since when did he get so close to her? Rather, has he always been this close?

"I think they're both good," he mumbled against her ear. She shuddered when she felt his lips graze her ear.

"Let go of me," Setsura muttered.

Yang chuckled, "You rejected the hairpin from the earlier stand. But, I'd like to get you a gift too."

"I really don't need one."

Setsura tried to avoid buying things for herself in this time frame. She tried to avoid leaving behind any traces. It's best to not get attached. Whatever decision she makes, staying or not - Setsura didn't want to leave a trace of herself in this time frame.

"Yang, seriously, let go," Setsura could hardly concentrate on the souvenirs with Yang feeling her up. "I'll get angry."

"Annoying woman," Yang drew back from her. "You know, I'm not usually like this..."

"You don't have to explain, I get it. That's just how guys are."

That's just how guys are when it comes to females, they only want one thing. Yang frowned and tugged on her hand. "Why do you always think like that?"


"You said that back when we first tried to do it.."

Oh, it seems like she unconsciously said something the past her would have done. "Why are you getting so worked up?" Setsura questioned.

"Damn," Yang cursed. "You don't get it? Even now?"

She kept looking at Yang like he was crazy. What's wrong with him so suddenly? He's acting like an odd ball.

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