We Will Meet Again

Chapter 300 - Because of her


Attending meetings.

Heading back to his office to finish marking tests, and preparing the material for his next class.

To think that he got used to such a life style. When he came here , he would never have thought it to be possible. For the longest of time too, it really didn't seem as though he would be able to fit in such a atmosphere. The others had jobs outside their usual work so Amoto thought he ought to do the same. He had the aptitude to do any job and yet he ended up choosing teaching. Teaching at a liberal arts school of all places. He was on the verge of quitting and yet she showed up and changed everything.

When his wife showed up, everything changed for him. It didn't take long before he took a huge leave from the institution to start up the school with her.

Due to his busy work load, it has been quite awhile since he was last year and that may be why that meeting was more stifling than usual. He even received a huge lecture about work ethic. Granted he had only told Shuhei that he would be leaving soon, so it's only natural that some teachers would criticise him for not taking his job seriously. Yet they still haven't told him to quit, it's amusing in a away. He can't wait to see their expression when they find out that he's actually planning on leaving for good for three months.

The next three months, this place and even the police force. Akito decided already that he would quit. If it were the old him, he wouldn't have the strength to even think this. However, because he met Setsura - Akito realized what he wanted to do. It's time to move on, whether it's the police force or teaching. Or even this town. He needed to move forward. The only way to do that is to sacrifice and leave everything behind. He needs to start over.

Akito hardly expected to find a certain brunette hair girl fast asleep on his desk when he returned from the meeting. But here he's faced with that reality that he never thought to be possible. She doesn't here as often anymore, even though she would always drop by to help him rearrange his doc.u.ments and books.

He glanced over and indeed spotted that the doc.u.ments that were scattered everywhere was now stacked up neatly; and organised on the side. The books too were arranged or placed in their original places on the book shelf. Good grief, he doesn't know who's more work to deal with, his old wife or her. It's probably Setsura though, whose always charging head on to battles or snooping around cases that could put her in harms way. Although his wife does the same, the difference is one has a offensive power.

He spots a work book on the desk and a small note.

'Look it over when you have time

Your always free anyway.


His eyes twitched in annoyance before he sighs deeply, retreating his earlier statement. For sure the one with the attitude problems is certainly Sumire. Still, it has been awhile since he's last read any of Sumire's works. Shin settles down on the table and opens the work book, a pen in hand.

It didn't take him long to finish marking and when he did he sits back on the chair. She's really amazing after all, indeed the work book in front of him was now filled with nothing but tick marks. There are no signs of the clumsy mistakes she made before too.

Truly an amazing person. To think she picked up on things so quickly. Then again, staying by Yang's side gives her more opportunities than with him. When she is with him, she has to play with the same rules he has no choice but to follow.

Now that Setsura is with Yang though, it brought about a new form of trouble. Yang is a wanted man, thus places Setsura in the same negative light as all the others.

Akito didn't realise then, that ever since then he wanted to become one of the swords & shields that protected her. She's strong, she's always been far stronger then he has been. He knew that all too well and even in the events of the battle last year, he allowed events to take it's course. He didn't intervene or do anything flashy. In the end of the day that guy despite being out of the girls life for awhile now was the one who rushed straight for her and stayed by her side. He was the one who was with her the second she entered the tower and when the fight ended.

That strong will and conviction, it wasn't something he had at all. At some point a selfish monster was born inside of him. He wants to protect her also, he wants to be able to fight for her - but in the end that's merely a futile wish. ' Can you sacrifice your life for her?', it's a question that struck to the very core of his mind - the core of his resolve.

Although he cannot recall exactly whom told him those words. Akito knew all too well, that whoever that person was meant well. Knew that person did not mean to crumble his resolve but instead to strengthen in it. But that's not what happened, he's a negative person and in the end he chose that path. Although he could have used those words to strengthen him. In the end he chose the path that lead to his down fall.

His daze vanished when he felt the presence cross his space bubble. He glanced up and was shocked to find Setsura an inch away from his face, staring directly into his eyes as if to find something. Akito could not tell what she was thinking however, her usual blank and questioning look.

Their noses were a hair away from touching and Akito felt the warm breath from her nose on his upper lip. Akito gulped, 'This is bad.' He already knew that he had no control.

Sestura blinked once before she muttered, "no good" and retreated back to her seat.

Akito knew she caught him off guard, and he knew that that almost never happened. His senses are a lot sharper after all.

"Setsura? What was that for?"

Setsura didn't look at him, she seemed to be in a daze too, "Just needed to check something."

That's very vague and unlike her, still Akito would not let her go. "Do you want to look again? You can if you want."

He edged closer to her, hoping to regain his dignity. Sadly though the girl pulled away, and seemed rather uninterested. Still, he found it strange how she suddenly woke up like that. How come he didn't notice? The heavy feeling he felt in his heart lingered but unlike before it was easier to handle. She really does have a strange effect on him.

Akito looked at the girl with a fond smile on his face. "Did you need me for something?"

The other day she honestly told him what she was thinking. Akito wants to see that side of her again.

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