We Will Meet Again

Chapter 296 - Hero Part 2

He and his wife hid their relationship. When people asked why they lived together, he simply said his home was a boarding home. Of course, Akito changed the story slightly when the other students joked about staying too. Still, thinking about it now - brings back so many memories.

"I know that very well. I told Mika that, like an idiot, you were probably working really hard at your work."

'Like an idiot,' she says, well that's probably her way of standing up for him. "Thanks for that, I guess."

"Then we spoke a lot about back then and talked for so long about the happy moments, the sad times... and about the feelings, I had for you. You know, even though I really liked you a lot back then, I realized it now why I didn't ask you out right away. It had nothing to do with getting to know you better or stuff like that because I'm pretty sure I grasped all that within half a year. But it's probably because I knew that one day you'd end up leaving me.

Even if we did get together, you'd just end up leaving me because you belong to another world. When I thought about it that way, it made sense; you were the kind of guy who would face his dreams head-on. So I knew that you'd one day leave,' when he does. I'll just get in his way and tell him not to leave. 'With Sho-kun too, right after we get married, he's going to be away for five years."

Akito's eyes went wide, "But huh that's---"

"For him to miss out going abroad, and that offer just because of me wouldn't be right, you know? If I was a little younger I would have probably just jumped in to his arms without a second thought. But I'm not brave enough to throw away my career just to go with him. Getting old sucks, you get more level headed and have a bunch of things tying you down and making it impossible to act recklessly like you used to. All-time brings you is more obligations," Kurumi trails off and laughed.

Akito did not say a word and continued listening.

"I realized that this situation is similar to what would have happened with you. When I compared the myself of now and back then, I realized that I probably hadn't changed that much at all. When Sho-kun said he had that offer I wanted to go with him right away but he got mad at me and told me to think about it properly. The two of us don't usually fight, so I was really surprised."

"The fact that you two don't fight is what surprises me enough. But you concluded to stay here pretty quick, didn't you?" At that comment, Kurumi nodded. His gaze softened, who would have thought that Kushina of all people would grow up this much. Out of all his students, he wasn't expecting it to be this girl of all people. It is quite a shocker to him.

Then again, times change, and people change. What she is saying is correct. As they grow older, they can no longer act carelessly like they did before. A bunch of things tie him down, huh? Like relationsh.i.p.s - in the past, he wouldn't have thought too deeply about it. A relationship with another person. 'Even his friendsh.i.p.s were shallow and superficial.'

"I'm sorry. . that I couldn't return your feelings, that I couldn't see you that way, but I was grateful."

That's right, even though he couldn't return her feelings. He really was grateful towards her, since for him that environment was really stiff and he kept making mistakes. Kushina's carefreeness saved him on more than one occasion.

Kurumi smiles, "Ah, huh, thanks. But even if you're grateful to me, even now, I'm not your hero am I?"


"Like the name implies. Someone who comes to save you when your in trouble. In terms of love, it would be someone who saves you from the darkness of your own heart."

Akito's eyes widened when he what she was trying to say. It seems like he has become transparent to everybody else.

"Would it not be okay to talk to me about it? I'm actually good at keeping secrets now."

"I suppose I don't have a choice."


Akito wondered how Setsura was doing. He leaned against the pillar, watching people on the busy streets — an unlit cigarette in his hands. The work didn't take him long. It felt like his talk with Kushina Kurumi took longer.

Would it be okay for him to see her? But, he recalled Yang's expression at that time and shook his head. He should maintain his distance for a while, shouldn't he? A deep sigh escaped his lips, this is very frustrating. Still, Akito knew he couldn't linger around like this any longer. Only ten minutes have passed since he stood in this spot. But, many people glanced his way.

Akito briefly looked at the grand clock on the wall; the long handle struck 11:30. It seems like it is time. He returned the cigarette in his pocket. He headed toward the old library. Knowing that there would be no use in him returning to work now.

Akito enters the library after rattling the door; it will definitely break down someday. The locks broken for a reason after all. He waltzes over to his favorite lane by the window only to spot a girl, fast asleep with books scattered around her and a particular book being hugged. He blinks once and then twice to confirm that he didn't see things.

So she's here? Akito thought Setsura had an investigation today. Perhaps he is influencing her to a certain degree; heh, we'll it's not like this influence will cost her her life. Besides, Akito wanted to see her so badly. So, this type of outcome is not peculiar at all.

He reached over and brushed the girl's bangs over her face, ".….I love you," she murmurs. For a moment, Akito froze and braced himself to hear Yang's name. However, "Akito..."

Akito blinked before his gaze softens; she really does say this quite often, eh? Foolish girl, what good does it do if she says those words in your sleep. Although unlike him, she's said it more. In the end, perhaps the two of them are still clumsy at this stuff.

Still, that took him off guard. Akito didn't think Setsura would say his name. Then again, he suspected for a while now that the girl still liked him. Why did she break up with him? When he learned the reason, Akito felt very frustrated. He was furious at her for not discussing things with him. He almost stormed off to lecture her until Victor told him.

'Put yourself in her position for a minute and think it through.'

After his friend said those words, Akito thought it through and calmed down. Indeed, if he were in Setsura's position, Akito knew he would have decided the same thing even if it means separating from her, as long as she is safe. Such troublesome thoughts. Indeed, it seems like him and this girl will remain alike. His and Kurumi's conversation remained in his mind.

Hero, huh? This little girl? But, he can't deny it either. How many times has Setsura saved him since she arrived here?

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