We Will Meet Again

Chapter 295 - Hero Part 1

January 5th, 1896

After he met with Setsura that day, Akito's thoughts remained on her. He knew how crazy it was driving him, so he decided to accept some other work.

It's not unusual for him to receive work from the theater group.

However, quite some time has passed since he got them. After all, everybody understands the current situation with the murder cases. Nobody would think to drag him away from all that.

He's hardly had any time to do any additional jobs; there is practice in between too. He decided to accept the job offer since it's been a while and the fact that Akito realized it was on his way from where Setsura usually stopped by.

He stumbled upon her by chance and figured out that she was investigating this area. Akito watched her for a long time,

and even wanted to take her home to discuss this recent case. However, her home now is Yang's place isn't it? He probably shouldn't walk her all the way to the door then.

Akito doesn't understand the relationship between the two very well, but... Yang's words echoed in his head. Setsura and Yang come from the same place. What type of coincidence is that?

Usually, he's more organized and prepared before a shooting. However, since his thoughts became disorganized with the thought of Yang and Setsura's relationship, he doesn't prepare nor check the name of the ones involved. If he did beforehand, then he would have realized.

When he arrives at the shoot, he's immediately met with blonde hair wearing a yellow, off-the-shoulder, long-sleeved top. She also wore a black mini skirt with white stripes going vertically, which also has two buttons going down the middle — a black vest with verticle white stripes.

She also wore knee-high boots with heels, which has ribbons on the top and long black socks that go up to her mid-thighs.

He's met with the face of his former student. 'This is so awkward,' Akito knew, however, that he could not turn back. So he confidently strolled across.

"Akito?" Kurumi half exclaimed.

Dear oh dear, this is going to be quite the hassle, isn't it?

Akito nodded. "Yeah, it's been a while."

That's all he gets to say really since he gets called up to get changed. When Akito saw the long row of outfits, he knew that his break wouldn't come anytime soon. Kushina too, yet she whispered as she brushed past him about a nearby park 5 minutes away. It was a rather unexpected meeting, yet at the same time, Akito can't help but be relieved about it. Since if he keeps all this stuff to himself, then his mind will surely explode.

So after two hours had gone by, he finally received his break and when he did. He headed to the park right away.

When Akito arrived, he found a girl with blonde wearing a western coak - underneath; she wore the same clothes as earlier. No, it was slightly different — her hair down, with curled pieces that framed her face.

"You're going to catch a cold with those clothes on. That outfit is your normal clothing, not part of the shoot, so don't make excuses up." Akito quickly said, the second they made eye contact.

"Be quiet, aren't you supposed to act like a gentleman and give me your scarf or even your coat?"

"Then I'd freeze," Akito muttered. Besides, Setsura gave him this cloak. Why would he trade it away?

"Haha, seriously, your so lame at these times."

Akito ignored the insult and wrapped his scarf around her neck, only to spot a bruise on her neck. That's not a normal bruise. Usually, it's difficult to tell the difference. But after accompanying Chauncey a lot in his work, Akito has told. He doesn't want to suspect things. However, it wouldn't be unusual, back when she was a student, she never really think things through properly.

"Hey uh that's. . ." he didn't know what to say.

The blonde flinches and yet laughs lightly, "Ah, you found out already? Your as sharp as ever, at least on a different level than Sho-kun."

It seems strange for him to hear Kushina refer to Kurata by his first name, let alone this nickname. But he spies the ring on her finger; they really will marry each other; those two.

"You shouldn't be doing that stuff. Who knows what your husband would do to those men? I'd break it all of immediately," Akito instructed. Rather, how on earth has Kurata not caught on yet? Bruises covered the girl from head to toe.

"Haha," the girl's laughter seemed awkward to him, "...we're not married yet. But you really went ahead and said it up fron't. I guess you really were a teacher."

A teacher, huh? It was a long time ago already. With the current laws on teaching, it was difficult for him to teach in a formal environment. However, he and his wife set up an educational area in their home. Since it was not a formal institution, the government left them be. Or maybe somebody manipulated things in the shadows. Either way, nobody bothered them then.

"What's with that? I was your teacher for two years."

"Mmm, I know. But I never once saw you that way," Kurumi trails off, "I wonder if it's okay for me to talk to you about this now without it being awkward."

"No, this whole thing is already awkward enough."

Akito would never have imagined that he would be sitting down and talking with her like this. After all, back then, he was her teacher, and she was an over-energetic student who just happened to have feelings for him. Akito knew of the girl's feelings even long before she got his wife to act as their go-between; yet, of course, in his mind, he saw it as a childish crush that would eventually go away. He never saw her feelings as being real, not until the very end.

Kurumi laughs, "That's true. It's difficult not to make this awkward. Akito, you didn't go to the reunion, did you?"

"I would have liked to. But work was pilling up enough as it was so I didn't attend."

Honestly, it bothered him that he couldn't attend, since he wanted to see some of his old friends. But then, that thing with Setsura happened, and before he knew it... Akito sighed, it's not like anything would have changed even if he went. He would have most likely destroyed the atmosphere by attending, anyway.

"I thought so, although Mika said that it's because you were running away from me," Kurumi said with a burst of light laughter. Hey hey Najo, what's with that sort of impression? Besides. . .he was always towards Kushina. .. "I told her that it was impossible. Because back then, you only ever saw me as a student."

"Please don't put it so bluntly even I started feeling bad, you know?" Akito said. Even if he was her teacher, he should have at least responded to her feelings properly instead of pushing her away the way he did.

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