We Will Meet Again

Chapter 294 - Filled with hope

He thought Setsura was the same as him. After he learned who she was, he confirmed his thought. Yang knew it was too good to be true. But, hearing her talk now, 'It's hopeless.' Yang held her tightly. He didn't even say her name, but Setsura understood. They remained like that for a while until he let's go. Yang ran his hands through his hair. "Did you come here for something?"

"Well," Setsura pulled out a battered-looking book. "I was going through my belongings, and I stumbled on this."

"You, you're still interested in that?"

Setsura chuckled, "Of course," she goes on and on about the formulas in the book.

What's she doing saying that stuff in a place like this? Yang hits her head with a book, "You'll be blowing our cover," Yang muttered. What would the people in

"Oh, you're right, but I had some free time, so I looked up the equations again, and I don't understand why the central formula is used."

For someone who is supposed to be dedicating herself to the art industry, it's when she does stuff like this that Yang can't help but think. Setsura is a person who is filled with endless amounts of possibilities. Even if she is hiding it even now. Yang wants to help her come out and say it. Because for sure it's something she loves and is passionate about. There's no need for her to hide it.

What is wrong with her liking both arts and sciences? Especially when they live in a modern world, an advanced world. "I'll help you."

He didn't think she would bother with this, considering how focused she is on the cases. Still, it makes him feel slightly relieved.


"As I thought working on equations with you really is fun Yang," Setsura said happily. He did say he would take her on a walk, but it's somewhat strange to be walking with her again.

It was quiet, but many people occasionally glanced over. Setsura really does attract a lot of attention.

No, he still can't get used to the fact that she is by his side again.

"Fun huh? Then, shall we start my spartan lessons again?" Yang joked. He recalled a time where he tutored her because of her bad grades. During that time, Setsura underwent a lot of stress and pressure from her family.

"Eeeep. That's not what I meant."

When he saw the leaf on her head, Yang reached over to remove it and yet draws his hand back. In the end there will always be a line that separates them. She has a ability that seems to draw everyone towards her, whereas all he can do is blend in the shadows.

Fade and disappear. He can't be honest with his own feelings, let alone even allow himself to get any closer even though she's right here beside him. She's so close, and yet even now, he is still hesitant.

Why? The two of them are in a relationship now; he already crossed so many boundaries that he did not do so before. Back then, Yang did not think that he could freely touch her.

"Yang was America fun?" Setsura suddenly asked.

"Huh? Well it was more or a less a struggle. But that was the case for everyone, not really me."

Laughter fills her tone, "I bet. But if I was there, couldn't I have challenged you?"

"Regret it?" Yang asked, but judging from her expression, that is not the case here.

Setsura shook her head, "Besides, I said it then, didn't I? 'Thank you. You're worried about all those rumors about me. But it's fine I've got friends I can rely upon. Besides no matter what happens, hate will never vanish from this world. Those ugly feelings will remain. But that's fine, that's how things are. While it is disheartening to see people continue to hate one another. Everything happens for a reason. I still love this world despite it's faults. I believe, humanity will continue to evolve. It might not be fast but I believe we will continue to improve.. '

Certainly, the changes aren't obvious. But unlike back then, we have made a lot of progress, we've evolved and advanced a few stages more since then."

As Setsura said this, she walked slightly ahead of him, her arms to the side as though she was trying to balance herself.

"Like you and Akito for one?"

He shouldn't bring up his rival in a moment like this. However, he does want to see how she reacts in regards to Akito.

Setsura laughs lightly, "Was he skipping in joy or something when he got back?"

"Not exactly skipping. But he was happy."

"I see. But rather than Akito's happiness, I want to know about you, Yang," Setsura nodded. She twirled a strand of her hair with her fingers as she said this. Yang, who couldn't keep his eyes of her since earlier, felt that there was something mysterious about the way she spoke.

"About me?" he repeated.

"Yes. Was it fun in America? Did you enjoy yourself despite the difficulties? Were you happy?"

His eyes went wide at the girl's words. Yang is slightly surprised. He assumed that Setsura no longer cared about him.

"Even now, I want to know, know more about you, Yang. Because no matter how much time we spend together, it seems like I can never fully understand you. You're a person with an unlimited amount of possibilities to me, someone who is always evolving. That's why even more than before, it would be nice if we could be together."

She really is. . . in a completely different caliber than the rest of them.

Yang pulled out a slightly crumpled sheet of paper from his pocket, but readable.  "You said it back then didn't you? Show me, if you've really become my equal." 

He knew how pointless and daring doing something like this is. However, Yang knew he had to do this now.

To his surprise she takes the sheet from him, their fingers brushed against each other's briefly as she smiles brightly.

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